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Everything posted by Furby

  1. Secretly had a gay romantic fling with George Washington.
  2. I've been here less then two weeks and I think I should be promoted! Huh. Haven't seen much of Nightmare, but he's cool by my book. Same with Speedwagon. So congrats on your name color changes! Damn it Speedwagon, I was just getting used to the coloration, and now you make RED show up in the mix?!
  3. Referring to someone else's referring to Patchy princess.
  4. Furby

    Chat down?

    Well, is it? Admittedly with no one in it it's somewhat irrelevant, but I find it odd that my access is blocked (Which is probably something that would happen if it was down for maintenance, but). And, if you didn't know about this... this is an error report! >.>
  5. You... Don't know me well. I would SO do that if I was given the chance.
  6. But you don't understand! Without truths, there can be no basis from which to form opinion, and thus no hard set opinions! IN THIS SCENARIO, NO ONE CAN BE TROLLED! The internet will change forever! DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT NARGA?! DO YOU!?
  7. But without truths, how can we troll on the internet?
  8. Also Got intercepted. In fact, got double intercepted.
  9. Is there a way Kai-Sama can go even further down? Just in some way? Like there would have to be an empty tier above him or something.
  10. For a few years a while back my spam filter would always catch stuff from married wimmins wantin mah herd swety cauk. There was always like a metric TON of the stuff.
  11. Furby


    The L4D series is made by it's multiplayer. And usually, that's a bad thing, but since it's all about teaming up with random people in L4D, it gets my pass. Still, L4D2 without multiplayer is like only getting half of the game.
  13. Furby


    I pop on every once in a while, but not regularly.
  14. Some time's if a noob's been a dick for a round a I'll keep him locked on the outside of a saferoom by just closing the door as soon as he opens it. My other teammates just watch usually.
  15. Sigrun: Sanaki took it and won't give it back. ;_; Mattew, Hector won't give me a dollar. Can I have a pony?
  16. Eliwood, Hector, Lyn: Erm... no. We're done now. Hector, can I have a dollar?
  17. Jahn: We lost a bet. Eliwood, can I have a dollar?
  18. Jill: What?! W-why would you ask me that?! Hey FE7 Fire Dragon, gimme a dollar.
  19. Answer: No, my life is a solitary one. Lloyd: Gimme a dollar.
  20. SF because I don't feel like switching off.
  21. Pulling an FE9 is an insult, but, addding an easy mode (As in, not REPLACING the hardest mode) for us isn't. I don't like casual mode much either, but I'd rather have it as an additive then as a standard. All I know is we better never reach the point where "Classic" mode is an unlockable.
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