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Everything posted by Bane

  1. I'd say move somebody around to give Inigo a proc. Swapping Lon'qu for Stahl or Ricken would be good. Your can also swap Henry and Gregor if you feel like it. Overall, a lot of standard pairing, it's pretty good as is. Just get Inigo a proc.
  2. What are you optimizing toward with these pairs? Are you going for what will work well within Lunatic+ or are you looking for Apotheosis recommendations? Also, what chapter are you at in the game?
  3. No In Apotheosis you can pick every fight, always fight without incurring counter attacks and heal up to full instantly. You'll deploy maybe 5 combat pairs, Olivia, 2 (maybe 3) rallybots and then fill up on staffbots. It is quite easy to set yourself up to get a bonus off of Vengeance and then fight entirely on your own terms. I'm also worried you won't have the power to one round without a proc (or a crit) and Vengeance is the most reliable proc. Let characters get hit once on the enemy phase and then don't let them get hit again. You can sweep the whole thing with RobinxChrom and their kids if you give them enough favoritism. If you're not willing to do that I'll need to relook at your pairs and see if I can recommend anything.
  4. Vascela's the one to ask because I think he did this (There was another guy awhile back (Airship Canon? Ownagepuffs?) that did secret route challenge runs but he hasn't posted in this thread for awhile, but this challenge has been done previously) I think you're going to want to stack Vengeance onto Longbow Snipers. I also remember seeing someone run a gimmick Sorceror crit build that might be feasible. As long as you can manage 5 kills a turn you should be able to squeak through the secret route...
  5. The big thing is how much you want to keep the first gen pairs. The standouts are Libra!Sully, Donnel!Tharja, Gaius!Sumia and Kellam!Panne (but you don't care about Yarne, so w/e) but if you're attached to them and are set on canon classes we can make it work. If you're keeping canon classes you might want +spd/-def on Robin so Lucina and Morgan hit higher speed thresholds. Soly's covered the basics for pairs so you should consider his ideas and come back with some specifics on what you want out of your team. I at least want to hear what you think canon classes are because for me that's what the kids are in Future Past and some of those choices aren't great. The other problem you'll run into is that you'll run 5~6 combat pairs in Apo so you can focus on a smaller number of kids and not make everyone good. If your 3 "questionable" kids weren't all girls I'd say roll with it and we can put the pieces together to get you a pretty good team. As it stands though I'd say something like: Chrom/Robin (Chrom has to come and you generally pair Chrom with his wife) Great Lord!Lucina/Wyvern Lord!Gerome: Lucina doesn't need any speed to hit 75 (assuming +spd/-def) and Gerome can just be pure support damage. Grandmaster!Morgan/Hero!Severa: Both should hit 75 speed (I think, I'm playing fast and loose with the numbers) and things will go fine. Sage!Brady/Dark Flier!Cynthia: 75 speed Sage, Cynthia ferries Brady around in a double galepair. It should work fine. Assassin!Owain/General!Kjelle: Owain needs more strength and Kjelle needs more speed. It'll work fine for mooks, but the two might not work well on bosses. If you're dropping a pair, it should probably be this one. Hero!Inigo/Sniper!Noire: Gives Noire more strength and speed to double Thronie, but she won't hit 75. It's still enough to be extremely useful though. Inigo just fights mooks, but it's fine.
  6. I see you've changed a couple things around. I hope you're getting closer to what you want to get out of your pairs!
  7. So, while I was at work, I got the idea of Wyvern Lord!Owain and Hero!Severa since Owain has Axefaire innately and gets Wyvern from Lon'qu. Wyvern Lord!Owain: 42 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +2 (tonic) +8 (pair) = 72 Hero!Severa: 46 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +2 (tonic) +3 (pair) = 71 Wyvern Lord!Owain: LB, Agg, Axefaire, Galeforce, AS+2 and Hero!Severa: LB, Galeforce, Axefaire (from Vaike), Luna, AS+2. I'm just slapping AS+2 in there at this point because there's not much else that synergizes, but you can swap it for Hex/Anathema on Severa and Astra or Deliverer (12 move Wyvern Lord after rallies) on Owain. This would be a good pair to skirmish with (just attack mooks) because they'll have high move and have pretty high Str too. Just a thought in case Chloey wants to dabble in something non-standard that might work with the pairs she likes.
  8. I'm gonna focus on speed here. These numbers only apply when the unit is in front. Assassin!Owain: 50 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +9 (pair) +2 (tonic) =81 Assassin!Severa: 50 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +9 (pair) +2 (tonic) =81 That's a lot of speed, you've got a lot of wiggle room here to switch to stronger classes if you so choose. Sage!Brady: 44 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +8 (pair) +2 (tonic) = 74 Dark Flier!Cynthia: 46 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +3 (pair) +2 (tonic) = 71 I don't know that Brady needs to hit 75 Speed so you can leave him where he's at. You might want to switch to Dark Knight to get more movement out of the pair. Sniper!Noire: 44 +10 (LB) +10 (rally) +3 (pair) +2 (tonic) = 69 Since Gerome will never be in front, I'm not calculating his speed. If you swap Gerome to Bow Knight (+8 on pair) and swap Vengeance and Sol for Luna and AS+2 Noire can hit 75 speed which lets her double with a Longbow against Anna and Nightmare Sniper. It's worth it. Hero!Inigo: 44 +22 (LB, rally, tonic) +3 (pair) = 69 I'm going to advise switching Nah to some other class because Manakete cannot use Brave Weapons. Braves are the big force multiplier in no holds barred play. Don't worry about mixing physical and magic units in this case, getting more damage is worth it. (Usually people would recommend Libra!Nah goes Sage, but if Inigo is going to be the up front fighter you could try Wyvern Lord (even if it doesn't have a faire) and still hit hard.) Sage!Lucina: 44 +22 (LB, rally, tonic) +7 (pair) = 73 She's fine. Consider switching Robin to a Sage for more power. You don't need to force AS+2 into here to get to 75 speed. Sage!Morgan: I don't remember what your asset/flaw are but it's probably in the 69 area. So without really trying you've hit many 69 speed pairs and blown past 75 on another. Consider my Noire recommendation to get her up to 75 speed, she'll be able to weaken the strongest of enemies enough that anyone should be able to finish them off on a second round of combat. Also consider swapping Tomefaire for AS+2 on Brady if you want a magic unit with 75 speed (It might help on Thronezerker?).
  9. Once it's finally time rerun your calcs to see if you are 1 off from 66/69/75 and consider whether you need that 1 more speed. 66 stops you from getting doubled, 69 double all but Nightmare Sniper and Anna, and 75 doubles everything. 75 with a Sniper is the best because you can double with a Longbow and out range everything, but as long as you have a Sniper and can weaken those 2 by poking with a Longbow you should be fine. It's also not difficult to hit 66 if you're running full power so you'll probably switch to Assassin. The accuracy boosted skills are used most by Berserkers (since their skill cap is 35, only Great Knight's 34 is lower, and Axes generally have worse hit than other weapons) to reliably hit 100% on standard enemies and you'll also want it for the high avoid enemies to make them a little more reliable.
  10. AS+2 is much better than you give it credit for, it gives you more damage while boosting your speed. LB is the only other skill that makes that happen. Sometimes you need that speed. (In my case I need the skill for 100% dual strike and sometimes I've had to stack skill+2 and AS+2 on a support with AS+2 and defender on a lead to hit the numbers for it. AS+2 is great) Also, you could replace every Dual Support+ with AS+2 and you'll have more power and speed and have about the same hit/dodge/avoid/crit that DSup+ provides. WRT skills and classes: Gerome and Laurent should run AS+2 over DSup+, Lucina and Morgan will get more damage out of proc stacking Aether with Luna or Ignis (depends on the class and your preference) than running DSup+. Swordmaster should generally be swapped for Assassin due to better offensive mods. M!Robin will ideally be sitting behind Lucina for the entire map so he should run LB/AGG/faire and two fillers, probably Anathema (for boosting party hit) and AS+2. People run Vengeance solo or not at all; Noire should either swap Sol for AS+2 or anathema or swap Vengeance and sol for Luna and one AS+2 and anathema, and Cythina should swap Vengeance for AS+2. You should figure out if Nah is ever coming up front and drop Vengeance accordingly, she and Inigo will both do better if they specialize, you're only dropping 2~3 damage by putting Inigo in front, and over 12 attacks with 4 chances at procs it just doesn't matter. Laurent should be full support and drop Astra for Anathema. Hex and Anathema are good skills to put on your party to boost accuracy because Berserkers and other low skill classes will run into problems hitting enemies without them. I also want to make sure you understand how important those other things are to clearing Apo. You can get +22 to most stats by stacking rallies, tonics and LB. You probably want to pull logbook units as rallybots, probably ladies because they can get rally speed, rally heart and rally move. I generally run 2 rallybots with rally spectrum, rally heart, rally speed, rally move, and rally skill (hit rate can be a problem on a couple key enemies like Thronezerker and Anna) but the first 3 are what matters most to hit your speed threshold. If you have 2 rally bots you can have them specialize where one has rally magic and one has rally strength (though that has to be DLC Katarina or DLC Palla since the come with it) in that last slot. Also, if you like your pairs you don't have to change the parents. You've got enough power that if you're running no holds barred you should be able to beat Apo. If it's your first time you'll probably have to run it a couple times to figure out where enemies spawn and how they reset your parties position every couple waves, but you can beat it with the party you've got.
  11. I've seen other people in this thread swear by Dark Knight Gaius!Noire for being able to pull out a Levin Sword for Thronezerker (because swords don't trigger aegis and he has low resistance) so give it a try and feel free to tell us how it goes in a month or two once your team is ground up and ready. If you're running LB and Agg with Swordfaire on a hard support I think you can make Trickster useful, but it just isn't normally as good as other classes. FWIW aggressor and Limit Breaker are only +5 damage per attack on a support (due to half damage from support and half damage from dragonskin) and LB is + 5 damage on a lead (thanks dragonskin). Granted in most runs with Braves that hit all 12 strikes that's 60 damage before you start looking into weapon mights and character stats. LB, Aggressor and Braves make it extremely easy to kill a man and they generally push you to the point where you are just about guaranteed to kill enemies before they can counter attack. If you can get a Sniper up to 100% dual strike you can generally kill anything from 3 range with a Longbow.
  12. I've seen other people in this thread swear by Dark Knight Gaius!Noire for being able to pull out a Levin Sword for Thronezerker (because swords don't trigger aegis and he has low resistance) so give it a try and feel free to tell us how it goes in a month or two once your team is ground up and ready. If you're running LB and Agg with Swordfaire on a hard support I think you can make Trickster useful, but it just isn't normally as good as other classes. FWIW aggressor and Limit Breaker are only +5 damage per attack on a support (due to half damage from support and half damage from dragonskin) and LB is + 5 damage on a lead (thanks dragonskin). Granted in most runs with Braves that hit all 12 strikes that's 60 damage before you start looking into weapon mights and character stats. LB, Aggressor and Braves make it extremely easy to kill a man and they generally push you to the point where you are just about guaranteed to kill enemies before they can counter attack. If you can get a Sniper up to 100% dual strike you can generally kill anything from 3 range with a Longbow.
  13. You could marry M!Robin and roll +mag/-def and Grandmaster. Lucina will need All stats+2 to hit 75 speed in any of Sage, Valkyrie and Dark Flier but you get +mag,+skill and+speed all at once. Otherwise consider marrying a Sniper with Vengeance. You mentioned you aren't using braves and one of the best non-brave weapons is the Longbow because of its increased hit range. You'll never hit 75 speed and you'll need All stats +2 to hit 69 speed with Lucina and double Throne Zerker, but maybe you can leave that guy to somebody else and just Longbow him down. Solid advice. I also don't remember if Aegis triggers on dual strikes? If it does and you're running Bowfaire!Warrior!Gerome you can just switch to Axes for the enemies it matters on.
  14. FWIW stacking Paragon and Veteran is they way to go, and the best way to play Apotheosis is through only fighting on the player phase. (Done by deploying a Sage per combat pair to rescue anyone out of harm's way. Also, Rescue tech in Apotheosis is ridiculously strong.)
  15. So I see in that big text block that you never downloaded Apotheosis, a lot of judging on whether a pair is "good" comes from how well it performs in Apotheosis so I'll try to explain why your pairs are good. Chrom x Sumia: People generally run Chrom x Sumia over Chrom x Olivia because passing Aether to a daughter (Cynthia in this case) is more desirable than passing Rightful King to a son (Inigo) because Aether can be slapped on just about any set and increase average damage while there is no room for Rightful King after other skills. Also, Sumia is an amazing combat unit and Bow Knight!ChromxDark Flier!Sumia performs amazingly in Apotheosis. Also the +5 speed mod to Lucina and Cynthia allow them to run many classes (Sniper, Sage, Dark Flier) and still hit 75 spd in case you want them to fight Anna. Ricken x Lissa: Owain starts with a magic focus from his mother and Ricken enhances that. On top of that, Owain starts with Galeforce (for more actions) but he has no reliable proc (Luna, Ignis, Vengeance are considered reliable because they are skill% or skillx2 % and when you run the math they provide far more damage on average than astra) that he needs from his father. Ricken gives Luna while boosting magic, so it's one of Owain's better pairs. Henry x Olivia: Inigo starts with Galeforce so he just needs a proc, something Henry gives. Henry gives a slight magic focus from his mods and growths, but without Tomefaire Inigo is better running physical. If you're looking to run magic Inigo then Libra or Ricken would be a better choice due to passing mage (and thus tomefaire) to him. This pair is fine. Libra x Maribelle: Brady has all of the skills he needs from his mother, so most fathers are just for stats. Libra boosts Brady's magic, therefore he is a good father for Brady. Donnel x Sully: This pair is good. It's considered good because it gives Kjelle galeforce. It also gives her and unparalleled class set, but her speed mod of +2 means she has to run higher speed classes with lower power. Lon'qu x Cordelia: This Severa is extremely speed focused and this allows her to hit 75 speed with the Wyvern Lord class, an extremely powerful and mobile class. You can also boost her damage with Vengeance, so nothing should survive to counter attack her. This is a good Severa pair. Stahl x Cherche: Gerome is almost universally considered a support character so you just want to boost his damage. Stahl offers Bowfaire for go with Gerome's Warrior and offers Sniper and Paladin as alternate support classes. Berserker is considered better because it gives strength and speed, but Warrior and Sniper are still good. Virion x Panne: Yarne will usually be a Berserker and he needs an accuracy boost to guarantee hits. Virion's Hit +20 is generally enough to make this happen, so this is a good pair. Gregor x Miriel: I frequently use this pair because of the +4 skill mod, but I frequently plan niche setups. This Laurent has +1/+3 Str/Mag and can effectively run Berserker (he has accuracy+ skills from Dark Mage), Hero (in case you're running a 100% Dual Strike setup), and Sage. He can also run Vantage/Vengeance Sorceror if you don't care during the main story. Gaius x Tharja: Noire gets Galeforce out of this pair, so it's one of her best. Since she doesn't have Tomefaire she'll generally stick with Assassin and Sniper to use Bowfaire. Vaike x Nowi: Nah doesn't get Galeforce, but this is her strongest pair with Axefaire. She generally runs General for power or Hero for speed.
  16. He's actually 1/1 for Str/Mag and Valkyrie brings his speed into an acceptable range (he'll only be able to get to 66 without a +speed pair, which Valkyrie conveniently is, and both Noire and Nah get it). Dread Fighter might be an option instead of Sage, depending on how much speed Nah/Noire need. Noire's speed cap is 45 before boosts so she can comfortably hit 70 if you've got all the rallies and tonics with a Sage pair, while Nah's speed cap is 41 and you might want to be faster than 66 but she won't ever be doubled. If we're only talking Owain's growths, then sure he'll be physical. I assumed Poimagic was looking into long term, however, and gave a response based on that expectation.
  17. Well, one of the girls is going to get benched since you have 7 girls and 6 boys. It'll be either Nah or Noire (or perhaps Morgan, since you haven't mentioned her?) since they won't be as strong as the other girls. You have many nonstandard pairs that don't really mesh well together and you haven't mentioned Robin's Asset/Flaw so I'd suggest this to start: Sage!Owain/Valkyrie!Nah or Valkyrie!Noire Hero!Inigo/ Hero!Severa Dark Knight!Brady and Dark Flier/Sniper/Sage!Lucina Sage!Laurent and Dark Flier!Cynthia Berserker!Yarne and anything physical!Kjelle Warrior/Sniper!Gerome and anything!Morgan If you ever go to Apotheosis you can take Chrom/Sumia and Morgan, Kjelle, Cynthia, and Lucina's pairs and make it through without too much trouble. Note that I recommended Sage Nah for using her only -faire (tomefaire) with a Gale-boy that also gets tomefaire. Also you could probably swap Laurent and Owain if you want to change which pair is a double galepair. Noire vs Nah is about whether you want Galeforce or power and I chose galeforce.
  18. I don't mind, as long as you like what you're doing it's fine.
  19. If you're on the fence about Kaden/Azura you can do a 3 way trade to Kaden/Peri, Hinata/Selena, Subaki/Azura. Selkie gets a bit more Str, Sped, and Res to fight mages. Hinata gets a bulkier sword class, Selena gets a faster sword class to play to her strengths, and Hinata remains a bulky swordsman. Caeldori behaves as you expect Sky Knights to: low defense, high speed.
  20. I didn't see Odin!Elise in there, but that pair is fine too.
  21. Should be fine. Once again, if you're willing to compromise a little on power you can run Dark Knight instead of Sage. Sniper/Sage is fine so if you feel good about it keep it.
  22. Depends on who you have Brady married to. Do you want Brady to hit 75 speed? If yes Brady can barely do it with Sage but he needs All stats+2 and to be paired with a dark flier wife. Also he won't give speed to his wife so she probably won't hit 75. You'd probably have to settle for 69 or 66 speed and in that case it may be better to run Dark Knight for higher movement for himself and his wife. That's a very non-specific answer, but Brady is usually put in a double Gale-pair that gets 3 actions a turn and wipes out mooks. As long as you hit one of the lower speed tiers it's fine. For example Chrom!Brady@Dark Knight/Henry!Cynthia@Dark Flier will have 72 and 71 speed without All Stats +2 if you've loaded them up with tonics, rallies and LB. That pair also has 9/9 -> 11/11 move (before and after rally) with some flight so they can go anywhere they want. I'm a fan of Dark Knight, but Sage has a unique model. I haven't said much about Sage, but it has more power and speed for less move and the power and speed don't make a difference in Apo.
  23. Axefaire is on Berserker. Ricken!Inigo depends on his wife in all honesty. If you want him to use magic then if she's physical he can run Dread Fighter, if she's magical he can run Sage. She's fine with Henry, I just happen to think the +5 speed, Sniper and Aether from Chrom/Sumia is more useful in the long run.
  24. Axefaire is unique and Severa can use that in her default Hero or in General (which is the highest strength she can get I think). Otherwise, despoil only takes a Heart Seal. If you're taking Severa to Apo Axefaire's probably where it's at, otherwise you can just go with whatever since the Male-only skills are niche/not useful. I generally run LB/GF/Agg/-faire/-proc so Inigo never has room for Rightful King when I'm done with him. It's a cool gimmick, but that's all I see Rightful King as.
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