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Status Updates posted by IGdood

  1. They'd be raised together and form a 5-unit stack on the campaign I believe. Hopefully there's more details on what's happening...

    Also merc units can't be controlled on the battlefield or something, there's a chance they may backstab during battle, which will suck big time.

  2. So basically there's the focus on less battles but they're bigger ones. Instead of raising individual units now, you raise entire armies/legions that gain traits and skills.

  3. SO. Rome 2 Total War.

    Customizing legions = awesome LP material?

  4. Lololol yeah M2 is just a huge step above Rome.....unit appearance variation and etc...

  5. I got back into it recently. Finally got Europa Barbarorum working with the stabler Alexander engine. Holy fuck...the historical info and unit variety...just...holy fuck.

  6. ROme II?

    Rome II.

  7. Holy shit niiice!

  8. www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=11400523

    Care for some bayonets in your FoTS?

  9. Care to give your loyal soldiers bayonets in FoTS?


  10. Such is the power of "modern" rifles. I mean...bow kachi and bow ki and even the fucking "samurai hero" have pretty low damage output....

  11. Bow Ashis....hahah those guys were...i don't know. Needs to be in huge numbers to be effective, but by the time I can get vet+accuracy upgraded ones I already can do the same for bow sams and bow monks....

  12. Yeah that speed nerf really...really.. makes a difference.

    No longer do I have to bash my keyboard because lol I screwed up maneuvering the ashigaru.

  13. You mean the FOTS-exclusive features? (naval bombardment, etc?)

    Some new features (40-unit battles, line of sight ranged targeting mechanisms, firing whilst in melee) carried over to Shogun 2

  14. fuck steam, srsly

  15. Yeah, Shogun 2 is definitely NOT similar to FOTS. Melee is actually a lot more useful, and yu can't just nuke the shit out of enemy fortresses during siege assaults. Realm Divide is much different also...

  16. DO IT. That's way cheaper than the prices I got (full price of 50 for S2 and 30 for FOTS) on release.

    I'd recommend the blood pack DLC and Rise of the Samurai also...

  17. Happy Birthday SIR GUTTERSNIPER

  18. Pineapple Huggers? Pineapple Huggers are back in the new LP. In some form.

  19. Looks like I have tons of shit to try out. But of course...Fallout Tactics first!

  20. Sucks that Chinu must ASPLODE in my favorite True History route. Gotta admit Teru is a fucking beast with counterattack, although that one Shimazu brother is like her on steroids, albeit only available in Kill the Monkey and other shit.

  21. Never again will I watch that scene. Uesugi Kenshin and Maria ftw

  22. Agreed. I didn't realize that loosing Leila would have such a serious consequence. She was both an awesome tank and attacker. Dammit.

  23. Any chance you'll join up my Fallout Tactics LP? :D

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