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Posts posted by Wander

  1. @Ana: You know, I just watched/listened to your video, and I don't remember Congregation of Ambition playing in game at all. And it's a pretty good track so I'm surprised, guess I need to replay PoR sometime.

    Back on topic, Radiant Dawn really does have the best soundtrack in my opinion. Rise Above might be my favorite over all though. I've heard FE4 has a really good soundtrack, but I still need to play it.

  2. PC4vF0M.png

    His last level, and even though it’s a good one, it’s too little too late.

    Seriously, has anyone ever had a Roy this awful before?


    I'm playing through this game for the first time, and holy hell your Roy is luck-blessed compared to mine! ;):

    Anyways, I'm really enjoying this playthrough, it's pretty entertaining. Good luck with chapter 14, though, I have no idea how you're gonna pull that one off.

  3. FE6: Suspicious.

    FE7: Companions

    FE8: Comrades, Rise Above, Determination

    FE9: Holding Your Own, With Us

    FE10: Eternal Bond, Conviction, The Devoted, Wheeling Corby, Opening Movie (? Dunno what this one's called)

    FE13: ID Returns, Conquest

    I had to limit myself here, there's far too much FE music. Haven't played 4/5/12 either.

    Rise Above, Conquest, The Devoted, and whatever that song from Radiant Dawn's opening is called would be my top four.

  4. Well, in the last few days I have gotten 3 more 1% crits. They are not as rare as I thought O_O

    Someone else mentioned this, but crits aren't calculated in the same way regular hits are. A 1% crit chance has a 1% chance of happening; a 1% displayed hit attack has a 0.03% chance of happening. You're more likely to get hit by a 1% crit than a 6% displayed hit.
  5. Yeah, Hector's failures in FE6 I can't think of a good counterpoint for; so I concede. My only thoughts are that there have been people that were extraordinary only to meet untimely ends, and they're still larger-than-life figures.

    I can't comment on Sigurd/Celice/Leif, I'll get back to you after I play those games. :P

    My issue with Eirika is that she's never seen battle in her life, but it's implied she's given command of troops throughout the game. No other character really steps up to the plate if you take her route, and it really makes me wonder why there's no appointed commander when she's being "escorted" to Rausten, or especially when she invades Grado. It's like the game wants to make her a leader, and then portrays her as anything but a capable one.

    EDIT: She does have Seth, who she relies on, but I almost feel he should have been the protagonist/leader. Unless he is, but the game doesn't really make it clear if that's the case, so I unno.

  6. Off-topic, but Michiah really is super similar to Joan of Arc, now that I think about it. I'm guessing Joan of Arc didn't wield light magic, though. Maybe. :awesome:


    I think that the further you go back in history, the more twisted the facts get, certainly. History has always been written by the victors.

    However, I'd argue that we don't know if the unnamed lords would fare as well in the upheaval their games face. It's hard to find examples, but I'd throw out Chrom's father for debate to start. It's not a stretch to think that some of the other hundreds of nonexistent lords were mediocre leaders in comparison to the ones written about. The games usually start with some lord or king related to the protagonist dying/losing, after all; usually in the only conflict they face in their time in a leadership position. I'd say that makes people like Hector extraordinary within their universe.

    And I also agree about the progression of the characters from relying on their advisor to weaning themselves off of that crutch. I'd say Ike, Ephraim, and Hector all do this; Ephraim doesn't even really have one to begin with, and I would actually consider him to be a pretty strong example of a self-reliant lord. The tactician in FE7 takes such a backseat to everything that I'm not sure I'd say Hector had much of a crutch, either. Ike relies on Titania, but generally becomes more and more of a confident decision-maker as the game goes on. He still leans on Titania and Soren a bit, but I'm sure historical commanders had advisers they bounced ideas off of as well. Chrom, Eirika, and Roy all do a somewhat poor job of this, in my opinion.

    Speaking of Eirika, I can't be the only one that thinks she's one of the more unrealistic lords, right?

    /essay over, dunno why I'm going on about this subject so much.

  7. I know there usually have been sequels, but I'd be surprised. I could see another game in Awakening's universe, but if they went with the same characters they'd have to be really careful to avoid canonizing any pairings.

    I'm seeing either a prequel (FE 7), a game set in the distant future (in Ylisse) or an entirely new universe altogether. FE5 style midquel (?) wouldn't really work for Awakening story, and a direct sequel would run into hairy situations with pairings. And by hairy situations, I mean how the children's hair colors are affected by which father they have. Unintentional pun, I promise.

    I mean, they could just say the hell with it and set some pairings in stone, but I doubt it.

  8. Maybe not 15, but you guys have heard of Joan of Arc and Alexander the Great, right? Teenage military leaders have happened in history, especially in the time period Fire Emblem supposedly is based on.

    I agree that Awakening was too lighthearted (I prefer PoR levels of humor) but I don't think the ages of the main lords necessarily need to change. 15-18 isn't totally unrealistic, is all.

  9. I dunno, I'd like another Tellius game but I'm not sure Ike should star in it. After all, starting with him on your team would be a bit overpowered, and retconning some reason for him to be as weak as other starting lords would annoy me. Maybe one of his distant descendants, or something? The ending of RD hints at conflict returning to Tellius, so it'd make sense. We could have a new cast in a familiar (and well constructed) world. I'd like that.

  10. FE6: This is my first playthrough, but Rutger has sucked for me. Fir's kicking his ass in basically every stat.

    FE7: Lowen. He's supposed to be the tanky cavalier but every time I try using him he gets five levels of just HP and I give up.

    FE8: Forde, Vanessa, Gilliam. Forde just sucks, Vanessa can't gain any strength, and I've had a level 15 Gilliam with base defense. Kyle sometimes sucks too.

    FE9: Nobody off the top of my head, maybe Makalov.

    FE10: Pretty much any laguz that's not a royal, Jill sometimes because Haar is always better. Thing is, if I really want to use a unit there's always BEXP to rig their levels.

    FE11: Everyone

    FE13: Miriel, Ricken, Cherche, Gregor. There's always grinding though.

  11. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm playing through the new patch right now and I have to say, it's pretty great! I never got very far into FE6 on the old patch but there were plenty of instances of weird wording/poor grammar that I noticed. This is much improved, to say the least.

    There's been one or two sentences here or there that struck me as odd, but it's probably simply personal preference. In any case, thank you so much for doing this, it makes it feel a lot more like I'm playing an official translation. : ]

  12. ^Basically the topic; what are the craziest instances of the RNG screwing with you that you've seen?

    Lemee start things off:


    This is my first time playing FE6. Somehow, I don't think Lugh is supposed to have 11 defense at level 12 (see: 15% defense growth, 3 base defense).

    I'm sure I've had other equally ridiculous cases of weird RNG, but this one is super fresh on my mind because it's in progress. You guys got anything?

  13. Okay, so I've looked over recordings of the end of Chapter 24 and the beginning of Chapter 25 in the North American version, and it appears to be as I recall; there was no mention of his return being inevitable. Thinking about it, that makes sense. The only reason Grima was able to return in the first place was because he had a suitable vessel in the form of Robin, someone who had to be selectively bred by the Grimleal over the course of many generations. Thus, unless I missed something in the game's script, it is possible to keep Grima sealed away forever even if the Falchion is used to defeat him, though it would require some extra effort on the part of the living.

    I always assumed this was implied when I played through. I figure it was to assuage the conscience of players that didn't have MU take one for the team. IE, he may never come back anyway if our ancestors are careful, so why make an unnecessary sacrifice?

    Of course, realistically speaking, in 1000 years Grima's just a legend/boogeyman nobody cares about so obviously he'd end up coming back at some point. But yeah, it does take a specific set of circumstances for him to be revived, like the ones used in the game.

  14. someone please tell me how to respond to Lugh having 7 defense at level 5. That's 4 defense procs in 4 levels. He has better defense than most of my characters. I want to complain about him being at 4 Mag still, but...whut. I can't remember seeing something this absurd before. He's not supposed to hit 7 defense until promotion!

    On chapter 5, but I may as well ask; does it matter which route I go? I know the split happens in, like, chapter 9, but I don't know which is considered better.

    Since I'm doing normal the difficulty of the route doesn't really matter (much), so yeah.

    EDIT: Whoops, ninja'd. so whichever route gives Echinda?

    Oh, and the archers in this game suck. Like, really bad.

  15. @Tryhard: A 15% skill growth could be pretty problematic when even an iron axe only has 65% hit, couldn't it? I'll probably give him a couple level ups at least. Lot's turning out pretty solid, so if Gonzalez doesn't pan out I'll still have someone to kill knights.

    But yeah I'm doing normal so I shouldn't have too many issues, you're right.

    @Levant: Lot's been a little above average for me so far and he's useful for dealing with knights/lance cavs, so I'm keeping him around for now. I agree about Gonzalez being potentially very problematic though.

    @Irsay: I can tell. XD

    @Logience: I'll see how he turns out whenever I recruit him, lol.

    And if FE12 messes with FE11, that's perfectly fine with me; I didn't really like FE11 all that much. FE5 probably would be too hard considering I suck at Fire Emblem.

    @Cam: I suck at Fire Emblem, although I suppose playing FE5 would get me better eventually.

    @Venno: Well if I played FE12 I certainly wouldn't do Lunatic first run through. Still, I prefer thinking to Sacred Stones difficulty or warpskip Emblem, so that's a plus!

    Technically this could be locked I guess since I'm playing my first one now, although if mods don't mind if we keep it open for general discussion that'd be nice.

  16. I'd say that FE6 is one of the more polarizing entries in the franchise, yes.

    As far as tips go... You'd definitely be better off NOT using Gonzales. Second, you need all the Divine Weapons to get the good ending. Third, and this ties into the second, one certain chapter has a General that you must NOT kill to get to the gaiden.

    No Gonzalez? Ah well. Which axe user would you recommend then (assuming I use one at all)? I've been getting by with Lot, so far. He's not terrible although his skill leaves a bit to be desired.
  17. Thanks for all the responses guys! I'll probably start with 6, but I'm out of town. I may just go with what has the most votes when I get back, so feel free to keep debating/suggesting. Definitely leaning towards 6 or 4 based on the posts so far, although I'm sure 12 is good.

    If I do go with FE6, I'll probably use Gringe's new translation; should I also use his numbers patch? Seems like that knocks out a few of the more annoying aspects of FE6 so it's tempting. I could understand people preferring the vanilla experience, but I don't care too much about that.

  18. Yeah, I almost never use any of the kids in the main-game. Hell, I don't even recruit some of them until post-game, because I like to pass down optimal skills which requires grinding, which is easier when you have access to ch 25. I'm looking forward to playing FE4, because that seems like a better way to do children characters.

    I also almost never use Maribelle, Miriel, Ricken, Virion, or Cherche until it's time to recruit their kids. Kellam is also not used too frequently.

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