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Posts posted by Wander

  1. I'm surprised no one mentioned anything from Shadow of the Colossus, the game that is literally made of favorite boss fights.

    I'd like to pick something from Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, but there are so many good ones that I can't decide.


    Yup, SotC basically is a boss fight. And it's at the top of my list.

    Other than that...the fight with the Black Knight is pretty cool, some of the boss fights in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (namely the one with that giant...thing, with the bubbles), and the fight against Gannondorf/Ganon in Ocarina of Time.

  2. what would they even do with an fe13 sequel

    pretty much this, it couldn't really be a direct sequel involving the children because everything was resolved pretty much.

    I don't really know how a prequel would work either besides either the first war with Plegia (not likely) or something involving Future of Despair which also isn't likely imo

    I doubt this trademark thing means anything, to be honest. I can't see us getting another FE for a couple years anyways

  3. I get that, but if you wanna do ST... then do ST, you won't get punished for having a phys build, there are phys skills that can hit multiple times, and then there's the skill Pierce but that'll mostly likely come along later...

    anyway, could someone tell me, if you can get passive skills from demon whisper, despite all i'm saying, I actually don't have SMT 4 yet ;p

    I just need that one thing clarified

    EDIT: To answer your pre-emptive question, I'm not sure if it does

    You can't get passive skills from demon whispering. Or at least I haven't been able to.

  4. I picked up SMT IV as part of the Club Nintendo promotion and I'm really, really liking it. It's my first time with the series, but I regret it. I've can tell I've missed out.

    My only slight complaint is that even on the easy mode I'm having to grind a little (although it isn't much really). I think my main issue is the amount of running I have to do to get back to the Barracks for healing which makes it take longer than strictly necessary. I'm trying to do challenge quests to break the monotony.

    I've heard this is one of the more accessible games of the series though. Is that true?

  5. This should be interesting...

    If Nintendo does buy Atlus, I can't even begin to imagine stuff like Persona being Nintendo exclusives.

    Personally, I don't see any of the major console producers buying them out. Nintendo's hurting, Sony's dealing with a console launch, and MS is, well, MS dealing with a niche Japanese developer. Nintendo seems most likely of the three, though.

    I don't really know who would purchase them or if it'll affect them significantly. I just pray it isn't EA.

    I would like to see Persona on a Nintendo console though, I've never played one before and I don't have a PSP/Vita.

  6. Any Department Heaven game. Maybe Riviera: The Promised Land is a good one to point out.

    Heavily shrouded, this series. I don't know a whole lot of people who've played it- or actually know of it, or the series it's in.

    Riviera's an RPG with a very noticeable twist to it- as every other game in the Dept. Heaven franchise. I'm- not entirly sure how to explain it, but a lot of it differs from your ordinary RPGs, and borrows a lot of aspects from several RPGs. You- don't really have a level, your items have durability, using a weapon/item a certain number of times raises stats- it's really unique.

    Hey, I've got Riviera sitting in my house somewhere!

    It is a pretty cool game, although I never actually beat. To be perfectly honest, I found it kinda...hard.

    For some reason I think grinding is kinda limited (I think once you reach a certain number of uses with a weapon, your stats don't go up any more...and you're constantly grinding because weapons break. Or something like that), so I couldn't even fall back on that to win when tactics failed me. :XD: I think I was about halfway through when I gave up on a tough boss fight. But yeah, it's really fun and challenging.

  7. -Lucina's maybe my favorite character in the game

    -MU/Lucina FTW. Them feels post chapter 21.

    -Does anyone do Panne/Lon'qu? I actually found it to be a pretty good pairing.

    -I almost never use the children characters besides Lucina and Morgan

    -I mostly play on normal mode, even if it's really easy.

    -Hard's cool (not unpopular, just saying I'm not that bad at FE :^_^: )

    -Spotpass-character only playthroughs are cool if you don't recruit ubers too early.

    -sometimes I play on casual, but I still reset when a character dies/retreats. (#logic?)

    -MU has a good personality. So does Chrom.

  8. We're here to help, you're not bombarding anybody.

    This chapter is extremely annoying, basically, give Frederick Virion's elixir, pair Frederick up with Sully/Stalh, and get everyone the hell out of dodge. Frederick can't double many of the units, so babying will be very useful. Get Chrom and MU get into ONLY ONE of the enemies attack range and they will die and you will level up. Spamming Heal is also and always good for an un-promoted Lissa and you should do that. Keep in mind that you will get most of the kills with Frederick until after chapter 4, since Sidequest 1 gives you an opportunity to use MU very efficiently and Lon'qu will be a beast if you train him during Chapter 5 and Sidequest 2.

    Best of skill.

    Ah, so pairing Frederick with one of the cavs is better, that makes sense. And I really should've thought of that elixir thing, thanks.

    Cleared chapter 2 successfully (a few units died, but I'm on casual for a reason? XD) and got Avatar a couple levels and Chrom one more, so hopefully I'm doing okay there. My first run of chapter 3 ended horribly and quickly, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. Thanks again for all the help!

  9. Frederick is a saving grace, at Chapter 13 and he is still fricking useful. You need to main him especially throughout the first 5 chapters and the first sidequest. Just try to lure the enemies towards the units you want to train and you'll do fine. (Use Chrom and MU, and Lon'qu once you get him) Also heal everybody to full even when it's not necessary, Lissa needs all the levels she can get.

    A tip for chapter 1, let Frederick take MU's Bronze Sword, pair up with Chrom, and head to the fortress. Let everybody stay away from attack range for a while and towards the end let MU kill the archer as well as the boss.

    So I don't need to worry about leveling them too much early on? That's a relief, lol.

    Is a level 4ish Avatar okay for chapter 2?

    And what units should I be focusing on using, besides Chrom/Frederick/Avatar/Lissa?

    Oh, one last question (sorry to bombard you XD), bu do you have any tips for Chapter 2? Should I just clear the first wave with solely Frederick paired with Chrom, and focus on getting extra levels when I hit the second part of the map?

  10. I really, really suck at this game.

    Can anyone give me some tips on how to play prologue through chapter 2? I can make it through the prologue okay, but usually Avatar is like level 3 and Chrom is closing in on level 2 because I'm stuck at the "don't abuse Frederick" part. Then chapter 1 comes, and attempts to use units other than Frederick generally results in their swift deaths. Chrom/Avatar paired with Frederick can last for a while on chapter 1, and then chapter 2 comes and it's just a slaughter.

    Hopefully I'll get better as I play, but until then I'd love some help. I know some of you guys will laugh at my ineptness, but ah well.

  11. Yeah, I didn't mean to sound like I was attempting to invalidate your opinions, I was just curious as to the reasoning. I think my original comment reads a bit wrong, sorry.smile.gif

    Lyn's mode is basically a tutorial so sans Lyn's mode FE7 is only a couple hours longer than Sacred Stones at most , maybe even shorter when you factor in the two routes. If you self-challenge yourself with playing through it without Valni's Tower and Seth it can pose a pretty decent challenge on hard mode as well, although only a couple chapters will match up to HHM (Phantom Ship was always hell for me. and that one early FoW map can be annoying if you don't know the enemy layout).

    I look at it as Sacred Stones having superior features and an actual postgame (can't downplay that) but FE7 having a more balanced difficulty and a better main storyline.

  12. Has anyone else tried a SpotPass only playthrough?

    I started one on normal mode, and it's actually quite a bit of fun. The lack of character models is obviously a tad disappointing, but makes sense. I'm obviously limiting myself to only lower leveled SpotPass units early on to avoid steamrolling the game. I've also said no to skirmishes and mostly did the Gold and Silver DLC with other units that I'm not using in the main story (so my SpotPass units don't get over leveled) . I've done two class changes so far-- I changed Edward into a barbarian because there are literally no axe users available, and I changed Mist into a troubadour because otherwise she can't become a valkyrie.

    I'm on chapter 14 and have yet to lose a unit, but I've had a couple of close calls. I'm thinking I'll restart on hard with a specific rule set in mind this time, but I'm not sure.

  13. <br>Well, I liked the story and characters more in Sacred Stones.  Simple as that.<br>
    I think it's just that I find Sacred Stones's story to be incredibly generic. Probably more to do with me than the game though. I also haven't actually played it in a while...

    Awakening's story is incredibly generic and Radiant Dawn's story is a cluster-you-know-what, but for some reason it doesn't bother me as much in those games.

  14. Awakening==FE7 > Radiant Dawn >= Path of Radiance >>> Sacred Stones>=Sword of Seals >>>>>> Shadow Dragon.

    I think I'm fairly objective, seeing as Path of Radiance was my first FE and Sacred Stones was my second.

    I still don't understand how people can like Sacred Stones more than FE7 unless nostalgia, but tastes will be tastes. I'm sure people would say the same thing to me ranking Radiant Dawn over Path of Radiance. laugh.gif

  15. The story is really strange, in my opinion. It has all the makings of being great but just doesn't capitalize on them. Much of it felt strangely rushed, especially the Valm arc. However, even the arc with Plegia didn't feel all that strong. It's hard for me to pinpoint why it felt rushed, it just did. Strangely, I thought the final five chapters were probably the ones I enjoyed the most; usually I enjoy the first 10 more in FE, but ah well.

    The gameplay is fantastic, the support system is the best yet, and most of the support conversations are great. A Lagdou Ruins-type thing from the Sacred Stones would be fantastic in Awakening's postgame, but I guess you can't have it all.

    In any case, yes, I'd say it really is that good. Just try not to think too much about the story, else you'll find plenty of plot holes.

  16. I absolutely love Walhart. He is so cool. He's actually a really well written villain.

    You almost aren't sure if he is supposed to be a villain or not. Not only does he want to do away with the dependence on Gods in a game where everyone else (Ylisse, Plegia) worships either a good or evil god, but he also puts Excellus in his place ("Get your head out of wherever it's lodged, snake. I'm sure your mighy intellect will quickly understand what's happened. Though if you had half the mettle of that Ylissean tactician, you'd already know). Walhart really blurs the lines between ally and villain and good an bad in this game, and gets a lot more dialogue in which his character is a lot more fleshed out than Yen'Fay. He's one of the more intelligent and practical villains and actually raises some good questions about the morality of Chrom's fight. He's a lot more convincing and easier to empathize with than any of the other characters, while still being one of the antagonists who act out of their free will rather than because of blackmail or threats. Sure there have been some other villains in the series that fell in this grey area like Zelgius, Pelleas, Camus, and Percival, but Valhart is my favorite and he is one of the few that isn't rectuitable in the main story. Plus, he has the whole "I conquered the whole continent and now I'm coming after you" thing going for him and the comparisons Chrom makes between him and Emmeryn are really interesting.

    Not to mention his design and his unique class and skills as well as the accompanying weapons Sol and Wolf Berg. Lastly, he has some really awesome quotes and conversations:

    Walhart: Why do you resist me, little Prince?

    Chrom: You enslave the weak and kill the able. You are the enemy of peace.

    Walhart: I would end the reign of the gods, and you object on moral grounds?! Blood is spilled in any new birth, Prince. And in many a just cause, as you know...

    Chrom: There is no justification for what you've done.

    Walhart: By whose laws do you judge me? Yours? Your sister's? The gods'?

    Chrom: You cannot—

    Walhart: Look at you! Are you not ashamed? Your mind is filled with nothing but secondhand beliefs. You dance upon the stage of your gods like a mindless puppet! THAT is what I reject: being a slave to tradition, to obligation. The old ways. Damn the gods! Damn their fates and their destinies! I will have true freedom! Any man who offers less is my enemy.

    Chrom: Enough! I don't require every detail of your twisted philosophy. You're a villain and a murderer, plain and simple. And I am the justice you deserve.

    Walhart: Ha ha ha! Better, Prince. Much better! Be not an agent of someone else's justice, but justice itself! Now, let us fight as two great men, freed of their gods. I grant any challenger the chance to test his will against my own... But you, too, shall be found wanting!

    (Chapter 20)

    Walhart: ME, JOIN YOU?! Does a pegasus join with the flea on its back? A dragon, with a cow it eats?! You forget your place, BOY. I am the Conqueror! I will unite the world!

    On the other hand, I hate Gangrel. So much so that I even killed him in his Spotpass sidequest, coming from someone who's recruited every character possible in every fire emblem game since fe6. I just couldn't bring myself to let Gangrel cheat death. He's depraved and evil in a way that makes you hate his character.

    Not in the "I want to resurrect the dark dragon and destroy the world" archetype either like Validar, whose almost easier to accept because he has a grand overall evil scheme. I just feel like Gangrel is the least likable character because he's not controlled by any dark forces he just wants to kill the peace loving exalt for pretty much no reason. I know they tried to add the piece about Chrom's father to justify it, but there's no justification in the world that can make me like Gangrel.

    While Walhart's a good villain, I wish they'd developed him more. Really, that was an issue with a lot of the game's story for me-- much of it feels good, but underdeveloped (in comparison to FE 9/10).

    I think my favorite characters are Kellam, Gaius, definitely Henry, and Basillio from 1st Gen, and Lucina from second gen.

    ...yeah, I've barely used second gen characters. Owain and Inigo are cool and I hate Severa. Cynthia's...weird, I dislike Yarne and Laurent, haven't gotten much of an impression out of Morgan and Nah, and the rest I haven't recruited yet. XD

    Kinda sad to say Chrom made little impression on me, since I usually love FE lords (Hector, Ike, Lyn, Eliwood, Ephraim, and Michiah)

  17. No, they aren't. The characters are programmed into the game, but the chapters where you recruit them seem to be downloaded.

    Yeah, this is what I was inclined to believe, considering the character's icons show up in the support menu, but the chapters don't show up on the world map.

    I guess you could make the argument that since the characters were designed to be in the game from the start it is canon, but...still seems sketchy to (technically) limit access to part of the story.

  18. I really just don't think it's cannon, or they're pulled from other timelines. There's no way they legitimately survived their "deaths".

    The Naga reviving them thing doesn't make all that much sense unless it's not canon. Considering it's downloadable content as well, and not actually in the cartridge, I really think this gives the non-canon argument a lot of backing.

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