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Posts posted by Wander

  1. Can we actually use those "create a custom class" spots in the nightmare class editor module, or could I potentially overwrite something?

    I'm making a small hack and want to add a class for soldiers to promote to, but I'm not sure if I'd be better off just repointing the class table to free space entirely to ensure I have plenty of room to work with. If I do need to repoint it, I'm not really sure how to go about doing that. Total newbie at hacking in general, so if anyone can point me in the right direction to do this...?

    Also: if I'm adding enemy units in chapters throughout the game do I theoretically have space to work with?

    Thank you guys for any help you can offer!

  2. Yes! I am pretty sure hovering over them uses the moving sprite that is part of the same sheet as when you actually have the character move around. This is selected using a different index that is also used for other things which, again, going off of hazy memory, causes problems by forcing you to change something you don't want to change in addition to the thing you do.

    I noted which index it was in my own updated version of the FE7 modules years ago. No idea what the community did with that, but here's this

    Thanks so much! Yeah, I figured out that it was part of the moving sheet, although trying my own solution completely broke the ROM (pure white screen popped up, have no idea why). I made a backup, though, so it's all good. I'll look into this some more, thanks for the help!

    I tried to add a new entry but obviously that didn't work. Is it possible to add a new slot for standing map sprites? I know you can do it with moving sprites because its just a pointer and you can point it where you inserted it, but it seems that the standing sprite needs its own entry.

    If you open the standing map sprite.nmm file with a text editor, you should see an offset 0xC99700 and on the line below that the number 88; if you change the 88, your dropdown list in nightmare expands. I would heartily recommend making a backup of your ROM before trying this though, because I have no idea if it'll overwrite something important somehow.

  3. Sorry to jump into this thread, but it's related to the issue I'm having: If I were inserting a new class and didn't want to replace any others, what .txt file should I edit so that my standing sprite dropdown box in nightmare expands? I'm guessing 0x00 through 0x57 are all being used, but that's as far as my table goes and I can't find the related .txt file to change that.

    Edit: Ended up just opening the module via notepad and editing the list there. I can get the standing sprite to display now, but the character disappears when I hover the cursor over them. Any idea what gives?

  4. This looks terribly unbalanced so far. Gilliam seems to be pretty much invincible at this stage in the game, and unless he doesn't promote (how many of the monsters actually have promotions?) he's probably going to stay unstoppable.

    Of course, the hacker may have actually edited more enemies later on to make things more challenging. Should be interesting to find out, because this definitely looks like a joke hack :XD:

  5. Probably a Myrmidon or thief. I weigh 150, and my height's about 5'9-5'10. I'm fast, but not bulky enough to be a mercenary. I'm obviously pretty nerdy/intellectual so mage might work too, but a lot of my free time I spend either playing sports or watching them.

    The only weapon I have experience with is a sword, although my second favorite would be a bow if I actually had one. So either a swordmaster or a FE Awakening assassin.

    Come equipped with an iron sword, be level 1 (I have no real combat training). I'd probably be an Est-type (so at the bottom of every tier list lol).

    Reclass options would probably be mage and mercenary, or mage and archer.

  6. I really like Lucina because waifu but in all honesty she doesn't get enough of an independent role to warrant being my favorite lord, if that makes sense (she takes backseat to Chrom/Avatar).

    Favorite would probably have to be Ike, then Hector, then Ephraim/Lyn/Lucina.

    Eirika sucks, my feelings on Michaiah are a bit mixed, Chrom and Eliwood are pretty generic in my opinion, and I don't really consider Avatar a lord.

    Haven't played the Japanese ones, so I can't comment on them.

  7. It's probably just not your cup of tea, because the majority of people really like Awakening, especially people that have never played Fire Emblem before. Not sure where you're getting the flat characters thing from, if you've been actively paying attention to support conversations. If not, then that's your problem, because those are what is used to develop the characters. I agree that the main story of Awakening is fairly weak. Path of Radiance (GameCube) and FE7 (GBA) both had stronger main storylines.

    I'd say you should step the difficulty up to hard since you seem to think normal's too easy, but if your units are dying in two hits, you're doing something wrong, and I'm not so sure you're actually ready for hard. If you're playing the game like an Advance Wars game, that might explain the difficulty you're having. As much as they may seem to be disposable, your units are most definitely not.

    As someone who's played FE and Advance Wars, FE definitely still has tactical gameplay. It's a different sort-- more about keeping what units you have alive than it is gathering resources and creating more units-- but it's tactical gameplay nonetheless. Unfortunately, Awakening takes some of the more fascinating tactical parts of the game out of it with grinding for exp and gold being very easy. In most Fire Emblems, you have to manage which characters you use carefully, and in some cases even which characters you decide to bring to battle-- also being forced to choose from the small pool you've actually trained while you're at it.

  8. Order: 8 -> 9 -> 7 -> 10 -> 11 -> 13

    Favoritism (in general): 9 > 10 == 13 == 7 > 8 ->>>>>>>>11

    Right now: 13 > 7 > 9 > 10 > 8 >>>>>>>>11

    Yeah, I can't really pick between RD, Awakening, and Blazing Sword; it varies on my mood.

    As for characters...

    PoR: Ike, Soren, Shinon, Boyd, Nasir

    RD: Ike, Michaiah, Haar, Black Knight, Shinon

    Awakening: Lucina, Cordelia, Stahl, Chrom, Avatar

    FE7: Lyn, Hector, Sain, Raven, Matthew

    FE8: Ephraim, Gerik, Franz, Ross, Lute

    FE11: what characters :huh:

    ...ok, fine. Marth, Cain, Ogma, Merric, Athena

  9. Braizen, LVL 27

    Wartortle, LVL 27

    Amaura, LVL 25

    Honedge, LVL 24

    Swalot, LVL 26

    Doduo, LVL 25ish

    I think I'm gonna replace Doduo soon because he's basically been useless so far, but other than that I'm surprisingly happy with this oddball group. I struggled with the second gym leader, though.

  10. I think I'm gonna nuzlocke my first playthrough. I've always wanted to nuzlocke a game blind.

    Probably starting with Froakie, will pick up Charmander, box Torchic, and pray for the luck of good catches from the RNG gods.

  11. Well, the combat system has been expanding with each game. There's the stats, weapons, magic... starting from RF3 you could bring NPC's with you and they can help you in combat. Like many games, enemies drop items, and you can create items with it (of the "bring them to someone who can" variety, I don't quite remember). There's certainly a lot involved.

    Well, that sounds deep enough for me. Thanks!

  12. Actually, there's lots of options for character development. If anything, you could get way more than average character development! If you did things in a DotF style, with tons of Talk events on every chapter, you could easily expand backstories and make characters more interesting than usual. Also, there are support options, the fact that every character can be developed from the first chapter, etc. Plus, it would make for a more realistic story, with regards to a commander of a small militia/army training up a ragtag group of recruits to full combat fighting capabilities.

    I see lots of story potential for this, honestly.

    Edit: Also, a BEXP system would go a long way towards making non-regular units viable, even into the later game. If one of your units died you could use the accumulated BEXP to level up a unit of your choice.

    I think a Base-like thing like Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn had would be even better. That'd be impossible in a hack, but I assume it'd be possible in FEXP since it's more free. The Talk thing could work too, of course, but only for the units you were actively using.

    And yeah, either BEXP or an arena-type thing in between chapters (maybe limited to characters below a certain level) could fix the XP issues.

  13. Too many 3DS games, ugh. Already picked up EO IV (late, I know) and SMT IV last month, and now I'm heavily considering this and Ace Attorney whenever they come out. And I never bought Luigi's Mansion when it came out earlier this year...so much for finishing my Awakening Lunatic playthrough, haha.

    Well, Rune Factory, at least the numbered games, come with the subtitle of "A Fantasy Harvest Moon", and it's pretty much that. Harvest Moon with fantasy elements, and an RPG system, and a plot more detailed than what you usually see in a Harvest Moon game.

    I've never played a game in this series, so I came here looking for info. You mention it's like Harvest Moon but I've never played a Harvest Moon game either. XD

    So what's it like, exactly? I'm assuming there are some farming aspects if it's similar to Harvest Moon but idk much else. How in depth do the RPG elements/combat go? That's what I'm most interested, I can't imagine myself getting too into the farming system, although it's possible I will.

  14. I think I'd like a hack that was designed like this.

    One con you didn't mention is character development, though. Usually, your characters can be somewhat developed without supports because their personality is shown in their recruitment chapter, but that obviously wouldn't be the case here. The units you don't bother using would become generics.

    Also, expanding on one of your cons, permadeath could cause some serious issues. You can't really let one of your units die in something like this because you won't have many (if any) replacement options, especially mid-game.

    Other than those two things though, I think this would be a pretty cool idea. I could never make it myself, but someone may take it and run with it.

  15. I have cried in Mother 3. Repeatedly. Every playthrough.

    The scene in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days where

    Xion dies

    really made me tear up, even with Roxas' somewhat awkward line

    Chapters 9 and 10 in FE:A make me cry pretty hard, and it was awkward when I got there during a road trip :/

    358/2 days made me sad, KH II made me depressed. I quit the game once Roxas's part was over. Screw you, Sora.

    I never played the first KH though so that may be part of the reason. XD

    I've never cried but games have touched me for sure. Shadow of the Colossus was crushing. Surprised no one else has mentioned it.

    Besides that....huh, not really much.

  16. Sega is one of those 3rd party companies i'd rather NOT be seeing buying Atlus because their record with localizing games (VC3 anyone) is shotty at best. And that's not even taking into account their history with executive meddling.

    Yeah...I agree with this.

    Also very surprised to see Sega in the bidding, I thought they were having their own financial issues. Certainly didn't think they had deep pockets.

  17. SNES; Donkey Kong Country

    N64: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    GameCube: Path of Radiance

    PlayStation 2: Shadow of the Colossus

    Wii: Radiant Dawn / Smash Bros. Brawl

    PlayStation 3: LittleBigPlanet 2

    XBox 360: Halo: Reach

    Wii U: Little Inferno

    GameBoy: Pokemon Red / Oracle of Ages

    GameBoy Advance: Fire Emblem 7

    DS: Dragon Quest IX

    3DS: Fire Emblem: Awakening

    EDIT: Forgot the Wii U, oops.

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