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Posts posted by Wander

  1. Do any of you guys use DLC or SpotPass units? Or maybe even friend's streetpass avatars?

    I used Prince Marth for a while in my first playthrough, but he broke the game he was so overpowered (too much grinding, my fault) so I stopped using him.

    I'm thinking about using Michaiah in my second run. I'm reclassing her to Tactician because it seems like it fits her role better, swords or not (and so she'll have clothestongue.gif).

    I tend to not use SpotPass units much because most of the ones I like come in at very high levels, and I'm through most of the game before I can reasonably use them. I did use Hector some, though.

  2. MU x Lucina are great, especially since it effects some main story scenes later on (I think post chapter 22).

    I never got Olivia and Henry's S support but their B and A supports were pretty sweet.

    Sumia x Gaius and Lon'qu x Tharja are also awesome pairings.

  3. The only pair i don't choose are Lucina's parents =p so Olivia is in.

    Oh, great! XD Ah, as for her class...hmm. Difficult. I guess keep her as a Dancer? My only experience with her is through numerous reclasses, so I'm not so sure how good she stays that way. I'll defer to someone else's better judgement there.

  4. If you played Fire Emblem Awakening on easy mode then you may have noticed a few things that made it a bit... too easy...

    (P.S: my first post!)

    Im assuming spoilers are allowed without being tagged here.

    I voted skirmishing, reclassing, and children.

    Reclassing is only broken with grinding thrown in to take advantage of it, but Morgan and Lucina are downright hideously broken on normal. I grinded them both maybe 2 skirmishes each and they could promote and solo entire maps. It's ridiculous.

    Actually, it's less skirmishes that break the game and more the super cheap reeking boxes. They're just too tempting to not take advantage of, for me.

  5. I guess it's because map saves aren't tied directly to a save file.

    It reminds me of back when I played Final Fantasy Tactics Advance when I would use the Suspend saves to effectively have three save files instead of 2 - I suppose I could do the same with this game as well...

    Yeah, it's partially on me for not thinking that through properly. And yup, that'd probably work out just fine.

    Ah well, the overwritten file was normal mode anyways, I probably wasn't going to keep it forever.

    I am miffed that I lost a couple days of progress for Sacred Stones SpotPass characters, but no big deal.

  6. Because it doesn't? Unless you're starting a new game, it defaults to the file you're playing. I've done it multiple times because of getting S support conversations with the backup save file. Double-checked just now too.

    Sorry for your loss though, but you can't blame the game on this one.

    That makes no sense then. I loaded up a map save of chapter 2, finished the map (this is from my bottom file) and when it went to save it defaulted to the top(the completed file). I don't use the circle pad ever either, so there's no chance I could've accidentaly flicked up or something like that.

    It's never happened to me in any other game but it's happened to me twice in this one (first file was a test run so I was just mildly confused when it happened)

    EDIT: Maybe it only happens if you load it from a map save? I think I'll test that out.

    Yeah, I figured out what triggers it. Basically, if you play your first file, load a map save from your last file, and complete the map, it defaults to the top.

    No more using map saves for me, thanks.

  7. ...why Awakening automatically goes to the top of the file list when you save, instead of the file you're currently using?

    I just overwrote my completed classic normal run with several maxed characters for a chapter 3 Hard casual run.


    I'm in the shock stage of the five stages of grief, I think (if thats one of them?). 40 hours. Gone.


    obligatory /firstworldproblems but still

  8. Ah so


    is your wife.

    Well you already have 3 skills for attacks: Astra, Ignis, and Aether. Swordfaire is okay, not exactly one of my skills of choice but I'd certainly say replace that with Galeforce. I you really need the defenses, it's more dependent on Morgan's Def and Res stats then pick which defensive skill you'd really want and take out Astra, though Astra is a pretty useful skill.


    Alright, thanks!

  9. Some may claim the Spotpass Paralogue cheapens her death a bit. To that I say with a game involving so many branching timelines and such it isn't nearly as unbelievable. Besides, Emmerynn at least deserves to live. The others can stay dead.


    I also look at this as being an alternate version of events. Pretty much how Pelleas could be saved in subsequent Radiant Dawn playthroughs.

  10. I must've not been paying close enough attention. I thought it was just the entire army described as being one million strong, not just the part involved in laying siege to the castle.

    Well, I thought Ex-whatever his name was said "a million soldiers" were coming to get Walhart, implying it was a million laying siege, but perhaps I'm wrong. A million in terms of the entire army would be a bit more realistic (although I didn't think you saw those types of numbers until World War I/II in history, but I very well could be wrong)

  11. Does this game allow you to replay Support Conversations again like Sacred Stones?

    After you complete it once, yes.

    I have a question of my own. I have a Morgan with the following skill set:






    I'm guessing I should replace Astra and Swordfaire with Galeforce and either Aegis/Pavise? She's a level 13 grandmaster now and almost has capped all her stats, if that's relevant at all. I totally forgot what MUs asset and flaw were.

  12. To be fair, it was an entire continent's worth of soldiers.

    I don't know if you've studied World History in school yet, but I'm fairly sure even the Crusades never involved million soldier battles.

    Hell, how do you FIT a million people into one siege?

    The Valm arc was definitely my least favorite part of the game. You'd have expected IS to develop it somewhat the same way they did the Daein invasion in Path of Radiance, but yeah.

    Another issue I had with it is I was thinking to myself:

    "So, Chrom and Avatar know the guy that tried to assassinate Emmeryn is now the ruler of the notoriously hostile country that worships an evil dragon. They also know that said evil dragon's worshipers are trying to bring him back to life.

    "And yet...they're prancing around in a foreign country for no reason other than said foreign country attempting to invade them?"

    Yes, I know Valm started a war with Ferox, but why in hell does it make sense to go on the offensive when you're outnumbered? It's like laying siege to a castle when you're outnumbered two to one. To me, it'd make more sense to play defense, construct fortifications, keep a close eye on your mortal enemy of a next door neighbor, and wait for favorable conditions to start negotiations.

    I mean, Valm's strong point is cavalry, right? So wouldn't it make sense to build some walls, dig some stakes, whatever, and fight defensively? Or am I totally missing something that justified/made the invasion necessary?

  13. I never hesitated, automatically went for the sacrifice ending. I was definitely expecting MU to survive, so I was pretty shocked when they kept it so ambiguous until that final scene.

    I still don't particularly like how they handled "finding" him. I just can't reconcile with the fact that there's no "omg you're alive!" scene between MU and his significant other instead of a basically recycled scene. I also hate that the final chapter's still accessible, it makes the game feel incomplete.

    Obviously, that would've been a lot more work, so I see why they did it this way. I just wanted a reunion scene between MU and Lucina(my wife) and Morgan, even if it had to be partly done using the game engine.

    The ending and the scene where Lucina tries to kill MU so he doesn't turn on Chrom are my two favorite in the game, probably. So dramatic. smile.gif

  14. Regarding the story, I'm at Ch9 in the English version, and some stuff has been really bugging me.

    Plegia's actions to simply crush Ylisse are way too abrupt and are relegated far too often to offscreen stuff we only hear about. Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Chrom's team routs them every time. Forget the gameplay implications - limiting the objectives to ones entailing total domination just doesn't work fort establishing the enemy as a powerful force that actually wins battles.

    This bothered me too. I never looked at Plegia as a powerful enemy, because I destroyed them and it never showed them dominating Ylisse, in either strength or numbers, it just tells you it happens.

    Daien, as a counter example, seemed like a far more powerful force in Path of Radiance, while Begnion was already established as powerful before Radiant Dawn happened. The very fact that several of the early Path of Radiance chapters involve merely surviving or escaping reinforces this fact tenfold.

  15. I keep thinking of so many things I'd change. :\

    Goal variety. I mean, jeez, most of what I think this game is is "Defeat the Commander" and "Rout the Enemy". Give us some seize, or some "Protect (character) for (x) amount of turns."

    This is one of the biggest things I noticed, meant to put it in the OP. It was one of the things I hated about SD too.

    The maps are much better in this game so it's not as big a problem, but I wish there'd been something other than those two for sure.

  16. Just wondering what you guys would like changed?

    I wish second seals were available earlier than chapter 16, for one thing. And that the children characters were a tad easier to recruit (I understand the reasoning behind this, though).

    I also wish the DLC or SpotPass characters had supports or could get support bonuses with each other, or something. Oh, and that DLC characters had new models so they looked like themselves. I understand it for SpotPass, but DLC?

    Unless they actually DO have models and I'm clueless. Roy's seems generic so I'm assuming none of them do (besides the ones in new classes)

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