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Everything posted by dtmahanen101

  1. Because quite frankly, IS didn't realize how amazing a concept that is, and it took freaking Sakurai putting Corrin into Smash 4 to actually flesh out the "turning into a dragon" mechanic. Obvious sarcasm is obvious, but this is why I like to headcanon Corrin having her Smash abilities during the story.
  2. Okay, that last line of the right panel is something straight out of Rick and Morty's mindset. "Boys can be adorable. Girls can be scary. I don't even know what's right and wrong anymore." "Here, have a beer. ALCOHOL MAKES EVERYTHING OKAY!"
  3. I'm going to be frank, I haven't actually been able to get the game yet. I'm still abroad, and I want a physical copy. Having said that, I've watched parts of Let's Plays, and I've heard some of the voice acting. In my opinion, Awakening had marginally better VA all around. There weren't any performances that I would call explicitly "bad" in Awakening, while there are a couple that I really don't like in Fates (M!Kana almost makes me not want to use F!Corrin, it stoinks so bad). However, I've made it through Persona 3 and Fuuka/Ikutsuki, so I can handle it.
  4. Right, I just thought that the first one was what was confusing people. I guess not, though. I mean, who am I to contradict one of the Norse pantheon?
  5. If it hasn't been made clear already, the first "G" is hard. In one of the games I've kickstarted, Jotun, which is centered around Norse mythology, the narration is actually in some form of Old Norse, and it's pronounced "gi-NOON-gah-gap" in-game. As such, I'll vouch for that pronunciation.
  6. You know what the CG art really drove home for me? Some of the children look much older than others. For example, Forrest looks like he's 10, while Shigure and Dwyer look like they're at least in their late teens. It's a little disconcerting, if you ask me. The art looks fantastic, though, and the 3DS themes makes me excited that we may finally be getting the official artwork for the characters! I really hope it's true.
  7. He legit looks bored. It's a great picture, and it totally captures his personality, but seriously, he looks like he's about to fall asleep.
  8. Hey. Stop hating on Awakening so much, guys. I liked it. Sure its story is generic as balls, especially for an FE game, but I could let it go because of the characters. But back on topic, even though giving the game one star reviews is a little overkill, I do feel like the game suffered because of the split into 3 games. Going back into Awakening for a bit, yeah its story wasn't anything new (and not the best, tbh), at least it was relatively simple for an RPG. Path of Radiance had a great story, and once again, it was relatively simple. Fates, by contrast, felt very bloated with the three separate storylines, not to mention that it was definitely hampered by the inclusion of children for inexplicable reasons. I hope that even though Fates is selling extremely well, IS takes the time to look at user feedback and take it into account when making their next game. Trim down the fat of the storyline, don't include features for no reason just because the previous game was the best-selling one in the series to that point...and keep the gameplay good. The gameplay in Fates is really good. Best in the series.
  9. Because...butt stuff? I dunno, I'm not in Kozaki's head, I can't speak for the guy. It is an awkward pose, but I'm just happy that Kozaki's drawing stuff. It doesn't look bad, just a little...out of character, I guess.
  10. I don't care what you think of her VA, Selkie is adorable, voice included.
  11. Both have their good parts and their bad parts. I prefer the Japanese version of Azura's song (although the English version is still fantastic), but the English spoken VA.
  12. So, basically like the Awakening book, where we don't focus on individual characters, so much as make little vignettes. I'm sold.
  13. You know what I love the most about the localized version of this support? (Granted, it's still not the best support, but it's SOOO much better.) You know, other than Xandra? It was how the S-Rank felt like it belonged with the rest of the conversation. It was organic, it flowed pretty well with the characters and their respective mindsets, and A CHARACTER IN A SUPPORT ASKS TO TAKE IT SLOW! It fits so well with the progression, and honestly, I'm happy with that nice little touch. I'm glad they didn't just change the B-Rank convo, but rather sought to make a more well-written, cohesive conversation. In other words, it's true localization.
  14. I'm kinda surprised no one's talked about Kaden/Azura yet. That support is absolutely adorable, and they have fantastic chemistry together. There's also the fact that Kaden is actually supporting Azura throughout the conversation, while also acknowledging the traits that make her unique. To the best of my knowledge, there's no other support that Azura has where anyone acknowledges that she may actually need help dealing with the craziness in her life, and the fact that Kaden catches on to this, and even goes as far as to encourage her to be a little selfish for once, is really sweet.
  15. To paraphrase the words of the hypest man on YouTube playing the hypest playable anime in existence: I don't fight for Hoshido. And I don't fight for Nohr! I FIGHT FOR MY GOD DAMN FRIENDS!!!
  16. I don't like the hyperbolic time chamber thing either, and I'm writing it completely different in my fanfic. Here's a weird idea. What if, when the wife gets pregnant...they go in the "Deeprealms" too? At least, just until the baby's born, and then they leave? I'll admit, it's a huge friggin' stretch, but that's the only way that the Deeprealms can be incorporated without any hassle.
  17. Hey, so I guess this thread is still able to be posted on, since it hasn't be a month yet, so I want to put in my two cents on a potential run-through I'm thinking of.
  18. Name: Corrin (OMG SO ORIGINAL!) Route: All of 'em. I'm always gonna use the female version, simply because I prefer the female design to the male one. I'll most likely mainly focus on Revelations when it comes out, but I'll play 'em all. Class: Dark/White Blood (I want to retain her use of her draconic form for personality/backstory purposes) Personality/Traits: Mischievous, a bit naive, and slightly unstable. Generally optimistic, but can quickly fly into a rage if provoked. Has trouble confiding in people. Has a very potent sense of smell, and has the ability to use her dragonstone to partially, as well as fully, transform her body (hell yeah I'm incorporating Smash into her fighting style). Backstory: She was captured at a young age and had her memory wiped, just as the canon backstory indicated. HOWEVER, as it's actually physically impossible to actually induce retrograde amnesia in real life without causing serious brain damage (yes, I am ignoring magic, as the human brain is way too damn complicated), Corrin's memory was not actually entirely wiped, but rather merely suppressed. She still remembers her time in Hoshido, but it usually manifests through dreams. She is close with her Nohrian siblings, especially Leo, who is the only person she trusts with her dreams. Interestingly, her dreams are often centered on a young girl with red hair. (When she lived in Hoshido, she was very, very close with Hinoka.) She knows that Garon can be a very harsh, sometimes brutal man, but she loves him all the same, in a similar vein to the multiple father dynamics in the book version of The Shining. Spouse: Kaze EDIT: Thanks for the help, Sai! I'll admit, she looks rather generic, but it's a good design, so why change it too much?
  19. Hey, first post after a year or so of lurking! I'm personally okay with this change, mostly because her being angry rather than scared is actually more characteristic of a combat medic than a shy little girl. Which she is, by the way. Yes, she is generally portrayed as a shy person in the story, but one thing I really like about this localization is that when she is in the middle of the action, she goes into a bit of a zone. She's focused on her duty as a medic, and ignores her meek tendencies so she can do her job. JUST like a real combat medic. I'm really happy with this change. And other than that, hell yeah I'm excited for this. These changes look great.
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