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Everything posted by Wooster

  1. Ah, yes, Archy. I did say I was being cheeky but I suppose I deserve the whiplash. But allow me to clear up where you are confused on my confusion. Every good argument requires three things. #1: Claim - The Cake is a Lie #2: Evidence - There is no cake. I was promised cake, #3: Warrant - The fact that the promise for cake remained unfulfilled means the offer was made under false presences: In other words: A LIE. As I understand it your argument is thus: #1: Claim - Fire Emblem is loosing its spirit (Or what makes Fire Emblem Fire Emblem) by becoming more mainstream. #2: Evidence - New Art Direction. Free Skills. #3: Warrant - ??? Part three is where I remain confused, even after your reply, which explained why IS wants to be more main stream, but not how either item makes it mainstream or even why they are bad or less Fire Emblem-y. In between my jesting I took an opposite claim using the same evidence, and argued that such changes are not unprecedented. And if such changes are precedented then it must by argument be still Fire Emblem. 'cause right now without a proper warrant I find this whole discussion quite silly.
  2. Err... *Raises hand* I seem to have forgotten my notes from the last class. Could someone explain to me how- A) A change in art direction -and/or- B) Freely equipable skills - determines the downfall of Fire Emblem, and consequently civilization as we know it? I don't tend to follow Fire Emblem 'that' closely, but I seem to recall that there's been an art change just about every time there's been a change in hardware. (The GBA games specifically I recall being attacked for being "too cartoony", so it's not like this controversy is unprecedented. And I ~think~ we're all still alive. ...Better double check though. Can't be too sure. Show of hands? Who here didn't survive the great cartoon massacre of the early '00's? As for skills, I think we've had 5 games (7 if you count the DS) where there wasn't a user skill system. Then there's sacred stones where you don't 'really' get a say in the matter. For these games, it basically boiled down combat to stats and weapons as the only defining characteristic. So right now I fail to see how a game where stats and weapons being the only defining characteristic for each character also brings about the end of gaming as we know it. ... but then again.... it IS 2012? Didn't the Mayans forget to fix their version of the Y2K bug? Could Fire Emblem: Awakening -set to be released IN 2012- be the catalyst for the aforementioned apocalypse? ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ Yeah, I'm being quite cheeky, but honestly. I don't have a clue the nature of this argument. Would someone mind giving me the cliff notes version of this controversy? I don't want to fail the upcoming test.
  3. Err... isn't that backwards? Ignoring for an instant that New Mystery is for an expired system (hence not bothering to localize), New Mystery reuses the same engine as Shadow Dragon (thus the tools already exist to localize). If nothing else New Mystery would be cheaper then Awakening since it has an original engine, scenario and an emphasis on 3D graphics (which are significantly more expensive then sprites). What ASM means is the creators have to bend backward and do cheap safe games so they can pony up when they want to do the 'creative' works they really want to. Judging by the fact that the previous two games were remakes, I'm going to put my chips in that Awakening is one of those ambitious titles. Besides, aside from a large screen, what would the WiiU have that the 3DS doesn't? Tactical RPGs use the second screen exceptionally well, and the 3DS graphics are nothing to sneeze at. ( I think I read that they're on par with the Wii). With the WiiU, it's strengths lie in getting the family and/or friends together. Motion is a much more important, defining characteristic of the system (Which unfortunately means waggle when the Devs don't know what to do). As for the tablet controller...it does function as a second screen, yes. So it would work, but, the default inclination would be to use the tablet to move characters around right? So that would mean the big TV screen would hold character stats, and likely combat. Seems a bit like a waste on the part of friends and whoever might decide to watch you play, not being able to see the tactics in this tactical RPG. On the other hand, I'm not a Dev, and my imagination scope is likewise limited, so it would rely on them to turn what I see as a flaw into an advantage.
  4. I wasn't trying to say you were necessarily wrong per-say. Just that I had my reservations. The fact that Offensive and Defensive Team ups on the combat stats window strongly suggests that those numbers can and do change given different circumstances. A unit's support being a very obvious idea. I just wasn't willing to join those numbers, just yet at least. Another observation, that you're likely very aware of, is that with Chrome's jump in Dual %, it's not linear consistent with defense and offense, suggesting different formulas at play for each. What if, what if supports defined offensive team ups... but bonds determined defensive? It still doesn't answer what Dual Attack + does, or answer if Chrome had it equipped for that battle. Dumb likely wrong idea: What if Dual Attack + increased the range that Chrome could either join or receive aid? Might explain the ambiguity in the skill's title.
  5. Mmm... I'm not so sure. Remember "Dual Attack +"? Wasn't Chrome the one who had it equipped? That would throw a wrench into the formula, no? Excellent theory though. Though, now I'm curious how a "Dual Defend" would work. Unless it's like the Guard skill from Radiant Dawn (which only kicked in if the target started in critical HP, and was allegedly tied to support level in activation rate). In which case the partner takes damage instead. Sounds somewhat ricky for our squishy mages. Speaking of squishy mages... I wonder if the dedicated healers can Dual-Tink.
  6. Technically speaking, I suppose the reason would be that it's inherent in all characters to be able to double and rescue. The details of the individual combat itself determine if you can rescue or double. Weight and speed respectively. Canto could be tied to the mount flag, but what of shove? Bird Laguz for instance had both shove and canto, so an if/else wouldn't work.
  7. Something I just realized: No one's mentioned shove or canto. They're not returning this time? Or perhaps they're hidden innate skills?
  8. They introduced Square Enix's Braverly Default with Fire Emblem still on the screen. So no. (But it would fit, what with the logo, and being sandwiched between Kingdom Hearts and Braverly Default, both by Square)
  9. Thanks for that Shadow, Any theories on the "A" and "C" in this screenshot?
  10. Video I screen captured, and some screenshots I found interesting
  11. http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=169103 1/12: Ghost Camera 1/12: Ace Combat 3D 1/19: Rhythm Thief R 1/19: Beyond the Labyrinth 1/26: Resident Evil Revelations 2/24: New Love Plus 2/16: Tekken 3D Prime Edition 2/16: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy 2/23: Harvest Moon: Hajimari no Daichi 3/1: Mario and Sonic at the 2012 London Olympic Games 3/8: Metal Gear Solid 3D 3/8: Hatsune Miku and Future Stars Project Mirai 3/8: Girl's RPG 3/15: Dynasty Warriors Next March - Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance 3/22 - Kid Icarus: Uprising 4/19 - Fire Emblem 3DS
  12. Trivia: As an NPC, you can still build support points between her and whoever you want Earth Support with. However, because she was not one of your deployed units, she (and those you want to support with her) do not gain the chapter start bonus to their support array, thus she is still difficult to build. This should also apply to Aran and other late arrivals. I will also say, I have my thoughts about the intended construction of the level she joined in. I've hacked Radiant Dawn to make her playable in 1-6. Using her as you would any other unit, she gains a level or two, and this makes her 'premier' in 1-7 much less of a hassle. She's weak, no doubt, but not glaringly weak. Considering she and Michy have a conversation mid 1-6, I think she was supposed to be recruited mid battle as Aran was earlier.
  13. Just for Ha-ha's. I used some sucky Photoshop 3D skills to take a stab at visualizing what the spirits might look like. Reminds me of a second hand pepper shaker you might find at "Good Will". My best guess, since the waste line transitions into vertical scanlines, that the body becomes transparent. Thus the spirit might be more like what we'd consider a ghostly form rather then the star bursts in game. Undead Seriphan grade bird laguz?
  14. Actually, it might be faster higher in Human form. A Laguz 'might' be able to 1HKO while transformed. Where as a human, it will take 'many' more hits. Thus, a human form Laguz will likely have a higher strike level then the same transformed laguz partner by the next chapter. Although, I don't need to mention who has the lower turn count.
  15. Huh, what I find curious is that IIlyana has slightly less w's then Fiona, despite having significantly more play time. And Astrid's greater W's over Lucia and Geof really suggest that their playable levels unrecoverably stink.
  16. Mmm, I can't really answer any of those questions, Right now I've only have hard mode files, and none of them have access to Sothe and Micaiah. So setting up a proper test would be a bit difficult for me. However, what I can say from memory, is that I did have White Tide on Micaiah when I was using Guard, and I'm quite sure it activated when Guard did. I cannot speak on terrain bonuses, since both were on plain terrain. But, judging by white tide, I'd put my money on that the Guardian gets his/her own bonuses and not the partners. I will say though, that when the guarded character was in critical health, Guard was semi-reliable. I didn't do any formalized tests, but I'd say it activated somewhere between 50 and 75% of the time. Now, those numbers are invalid since I'm doing this all from memory and this was like 5 months ago, and Guard may have activated like 6 or so times in that one play through, so it's not even statistically significant.
  17. I've had Guard activate. The person with Guard completely takes the place of the character he/she is supporting. This creates some interesting contradictions as the character with guard can counter attack despite not being in attack range. My assumption is that the Guard enabled character takes the grid position of the person that's being guarded. Also, I've yet to have it activate when the guarded character wasn't at critical health with the limping animation.
  18. I don't believe that Blossom's marginal stat % boost is capable of brining Lyre's average stat-ups per level above 3. Laguz love their BXP. Out of curiosity, what DB members are you dragging along? I always seem to have at least one free slot open when I play, even on stages like LEA's joining chapter, which has a dismal number of deployment points.
  19. Alrighty, that sounds like a game I should get into, after I'm done with games like Ghost Trick, and Last Window

  20. How is Arc Rise actually? All I can get from the reviews is that they can't stand the voice acting. Everything else is mumbo jumbo about it being a typical jrpg.
  21. Well, that'd do it. Turn away your eyes kids, this isn't going to be a pretty sight.
  22. I'm not denying that the Black Knight will kill any and all enemies that come to him, sans the two longbow users, but the way I see it, he's playing cleanup duty, not really cutting the path, at least, if compared to the other four particularly if they're all deployed. His 6 MOV compared to the others 7-9 MOV fairly much says he'll be left in the dust.
  23. Considering those reinforcements are worth a good 4 or so levels for Fiona, and the fact that I dislike all-powerful/invincible units, I don't really consider it a loss. But if turn count was a concern, couldn't you just let Nailah, Muraim, Volug, and Sothe go on a rampage? There's no shortage of god-like characters for that level with greater movement range then he. Mmm, I don't remember what my excuse was for that on previous play throughs, but on my current one, Edward with an illegitimate disarm was teaming up with Rafiel's Bliss and Sothe to go mug physics from clerics on the second floor. Disarm is not reliable even at full Bio so that part of the crew stalls there for a few turns while the remaining characters advance to the third floor.
  24. Yeah I enjoy her as well. Personally, what got me attached to her was that she's the only non-Laguz who comes with 2 free skills. Anyways, Training her... I've got two methods. In 1-6-2, I hack the game and make her player controlled on turn 2. She's actually useful at that area of the map. Albeit, limitedly. But one more body on the north end of the map is still one more body. The other training method is actually my favorite strategies in the game. On 1-E, Deploy the Black Knight as you would anyways. Plant him 'on' the bottom of the south west stairs. Unequip him. Send Fiona up those stairs, even though she cannot progress through the stage. When the mages and Hand Axe equipped Fighters show up, They'll all crowed around the Black Knight doing no damage. If the Black Knight is standing on the stairs, the enemies who appear immediately to the east of him, will be in perfect Javelin range of Fiona. And because Fiona is fighting from above, she gets extra evade, Hit, and +2 MT. With Canto, she can hit and run. With Imbue she can heal without hogging Laura or Rafiel or hoarding Herbs or whatever. The only resource she's potentially hogging is the Black Knight, but he earns no EXP, and only has one deployed level left, he's missing nothing. And in fact, Fiona and the Black Knight are doing a service to the rest of the team, by halting the tons of enemies from flanking the rest of your ascending team. She won't be on par yet with the rest of your team, but it seriously improves her durability for part 3.
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