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Everything posted by Tryhard

  1. And yet, Karl Popper also wrote: I don't think that actually jives with what you are trying to imply. Not that it really has anything to do with tolerance or respect for bad ideas in my view. I can understand why people like Alex Jones are removed for repeatedly saying things that are indistinguishable from physical threats or why Richard Spencer may be removed for promoting violence in the form of genocide against Jews. In fact, these would be punished more severely in other countries that have more strict hate speech laws than the United States. It's more that I don't trust these companies to be the arbiters of what is right and wrong because they are poor at it and have removed many people who are simply not intolerant. They may have terms of service, but this is only a justification for why they would ban people. If they wanted to, they could ban you just because they don't like you and you have no recourse. It's their website, and that's how it currently works. I understand that it is sad that conservatives seem to take issue with this particularly facet when the "they are a private company, they can regulate themselves" is a right-wing argument, but terms of service is little more than a vague idea of what they may do. Or: if you want an actual example - think about how many times Trump has broken Twitter's terms of service and has had immunity from it.
  2. gonna go back to playing dark souls 3 again since I never finished the dlc xd pyro because strength is actually ez mode in ds3
  3. from already did some work for the sixth broken archstone. was going to be a snowy area, kinda looks a bit like a precursor to cainhurst it was about 75% done before they cut it from the game but people have data mined the area/enemies that was supposed to be there if anything that would be the most likely add for content because no there wasn't any dlc
  4. imo it was too short tho like the fact that there was no third level for 2-3, 3-3, 4-3 and 5-3 it was just a boss area made it pretty short for a playthrough kinda hope that they add the sixth broken archstone for content if everything else is the same feels like I got my weapon halfway through and the game was pretty much over unless I wanted to play NG+ which I rarely do also the pvp was completely broken
  5. So what's the discussion? If deplatforming does or does not work? Because even that article does mention that little research has actually been done on this. But okay, I'm willing to look into this topic more to see what the outcomes are. Whatever you conclude on this, what if the person does truly believe that it should not be done even if it does help? Is there even a discussion to be had at that point? You're right that it would become repetition of talking points at that stage, then. What else is there to say?
  6. I say this because I'm not sure Alex Jones has any trouble peddling his nonsense still. I suppose the biggest thing is that apolitical people are generally less likely to get sucked into that hole. Really? You said at one point you were pretty much a socialist. Even more left than me. What happened? Companies also like to ban people for being "too far-left". They do the wrong thing more than the right thing. It's not going to be reliable. Notice what they said at the end of that article you linked. “Alex Jones is not the only person being deplatformed or who has been deranked,” Caplan said. “We need to puncture this myth that it’s only affecting far-right people. Trans rights activists, Black Lives Matter organizers, LGBTQI people have been demonetized or deranked. The reason we’re talking about far-right people is that they have coverage on Fox News and representatives in Congress holding hearings. They already have political power.” Fuck attempting to pressure them.
  7. If so, we are relying on social media corporations in order to regulate. Frankly, I don't want to rely on them. There have been many instances of anti-Israel, communist, marxist accounts getting banned by Twitter and Facebook. Youtube just defunds political content in general. Just because they state, 'we need to deal with "the other extreme" '. These companies are not the lefts friends and will never be reliable.
  8. You are never actually trying to convince Richard Spencer. You already know that he is inconvertable. You are there to show everyone else watching that Richard Spencer is a fucking idiot. This does not take a lot of brainpower to do. I'm not sure deplatforming will actually do much. All that will fuel is their persecution complex, which sadly at least some people seem to take as if they are being shunned, they are talking truths. By no means should you randomly invite people on your show, in fact I would say that is counter-productive, but I have watched several left-wing channels that have done things like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cKNhjQHWFo
  9. I believe there are two points of view from left-wingers about how to combat bigoted views. The first is what Raven is saying. To deplatform them and to shove them to the darkest corners that they can be. The second is what I prefer and involves making them look as ridiculous as possible. These peoples ideologies are paper thin and can be easily dismantled even if they will always act in bad faith. There is not much that isn't pathetic about an ideology that is insisting that you are special not because of your own achievements, but because of the race you had no choice in being born as. I don't doubt that Sartre was personally exhausted about having to argue with people that really weren't attempting to make a good point, but no matter how tiring it may be, he is essentially just saying to give up. Just because there will always be people that listen to Alex Jones shouldn't change that.
  10. Well yeah, I was just saying that being against monopolies is actually kinda against popular libertarian thought. The mainstay of libertarian economic politics is laissez-faire capitalism, and they believe if the government isn't involved, that The Free Market(TM) will solve the problem. It's okay though, you don't have to agree with everything that a label package has. I'm a social democrat but my views on nationalism is that it is sometimes right, in the case where my country has a branch of nationalism that is center-left in nature and is wanting independence from the rest of the UK. This would be an unusual thought for most left-wingers who dislike nationalism in its entirety.
  11. Like, to give an example of what I mean: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLibertarians/comments/bbnh38/what_is_the_libertarian_position_on_monopolies/ Self-described libertarians seem to have no problems with monopolies as long as they are not a result of government interference. Which they aren't in this case. Protected class laws have just been in effect for long enough to people to 'accept' them as the norm. But I'm sure they had their opponents when they were implemented in order to prevent people from denying service to people based on sexual orientation, religion, etc. But we still have the arguments about whether that Christian bakery should be able to deny service to gay couples so I guess maybe it's not as obvious as I think.
  12. I would still consider a libertarian a conservative, just a different type, to be honest. One that is more concerned with personal freedom and being anti-war. But like, what have libertarians and traditional conservatives done to combat monopolies? That's very rare. (I understand that libertarians haven't actually held power much like progressives, but it seems like they don't have much qualms with it) EDIT: It's also worth noting that the term 'libertarian' was originally used to refer to left-wing anarchist and marxist types, but was corrupted into what is now called libertarian in the United States exclusively. It's always rather confusing to me to discuss being from Europe because that term does not mean what Americans use it as.
  13. I've rarely seen any conservatives that care about monopolies, they are usually the ones to almost always vote in favour of corporations. I mean, I agree from a left-wing perspective, but it's kind of funny to me that conservatives are still advocating for public utility in this particular case.
  14. The funny part is that conservatives can't advocate for social media companies being regulated like public utilities without having to advocate for a left-wing solution, nationalisation. Something they are generally not in favour of. The traditional right-wing argument is that they are private companies and therefore should be allowed to deplatform who they want.
  15. Not sure Trump really had any knowledge of this ad, but after the inverted red triangle that doesnt have any other meaning I do have to wonder about whoever was designing and running these.
  16. Also worth noting is this was pasted over 88 ads and the first sentence is 14 words. Both those numbers hold significance to a certain group of people. It probably is also worth something that Trump is managing to bungle several crisises right now.
  17. The long and short of it is that there is two ways to have (traditional) backwards compatibility: hardware and emulated. Hardware is putting a physical chip in order to separately run older system games. What Sony did was put a physical PS2 chip in the first models PS3s in order to run backwards compatibility from a hardware standpoint. Since this is a physical component, this costs money to do for each system. Emulation on the other hand is how pretty much every other console does it including the Xbox. Emulated is the same as you would do on your PC in order to emulate a game. The reason why Sony couldn't do this is because of the strange architecture and the non-standard processor they used for the PS3 that gave them a lot of problems, nevermind being able to emulate games from the PS2 using a more standard processing architecture. Basically, even if they could design the PS3 to emulate, it would likely take more than a bit of development in order to do it properly. You could blame Sony for having such a difficult time designing the architecture for the PS3, but what this meant is that a) they eventually removed the physical hardware PS2 chips so hardware backwards compatibility was no longer possible because it was costing money for each first generation PS3 they made, and b) because of the strange design of the PS3, the PS4 would not be able to emulate games from this era without running into the same problem with having to install a PS3 chip, which would increase costs as well and may have perhaps made the PS4 not as popular as it is/was. The PS5 should have more luck with emulating PS4 games, I'm not sure it will be perfect (as emulation often isn't, it's just more convenient), but there are news articles about how Sony are testing emulation of PS4 games on the PS5 currently and they plan to have the PS5 able to emulate PS4 games.
  18. Well, that's the thing with the (hardware) backwards compatibility that the first models of the ps3 had is that everyone says they want it until they had to pay extra for it, kind of how the price point of 599 US dollars was memed. They needed to remove the extra cost for it to become even market viable.
  19. yeah. you never played demon's, did you? kek. world tendency will be fun again I'm assuming that the remake is being done with the supervision of From only because Bluepoint did the Shadow of the Colossus remake for ps4, and it was really good. and From are mostly working on Elden Ring I'd imagine. I'll need to see what else is on for ps5 but I even liked the look of some of the new IPs which is nice and it's reminded me to play Horizon again...
  20. even if you didn't like much here, i think i can speak for everyone that i hope that sony does presentations like this from now on instead of bringing in flute sessions for filling out two hours
  21. Actually kind of the problem I have with a lot of those folks that talk about the second ammendment and tyrannical governments. And when it actually happens, especially under Republican presidents (eg. Patriot Act), they are nowhere to be seen. I may still not agree with it, but I at least have more respect for Americans that justify their owning of firearms as a hobby. At least there's nothing inherently hypocritical about it. i'm starting to think this trump guy might not be the christian he says he is
  22. It's more that they use that term of their own accord to describe themselves. Really, the term alt-right is very generous on the part of those who use it to describe themselves because they are implying they are the alternative to traditional conservatism. But those who actually call themselves that are more than a little into the whole ethno-nationalist theories indicative of the far-right throughout history. I've not met anyone who describes themselves as alt-left. The ones who are left enough to be socialists or communists will just openly call themselves that.
  23. I think Don might be giving Antifa a bit more credit than they deserve, honestly.
  24. i don't think he knows anything about FE. so yeah he isn't even looking at the numbers yet. I struggle to think what it would be like if he played the older games where you had to do calculations manually I don't know anything that happens in Three Houses but his chat will undoubtedly tell him the optimal way to play the game because they are boring not sure how hard normal is but I can't imagine it's super difficult so he'll probably just bumrush everything when he gets a few levels
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