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Everything posted by Tryhard

  1. Normal/Classic a lot of talking and little gameplay because he's the master of stretching things out. there's a lot of talking in three houses and he's just so boring but he hasn't really run into anything other than the first combat trial so far and it's been four hours ...which he managed to game over on because edelgard died pictures moments before disaster "no, he survived with one hp?!"
  2. @Nobody well, looks like phil is actually going to play a fire emblem dun dun
  3. I suppose I'll also give the hot take that it truly is a sad day when/if the so-called left begs social media corporations to step in and believes they have the authority or impartiality to make the call on what are the facts. Trump is a liar, this is undoubtedly true, but the left should place no faith in social media corporations actually to represent the truth. If this was just going to be on this claim (which is demonstrably false) only, then maybe it wouldn't be an issue but from what Twitter said, they implied it would be a thing going forward.
  4. No. But she did like to tout the whole 'first female president' title more than was necessary, and some of the sexism claims made by her and people close to her campaign are/were just lame as hell. Except that's what she actually said. “They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic.” It's not me making up anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCHJVE9trSM Her entire persona unfortunately came across as an out-of-touch cold politician. One that was quite arrogant. It wasn't just that one instance. It's actually fortunate that Biden tends to be a little more likable, even if he does challenge random people to push up contests and tells them to vote for other people. I'm just kinda amazed that we're still talking about this four years later. Hillary was a horrible candidate who was up there talking about how Pepe the frog is a hate symbol, for fucks sake. Not saying you were personally shamed into it but she did seem to like using that tactic quite a bit, or just unknowingly did it, I have no idea. EDIT: I did like some of her policies! Her plan to re-train coal workers was certainly a lot more based in reality than Trump magically bringing coal back. It's just the place where most people were most likely to see some of those things (which I still think was less than other candidates) isn't one that was particularly widely watched, or cared about, it seems. Debates seem to tend to make little difference in the outcome from even past elections. I don't know, I think having the worst record on ads even below Trump, who is pretty much the king of ad hominems, is pretty worrying. I don't mind pointing out the flaws of your opponents but you do need to balance that with what you actually want to offer in exchange, and it seems like those moments were too far and few between.
  5. Several claims by herself and people who supported her that the reason people won't vote for her is because she is a woman and they are sexist. Several attacks against Bernie Sanders, his campaign, and his supporters and alleged claims of her being far more "electable". Her entire campaign really not focusing so much on her policy or what she's going to do, but rather how awful Trump is (she had the least amount of policy substance in TV ads compared to every other presidential candidate including Trump). The comments about Trump's 'basket of deplorables' are pretty much the quintessential aspect of this, even if you actually believe this is the case (she did regret this, but a generalisation like this still isn't going to go over well since she was calling people who supported her opponent 'racist', 'sexist', 'homophobic', and 'xenophobic' en masse). Why isn't she 50 points of ahead of Donald Trump? Et cetera. You really going to argue this with me?
  6. I do have to wonder if Trump does win re-election, if you will blame the voters. It doesn't seem like a very rewarding strategy, considering Hillary tried to shame people into voting for her and enough people in the right areas did tell her to kick rocks. To make it clear, I would vote for Biden if I would be eligible, but it seems like the exact same conversation is happening over and over again, and some would be so oblivious to why people are disillusioned. I'm not really as confident as I probably should be heading into the potential re-election of a game show host buffoon who talks nonsense 90% of the time, yet still has the awful policies of past presidents if not worse. There is no reflection, no introspection on the part of the Democrats. And if they lose again? Well, nothing else to blame. Dr Ford also had almost the same story to tell, including the fact that she told others at the time. If you remain skeptical I wouldn't mind as long as you didn't also jump to conclusions in that case. (This is ignoring the fact that Kavanaugh was unfit to be in his position outside of that)
  7. 'Twas not really the focus on the old white male part, because that was Sanders too, but rather on the fact that I have spoken with feminists that view Biden egregious enough to write off voting for him. Hard to argue against it without bringing up Trump as if that's some kind of gotcha. You could say that it's irresponsible for them to be concerned with that when there are people who suffer at the end of policy at no choice of their own, but it's hard for me to tell them that they're wrong and instead of voting for Trump, who they already know is extremely dubious when it comes to sexual conduct, they should vote for Biden instead, who they are personally disgusted by as well. The result? People who don't vote at all.
  8. The sad part is that I believe that without this whole corona business, Trump would probably win re-election against Biden. An incumbent is already hard to beat, unless the economy suffers under them i.e Jimmy Carter. It just so happens that bungling the response to this is something that doesn't swing in his favour. I thought the Republican party should have been unviable for a long time after Dubya Bush, and yet that didn't really happen. I don't remember Bush being so liked in 2004, and yet he still was re-elected against an uninspiring John Kerry. My biggest concern is that it is easy to make arguments against Biden that I can't really contest. I have seen sentiments from feminists I know that said they can't vote for Biden because of his behaviour. Their choice is essentially two old men who have been accused of sexual assault, and even if you are skeptical of the accusation (I am), there's no denying that Biden really has no concept of personal space from the public videos there are of him. And can I really argue against this refusal to support Biden for this reason? No, not really. And when voters are disillusioned and more dont vote, Republicans win. Perhaps I am a pessimist but I don't think Biden or the Democrats are really in a commanding position at all. (And sadly, if policy was what mattered, I don't think Trump would have been elected in the first place)
  9. sounds like crusader kings all over again
  10. My question is does it matter? Roger Ebert was infamous for claiming that video games could never be art, and yet movies which is the main thing he critiqued, were not considered 'art' for a long time compared to books. Perhaps the same will be considered in the future by most for video games. Frankly, discussions about what 'counts' as art by people are usually pretentious, so I'll wonder if the question is even worth merit.
  11. Surprised no-one mentioned it yet, but Sanders has suspended his 2020 campaign. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/bernie-sanders-drops-out-presidential-race-n1155156?cid=public-rss_20200408
  12. The implication is more about the folks the NRA and the like choose to peddle when they suggest things like teachers having guns as a solution, or the fact that having more guns than people makes America safer, when there's nothing to suggest that's the case. Those are the real hardliners that are looking for justifications about why they should own firearms, not that they just have them as a hobby.
  13. These days I can't really be bothered arguing about where gun control should go in the US - but one thing that I always despise is the notion that somehow more guns and a more armed populace makes the population safer. Which as we can tell from the US, is not true, unless the implication is that the US would be at troubled third-world country homicide status without guns. A lot of the common "reasons" to own a gun are pretty flawed in nature.
  14. A reminder that the constitution is simply a work, and something that I believe Americans take too literally. I do not think this is a good thing in general. Many other countries have the same or something similar, and yet they are not so beholden to a piece of writing that is hundreds of years old. Your constitution is not really that special, at least - in modern times. At least conceptually. Because we know the US government violates the constitution repeatedly to the point that it seems to be almost pointless. Talking about the fourth amendment when you are subject to official government wire tapping. Then again, I always hear about the reason for the second amendment is protection from a tyrannical government - considering how much your government violates the constitution that those types claim to hold dear, I have no idea why they haven't already risen up in force...
  15. That's the thing though, theres videos of Joe Biden not understanding the boundaries of personal space like the rest of us and clearly making people uncomfortable too. Evidently, the same bad faith actors will jump on this and suddenly start caring about sexual assault accusations when they didnt for Trump, Kavanaugh, or Roy Moore, but perhaps it would be easier to make the argument that each case should be taken on its credibility if Biden hadnt said this type of stuff before. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/joe-biden-when-a-woman-alleges-sexual-assault-presume-she-is-telling-the-truth/2018/09/17/7718c532-badd-11e8-a8aa-860695e7f3fc_story.html There's going to be a lot of liberals that give this a pass, though, but I'd have a hard time arguing against someone who would say they arent voting for Biden because he's a creep.
  16. So it appears that Biden has his own sexual assault accusations if you look up the name Tara Reade. I'm sure any feminists are looking forward to having a choice between two old men accused of sexual assault.
  17. Reminder not to self medicate, especially at the vague advice from a source of ill repute.
  18. I suppose it depends on your definition of 'mass shooting'. Most official sources classify it as four victims or more being injured, fatally or otherwise, including the shooter. The video he posted seemed to think this was an unreasonable metric for a claim of a mass shooting. I don't really see the problem with it being defined as four or more to be honest.
  19. Well, there's anecdotes in the other direction, as well. Remember how the armed cop that was at the Parkland shooting stood outside for 48 minutes while he heard gunshots and did nothing to help? Simple put, a high-intensity situation is easy for anyone to say they would do "the right thing" in, but very few actually would when push comes to shove. In fact, it's quite unreasonable to expect people to, and if anyone proclaims that they would be the hero in such a situation, I would assume them arrogant. There's more guns than people in the US. Frankly, it's pretty impossible to stop circulation of weapons at this point. Here's the problem: there are other countries that don't have a gun culture, most of them banning firearms without a sufficient reason in Europe, and the US compares to them by having a four to five times higher homicide rate. So guns make America safer?
  20. Well, there isn't really anything anyone could do about a declining "white birth rate". The way I see it: ethno nationalists support Trump so much as in he's the nearest stop to where they want to go, in the same way that communists support Bernie Sanders even if they know he isn't the "real deal". He may not be their ideal, but he certainly is better than those gosh darn minority-sympathising libs. They are the ones that are against white men and for the destruction of western civilisation, after all. I see a lot of talk about how the ethno nationalist types are going to abandon Trump, but the types like David Duke and Richard Spencer seem willing to overlook that, because are they going to vote for Biden? The one who they unironically think is commie scum somehow? The most you can hope for is that they don't vote for Trump. I've spoken to a few alt-right types and maybe the ones I've seen are the exception but they seemed more than willing to overlook Trump's relationship with Israel and The Wall in favour of attacking anything to the left of him instead. He also seems quite friendly with megacorps actually, that's why he has Goldman Sachs and ExxonMobil leaders in his administration. That's the type of thing I expect someone like Hillary Clinton to do, actually.
  21. No, but I think it's fair to say that most people here are either liberal or further left, and anti-Trump. So I would expect passionate replies from multiple people.
  22. It's happened several times. Whatever he says about it the Republicans will probably just play the videos on TV by itself.
  23. I expect Biden to win the nomination but we should know by now that Trump doesn't really have a "low" he doesn't sink to. The Republican primary in 2016 was him taking personal attacks at Rubio and Jeb, implying Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of JFK, and a "discussion" about penis size live on a political event on TV. Expect the ads that Biden is a pedophile with Dementia to come out soon.
  24. Either way would be a struggle against an incumbent, but I've got no faith in Biden to win against Trump. Biden confused his sister for his wife and has been showing a significant cognitive decline almost every week. His advisors for his campaign were restricting how many public events that he was having because they believed he turns people off him when he has the chance to speak. I'm sure 200 days more of campaigning and debates will go well.
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