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Everything posted by Tryhard

  1. tim pool is obsessed with the idea of civil war for some reason, while still maintaining that he is somehow a "disillusioned leftist" that believes trump would sweep 49 states in the last election yeah, he's the most subscribed political commentator on youtube. big brain.
  2. It does seem as though they are being amplified and in some cases even encouraged in a unprecedented way in recent times. It's also worth looking at the fatality rates for these attacks as well. Obviously 9/11 is the outlier in this case. And this study only goes up to 2016. Quite interesting, though. https://start.umd.edu/pubs/START_IdeologicalMotivationsOfTerrorismInUS_Nov2017.pdf
  3. Even if you were to look at America, more instances of political violence were from anarchist and black separatist groups in the 60s and 70s... which is expected because it was around the civil rights era. It just happens that it isn't so much the case anymore. (not to mention the drop off in number of attacks, as bad as it seems in the modern world - I'm not sure how "single issue" is defined but it's likely things like abortion clinic attacks)
  4. I will accept that agent provocateurs can sometimes exist. If you read the history of the CIA you'll know that is undeniable. But - a lot of those front and center in the footage have already been identified as MAGA types. The viking larper who's actually a Christian is a QAnon conspiracist (he also claims to be a shaman and a spiritual healer), several folks in there were already identified as far-right types and other content creators that are openly far-right like Nick Fuentes and Baked Alaska were there. If it looks like a duck... you know, because they don't believe in wearing masks, which might have helped people not identify them so easily
  5. It's kind of amazing, looking in the right-wing version of reality, they believe that it is the double-standard that BLM are the ones that were always treated well by the police and the powers that be and they are the ones that are discriminated against. Mind you, when they storm a federal building in a way that can only be described as insurrection. Maybe if they had some sort of legitimate grievance or issue, but their goal is to put a rich elite reality tv star back in office after he lost his second term, and nothing else. I suppose Trumpism and by extension authoritarianism has fully taken root even after he is gone. But somehow they don't see it that way.
  6. Trump actually has the potential to do major damage to the Republican party on his way out, and unlike a traditional Republican like Dubya he may actually do it because he's petulant. You already have normal Republican loyalists saying that the GOP failed to support Trump in the critical hour. Of course, the reason for this is that they think that the election was stolen from Trump and the GOP aren't quite willing to go full authoritarian, but regardless. They wholeheartedly believe in these delusions. I'm not sure if it'll last because the scaremongering about the next Democrat being a communist will put them right back in line, but it would be kind of brilliant if it either lead to the creation of a third party that siphoned Republican votes or a not-insignificant portion of Republican voters just didn't go back to them. I remember back in 2016 some Republicans were saying how if they let Trump in, it would destroy the GOP. It would be amusing if that turned out to be the case.
  7. I find this incredible - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-55153366 US Attorney General William Barr says his justice department has found no proof to back President Donald Trump's claims of fraud in the 2020 election. "To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election," he said. His comments are seen as a big blow to Mr Trump, who has not accepted defeat. Barr is terrible and probably one of the biggest Trump sycophants, but when even he turns on Trump on this... oof. Now he's apparently part of the deep state.
  8. does Hades count if it's full release after early access was this year? because that game is just ridiculously good. ghost of tsushima, the demon's souls remake, doom eternal, persona 5 royal, and crusader kings 3 are also all very good that I played this year
  9. i do have to wonder how the psyche of some of these diehard trumpers will develop when they get past the denial phase where they genuinely think trump is going to overturn the election and be inaugurated
  10. Can I mention how Trump said after the 2016 election there was voter fraud and 3 million invalid votes from Democrats "bussing in illegals" to vote on their behalf. And he won that election? Trump can't handle losing the popular vote and still winning, never mind losing electorally as well.
  11. On the far-right, you've got both the larpers that tweet every year that their guns are ready and that there's going to be a civil war imminently but never actually do anything, and then the real crazy lone wolfers like Timothy McVeigh. The former are far more numerous.
  12. AP, CNN, NBC, NY Times have all called it for Biden. 300+ ECs against an incumbent (even just beating the incumbent) is really good though. If Biden does end up winning Georgia and Arizona he'll end up with 306 ECs, which is more than what Trump won in 2016 (304). And Trump called that one a mandate and a landslide, because of course he did.
  13. Once Trump's bravado runs out he will go away in shame. Prepare to argue for four years (at least) about how the election was stolen from him and there was mass voter fraud, though. You could memorise this argument.
  14. There was a story last year that did mention Biden was likely only going to run for one term: https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129 The slow inevitable loss of Trump is somewhat karmic and fitting right now, I think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRW72zW4MgQ
  15. doomerposting is natural to the left, do not mind it i fully expect to see georgia flip and nevada hold. it's a win at that point, and it's not even worth worrying about arizona. and pennsylvania is 65K away right now with strong democrat areas remaining so I think Biden will probably flip it too. trump lost.
  16. Nevada is pretty much going to Biden. AP and Fox News probably won't call it because they already called Arizona for Biden early unlike other outlets and would need to call a Biden win if that's the case. They don't want to look foolish by doing that and then having to retract.
  17. I mean yeah, that's correct. But if that's the case there's literally nothing you can do if people willingly believe propaganda even when it's absurd. Kinda makes me wonder if those types will unite with your traditional Republican groups going forward. Somehow I don't think the Trumper types would really be up for a Ted Cruz or something like that.
  18. The whole Q thing becomes a lot less relevant when it's about Trump exposing a bunch of supposedly liberal deep state pedophiles when Trump isn't around anymore. Then again there was rumours before the election that Trump would go and start a TrumpTV channel if he lost.
  19. ask any actual socialist around and they will laugh at the concept that biden is not a capitalist i know it's cliche but whoever does say that sort of thing thinks anything left of the republicans are socialist or communist (trump also outsourced more jobs and deported less people than obama during his time in office, but that's conveniently ignored)
  20. The Associated Press (and Fox News) already called Arizona for Biden ages ago, and they are almost always reliable. I'd be quite surprised if there was a backtrack on that. So Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina. North Carolina is probably unlikely but for Biden to straight up lose the other three, I'm not really seeing it right now. Who knows. Georgia has the potential to be very close.
  21. Even if he was more aligned with my politics, I never really expected Corbyn to win in either case. Biden actually looks better than that. Trump's best path to victory in this case would be to win Florida and Pennsylvania.
  22. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/10/hacker-says-he-correctly-guessed-trumps-twitter-password-it-was-maga2020/ as a developer, this gives me physical pain
  23. https://www.prri.org/research/amid-multiple-crises-trump-and-biden-supporters-see-different-realities-and-futures-for-the-nation/ Some interesting numbers here. A highlight includes support for the question 'It always makes our country better when Americans speak up and protest unfair treatment by the government' being cut in half in the minds of Republicans when Black Americans is said instead. Some folks seem to be raring for it more than ever.
  24. I was looking at some estimations about possible outcomes for the election and saw the concept of a 'red mirage' being likely on the election night because of current circumstances. Basically, Democrats are going to be far more likely to send mail-in ballots as we've already seen whereas Republicans will disproportionally vote in person. What this may lead to is that on election night Trump appears to win in early projections, but as more and more mail-in ballots are counted over the course of a few days, it may then show that is potentially not the case. Considering Trump has already purposely being stirring the pot regarding voter fraud, if that does turn out to be the case, then I guarantee he will try to spin the narrative that the election is fraudulent after losing an early lead if that does occur. And that does not bode well for any potential violence that may happen as a result of that. There's not really anything that can be done about that, but it could be a very ugly situation to the point where the 2000 election will seem minor in comparison (where the result was still unknown for some time).
  25. I did see an interesting source showing that there was increased participation in the Democrat primary for most states that released numbers. Which should bode well considering that when Democrats are en masse enthusiastic to vote, they will always beat Republicans just due to sheer numbers. I know primaries probably shouldn't be taken as representative of the final election but that was the kind of numbers that lead to the 2008 blowout. If Biden does win to the point where Trump can't even contest a 'rigged election' (he will try regardless, but winning by an impressive margin will certainly make it harder for him to make that case), then I don't mean for it to sound petty (even though it totally is), but I will take great pleasure in seeing how the Trump 2020 folks will react. Especially if that comes along with a Democrat House and potentially Senate as well. It is kind of embarassing to me how gung-ho they are on the internet when they just saw their political opponents lose by making pre-mature predictions about who would win the 2016 election and think that this could never possibly happen to Trump. (Senate does seem a little tougher, but actually looks like the Democrats are at least slightly favoured to win according to 538) That all said, these sort of things can change in less than a week, so it is always going to tighten up going very close to the election.
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