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Everything posted by Yvette

  1. I'm honestly not certain if IS will once again have multiple releases for FE15, but I do think (and hope) that they will have some sort of game mode to replicate traditional FE gameplay like what was done in Conquest. While they are clearly trying to appeal to the new fans that Awakening introduced, veterans make up enough of the fanbase to generate a significant enough revenue loss should they be alienated with newer releases. Or at least that's how it would be for me. I'm not sure I could withstand it if all of the entries to come maintained the dull map design and lack of difficulty present in Awakening and Birthright. I also think that they will either try to drastically improve on a nontraditional FE story (to make up for Conquest) or revert to a strictly traditional FE story once more to be safe.
  2. Corrin hardly ever mentions strategy. It's surprising that Leo didn't push him to outside of the supports, at least I can't recall anything too relevant. You would think it would be mentioned in Conquest, with it having such a variety of maps and objectives. I miss the good old days of Soren throwing strategies at Ike and of Izuka arguing with Micaiah over their next move. The lack of politics in Fates is disappointing, it could have potentially added more dramatic elements and complexity to each side: corruption besides Iago and Garon, prevalent nobles ruling over certain parts of Hoshido/Nohr, inner power struggles, etc. If present on both sides, they could have been less morally black and white (looking at you Birthright), showing how "humans will be humans" and that good and bad are too general of terms to be applied to either nation. With FE having acquired a much larger audience with the arrival of Awakening, I'm not sure IS is certain that these traditional elements will appeal to newer fans of the series.
  3. I felt no attachment to her either, and I found that a good thing. If they wanted to make the player care, they should have pushed Emmeryn's death back at least a few chapters and given her some good character development. I liked that Mikoto's death was solely an early on plot device. And yeah, a lot of those random deaths were pointless. I like when characters get killed as part of the story, but all of the characters including Corrin seemed to forget about their losses in like a chapter or two at most which really takes away from the immersion. The royals' deaths are another matter however, as I think those were mostly well done. I hadn't even played Birthright yet at the time and death made me truly sad. That was a character death well done. I almost felt bad at how quickly Kaze was forgotten. The Anankos possessions indeed held no weight on the story, but revelations as a whole was just... you know the word.
  4. -Bring back weapon weight​ -Get rid of grinding. Throw it in the dumpster, incinerate it, and wipe it from the face of the earth. Not sure if this is actually that unpopular, but I had to express this anyway. -Bring back the ability to dismount. -Get rid of casual and phoenix mode. -Only bring back children characters if time actually passes and the parents age. -Better yet, get rid of them. -Fates' implementation of the children was just fine. Shitty excuse that makes literally no sense, but I don't care. Adding something like time travel that at least was justifiable would be difficult, and potentially make the overall story a convoluted mess. -Bring back terrain differences, and by this I mean attacking from ledges and cliffs in FE10 and having increased/decreased hit rates depending on if your unit is the unit on the "higher" terrain. Hope that makes sense. -More enemy skills on all difficulties -More games should have Gaiden chapters like in FE11. Finally, reward for sacrificing my units. -Doesn't matter if secret weapon shops are hard to find, they aren't essential to win. -Bring back fog of war/ nighttime chapters. -Not enough "Defend for x turns" chapters. -Staff variety is amazing. Bring back sleep staves. -Status effects should last for more than one turn. -Poison/venine weapons. Yea for them. -Conquest is the best of the three Fates' games. -Rout the Enemy gets dreadfully repetitive and shouldn't make up more than half of the objectives for a game. -Whoever designed FE13's maps should be shot ​-​Pirates are good enemies. Water walking, good. -Having an avatar is annoying, and takes away from the other main characters. The main character should be able to show up in cutscenes in more than just first person shots, so yeah get rid of avatars. -The pair up system needs to be nerfed even further. -Chrom is a damn idiot -Azama is hilarious -FE is great on console -FE13's cast is unimaginative, and most of the characters are defined by single, very simple traits. -Ricken is annoying, and so is Hayato Ricken 2.0 -FE13 is overrated as shit. I was pretty scared that gameplay would be permanently fucked after this entry, but thank Almighty IS for Conquest. -More variety in dark tomes -Light, dark and anima magic should be retained in every game. Bring back their triangle. -Bring back the anima magic triangle -Different weapon levels for each type of magic in PoR and RD was a good thing. Made you assign more specific roles to your mages.
  5. I never liked Awakening much to begin with. It's a generic, slightly-below average with some poorly implemented elements here and there, FE story. To begin just let me point out that I didn't mind the time travel plot point: it's nearly impossible to come up with a story like that without plot holes. The Valm arc was literally just that: an arc. There needed to be something there to give an excuse to continue the complete-the-emblem objective. If this was explored as the main aspect of the story, as opposed to the typical defeat the evil dude and the ancient dragon, it could have been much more interesting. This wasn't my main turn off from the game however, as FE plots are almost traditionally lackluster. The gameplay is horrendous. Lunatic+ is just...you know. Pray to the RNG gods. Lunatic is much the same, though doable. The map design being absolutely horrendous restricts strategic possibilities in the higher difficulties. NM and HM are both retardedly easy, so it leaves no middle ground difficulty in the game. While I do enjoy the pair up system, it quickly stood out as game-breaking. Also, the fact that you can even nosferatank at all is pretty lol, not that I didn't dedicate an entire playthrough to it just to laugh as Henry joyously slaughtered entire armies. Birthright and Conquest both beat out Awakening storywise for me. Birthright possesses gameplay improvements, but is left in the dust by Conquest. Then again, I'd say that Conquest wipes the floor with it's gameplay in comparison to most of the series. Awakening's story does beat out Revelation though. I'm not sure the lack of emotional attachment I felt during the 3rd route can be compared to any other FE game, besides maybe Gaiden. So much wasted potential in the interactions between the royals. Didn't like the characters of Awakening either. There are exceptions, of course, but overall they felt two-dimensional and forgettable. Also, did I mention Emmeryn? Oh, how could I leave you out, my sweet sweet pity bait. Her death serving as an instigator for character growth in Chrom and Lissa and as fuel for starting a war is just fine, however don't expect me to care for a character that dies before even the halfway point of the game. This is something that I liked about Fates: yes, Mikoto is also that same peace-loving queen, but she dies early simply so that the hatred between the two sides can really be ignited. I could be wrong, but it almost seemed like a nod to the overly-emotionalized death of Emmeryn.
  6. Aversa/Blondy because lol @ fliers in this game. Having a few available can be pretty great, and you have to account for Beruka being shit and not using her.
  7. Well, you're not wrong. I trained him once for endgame, and while it did get a bit tedious, I didn't actually dump all of the available EXP on him. I got him to a decent level with multiple stats capped before using BEXP. He was actually unusable shit for endgame in NM. I just meant that it's entirely possible to use him if you really care to. I voted for him because of character and his ending with Elincia (why I used him). His stats will get him through the few chapters he's in without much trouble, just not beyond that.
  8. I started playing it like a year ago...only for the ROM to freeze upon completing chapter 17 or something. So yeah, I just restarted it maybe two weeks ago and am currently on chapter 11a. I guess I'm not that mad, I have a better feel for the good and bad units this time around. Roy best lord haha right guys haha?!?!?! He sucks so much ass. I keep my entire team at the same level (the 7 or 8 units I actually use, that is) and will have to stop giving Roy EXP for now just so I can save his leveling for closer chapters to his late-ass promotion. Halfway to chapter 22, and he's already level 17. Cool.
  9. It's always funny to get damage like that, guaranteed kills like that are pretty lol. Stuff like that hardly happened until Awakening and Fates. Dragon Fang activates more than I'd like it to, especially when I'm trying to weaken enemies for other units to finish off. Vengeance on Corrin is also easy to abuse. Skill asset Corrin is a pimp in this regard
  10. I never use Mozu, but judging from her growths she's a much better candidate. Azama has the growths of a tank, so reclassed he can really benefit from her support bonuses. Orochi if you want Mitama to stay as a shrine maiden/priestess, but lol. Just class change her if you actually want to make adequate use of her.
  11. Birthright Lunatic was all a cakewalk besides chapter 24 - on hard mode I routed the enemy, little did I know this is much more difficult on Lunatic. Pretty much just rushed Hans from the air and waited to kill him until it wasn't looking so hot for the rest of my team by the starting point. The final boss should be rushed: did it in 1 turn. I made sure this wouldn't fail by making Corrin's asset skill, which was extremely useful the entire run. I'd highly recommend skill asset, magic flaw for this run. You don't really need to play defensively for Birthright, so dragonstones aren't usually essential. Also, having A sword rank is important to get your attack as high as possible for the final boss. Working on Revelation Lunatic, at like chapter 21 I think. Almost as easy as Birthright if you only use the royals, however I'm not this time around. Either way, you have access to all the best units and therefore the best kids so it's easy to break this difficulty, even if it is Lunatic. HP asset, magic flaw has been going really well for Corrin so far. No DLC, no online play, no challenges/scouting missions/ whatever for any of these runs. I don't want to defeat the purpose of the higher difficulties. Have yet to begin Conquest on Lunatic, saving that insanity for last.
  12. Couldn't agree more. Him and Elincia also get one of the few partnered endings, and I love me some knight/queen romance. Never used him in PoR or RD HM however. Paragon makes him ridiculously easy to train, and most of the units available when he joins aren't really endgame material anyway. If I'm not wrong, he also has the highest resistance growths of all of the paladins, which is obviously a huge plus for the last few chapters. His speed growths are another story, however. Titania is probably overall the best unit though, can't argue with that. I voted Geoffrey bases on his knightlyness.
  13. Don't like him. Married him for the money. Regretted it soon because I recruited better characters, and by that I mean Henry. I corrected my mistake in later playthroughs. He's often dumb, bland and just lackluster. That's mostly all there is to it. Most FE lords share similarities, but I've found that all besides Chrom had something to contribute to a likable personality. He willingly goes into traps - well alright, but at least try to devise an intelligent approach rather than recklessly acting on your emotions. Being a "good person" doesn't make a character good. That can be said about most of the cast of Awakening besides the dark mages, and seeing as how a lot of them are flat, two-dimensional characters it's not a compliment by itself. All that said, I don't think as much effort was put into Chrom's character so that Lucina could be portrayed as the superior, more interesting character. Not even a huge fan of hers, but can see why she is hailed a good character by many. His supports have their moments, and I can appreciate the attempt to make him into a youthful and thus at times immature character. While I'd prefer a more mature and serious lord, Awakening wasn't a dark game at all so eh, guess I wouldn't call it a flaw.
  14. My bad. I got a little excited there and forgot which game I was talking about. I... I love you RD
  15. Yvette


    I'm going to have to say Kill Bill Vol. 1. I don't typically care much about action movies (unless they have impressive visuals), but everything Tarantino does is over the top which makes it enjoyable for me. Other than that, I really just love a good thriller. I watch too many horror movies, but they're more of an addiction since 99% of them are shit.
  16. Hello everyone! I've been posting around on the forums for a couple of days now, but never got around to introducing myself. So anyways, Fire Emblem is my favorite series, though I'm fond of RPGs of all sorts. My first game was FE10, which led to me playing more of the series (finishing FE9 before I finished FE10). I've been a huge fan since years ago, so really I should have done this a while ago. Been lurking on here for a long time, but never got around to making an account until recently. Currently a senior in high school​, and will be going to Pratt next year. I live in a small town in New York, it sucks ass ​don't believe any romanticized things you hear about living in a rural area. Time not spent on schoolwork is mostly spent playing video games and working on my art. I also love watching movies.​ I only have one irl friend that plays FE, so I need to vent my thoughts somewhere right? I'm here to discuss all kinds of shit that's FE, though mostly gameplay related things. Or not. We'll see. Thanks for reading, see you on the forums.
  17. -Be prepared to whip ye olde battle formulas so that you have a better idea what the fuck is going on. I did a blind playthrough with no looking up anything which made my life way more difficult than it should have been. It wasn't even intentional, it just... didn't cross my mind. -Only +1 speed is needed to double. -Be prepared to count out enemy attack ranges, as there is no grid to show you. You can't even select enemies to show their range. Besides things like the mechanics dating back to prehistoric times, the game isn't all that difficult. Marth is a good unit if nothing else.
  18. My first game was Radiant Dawn. Seeing as how I got it when I was eleven due to seeing Ike/Marth/Roy in Melee and Brawl, I didn't actually beat it until a couple years later. By that point, I had already heard about PoR the prequel and beat that one first before going on to restart and finally beat Radiant Dawn.
  19. 1. Rutger: His accuracy is much needed amidst the terror of FE6 hit rates. 2. Navarre 3. Joshua 4. Zihark While Ryoma is a good unit, his reliability is based more off of his master pimp sword than his actual stats and growths. Hana as a level 4 swordmaster will be faster, and Hinata will have more defense. Not that either of them are very good either - Hana is a glass cannon so it's up to the player, and Hinata is too slow to effectively be used as a swordmaster. Ryoma is a good in the middle, and does have decent HP growths.
  20. Voted Sephiran, as he becomes a villain for reasons other world domination/destruction or just because "why not we need a villain." Calm and dedicated rather than maniacal. Lyon is a close second though.
  21. From what I've played thus far: FE1: Eh. Mechanics are archaic, but that's more of a pain than actual difficulty. Marth is OP. FE2: Not that difficult, but growths are horrendous. This makes it difficult to train good units, but also makes dead units easy to replace. Alm and Celica are a couple of the only decent units. Forced grinding is a pain in the ass. FE3: Easy. Mechanics have begun to improve at this point, so it's pretty alright. FE6: Pretty close to finishing the game, the only thing difficult about it is the hit rates. Character growths are less than stellar, but the game isn't unnaturally balanced out of your favor so it works out. Harder than FE1 and FE3, but still not much of a challenge. FE8: A joke. If it weren't for a certain more recent entry this would take the cake as easiest game in the series. Even if you take Ephraim's route, still easy. This is all assuming no grinding. FE9: Third easiest in the series behind Sacred Stones. Was the first FE game that I beat, even as a beginner it posed no challenge. FE10: One of the hardest. With Normal Mode actually being Hard Mode in the original Japanese version, it shows. "Easy" mode, if we're considering that the actual "Normal" mode, is actually pretty easy however. FE13: ..................Oh my. Literally requires zero effort. Started my first playthrough on NM, only to delete that file entirely and start over on HM because it was so overwhelmingly easy. HM was equally as easy: if HM were used as the Easy mode for this game, I wouldn't have been able to tell. No grinding FE14 (Birthright): Basically mildly more difficulty FE13. Improved the pair-up mechanics, making it less broken. Still retardedly easy. FE14 (Conquest): This one took my vote as most difficult. HM felt difficult, and was the perfect challenge for me personally. Though I admit, I have yet to play it on Normal, which I've heard is still challenging. FE14 (Revelation): Slightly more difficult Birthright. So, easy. Was between FE10 and FE14 (Conquest) as most difficult. Voted FE14 because I guess if we're comparing FE10's NM as being the actual HM, I'd say Conquest was the more difficult one. Haven't played enough of FE4 to have much input on that one. Also, though I'm taking into account higher difficulties, I'm not counting Awakening's Lunatic+. That mode is hard for all of the wrong reasons.
  22. Never tried to do this, but probably FE9 as I think I have the most playthroughs on that one. 13 and 14 probably as well, layout is pretty self explanatory and all of the icons (like those in MyCastle with buildings) would help immensely.
  23. Radiant Dawn: - Support conversations are almost nonexistent and are trash - Lack of playable dark mages - Bastian sucks, wasted potential unit - Part 2's map design - Meg thinking she can marry the Almighty Zihark
  24. Nosferatu, anyone? Balberith is my favorite. Verrine also looks pretty awesome, with Rexaura and Rexbolt next. Naglfar and Gleipnir are pretty damn kool as well. They always manage to make dark magic look as sexy as it is.
  25. FE8, FE6, FE7, FE1-3, FE4, FE9, FE10, FE5 Start with FE8 as that is one of the easiest, then move on to 6 as that is related to 7 which should be played next. I played 1-3 despite 1 and 3 having remakes, just for the experience of a prehistoric FE game. If you want to play them, play them next as they're pretty simple (they lack much of the mechanics of newer games). Haven't finished FE4, but it can be played next. I've yet to even touch FE5, but it is of course is notorious for its difficulty, and so I'd say play it last. FE10 is also difficult but should be played after FE9 as it is a sequel. Didn't bother to include FE11 and 12 as I haven't played them, and also don't think it matters what order you play them in.
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