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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Ah, yes, you're right, I was reading it wrong, my apologies. Edit: The exact language is, "If foe's Range = 2, damage calculated using the lower of foe's Def or Res." I was reading this as the character needed to be 2 spaces, but you're correct, and I fixed the original. I probably never noticed, since Tiki is an enemy phase character, so I don't really have her initiate the attack most of the time.
  2. I'm biased towards Tiki. She's definitely worth making a +10 out of. For Raven, I wouldn't give him LnD3, since his refinement also gives him LnD3. Stacking those seems like it would turn his Def stat into that of a piece of paper, which could be a little rough sometimes. Upgrading to LnD3 is always pretty low priority for me, since it's not like it's that much better than LnD2. I've used Ally Supports on some of my characters, and, while useful in some situations, most of the time it's not really a consideration for me. The buffs are nice, but most of the time I don't need it. It has been helpful in the Arena, though, when Reinhardt and Cecilia were part of my core team. I do recommend making a core team of 3 for the Arena and having a pair support each other. But, for the most part, it's just an interesting feature that occasionally factors into my strategy. I've been intending to pair up more of my characters, but just haven't gotten around to it. Escape Route 3 sounds fun on Lyn. I personally went with Vantage, but, yeah, there are a lot of things Lyn can run for her B-passive, since she has the important ones stacked into her weapon. Yes, she can facetank the Tikis and Nowi. LA Lyn is a better unit than NY Corrin, so I'd give her the CC. Plus, as Humanoid pointed out, if you have a spare Takumi, this means you already have a CC archer. As for Lyn, even with the Def bane, she should be a solid CC unit, since Armor teams can stack Ward Armors and/or use Fortify Armor. Her physical bulk is still in a reasonable position. Edit: Corrections.
  3. Sure, sounds like fun. Matthew sounds interesting. Looking at other people's comments, I guess I'm not clear on Odin's effect. I assumed that it was just a Desperation effect, but others seem to be saying Brave? Brave seems like a bit much. Desperation seems fine. Roy definitely needs that DC! But I think that DC is a strong enough effect in itself that I'm not sure he really needs more than that. His current Binding Blade has +2 to Def/Res when attacked, and that would carry over with the refinement. I use Fir, and the effects for her sound pretty underwhelming without DC. Her Res is high enough that +3 isn't all that important (esp. if she's not running DC), and she's fast enough to get doubles most of the time naturally. She really wants more Atk, probably more Spd too. Maybe give her some sort of Swift Sparrow + Wo Dao effect instead? That seems more reasonable than breaker effects. For Rebecca, she really can't make good use of Close Counter, and +10 Atk is way too much. At most, it could be a Death Blow effect. Florina. Not a slim lance, or, if she does get a slim lance, it would be weak but really boost her speed. Maybe Rex Hasta? The effect sounds fine for her. Lilina. She really deserves a Forblaze upgrade! But I find the AoE skills to be quite underwhelming, so that effect sounds pretty limiting to me. And, canonically, if it's going to be effective against something, it should be effective against dragons. Fliers can be included, so that wyvern riders would be covered. And infantry struggles enough in the current meta as it is, so there's no need for an effectiveness there. Bartre. He can just get too much Atk from that, it's unbalanced, and it seems too complicated. I feel like some sort of Fury effect, or Sturdy Blow effect would be better, so that he can make better use of his native Brash Assault. Or perhaps the recoil from the Devil Axe could be lethal? That would be interesting, and a good way to import the actual effects of the Devil Axe from the games. But it's an interesting idea! Lon'qu. The Vantage included is too much. If he had DC, he'd be pretty much untouchable but for Hardy Bearing and Firesweep weapons. Arthur. Sounds good, looks like a reasonable set of effects. I like it. Lloyd. The Swordbreaker effect is too much, in my opinion. I think the Spectrum+4 if foe is 100% is already quite a strong effect. At most, maybe give him a stat+3.
  4. It's funny, the first people who came to mind for me were Amelia, NY Camilla, & Catria, since they're pretty flexible on their B-slots, and they're all on your list. I personally gave those three Renewal, which has been great for all three of them. In my opinion, though, it probably would be the best on Klein, seeing as he runs a brave build w/out the need to run Hit & Run or Drag Back, he gets an immediate 12 point benefit from it, and he can't up his damage with the triangle advantage. It would also probably help his matchups against Raven tome wielders (not as much as Cancel Affinity, but it would always be useful, versus the situational usefulness of CA, and you don't have CA fodder, so it's not like that's an option right now anyway). Titania would also probably appreciate it, since her Atk stat is pretty low. They all do have serviceable alternatives, and I would keep the Chrom if I were you (at least for the Tempest). But, if not, I'd say go either Klein, for efficacy, or Camilla, for waifu bias. I never regret throwing the best skills on my favorite characters, so I think that's a good choice as well.
  5. That score should be safe. I straddled the line but kept in T20 with 5,050 last week, and 5,046 the week prior. The difference between 5,050 & 5,070 is pretty significant, and there's no reason to suspect an exponential jump this week. This week also isn't Earth or Water season, which means that not everyone is guaranteed to be able to utilize blessings. My score is certain to be lower this week since I can't use blessings to bump up my score a bit. But you should be fine.
  6. The lower BST is pretty irrelevant outside of min/maxing for Arena score. And, if you are min/maxing your Arena team, then it's pretty unlikely that Morgan would make the cut in the first place, so I wouldn't worry about it. So I'd actually consider Def to be her preferred bane, since her Def is terrible to begin with. A speed boon is great for her. She's a flyer, so she has access to class buffs, which means that a base of 33 Spd is more than sufficient to produce a very fast unit. With a Hone Fliers buff + Darting Blow 3, she has 45 Spd, which should be more than enough to double most enemies. Blarblade is an excellent choice for her weapon, she'd like a Spd seal, along with a speed enhancing A-passive--so something like Darting Blow, Life and Death, or Fury. She's not as fast as Summer Corrin, which might be why someone would say that a speed boon isn't preferred, since Corrin can run the player phase build better. She can also run a pretty solid dual phase build with Fury 3 and a Spd refine on her native weapon or Blarowl. This would put her at 39 Spd, or 42 Spd with a Spd+3 seal. That's prior to any class buffs, and it's quite fast. That's a solid nature for her, and you should give her an enemy phase build. Her starting kit is great, mostly stick with that. All she really wants is Quick Riposte, either in her B-passive or as a seal.
  7. Definitely a close one this week too, but I managed to retain my position in T20 again. 5,050 points was barely sufficient, as I was standing at 5,696 out of 5,758 to stay. For AA, 5,048 was safely in the middle of the 3k-5k bracket, coming in at roughly 3.8k.
  8. You can sort the list by the unit's weapon type, if that's what you mean. There's a drop-down menu at the top that has "Weapon Type," which lets you view only units of the selected weapon type. That's useful if you want to, for example, compare the stats of only bow units. You can then sort the list by the specific stat you want to highlight. For Setsuna in particular, she depends on her speed, since her attack stat is quite mediocre. Summer Gaius has the closest stat spread to her, with 30 Atk/37 Spd (compared to her 28/37 spread). Edit: Also, I personally prefer the Gamepress table to the Gamepedia one, but either one works.
  9. Thanks! I have 5,050 this week, and it looks like I'll be very close to the cutoff again. I'm about 150 ranks above the cutoff, which will hopefully be sufficient, since there are just a few hours left in the season. I doubt I'll be able to remain in next week, since I don't have the Legendary heroes to give the blessing boost, and the inflation is outpacing me again anyway.
  10. Memu never worked for me, but the Chinese Bluestacks is available. The instructions for it have been added to the OP. If you have an old graphics card, you may need to select the OpenGL rendering method as mentioned in the instructions. Glad to be of service! Hopefully this helps out some people. I don't believe that FEH has gamepad functionality, as most apps don't, but I'm not totally sure on that point. If you really didn't want to use a mouse, you can use joytokey to map cursor movement to the directional buttons/joystick, and a left click to one of the buttons. That seems like an obtuse way to play to me, but it's an option.
  11. I think you mean 'possibility' instead of 'viability.' But, at any rate, I seriously doubt that this will happen anytime soon. We don't even have Bruno yet, who I consider much more likely to appear as an ally. If Zacharias were to appear at all, I think it would be in the distant future. I'm pretty indifferent towards the idea of getting him, and there are lots of things I would want and expect them to do before they do this.
  12. Okay, here's the way to install the appropriate Chinese version of Bluestacks. This works even with the newest update (2.3.0).
  13. This new mode is great! I'm glad they finally implemented a mode where we can borrow allies from our friends at will, that was something that was sorely needed before. Now, we can properly showcase some of our allies for others to use! I'm hoping they add more maps sometime soon. Since there was a bonus for using infantry, I used @Infinite Dreams's Corrin, @SatsumaFSoysoy's Celica, @Rafiel's Aria's Raven, @lilacshadows's Nowi, and @ruruo's Jeorge. Lot's of fun! Hopefully my Tiki is being useful to my friends. No, other than to satisfy one's perfectionism. I got perfect in everything, and they didn't give anything for it.
  14. Well, good game Grima! Looks like Team Duma lost, but such is the way of things. With the multipliers like this, winning and losing feel so random that it's hard to feel invested in one outcome or another. This round, I pretty much only saw @ErrantDShepherd's Effie and @Rafiel's Aria's Raven, both of whom served me quite well. Hopefully, my Est made the rounds, and served everyone she visited well!
  15. I think Heroes is an excellent game, and it's quite generous to its F2P players. Definitely one of the best mobile apps out there, at least from what I've played. It's successfully kept me engaged with the game for over a year now, and I certainly plan to continue to play it for a good deal longer. Right now, the only mobile games I play on a daily basis are this and Crash Fever. I've tried plenty of other games, most of them just don't stick for me. As for it being unsung and underrated, I disagree on that point, and, indeed, I find it a somewhat strange thing to say. It's highly rated in the Google Play store and is an editors' pick there; the game has won numerous awards, with DICE just being the latest; it's commonly featured in lists of the "best mobile games" in mainstream gamer magazines; and it has even been profiled in non-gamer magazines like Forbes. Not sure what more praise it would need?
  16. There is the option to permanently delete data that's linked to a Nintendo account, which is different from simply uninstalling the program. At the bottom of the screen, there's a cog icon next to the Shop titled "Misc." Tap on that, then go to "Account Management," and then "Delete All Data." Select that, and then go through whatever safeguards they have, and then there you go, all the data associated with the account will be deleted and cannot be restored. Of course, the ultimate decision for whether or not to quit belongs solely to him. It's up to you how much pressure you want to put on him.
  17. An alternative to Memu is a Chinese version of Bluestacks 3. This is what I use when I want to play FEH on my PC, because the Memu method never worked for me. The main downside is that the emulator displays moon runes rather than English in the emulator menus, but, other than that, I haven't had any problems with it after I got it up and running (which was probably about half a year ago). If you wanted, I could try to dig out the information and downloads for how to set it up from the old 803-3001 error thread.
  18. My most steadfast and constant companions for this round were @Rafiel's Aria's Raven and @LordFrigid's Jeorge and Julia. @Frenzify's Beruka also appeared once or twice. They all did great! Now, onto the next round... Great, I'm glad she made her way to you! Your Raven is great, I really like that build. Also, stop dying! Dying isn't good for you. Hope you feel well soon! Self-loathing seems a pretty common feature in society today!
  19. Just as a courtesy, it's usually better to put pictures in a spoiler, so as not to clutter the page. For Chain Challenges, I like to bring along a healer, since it helps increase the longevity of the team. If you're looking to get started on it right away, I would recommend the cavalry team of Gunnthra, Elise, Roderick, and your pick of Brave Roy, Seigbert, or Sigurd. That gives you one of each color. Eventually, I'd probably replace Roderick with a better blue cav sometime down the road, but he should be pretty solid in the meantime. The selected team is a strong Armor Emblem team and can be used for a decent number of things, although they'll struggle on some Chain Challenges that require you to clear in a certain number of turns. Your green box is a bit sparse, and doesn't have any flyers, so I'd recommend promoting Cherche sometime down the road. Elincia, Cherche, and Cordelia are some of the strongest flyers, and they would do well together. As for general teambuilding tips for most PvE stuff, I find it's usually pretty good to cover the weapon triangle (so one red, one blue, and one green), and have at least one mage. Celica should probably be your go-to red mage, and Nino your green one. So, for example, Celica, Ike, Corrin, and Dorcas is a solid team. Hope that helps some!
  20. I was nervous about staying in T20, since I was only about 150-200 slots above the cutoff just a couple hours before the season closed. I did not succeed in raising my score, but I did succeed in wasting a ton of crests! Turns out, that last ditch effort wasn't needed, since I ended up staying with the score I had, which was 5,046. Nice! With the rewards from the VG, I'm hoping to get sufficient feathers to throw another merge on Est.
  21. Oops I missed Celica's latest multiplier... Oh well, I guess that's just more flags for the final round. My rank is around the 7k mark in army, so I'm doing decent enough! Those are fabulously ludicrous randos to get.
  22. If you don't have a lot of red tome units, I say train one of them and fodder off the other. He should be a decent unit. Not great, but decent. He'd be handy for you to have for things like Arena Assault. I'd say that the GamePress rating might be a little low due the fact that he's rather outclassed by a lot of other red mages. That said, his statline doesn't look all that bad, he's got great Res and acceptable Atk. My opinion is that Atk and Res would be his preferred boons, and Def his preferred bane. As for builds, I'd say go with a budget build, with something like Res+3 or Atk+3 in the A-slot, and Quick Riposte 2 in the B. I'm also a F2P player, and I've found the straight stat increasing A-passives to be great to throw on unexceptional units, since they're low in demand and easily available on common units. With that, he should be a pretty solid counter to red and green mages. If you're limited on Subakis to provide the QR, you could also opt for Red or Green Tomebreaker. Iceberg or Glacies would be his preferred specials. These skills are pretty easy to come by. Hopefully that helps. Yes, +Def/-Spd is one of her optimal natures. I actually prefer +Def over +Atk on Tiki.
  23. I just got a random Brave Lyn that had Quick Riposte. Wut.... She was heavily merged too, and of course had Swift Sparrow in the A-passive, rather than anything that's good for both phases.
  24. Steady Breath is a great choice for Fae. As for Nowi, I don't particularly care for her myself, so I don't use her either. I'm definitely an advocate of using characters one likes, and I'd probably consider that to be the most important consideration.
  25. That is, indeed, her! Hope she skewered plenty of foes for you.
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