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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. The supported unit must participate in a battle with a level 35 or higher enemy (they don't need to kill, and they don't need to survive), and the support level is raised based on the number of maps cleared. It takes 80 maps to rise from no support to S-rank. A +10 Chrom is generally going to be better than Roy or Eliwood, so I'd say he probably be your preferred choice from a pragmatic perspective. Roy is definitely worth building up, he's quite good, and you can switch between them as needed. Roy has definitely been invaluable for me on some of the GHB cavalry quests, since he can activate Galeforce so quickly. I'd say Eliwood is a low priority, since you already have Chrom, but you should feel free to build him up if you like him and want to. You can always switch between them, it's not as though the members of the team need to be locked in stone. You can also build up a second cavalry team as well, which can be quite useful for other modes, or just to have more horses on hand in general. I'd say that's a great roll, and that you should sync it. I don't think you could reasonably expect something better without putting in a ton more time (or getting really lucky). It's certainly a good starting roster. Also, as a side note, the banner that is up is a Legendary one, not a Hero Fest.
  2. Nice! Now someone needs to do a Catria... Eventually, I'd like to have all the Whitewings at +10, but that's a project for the distant future...
  3. No, she doesn't particularly care about the extra HP, so don't worry about that. The two most important stats for her are Atk & Spd; she's pretty indifferent towards the rest. Her default kit is quite good, so I'd recommend just starting with that. All she needs is to inherit an assist skill like Draw Back or Reposition, and then she is good to go. I wouldn't worry about getting her a Firesweep Bow, since there's only one character with that skill, and she's a 5* exclusive. Just stick with her default bow, especially since you're just starting out.
  4. I also think that Spd is her stronger boon. Since she never has the weapon triangle to work to her advantage, she'll be relying on doubling the enemy in order to do good damage. Moreover, since her defensive stats aren't spectacular, her bulk depends on her not being doubled. If she has her vanilla set, her matchups against the cast w/Fury 3 overwrite looks like this: +Atk: 23 wins/37 losses/159 draws +Spd: 24/18/177 If the enemy initiates combat, +Atk/-HP: 23/41/155 +Spd/-HP: 25/19/175 If she has a Hone Flier buff and initiates, +Atk: 83/8/128 +Spd: 128/9/82 Same, but enemy initiates, +Atk: 80/13/126 +Spd: 123/13/83 While I didn't write it down here, the +Spd variant continues to score more wins and less losses than the +Atk one even if you switch up the A-passive to something that's stronger, like Fury or LnD, and if you pit her against merged enemies as well. The trend continues for other configurations. You can play around with the calculator yourself here, if you want to experiment with that kind of thing yourself. What's the question? You didn't actually ask one there. Is it which is better out of the two Lyns? +HP/-Def. I'd opt for the +Res/-Atk one as well. If you find you want her to have more firepower, you can have her inherit a regular Gronnblade tome from a 3* Nino somewhere down the line. Horse Buffs + Blade Tome is a very powerful configuration. If she's running her regular tome, Fury 3, Moonbow and w/ a Hone Cav buff and a +1 merge, her matchup against the cast w/Fury overwrite is: +Res/-Atk: 109 wins/11 losses/99 draws +HP/-Spd: 81/11/127 Same scenario, but now the enemy has +5 merges: +Res/-Atk: 71/13/135 +HP/-Spd: 53/14/152 So the +Res/-Atk one appears to outperform the +HP/-Spd one. And it's easy enough to give her Gronnblade later on, if you want to make her more powerful (and you're not relying on her for Arena points).
  5. My current Arena core is A!Tiki (5*+10 +Def/-Spd), Est (5*+10 +Spd/-Def), and Cecilia (4*+10 +Spd/-Def). Reinhardt has also spent a lot of time on the team (he's 5*+4 +Atk/-HP), but Est has largely taken his place, since she's fully merged and thus gives more points. I also sometimes drop Cecilia in favor of a Legendary Hero, since blessings give a pretty big boost to the Arena score. I do not have an all-purpose team, and instead assemble teams tailored to meet the specific challenges they're going to face. I feel like it would be better if the question were directed more generally. I'm not a video creator, and some creators aren't making videos for everyone, but are rather just doing the videos for whoever wants to watch and/or has the same units. The more popular creators typically will come up with strategies involving free or common units. You should definitely have Sharena, Anna, and Alfonse fully built and promoted to 5*. Fjorm and VL Ike should be fully trained. There's no reason not to have those all up and ready on hand. I'd also expect most people to have BK as well, since, even if you're F2P, the BK starter pack is worth buying. It's reasonable to expect that most people have Brave Lyn, since there was the CYL freebie and she's the strongest one of the group. She's also commonly on banners. Reinhardt is one of the strongest units in the game and is available as a 4*. Olivia is a free dancer. Cecilia is free, and so is Xander.
  6. I also say definitely go with +Atk/-Def. That honestly seems like one of her better natures, since her Def stat is pretty unremarkable to begin with, and she definitely wants more Atk since she'll never have the weapon triangle advantage. Even with the superbane, her Def stat is serviceable and doesn't hinder her bulk all that much. She's not a tank, and so losing a few points here doesn't seem all that bad. A Spd bane, however, does hurt her bulk, since she depends on not being doubled, and it hurts her usefulness, since she needs to double if she wants to do good damage.
  7. Thanks for doing these! I thought I'd point out that there's a typo in this one: it says "you're evasion," which should be "your evasion."
  8. Haha, yes, definitely, welcome to the club! :D You can also join! Welcome to the Tiki Fan Club!
  9. Well, it was close, but my AA score of 5,086 was sufficient to finally land me in the 1k-3k bracket! I ended up making it in there at rank 2,928, so people really made a push for it on the last day. And, with the feathers, I was finally able to +10 my Est! She's been with me since the first day of playing the game--she's come a long way!
  10. With the Arena feathers that just came in, I was able to add the final merge to this adorable member of the Whitewings:
  11. I agree, I hated the Gray/Clair pairing. I quite simply treat them as non-canon in my head-canon. No chemistry, and Clair deserves better. I also didn't particularly care for Gray in the game. True, Laslow seems like he would have better chemistry with Clair.
  12. Hm, I'm not familiar with the problem, so I'm afraid I'm not really much help in troubleshooting the problem. I'm basically looking around on the internet for other causes of the blue error screen. Do you have a program called Daemon Tools? I see that's mentioned as a problem elsewhere. But I can only search and guess, which really isn't an effective way of troubleshooting. You could potentially try troubleshooting the blue screen of death here. That comes with the caveat that I haven't actually used that forum, but, looking through it, some of the people there seem pretty competent at analyzing blue screen crashes. Sorry that I can't be of more help here! Yeah, you need to switch to the second option on the engine settings, otherwise it won't work. I don't really have any other ideas myself, except maybe to try it without MicroG? I don't know if that would do anything. At least you got the Memu option to work, so that's something at least!
  13. You will probably need to install a keyboard app like Gboard, which is what I had to do back when we could play the game on regular Bluestacks. You'd install the APK for that, and then go to Settings, Language & Input, and turn it on there. Manually editing your computer's registry is usually a bad idea. I'd suggest trying a System Restore again, perhaps from an earlier point. You mentioned that you had graphics card errors. Perhaps try switching the rendering method from DirectX to OpenGL? OpenGL won't look as nice, but it's supposed to be faster. The starting and immediate closing of the app sounds similar to the behavior that I would get on other versions of Bluestacks. I'd double check to make sure you have the engine settings changed, restart Bluestacks, and see if that works. Check to make sure that the proper compatibility engine is installed. For me, this information is obtained by clicking on the triangle on the upper right, and then selecting the last option. You should see two sets of numbers. The bottom set of numbers should be FEH only runs with the compatibility engine, so that's a necessary change. Do you use Avast as your antivirus program?
  14. Would've been nice if they had added something different at the end of it. Ah well, so it goes!
  15. I achieved a new personal best in Arena Assault just now, with a score of 5,086. I think that's sufficient to finally pierce the 1k-3k bracket, as I'm ranked 2,312. Pretty nice, I think. With the feathers from this week's rewards, I'll have enough to finally get my second +10 unit! I'm not sure who to do next after that. I might switch gears to promoting some of my 4* units that have been sitting in the wings for awhile.
  16. Sometimes Kagero Chart can be buggy, although it's usually good. However, I just want to point out, bond skills only buff the unit with the skill, and not the adjacent ally. The refine for Masked Marth's Falchion is a bond skill, and so only she gets the stat boosts from having an adjacent ally. I say this because you mentioned her partner, who shouldn't get any buffs from standing next to Masked Marth, unless Masked Marth is running a spur/drive skill herself. Perhaps that is the source of your confusion on this point?
  17. I would probably opt for Moonbow for her. Glimmer is stronger against enemies with low defenses; Moonbow is better against tankier ones. Glimmer hits more than Moonbow when your attack is greater than 1.6 times the enemy's defensive stat, notwithstanding weapon triangle effects. So, for Minerva with an Atk stat of 52, the point where the two skills approximately break even is when the enemy has 32 Def, and 36 Def with a Hone Flier buff. If the enemy's defense is below that, Glimmer will hit harder than Moonbow, and, above that, Moonbow will hit harder than Glimmer. One advantage Moonbow has over Glimmer is that it lets you cut through high-defense enemies that you otherwise would only scratch, and, oftentimes, one doesn't need a special to hack through low-def enemies. The matchup numbers favor Moonbow slightly as well. I ran a few configurations against the cast with Fury in their A-slot, and Moonbow outperforms Glimmer in pretty much every scenario. I ran it with your +1 Minerva wearing the QP seal, both with and without the Hone Flyer buffs against no merge enemies, +5, and +10, and a no-buff Minerva against enemies with a buff of +3 to every stat. The numbers are in the Win-Loss-Draw format. The first column is against unmerged enemies, the second is against +5, and the third is against +10. No buffs to Minerva: | Merge = 0 / Merge = 5 / Merge = 10 Moonbow | 167-11-36 / 142-25-47 / 113-35-66 Glimmer | 158-11-45 / 135-26-53 / 108-36-70 With Hone Flier buff Moonbow | 196-11-7 / 184-25-5 / 167-35-12 Glimmer | 191-10-13 / 179-25-10 / 163-35-16 Enemy w/+3 buffs, no buffs to Minerva Moonbow | 136-32-46 / 114-38-62 / 89-47-78 Glimmer | 131-33-55 / 106-40-68 / 80-49-85 So, it seems that Moonbow generally produces a few more kills than Glimmer for her.
  18. It took me over a year before I got my first Cordelia. She sure was an elusive creature for quite some time! But I recently was able to pull one, and then I pulled another not too long after, who was quickly sacrificed to give my Est Galeforce... Haven't seen another one since. I wonder why?
  19. Anri never occurred to me, but, now that you mentioned it, I want them to do him! I rather like their OCs, and would like more of them as well. Because god-tier memes?
  20. Lol, no worries! I do enjoy seeing SF people in the Arena (even if this knowledge comes about after the fact, as happened here!)!
  21. Ikr? Ah well, I feel a little better knowing that I'm in good company with you on this point! We both have +10 dragons and didn't notice, haha... Check @XRay's analysis for Raven on the prior page, the Fury/LnD + Moonbow setup looks stronger than the LnD/LnD + Escutcheon one. For Corrin, I think the Guard Bow is viable enough. With it + Def refine, he can tank a vanilla +Atk +10 Brave Lyn with 1 HP to spare, which is why I don't think it's a wasted effect, since it lets him function as a Lyn counter in some scenarios. With CC and the CD seal, he'd have 43 Def at all ranges, so an enemy would need 63 Atk to kill him (assuming they double). If he's running with an ally with the Def Tactic 3 seal, an enemy would need 50 to be able to scratch him, so he can, indeed, be a pretty solid tank with the right team, if that's the route you wanted to go. Maybe not the optimal setup, but it's not an unreasonable one. I find it kinda hilarious that there's so much discussion on this point, despite you not even asking for it at all.
  22. How am I underestimating his bulk? I said stacking LnD would turn his Def stat to paper, but, of course, that's not the totality of his bulk. He has a physical soak of 59 against axes, but it's not all that uncommon to see axemen with an attack stat hitting 59, between buffs, merges, etc., and so encountering one would be rough for him. I like the Fury/LnD setup, it keeps his physical soak against an axe hit outside the realm of what I would normally encounter, while keeping his Atk & Spd at stratospheric levels. That setup is the one Rafiel's Aria's Raven runs, and I quite like it, from what I've gotten to use it in. It's certainly a notable build for him, and the one I would prefer. Where did I say the Guard Bow gives Close Def? I only said that the Guard Bow/CC was a nice pairing for NY Corrin, not that it gave him Close Def.
  23. I think I saw you during my perfunctory daily AA run. I wanted to see someone running Chrom Emblem, and was kinda disappointed when it was just a regular team fronted by Chrom.
  24. Firesweep Bow + Close Counter is the ultimate combo! But I'm just kidding, I think Guard Bow would be a pretty solid option for him, particularly if he's running CC. Anyways, Fayes are friends, not food!
  25. Yeah, she doesn't really want a Spd boon or a Res bane. Furthermore, the Res is a superbane, so she's missing out even more. In my opinion, the best out of that set would be +Res/-HP. It's certainly a strong nature, probably one of her preferred ones. The manaketes are quite flexible in their builds, so there are several good options for their natures. Fae has a good HP pool and wants most of her other stats, so HP seems like a safe stat to dump. The Warding Breath + Res boon would make her a great mage counter. She's a strong unit, so she's worth investing in if you wanted to. The +Def/-Spd or -HP nature would be better for a mixed tank, but +Res/-HP is better for a magic tank. It depends on what you want her specialty to be, since she can occupy various roles. You could always promote the +Res one now to give yourself a more robust green roster now, and then switch to a +Def one later down the road when you pull one (who knows when that would be?), if that's the nature you really want. Firesweep Bow! =D Yeah, I've used Rafiel Aria's +10 Raven, and he's great. And I definitely understand the Fury drought -- a fair number of my units have Fury 2, since I seem to be able to pull infinite numbers of Bartres.
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