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Everything posted by SageHarpuiaJDJ

  1. Tana is my girl, but all the Peg Knights are pretty nice. Shoutouts to Synene cause she's pretty, and Florina for being adorable.
  2. Fuck FE6 for not making thieves able to promote. All of the thieves had such awesome growths. And I like Cath, but the requirements for getting her are dumb, which is probably why she's so low. ;~; Of all the thieves, Leagult is my vote. Matthew had a good concept of the guy who stays away from combat and used his other skills, which is cool, but dear lord this guy is glass. He's still useful tho since Assassins can't steal. Rennac is a pussy who's is a pain in the ass to recruit, and Colm is a dick to Neimi. How DARE you get off when you make her sad?! >.<
  3. Don't Peri wears pants, before she promotes, tho? I never thought that seeing exposed panties on a female Knight can produce so much hate. It seems kinda silly to get worked up about it this much. I don't mind discussion and what not, but sexism is being brought up now? Isn't there at least two or three female designs being overly sexualized is always a thing in most games like this? At least in this one the men get in on it too. Also, did the female Cavs in Awakening wear pants? My memory's kinda foggy but I think they were khaki and the inner thighs were exposed.
  4. The way Xander says 'Father?' makes me laugh for some reason.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKwX1Rojws8 CODEment+Takumi and Leo= Face hurting from laughing too hard.
  6. Sakura beats up Iago?! I now must hurry and get to that chapter ASAP!
  7. I like Nino, but Lute gets my vote. I LOVE her design, character, and she's just an amazing unit. Honorable mention is Erk since he carries the most weight for most of the start of Eilwood's tale until you get Lucius. Didn't use Pent that much, since he's a prepromote, but the fact that he can kill everything EVEN the bosses is fucking badass. I don't like Mages with low spd, so didn't use Lilina, also the RoyxLilina otp is the cliche childhood friend pairing so I try to get Roy with someone else. Saleh is meh, and Athos is cool, but he's makes the final chapter too easy when he gets luna.
  8. I think we all realize that people can't help themselves, or can't be bothered to work to make good things, so let's talk about the units that are from other castles that are always seen in pvp. An easy one: Rally Bot Lazlow/Shigure.
  9. Setsuna's growths just scream 'ninja', which is funny because she can become a ninja. But yeah, she's not really the best other than her speed, but you can still invest in her if you want a dodge tank. Also, I think her speed growths helps with Midori's speed problem, without completely crippling her other good growths, if you like optimal marriages.
  10. -The children's placing in general. Awakening's made sense, but it's so forced in Fates. I honestly didn't think that children were going to be introduce because, what else can you do aside a timeskip portion? Lo and behold, I get a child, and the explanation is one the most forced things that I ever read. I wouldn't mind a timeskip like how FE4 worked from what I've heard, but that take a while since new art, designs, etc. would have to be made, I wouldn't mind the wait though. I'm not one of those people who just want the system gone cause of the old trending saying that marriage made the series too focused on that, but in Fates' case, it feels like it doesn't belong or at least should have been fleshed out more. -More customization. Like I've seen on other threads, having the Avatar have different personalities in their dialogue would be fun. I'd love to have a shy Male Corrin or a tomboy Female Corrin. Giving then different personal skills based on that would work too. -Supports. I honestly don't mind if the Avatar can support everyone. Limiting a personal unit's interaction with the whole cast just seems more restrictive imo. It does make sense with other units to least have like, 7 or 8 supports? 4 with a friend and 4 with a partner? And NO MORE AVATARSEXUALS PLZ! -Revamp Kana all around. I like Kana, I like her design, but her personality and usage as a unit are very meh. For her as as unit, having similar base growth rates of the avatar, but with the avatar's bane being her best growth and the avatar's boon stat be her worse growth will make her more custom while giving her a good perk, which she don't have excluding the perks that she gets from her mother. She also seems to be just be... there. She doesn't seem to have a goal or a unique perk other than being a clingy child. -The younger Royals have female kids. -Give Azura and/or the eldest female siblings some unique weapon. I'm tired of Sausage Emblem giving all the cool shit to the dudes. >.< -Have the Royals' children be able to use their unique weapons. It would make sense and if you're a purest and don't restart the game when you lose a unit, you won't have a good weapon just sitting in the convoy. -Have weakened stats heal faster. -Fix up the silver weapons' penalty so that instead of losing str/skl each time you attack, you only lose it once and it stays like that similar to weakened. All and all that is. Everything else can be worked on, but not as much as this stuff.
  11. I can see why that's the case. I never played Eirika's route to completion, but I did read the quotes when she fights Valter. Implied rapist wasn't the first thing to come to mind, but someone like that dude who kept a girl in a well from Silence of the Lambs: creepy and disturbing personal life, keeping the girl just for the hell of it, and will kill her if she makes a bad mistake. Come to think of it, what even does Hans has that make him stand out other than being a caveman that's good and hitting things? Why did Garon make him one of his right hand men when he failed to kill Corrin? What power did he acquire had him boasting so much, yet he had a hoard of Generals guarding him on chaper 26 of Conquest, and even then they were even a bigger threat than he was? Valter was very strategical with his actions, from killing Glen to provoke Cormag to attacking Eirika to test her, to tricking Selena so she wouldn't kill off everyone too fast to prolong the fun for himself. He also waaaay harder and intimidating as a boss.
  12. Japan always gets the good things. ;~; That Sigurd world map sprite is pimpin'. I like the Roy sprite too. If Roy does comes as Fates DLC, that would be cool cause I would love to have a unit with his Sm4sh design. I think changing his Weapon rank to B would make sense and maybe make him takier defense wise and more power magic wise than marth since he uses a flame sword. As for the name, I dunno. Binding Lord?
  13. Hans just seems like a dude who likes to hit things with his axe. Valter was a creepy individual who enjoyed toying with people. I know he had a weird thing with Eirika, but the whole implied rapist thing is new to me. So yeah Valter is worse, no contest.
  14. Elise - 'You're going down scumbag!' crit quote Leo - 'Come fool! Bring the booty!' Museum Melee Nina - that snarky, dorky laugh that she does when kills someone Beruka 'Do you need someone taken care of? I mean, do you need... someone... "Taken. Care. Of?" Room visit. She also brings poison and asks if you want to taste it. lmao Reina - How she legitimately says that she sucks in the kitchen and if she does something not wrong that it's not her Soliel - 'Oh. Uhh... Hi.' Random clip that sounds so cute Kaze saying that he has a favorite pillow in Ghostly Gold Setsuna - 'Traps and I were made for each other' Corrin C support. I find this funny cause of Forrest Odin - EVERYTHING! The 'pour the hot tea on my head' Segment of his supports with Felicia had me dying Oh... and if we're going to be dark... Peri when she gets killed - But I was gonna... Do that to you... Mitama when she gets killed - Ah... Sleep at last. Charlotte when she gets killed - What? No! Seriously?!
  15. I named a peri's lance Maid Killer cause of her supports with Felicia. I'm now gonna name a forged Steel Sword, the one that she caries with her all the time, 'Maid Thwacker'.
  16. You find some interesting stuff when you a visit a castle or go to play online. Post your experiences,vids, and pics here. Two funny castle visits: -There was one castle I visited where all the units were female and had the witch class. -One dude's castle that I visited had 5 OMEGA YATOS on his avatar.
  17. I glad that this is a thing considering that I just into the franchise like 2 years ago. Emblem Warriors would be hype, but I'd I Soul Cailibur style Fighter more. :3
  18. I wasn't gonna do HayotoxOrochi since my friend always does that, but the support convos are funny. Competing on who has the better herbs lol. The cuteness in BerukaxKaze's support also caught me off guard.
  19. B+?!B+ AGAIN?! I couldn't resist, sorry. This sums up my opinion on the voice acting. Arthur, Odin, and Male Corrin 2 being my favorites male voices, and Chrolette, Beruka, and Hana being my favorite female voices. Also, the way Xander says father sounds so funny.
  20. After giving it some thought, Felicia is possibly the best out of the three. I not saying that cause of the Flame Shuriken, in fact I like the fact that she doesn't have a lot of strength, because I usually use prepromotes to weaken bosses and troubling units to have other units gain the exp, and Felicia's lack of strength when she doesn't get that one lucky critical are good for that task early on. Jakob hardly gets used when he shows up and I haven't tried out Flora that much yet. Bulter swag attack>Maid majestic attacks, tho Maid majestic attacks>Ninja meh attacks.
  21. I figured that Beruka wouldn't have a lot of votes, but Damn! I can see why people would hate Peri since she kills for fun and no one seems to try and help her with her problem, but sometimes it can be funny(I fucking love the support with Felicia) and she's actually a pretty good unit. I like the fact that Hana had beef with Corrin, but the support could've gone differently. For me, if I could vote my votes would be: Like: Odin(he's still the same, but his dark persona in his acting is epic. RIP sword hand tho)/Beruka(I like Charolette too, but she's just a close second. Seeing characters lock up their feelings start to slowly open up has always been a favorite subject of mine. Her supports with Kaze are very cute.)/Soliei(she reminds me of Cynthia from Awakening with her quirkiness.) Dislike: Hinata(the only reason that I hate Hinata is because his growth make none of the sense.)/Nyx(again, her growths. Jeez)/Sigbert(he just seems boring as a character) I don't really the personalities of the Fates characters, well maybe with the exception of a few, so my only dislikes comes from a gameplay standpoint.
  22. An idea I had for a Mozu build: [spoiler=RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE the fair way] Class: General Weapon: Guard Naginata S Support: Someone Like Laslow with good defense or Kaze because of Miraculous Save A+ Support: Effie for Knight Class Skill Sets: Seal Strength, Seal Defense, Seal Speed, Wary Fighter, Warding Blow General idea for this build: A human shield that uses resources not from castles if you don't wanna go that route. This unit's main focus is to be hard to kill and punish the player for failing. Seal Magic/Resistance can also be included as well, but you only need 3. Mozu's high luck prevents her from getting crited. The high DEF/HP base stats for the general class combined with Wary Fighter will force players to use either magic units, or rely on procing skills. Procing skills may not kill reliably, and Warding Blow hinders magic attacks.
  23. Corrin for his gameplay and design. Robin for his character and 'Time to tip the scales!' will always be the best crit quote.
  24. I like morgan better, but I like Kana's Design. The reasons are pretty obvious at this point. I just wished that Morgan didn't share the same hairstyle as the small figure MU.
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