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Everything posted by SageHarpuiaJDJ

  1. Look at my suave mustache :3

  2. I've seen this ship so many times when I look through calling cards. Prolly just me tho.
  3. I have. I generally understand the A support and thought it was good, but the S support... Well it's pretty much like most of Corn's S supports. I actually decided to make Hinata into a vanguard and I already found a Hinata with Wary Fighter from a castle. He's gotten speed twice now. I'm scared. ;~;
  4. People do OdinxElise for the stats? I thought it was because her hair looks the most like Odin/Lissa. But anyways, I was going to do the pair myself, but it became mainstream(dumb excuse). I generally like the support convos tho. I like SoleilxOpheila as besties but not a pair, cause the latter isn't implied bisexual. SoleilxNina>SolielxOpheila tho. I'm will never do OboroxTakumi, KageroxSaizo, or any of the royalsxretainers/retainersxretainers out of principle. I did PerixXander and that support was meh. RyomaxKagero seems like a good one that I'd do tho. NyxXHayoto and Selenaxsubaki will also never happen, because I don't need to be reminded about what inspired the kids. I think people only do BerukaxSaizo because of the C support. I never even heard about the other supports, just that. NilesxM!Corrin. Y'all thirsty children need Jesus. M!CorrinxAzura. I like the supports, and I can relate to Shigure and wouldn't mind him being my irl child, but the game gave it away to much for me. And, unpopular opinion, ScarletxRyoma and FloraxJakob. I hate how FE stories just give away the love interest, and ScarletxRyoma is no exception. Also, why just those two? I'd love to she how she'd interact with Hinata or Oboro. And Jakob is a douche that doesn't deserve Flora. Also, I'm honestly surprised that no one does AzuraxLazlow a lot. Both dance, the supports are interesting, and there can be a bunch of scenarios via fanart/fanfiction.
  5. *feels bad to be the only one who likes axes so far* I actually never thought they would be so underrated. I admit that I hated those things at a time, but FE7 changed my perspective with the likes of Dart, Hector, and Paladins that can use Axes. The weapons seems to be more consistent than others imo. They will always be the strongest in terms of might, but have the worst accuracy. They also have the better aesthetes and design than a lot of the weapons, excluding a huge chuck of awakening's axe designs, like wth? Fates cemented this with everyone who has a axe as a base weapon being my favorite units to use: Scarlet, Camilia, Beruka, Charlotte, Rinkah, etc. and I also applaud IS for going back to their GBA routes and making the Axes look large and intimidating as the ones used in battle sprites.
  6. The Leif option seems like the one I would like the most. I enjoy watching characters grow while the story progresses and how it impacts their gameplay. I think FE8 is a good example of this, to a certain point, since Ephiram and Eirika can promote way earlier than Eliwood/Hector and Roy, but it's still kinda late.
  7. FE6: Haven't finished it yet cause the map design makes me wanna cry at a point, but Lilina takes the cake for me if we're singling out one unit specifically. ALL of the knights would've been here because what's the point of those in FE6 when almost all the maps are huge and have gaps? Lilina rubs me the wrong way as a unit, and as a character to a certain extent. She's a mage with low speed and skill when you first get her, which is are two stats a mage should not lack no matter how much MAG they get imo. Mages should at least one of those as their boon besides MAG, because what's the point of having all that power and you can't hit, or you face a Mage-Counter like a Peg Knight and you can't dodge AND get doubled? Mages already have enough bad time with low CON and DEF, which was the main thing for me. Liliina could get DOUBLED when I fucked up and a mercenary attacked her, with the Thunder tome that Roy conveniently pulled out of his ass, which is the other thing, her character, which is prolly an unpopular opinion. Lilina just seemed shoehorned there to be the love interest, and she's a cliche childhood best friend that falls for the Main Protagonist. At least she can be used to recruit Gonzoles. FE7: Wil. Up to FE8 the archers were pretty bad if they weren't a prepromote. Wil was just RNG screwed so hard and he couldn't kill anything. He's also very boring and the most forgettable out of Lyn's group, imo. FE8: Due to grinding all of the units can be viable at a certain period of time, but I had to chose the worse I'd pick Mustache Man, Molder. He's tanky, yes, but the fact can he can get crit'd made me scared and prevented me from using him anymore after Natasha came along. Natasha was also easier to train cause she had mend. FE13(1st Gen): Ricken. I can't fucking stand this kid. On normal mode he can hold out on his own, but on hard mode he can't even kill the Wyvern Riders on his own without pairing up with Maribelle and he has a WIND TOME. Him and Virion can't even double the EXP dlc's enemies, the fuck?! His speed and skill was the breaking point for me. Also I can't stand his character. He's stuck up brat who risks his life just to prove that can he hold his own. A lot of people compare Hayoto to him, but I can't see it. Hayoto seems way more mature as is way more worth the effort. Seriously, fuck this kid. FE13(2nd Gen): Yarne. He himself isn't a bad character and probably not a bad unit, but the Beast class in this game sucks. Panne is the same, but you have to go though a lot to get Yarne in tact. FE14(Birthright): Hinata. Sorry bro, but you need to actually be able to do some damage. FE14(Conquest) Nyx. Why? I like her as a character and like her design, so why did had to be sooooo bad? She's just so frail and can barely hit anything because of her low skill. All the Dark Mages are just so underwhelming in this game. Even Odin due to him having meh speed. FE14(Revelations): Haven't finished, but the fact that Orochi can get ORKO'd by the ninja is a fucking inconvenience. I HATE recruitment chapters like that.
  8. -Implied ships in the story are terrible. Ninian x Eliwood literally came out of nowhere in FE7's story. Nino x Jaffar should not be romantic relationship. Roy x Lilina is boring and cliched. Sumia x Chrom, do I even need to explain? The only I really like was Seth x Eirika because it wasn't pushed as hard and only becomes relative during her supports. -Isadora wasn't really bad as a unit. -Fiora x Eliwood > Ninian x Eliwood. -Nils is better as a character and design than Ninian. -That last minute revival of Ninian was the breaking point of the game's story. -Lyn's Tale wasn't that bad of a tutorial, but was still lengthy. -Eirika was a better character than Ephiram because her best trait isn't "I Rek shit cause I'm Ephiram". -Devil Axe was a good risk/reward weapon. -Grinding is something that shouldn't be removed, but should limited. -Children/Marriage doesn't mess with the gameplay and should just be reworked. -Weapon weight was a good mechanic. -Weapon durability being removed was good. -Eirika has the best design of all of the female lords. -Ike is overrated. -Chrom is the worst lord in the series. -Roy isn't bad, but is personalty is cliche. -Sorcerers weren't super broken in FE13 as people said. -FE13 has some good characters that got overlooked by others. -The FE13 trio in FE14 are better than their old counterparts. -Ninjas are overrated. -There was no breaking point in the series. -The GBA sprites was the best in terms of battle. -The 3DS animations are better than the console animations. -Most of the GBA designs looked very copy pasted when not counting official art. -Xander<Ryoma. -Kana isn't a bad unit/character. -The localization of Fates wasn't bad. -There was no true golden age of FE. It was always a good series that had it's perks and the gripes that people see in the recent games are blown way out of proportion. *hides behind flame shield*
  9. You guys remember "is Niles Gay or European?"? Well there's an awakening version that's older and drawn:
  10. Here we go: FE6: Cutest: Lalum, 2nd Cath Prettiest: Milady, 2nd Clarine Sexiest: Echida, 2nd Sue FE7: Cutest: Nino, 2nd Serra Prettiest: Fiora, 2nd Ninian Sexiest: Isadora, 2nd Lyn FE8: Cutest: Myrrh, 2nd Lute Prettiest: Tana, 2nd Amelia Sexiest: Syrene, 2nd Marisa FE13: 1st gen: Cutest: Lissa, 2nd Nowi Prettiest: Say'ri, 2nd Emmeryn Sexiest: Flavia, 2nd Sully 2nd gen: Cutest: Cynthia, 2nd Nah Prettiest: Severa, 2nd Noire Sexiest: Kjelle FE 14: 1st Gen: Cutest: Elise, 2nd Nyx Prettiest: Reina, 2nd Flora Sexiest: Charlotte, 2nd Camilia 2nd Gen: Cutest: Soliel, 2nd Kana Prettiest: Sophie, 2nd Nina Sexiest: Opheila
  11. I only use lobster lord for Museum Melee anyways. Otherwise he'll just kill everything and take the glory. Also I forgot about that, lmao. Though I am interested at how a RinkahxHinata support would go, but maybe on Rev since Rinkah's marrying Jakob(I've seen Hisame's chapter, but not Dwyer's)
  12. Scarlet really deserves better. Like really she does. Also, even though she has decent placing, I actually like Charlotte's character and think she's underrated. She's a tough girl who uses her charms to get what she wants, but only to help out her family in poverty. Her supports are also very entertaining so far. My favorites would have to be Beruka's when she teaches Beruka "how to kill a man without weapons", her B support with Corrin when she goes batshit and punches a tree, and how she got annoyed in her C support with Kana. It's good to see characters who's doesn't go all goody two shoes and actually does sneaky stuff without really hurting others.
  13. FE6 is easy to dodge tank because of luck playing a role? That explain a lot actually considering how much Rutger/any sword user with low luck got hit by 20%-30% axes. I can generally agree with the GBA's being the easiest to dodge tank. Can't talk about others but rn Fates trolling rng makes me wonder what's the best method of tanking at all when I get RNG screwed in 5 battles in a row.
  14. More people are gay for Subaki!? Awesome! I love that guy. He's, dare I say it, PERFECT! EDIT: On my birthright playthrough, Subaki, Hinata, and Takumi are always in the hot springs. A sign?
  15. I actually wanna see a video of this. Can someone make it happen?
  16. Bless you man. Also I recently visited a castle where the dude had a Male MU and Berserkermilia along with other variations for Camilia. I wanna do this now, but with Charlotte.
  17. Oh cool! Someone else who did AzamaXAzura! I was planning on doing what the above mentioned or just make Shigure into a Great Master since Azama's strength growths are beastly and the class has pretty high growth bonuses in that area. You can also get Rend Heaven/Quixotic from Azama if you have an A+ support with Kaden or Hayoto and you make Azama into a Basara. Azura's not gonna really help in terms of getting skills for Shigure since, iirc, she can't get anything aside from the shrine maiden class from sakura, and even if you go that route it'll be pointless because Great Master is the male version of that promotion.
  18. Holy shit this a rant if I've never seen one. I'm not disagreeing, because imo Xander is the most boring out of the royals, but damn. Honestly, believe it or not, I think Camilia is a better character than Xander. Namely because her personalty is more interesting and I like her backstory as to why she's so clingy to Corrin.
  19. ^that's what I thought, but I usually like glassy myrms because I feel that's what the class was made to be. Hinata's indeed a bro and his bases are cool, but he doesn't get any strength on my playthroughs. I may have him marry Rinkah and make him a blacksmith then make him a Swordmaster again in my next playthrough.
  20. Like them both. Honestly surprised at how many people like Hinata. Seeing him not get any offense hurts my soul.
  21. I actually would've preferred this, but if would've been localized, the sexual assault could've been traded in for something else. Maybe child neglect?
  22. I like Hana's design and the fact that she's very competitive. I DESPISE her C-B supports with MCorrin tho. Still married her. I'm neutral on Hinata because I don't like him as a unit, but he's an interesting character. Hayoto is Ricken done right, imo. That Rev mission with Yukimura came out of nowhere, but he's still a cool guy. Can say anything about Hisame and I like Gaius so I may like Asugi.
  23. Good thing I already got all three paths and whatnot. Just needs a N3DS and a Lucina/Marth Amiibo so I can get their novelty swords.
  24. >Laslow's Higher than Odin Fuck this gay earth >.< Al least Beruka/Forrest are pretty high, and Camilia isn't as popular as I thought. Also, why is Leo the top? I mean, I like Leo, but I don't see the appeal. Also people need to stop comparing Hayoto to Ricken. Hayoto is way better as a character and a unit.
  25. I thought that this thread would about the most OP characters when unbalanced was in the title. I'm disappoint. I honestly had bias for Subaki since he has low speed, but he's actually way more useful than Hinata, imo. Hinata's defenses are okay, but not as good as Subaki's, and Subaki gets skill faster than Hinata. Adding salt to wound, Subaki can become a Samurai via heart seal, so why even bother with Hinata?
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