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Everything posted by Callum

  1. Well darn, sucks to be you guys, I suppose. Though looking at KH3D and NSMB2 was fun. Unwell and tired, time for bed.
  2. Xenoblade/Last Story VAs would be pretty awesome. Reyn and or Xord as everyone. Well, maybe not. But still, a question - Did SD's translation originate from NoA, or NoE? I can't remember if it was stated or not... NoE's release was first, but I couldn't say. Plus, it'd be cool to know who changed certain names in the translation. (Looking at you, Dolhr)
  3. Well, this has been a lot of fun to read, but I have been drained by the incredible amount of madness present. I may not wake up the same man. Wonderful stuff though.
  4. Absolute madness deserves this, or so I'm told.
  5. Hah, glad you think so. And it's good to see you're alright, at any rate.

  6. Yo, Aya, didn't notice you were on here. Are you well?

  7. Thomas Thursby (Alt. Furlong Thursby)? Everything went better than expected.
  8. Hey, thanks man.

  9. Shouldn't bother me too much - I do hope, however, that One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP comes to Europe much like the original Wii games did. I don't import too many games as it stands, though that's usually due to money and time.
  10. Oh my... Trent, I feel your pain... In recent years, I've lost two cats... One, Zoe, died of cancer, and the other, Tara, was killed by a car - Nothing gory, seemed to be a neck/head injury. Talk to me if you need anything, man.
  11. Having overseen its creation, I can vouch for the effort behind it. The 3-tile door is awesome~
  12. Nice. I've been waiting for this~ We sure do appreciate your hard work. Well, those of us who want to play FE1, anyway.
  13. Fire Emblem is incredibly niche in comparison to Pokémon. I know far too many people who don't know what it is... The fools!
  14. Chagaal stands out to me as a massive douche. Eltshan's death was the final straw for me, after his string of conniving actions.
  15. Hah! Glad to see things are still going. I've just started my Christmas holidays as well, so I can't wait to play through the original for the first time, once it is complete - It'll be the last FE game I've beaten (I've even beaten FE12 in Japanese, didn't think I would).
  16. Ah, absolutely - And I was indeed referring to the European release, myself being in England. Still, what you say is entirely relevant, you've obviously done your homework, so to speak.
  17. Oh, there's no doubt of that. A December release would, however, be preferable.
  18. Yes, but in the west, since FE even doesn't compare to Pokemon in terms of sales, It shouldn't matter - It never stopped them before, right? If I recall, there was a big release the winter of '08... I can't remember... Huh. Good research, though.
  19. Ha, you're doing far better than I am, perhaps because you aren't doing a no-death run - It's tough, trying to keep everyone alive... Chapter 4 is quite rough. Also, though many people prefer Wolf as a Hero, he'll work well as your bow user, far better than Gaggles or Castor could ever hope to achieve.
  20. Since you said you weren't using Generals, Sedgar isn't that much of a big deal. God, I'm still stuck on Chapter 3, the shame...
  21. Fair enough. Truth be told, I thought Sigismundo was a fitting name for the douchebag - Still, a shame about the lack of humour (for the most part)
  22. This will be good to see, just beat H2 and am about to go onto the dreaded Merciless mode - It's my third consecutive playthrough (And like, my tenth this year - what is it that makes SD so addictive...?!), so this will be interesting to follow. You have my support, though I don't know if I can be as daring as you and not use General!Wolf/Sedgar
  23. Shiida. She just bugs me for some mysterious reason. Even that Wing Spear won't make me convert.
  24. Indeed. I forget what the reason for that was - I do know, however, that the same happened with Advance Wars: Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin - the difference from FE11 is that NOA provided the superior translation (and humour) Oh, and I agree with NOA having some better translations - But Dolhr and Archanea were embarassing.
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