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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Now, 'cried' is a bit strong, but these moments did hit me in the emotions.

    FE13: Chapters 9 and 10. Nuff said.

    FE7: Ninian's death at Eliwood's hands. Or better yet, Nils' reaction to said death. Poor guy, it hurts to read.

    Other moments that were good, but not quite up to those standards:

    FE8: Lyon's whole situation. Where was the Talk 3 times to recruit him option? The graphic at the end really got me.

    FE9: Mist's whole situatuon. Her at Greil's grave, and her coming out at the end of Chapter 8 where pretty moving.

    FE10: Elincia's collapse after Lucia's near execution. Perfect, understated.

    FE11: Um.... Elice's reunion with Marth after such a painstaking journey.

    FE12. .... Yeah, nothing.

    I would have liked to say there was a good emotional moment in all of them, but FE11/12 really make it difficult with their lack of character development.

  2. While bows aren't the best weapon, especially in the early game, Virion comes at a big disadvantage. While his bases, particularly his speed base, is terrible, he does grow rather nicely, except in Magic and Resistance, as is to be expected (at least in my experience with him). He is very hard to train without EXPonential growth, however, but when he is up to par he does make a decent unit, though getting him up there is the hard part.

    He can make a good chipper in Hard mode, but I wouldn't use him at all in Lunatic mode. The fact that he must be kept safe, and bows generally stink in Awakening, are both major cons.

    Once again, irrelevant, but Personality wise, I don't like his character very much, but his way of speaking gives me divine enjoyment.

    Overall: 5/10

  3. I haven't used Sully very often, but from what I have seen of her, she's a great unit, loathe I am to admit it.

    Her growth rates are fantastic, and she has solid reclassing options. Good modifiers as well.

    I hate dislike her, though. Her personality is terrible.

    Overall: 6.5/10

  4. Frederick is essential in Lunatic/Classic, I don't think any one is denying that. But it's entirely possible to never use him at all in Hard mode. Frankly I dislike using Jaegens, and Frederick's low bases and relatively low growths make him one, in my opinion. He comes in with a good weapon, but, especially on Hard, Chrom and MU surpass him within a few levels.

    He comes in with a very good weapon, but he is vulnerable to mages and Hammers initially. He also gains EXP at a snails pace except for when in EXPonetial Growth, and his growth rates are so-so. It is rather difficult to train him into a unit on caliber for Lunatic after a certain amount of time, and with other units with higher potential, I have never really bothered with him.

    In a side note that will have nothing to do with my rating, I once used him to father Owain. And after that debacle, I've never used him to father again.

    Since this is only hard mode, I give him: 4/10.

    Edit: Gripes about Frederick seem really obvious to me, as someone who gave Frederick lower than a 7. To quote someone before me, it all comes down to how you play.

    His potential is limited. Compared to a unit who is trained to level 20 and given a Master seal, He comes off weaker. And giving him things to improve his potential is simply out of the way when it could be used on a unit with better stats and growths.

  5. And here's where it gets more difficult.

    Lissa. Oh, Lissa.

    She's an essential healer in the prologue, at least. Then, at least on Hard mode, it is possible to do without her. And of Lunatic, it is very hard to use her without someone else getting killed during Chapter 2.

    Her growth rates are... so-so. She has a major speed problem that always shows its ugly face when I use her, and she is usually quite confused about what it is she's supposed to be getting, as I've often had her have a higher Str than Mag. Her stats are frankly all over the place. In my experience, she is a hard unit to use effectively. My recruitment of Owain has always suffered because of it.

    Miracle access, Galeforce access is a big plus. But she is really not very fast and hard to use a combat unit unless ground into dust. Her Troubador access is frankly redundant.

    I know this isn't to be included in the ratings, but Maribelle, in my experience, is always a consistently better healer in just about every area but Str/Defense. So, every area that matters in being a healer and a magical tank.

    And, while I won't include this in my rating, I do not like her personality. I have tried, very very hard to like Lissa, but it is all in vain. The more I support her to find out more about her, the more I dislike.

    Overall: 4/10

  6. I am really, sincerely hoping that most of those who post here try to do so without the blatant hate and favoritism that has soiled the rest of these. Let's try to do better as a community.

    Alright, here's Chrom.

    On the whole, I really enjoy Chrom. He gets off to shaky start with stats, but grows relatively well, and even has a decent growth for resistance. The unbreakable Falchion is a great asset to him, especially as a Supporting unit. I am aware that Supporting was supposed to be left out of the rating, but I honestly do not see why not, as Pairing Up is a very viable strategy in the game.

    He does not have very good Support options, or very good reclassing options. Paladin is a great choice for him due to Aegis, but Aether renders Great Knight redundant and I'm not a great fan of archer classes. Dread Fighter is really the best option for him, where at least he will get resistance more frequently.

    I enjoy Chrom's personality, specifically his sense of humor in the DLC episodes. He also makes a good father Cynthia or Kjelle due to passing Aether. He is a great asset to have, especially against Grima in harder modes due to Falchion access.

    I give Chrom an 8.5/10. If it must be a whole number, 9/10. He is a solid lord that ends up quite balanced, and he does not really need his lackluster reclassing options.

  7. I'm thinking they'll still stick with the traditional FE royal prince lord (who wield's swords only initially) with a noble and just demeanor. They might have a co-lead that'll break the tradition in the vein of Cellica or Micaiah, but I'm guessing the royal prince lord will have more of the spotlight, like Alm and Ike did in FE2 and FE10 (Ike's not a prince, but he still fits the archetype otherwise), respectively.

    So, what would your guys' opinion be on a lead who starts off merciless and will attack innocents and burn down villages just because they are of the enemy nation? I know some people are somewhat tired of the whole "noble lead" tradition, but would they actually appreciate a character that's the exact opposite of that, a genocidical monster? Of course, they'll soften up later on in the story, because they wouldn't be much of a good guy if they didn't.

    How was Lief/Leaf flawed exactly? I haven't found a good FE5 translation and haven't played it a result.

    I'd have to say I wouldn't get very far playing that game if said character was the forced lord for an extended period. I could barely put up with Micaiah when she resorted to drastic measures, I'd have major problems with a completely unethical lord.

  8. I'd actually like to see a main character on the other end of the spectrum from the waring princes/lords. One that is physically weak but holds strong morals and convictions. One who is soft-spoken and strives for a higher path in life and that of his/her company, mixing naivete with pacifism, yet stubborn in his/her good ways.

    I suppose Eirika or Celica would be close to one I'm describing, but since I've never played Gaiden I can't be sure.

  9. For the most part I like Owain, because he knows his history! I love his 8-grader-syndrome.

    But I don't like having to use his mother to get him, and I really can't approve of the conversation he has with Mist in Smash Brethern 2. He did the only thing that could make me dislike him; go toe-to-toe with one of my undisputed favorites and try to best her.

    He lost major points in my book for that.

  10. Cynthia can't actually use the lance she's depicted wielding when she joins.

    Female Morgan can't use Goetia either, for obvious reasons.

    I'd protest some of those class option opinions. Maribelle and War Cleric. She says she practices 'Parasol-fu' to keep brigands at bay, and talks about 'Ruining' people and Promising stuff will hurt. Brady is known for being softer than he looks, so I could definitely see Sage fitting him just as well as War Monk. Owain's supports with Cynthia reveal that he thinks killing (and particularly, rampage killing) to be heroic. And I wouldn't worry about Cynthia - as long as she's coming to the rescue I wouldn't worry about her class, and nothing's as heroic as Canto+(Galeforce).

    Aversa did sully that class, though.

    But then again, all of them stick with the standard class in the Future of Despair, so I guess that could be considered their 'canon' promotion class.

    Otherwise seems like something I would be interested in.

    ^I like Maribelle way too much.

  11. Phew. I could never bring myself to post in this thread's opposite, what with the physical pain it caused me when reading and all the pent-up frustration. Perhaps gushing about favorites will help level the irritation.

    Mine is no secret. Maria!

    So Maria was probably 5 when her father mysteriously died and Michalis asked her to do her duty for her country and seal Macedon's pact with Dolhr, and her love for her siblings and country prevailed and she fell right into his lying trap. She then spent the next five or six years in captivity, learning that she had been deceived by Minerva when she visited her prison and feeling terrible about her situation - yet still, she managed to stay cheerful. She eagerly joins Marth and strives to help Minerva in any way she can, and strives to be strong enough not to be 'helpless' again.

    And somewhere during those years she must of learned how to wield a staff (albeit not very well). She gives a lot of herself up to serve her people (becoming a cleric, studying to better herself in Khadein after the war, sacrificing her childhood for captivity), and gives even more of herself for her siblings, when she agrees to Michalis' terms, makes herself a soldier for Minerva, and manages to keep Michalis alive after Minerva wrecks him, easily forgiving him for what he did to her and their family.

    Despite all the turmoil that she's been through, Maria is still a cheerful, bubbly and kindhearted soul who is entirely selfless, and I love her for it.

    In the bleak landscape of characters that was Shadow Dragon, Maria presented a shining ray of personality that I easily latched on to. And anyone who knows the character will understand that I could care less about stats. :D

    Others that make me play the games I play: Mist, L'Arachel, Erk, Fiona, Soren, and unfortunately no real favorite from Awakening.

  12. If I were to create a class specifically for FE, I'd create the class that I really want to see...

    Paraclete. - A holy woman of noble blood, wields staves to heal allies, and Tomes and Slender swords to pierce enemies' defenses. Good Speed, Mag, and Res, but lackluster Str and Skill. Average HP, Def. On foot, no real weakness. Less than average movement cost, counts as magic unit. Wears an elaborate, flowing gown, and exudes grace with every move.

    ^ Maribelle if the Bride class did this.

  13. Am i the only one whos ok with this glitch? Cuz LB2's 8 bit music is actually quite awful.

    Yep I'm on board. Except I quite liked that tune! It was catchy for being so old.

    I didn't think of it so much as a glitch as a ... uh, probability of playing the sidequest music. And frankly I do prefer Chaos to, say SB2's music, which I didn't even like in it's game.

  14. The way Ike said he'd literally die for her in their A support is ignoring her? xP

    Or how about when he lets her spend so much alone time together with him?

    Or when he's suspiciously silent for a moment and then changes the subject when a drunken Shinon blurts that Ike's in love with her?

    I got some nice vibes of love from these scenarios and more.

    I definitely did too. And I got them to A support, and then Ike takes off and leaves at the end of POR and later again in RD. :/

    I frankly think that proves his front.

  15. Well, since Geoffrey is the only one that can actually marry her....

    Ike just proved his, uh, preference when he totally ignored Elincia classily throwing herself at him for a whole game. Specifically in the last cutscene of POR, it was almost fun to watch his awkwardness with her. It's kind of sad, but I'm glad Elincia can move on and marry Geoffrey.

    But who am I kidding, I ship Elincia hard with Caineghis off of the first dialogue they have in POR, so I can't talk.

  16. Yep Yep!

    I really like how the battle - and the cutscenes look in 3D. Sometimes I turn it off for looking at the overhead grid and support conversations, though, as it's kind of unnecessary there.

    All in all, I think it's a shame to not use it when the battles are very well animated - and it's the system's main gimmick.

  17. Male = Brady. I love his personality. He's just so empathetic and frankly understandable, growing up with Maribelle and being surrounded by tales of heroes and greatness, so I think his personality is spot-on. This was juxtaposed to his battle prowess - he got 3rd place in wins in my first playthrough - which only made him seem more likable by comparison. I just kept wanting to make him stronger so he'd grow a little faith... And then I had no idea who to pair him with because he just works with so many of the options (Cynthia & his supports are cute, Severa & his supports are understandable, Noire & his supports are adorable)...

    Yeah, I'm going with Brady. Brady all the way.

    Female = Cynthia. It's a close call between her, Noire, and Severa, but I recruited her first and I love her attitude. Her voice and character are a great clash to the rest of the stick-in-the-mud children from the glum future *coughgeromecough*, which makes her really refreshing to use. Plus, she's fairly broken, coming from Sumia with that Speed.

    And then I really like Noire and Severa - Noire because I want to shield her from all the horrible things her mother did to her, and Severa because I feel her personality is really spot-on as well. My next favorite male would be Laurent, as he's also very nice despite the horrible 5-year-wait he had to go through.

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