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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Come now, it was said in the all the promotional materials that Chrom is Marth's descendant.

    It's even mentioned in Tiki's supports with the Avatar that Chrom is a distant relation to Marth. He's a descendant of both Marth and the First Exalt, which, until proved otherwise, makes the First Exalt Marth's descendant as well. I don't see why this is getting so hotly debated.

  2. Olivia and I got off to such a bad start upon her introduction that I refused to speak to her for some time and benched her.

    But then, I started training her, and she did extraordinarily well. I reclassed her into an Assassin - because who can resist the Dancer / Undercover Assassin - and she did so well there that she Lethality-killed most everyone - including Aversa. I did reclass her back, because I do find dancing useful for this game, even with Galeforce. Rally Movement + Move + Galeforce + Dance = Ah, Wonderful.

    The fact that Olivia can use swords, in my opinion, makes her the best dancer I've ever used. It is great that isn't a complete liability on the board, because that simply won't work in Awakening. It's that reason that I use her so much; I think she's fantastic in her base class.

  3. The sad thing is, both Fiona and Meg have the potential to become some of the most potent units in the game. I don't even like Generals, but when Meg started leveling on me I started using them, because she does extremely well. Fiona is even better, as she has two frankly fantastic blank skills, and has the benefits of being mounted.

    She has great growths and will have great Speed and Defense - and she heals herself each turn. Fiona has won MVP on at least two of my RD play throughs, and is one of my favorite characters in the game - plus, she's Black!

    The hard part is getting them enough EXP to be useful in the short amount of time that you have. If you're opposed to grinding and babying, this simply won't happen. Both of them are rather hard to train - especially Fiona, as she comes in even later than Meg - but the payoff is better, conversely.

    So, I'd say give them a chance if you can on your next run.

    But to answer your main question, Yes, it's far too late to try to train them now. Part 4 doesn't play around with weak units.

  4. It's all dem growths for me.

    I really like being able to use units who start out low-leveled and make them fantastic - bases really don't mean much to me if I like I character. I'm sure no one was surprised by me saying that.

    The fact that they can grow into a beast is what I really like. I am biased towards low-level characters and hardly ever use pre-promotes (only in Awakening because of Second Seals), which is still a new feeling for me because I haven't had the chance to watch them to grow. It feels wrong to use them over the units I've babied, so I don't.

    Edit: I just saw the 'I choose who I want' option, which is really the one I'm looking for. :/ I usually units who I like, and that's pretty much it - regardless of how 'good' they are.

  5. The Spotpass characters are free? Aren't they already in the code?

    Like, will it display the portraits on your game when you use Streetpass teams to fight a Spotpass character that you haven't downloaded yourself?

    Edit: It's a big difference to me. Requiring an online connection to access free parts in the game is a pet peeve of mine since Internet still can't be taken for granted.

    And it's a pointless inconvenience either way. If it's not paid DLC, you technically already paid for it. You shouldn't have to jump through pointless hoops like that.

    And because it will be looked away forever, when they take their servers down.

    Unfortunately, as far as I know, putting Spotpass/DLC characters in your Streetpass teams causes a bug that doesn't allow the team to be received properly.

  6. You can't say that with certainty though.

    It's possible Naga granted the ability to the first Exalt and hence why Chrom has a Mark of the Exalt (while Marth does not).

    My point is that it's dangerous to make assumptions, because the series is notorious for overthrowing them. For example:

    Everyone thought Naga was a dude because "he's" a king and "he's" depicted as a male warrior.

    Point taken. Hmm.

  7. [/size]

    Aw man I know what you mean! I was so happy when I saw him in the Spotpass roster + DLC maps. Super glad that they included him ; u ;

    To be honest, a-all I want is Mahnya from FE4.

    [spoiler=FE13 Phila Spoiler]I was... surprised when they killed her off. And the manner they did it felt so reminiscent of how Mahnya died too! Being a Pegasus Knight captain is suffering orz

    Back when I was unaware of the SpotPass map schedule, I was kind of expecting them to include her...

    Oh, I'm right with you. I thought she would be a SpotPass character too, what with no one ever dying in the story mode.

    Yay! Another Lyon fan! I NEVER find any Lyon fans!

    And they didn't put in Joshua, but they put in Moulder?! I really don't know what went through the minds of IS, but it clearly wasn't fanbase (I refuse to believe Japanese fans would vote Moulder over Joshua) or official art (Joshua has a pretty awesome official portrait). Seriously, who decided all this???

    Yay! We're all here! Wave of two!

    Essentially one of the game developers chose all of them. But hopefully if we get new DLC, we might get new legacy characters. It's a longshot, but


  8. Maria because it's satisfying to see an initially crap unit grow into an apocalyptic bastard.

    Amen to that. I really relish the challenge.

    I'm slightly surprised Marth isn't getting more points simply because of SSB, but I'm glad to see that some characters managed to have personality enough to win fans in this game.

  9. I love Maribelle. Her character is very interesting; while she's easily the snottiest character in the game, often just getting past her 'C' support with a unit reveals a lot of integrity on her part. Her heart is really in the right place, and her mantle only makes her a more intriguing character in my opinion. I also end up using her over Lissa in just about every run I do, as she keeps 'sufficiently proving her superiority', and I her supports with Chrom once again have much more heart than his canon wife's, so I pair them mostly.

    However, she seems to do terribly on every poll, which saddens me.

    Brady is fantastic. I love his character, his integrity and his self-deprecation. Also, the fact that Maribelle is his mother just adds to the hilarity of his existence.

    Much like the OP, I'm not very fond of Tharja either... at all. I don't like her personality whatsoever, and she is an unpredictable unit when trained.

    The same holds true for Lissa. I'm still trying to dispel my dislike of her.

    As for the rest of the popular characters, I seem to be a hipster and don't like many of them.

    -Stahl - I really don't see what the pull of his character is.

    -Frederick - Succeeded in making me hate him with his first few words of dialogue.

    -Lon'qu - What a jerk. Don't like his attitude.

    As for more characters that I like that aren't very popular:

    -Emmeryn, but that goes without saying - and I'm not quite sure she counts.

    -Tiki - MarMar! Her story is rather sad.

    -Nah - Well, despite the moral dilemma's I had to go through to get her, I love her personality.

    -Severa - Like Maribelle, her mantle is just a disguise for a much more vulnerable person, which I think makes her a great character.

    -Laurent - This poor guy is fantastic.

    -Gregor. This guy is hilarious. His personality is the only reason I would have ever picked him up.

    Edit: Fixed spacing nonsense.

  10. I would buy more DLC if the developers released a new set of Legacy characters for Shadow Dragon & New Mystery of the Emblem - seeing as they're arguably the most important games to Awakening, as they are based on the same continent. Most of the current characters are pathetic choices, as they aren't storyline important at all.

    Having scenarios with legitimate legacy characters from their continent, and Gaiden's, would be a pull for me. How about reliving Midia's fight for her life, and actually be able to use her properly as a unit because of Awakening's system? I wouldn't even mind the silly avatar model if they actually included some good characters from those games - Really disappointed in New Mystery's selection.

  11. For females there is Palla and to a lesser extend Midia. I like the older and more gracefull females. Its a shame Palla trew away her dignity in her awakening artwork.

    Sadly, she's not the only one. -Micaiah/Celica/Elincia

    I wouldn't hold her accountable for that. It was those darn card artist embellishing the details.

    Anyway, I'd agree. Tis the reason I am smitten with Elice and Nyna.

  12. Oh hey guys. Who could forget the DESERT chapters. ESPECIALLY NINE. So the chapters I have to use my flying units is the one where you add sneaky bowmen, huh? Screw you too, Plegia.

    Don't forget the Arcwind Dark Mage in the corner next to the village on the left. Thought were going to visit that with your Pegasus Knight and make your life easy? Not so, good sir.

  13. I shout quotes, listen to the music, have the 3DS, and play Marth religiously in SSBB (second, Main Peach).

    Same goes for the rest of the triangle. Then someone pulls out a mace and my mind get fucked up.

    ^Ditto. Whenever I write now, I have to keep reminding myself that there are other weapons - *gasp* - besides what was used in this game series, as amazing as it is... I can also tell my characters are heavily influenced. And most of the time I just go with it. :|

    I named a betta fish Eliwood once, he lasted for about a week and then died.

    I think I should have named him Hector

    ...This has quite literally made me day, good sir. I am trying to cease the laughter but it still persists.

  14. Rescue those villagers when they try to run. Do it again. And Again. And have someone clear out the direction the villagers keep running into.

    I actually quite liked Brady's chapter. It was easy to get him EXP rescuing the villagers out of range of the longbows, and I just walled up the entrances with tanks/dodgers.

    Chp 2 Lunatic, as has been echoed.

    Most frustrating for me - LAURENT'S Paralogue. Flying reinforcements, Warrior reinforcements, all right next to you. Retried it I don't know how many times, was such a pain.

    Ch 5 - Maribelle and Ricken, Hard+ (never played normal, but hey, to each their own). I hate this map with such a passion. Introduces you to trolling reinforcements, fliers, moving bosses, and darn Nosferatu Dark Mages - all while trying to keep the delicate troubador and mage alive. It's insanity.

    The Chapter with Pheros - I forget which. Another unrelenting rush of reinforcements.

    ...I'm noticing a trend here.

  15. ...Wow. I never realized just how small my team for Shadow Dragon actually is, since I compulsively do all-female runs, with the exception of Marth, Julian, and occasionally Radd.

    I was curious about this. This game, out of all the games that have been released worldwide, does the worst job of introducing characters, in my opinion. There are so many playable characters, and some of them join without a word of notable dialogue. Some have literally no storyline importance whatsoever, and there are no clues to recruit them.

    And then there are characters like Elice, who has the most time of all in terms of emphathy, but has the worst usability of the bunch.

    So, all in all, I'm curious about what characters have managed to stand out from this game, and why they did - because as a writer, I must know...for science.

    For me, I have a few favorites.

    Maria. - I'll admit it, Maria had me won over before she even appeared (though I totally expected her to be a Draco/Pegasus Knight), what with Minerva worrying about her being held captive. When I saw her, the deal was done simply because she was so darn cute. And then, she had to go and talk and have personality in the drab landscape that was Shadow Dragon, with catchphrases a-blazing, and even has an emotional conversation with Minerva and actually reminds me of the other games in which characters actually interact with other. Story important, and an interestingly constructed character.

    And then I had to do research and find out her story is actually more tragic than it seems, but the game doesn't delve into her backstory at all. And then I was doomed to be Maria fan forevermore.

    I actually like how terrible her bases are, because it's realisitc of one in her position - and I enjoy the challenge as building her up as a unit into being a Mega Maria.

    Elice - Wanted to save her from the get-go, was terrified she was dead, and loved her fortitude. I was less impressed with her dreadful bases because of how late she joins, and training her is a real challenge - but I take it nonetheless, because she too talks and is so storyline important that it would be a crime not to use her in all her elegance and grace.

    Caeda - Easily won me over with her personality and determination. Plus, she's a very useful unit, even if she hates Str/Def with a passion - and her manipulation of Roger and Navarre actually makes her a deeper and more interesting character.

    Midia - While she's not very good either, I was compelled by her story as well - especially her desperation in trying to survive in her tiny cell as the archers go to town on the rest of her soldiers. One of the most compassionate stories in the game, I admire her integrity. That being said, in my experience she is not a very good unit, and I've only managed to successfully use her once.

    Merric - I love Merric. Not only does he succeed in being extroadinarily useful, he is one of few units that have a backstory with Marth, and he converses with both Linde and Elice. Merric was my first Superunit, capping everything on my first run, and subsequently carried a few more runs. Excalibur, and his chipper personality are fantastic.


    Norne - Like her so much I have a hard time playing hard mode without her.

    Athena - Recruited to increase my female-only options.

    Radd - I don't know how, but Radd actually made me like him. I have a soft-spot for Lvl 1/ low level units that join with low stats, but are highly trainable - and his Lck of 1 and the arena right next to him wooed me. Because he never talks, I've constructed a persona of him that gets along swimmingly with other child/young characters like Norne, Maria, and Rickard.

    Julian & Rickard - Love both of them. I usually try to use Rickard more than Julian, simply because Rickard comes in at Level 1 with low bases, and I've got such a soft spot for such characters. But Julian's personality is frankly a lot funnier, and his portrait is smooth. Very smooth.

    Minerva & The Whitewings - I use them because they are spectacular units with the most broken attack in the game, and they converse like actual characters from an FE game. Minerva is used more or less because she supports with Maria and the Whitewings, and she makes a good sniper if used correctly.

    Marth - Of course, I love Marth. I'm slighty biased from SSB, as this game doesn't do a good job at portraying his real personality - but he's a great unit and I love him nonetheless.

    So, what are some of your favorites? Did this game succeed in making you like any characters?

  16. The fact that such details are never mentioned except when it serves to glorify some characters (ie: Emmeryn) is one of Awakening's major failings. Having Ylisse be (or have been) a not-so-different counterpart to Plegia would have made the story 5x better than it is.

    So while I'm sure the former Exalt probably justified his argument in some religious fashion, I have to wonder if he wasn't just greedy. Chrom basically robs them blind to repay Ylisse for Gangrel's war and nobody thinks anything of it... and they still have plenty of money two years later.

    The trouble is, since the story never mentions this, we're literally just left with the former Exalt literally just trying to commit genocide. There's no real indication, or mention of any funds that were secured in that war, especially since Emmeryn talks about it being an extreme detriment to Ylisse's standard of living and wealth - they were practically drained dry by the war and are still recovering so thoroughly more than fifteen years later that another war would/does destroy them entirely.

    When considering this, it's more likely that the former exalt is merely meant to be the flat 'bad dude' without reasoning. This really should have been mentioned more, as it would have given the story more depth and differentiated it from the previous games.

  17. Hopefully it gets a subbed when it comes out XD

    make an anime already

    We're still missing a proper manga and an anime : P

    Seconded / Thirded?

    With what Nintendo did with Kid Icarus, I'm actually surprised an anime hasn't already been produced with this batch of Fanservice that is Awakening. I suppose it would be too difficult what with the Avatar needing to be transparent and the multiple pairings of Chrom, but a gaiden like this Drama CD might be a good start - or some sort of prequel.

    As long as Chrom's dignity is maintained! /pretending Lucina exists by stork

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