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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Obscenely 'Favoristic' Team

    * Marth (Lord, obviously) - Favorite Lord ever. Nice and broken.

    2. Maria ! (FE11 for better growth potential)

    3. Mist (FE10 simply for Florete.)

    4. FIONA! - Rep it.

    5. L'Arachel - Divine Grace!

    6. Erk - Sarcastic before it was cool, Soren

    7. Lyon - I can pretend I saved him the whole time! (Playable in the Creature Campaign, please let that count.)

    8. Marcia! Huzzah!

    9. Catria - Unrequited before it was cool, Cordelia

    10. Emmeryn (Can I draft her before she was "killed"? :/ )

    11. Cynthia (MU +Spd/-Skl)

    12. Brady (Gaius)

    13. Noire (Donnel)

    Others that almost made the Cut:

    Lyndis, but gah she's a Lord.




  2. So they aren't complete liabilities on the battlefield. I found it quite refreshing to play FE12/13 and see them defend themselves - it was such a relief if they were well trained enough to put in a proper formation, though that only really applies with Olivia.

  3. .... Now including Lucina isn't even really fair, in my opinion.

    I can only comment for Lord from FE7 and up, though.

    When adjusting for Max stats between games, I'd say the most likely are

    Lucina - Regardless of Mother has the Children's high stats and Aether.

    POR Ike - He actually got Resistance in that game.

    FE12 Marth - One of the most balanced Lords in terms of stats, and very solid with the Binding Shield +2 in all stats not allowing him to doubled. His flaw, naturally, is his nonexistent resistance.


    And of course I'm biased towards Marth, from seconding him in SSBB.

  4. It's a Streetpass team. Whether or not the person you Streetpass has Awakening or not, you get a challenge team. If they have awakening and have set up streetpass you get their team, and if not you just get a generic team (you can usually tell by the name and dialogue, and the "View Card" will always be empty).

    If only I had glasses, I would have liked to push them up now. (Thanks Miriel.)

  5. Out of the three, I'd say Sol. Nothing helps like not dying on the middle of the battlefield, especially when you misstep or the AI decides to all mug on unit.

    Renewal and Lifetaker are safer bets for survivability in my opinion, though. Sol can fail when Assist units knock HP away from the enemy that you needed to steal.

  6. You know why Farina cares about money so much

    To repay Fiora's debts

    If you're gonna hate on a character don't get their characterisation wrong

    Farina admits it didn't take even take her long to work up the 'remaining' sum that Fiora hadn't already paid. It seemed more like a peace offering than anything.

    Doesn't excuse her primary motivation, simple greed.

  7. I thought the class was random at first (Gah they're just trying to force axes on more people) but then I got Renewal.

    ...And half my roster then became War Clerics.

    I frankly love the iron dress frame - its just so unique. And I've never been able to promote Lissa to a sage. Ever. She just has so much more personality as a war cleric ("It's time to start Punchin' stuff!") and her model looks closer to her actual art.

    ... I want DLC War Cleric Maria. Very badly.

  8. Gharnef. I couldn't get over thinking 'What happened to your face?' whenever he appeared in Shadow Dragon. And having Imhullu and all that? Super cool, but kinda creepy.

    I'm gonna say Tharja as well, because she really takes her obsessions so far that I fails to be funny and more disturbing. To put it mildly, I hate her personality. And her.

    But for the winner, Nowi.

    ...Just, no.

  9. My favorite personal one is Lost Bloodlines 3, for Paragon, Seliph (Galeforce!) and about 10 levels with Paragon & Veteran combined with soloing the map (with a pair, of course). I've done that one I don't know how many times.

    I still need to get Limit Break on more people, but I'm unenthused by Rogues and Redeemers 3.

    I would say Smash Brethren 2 for the Bride's Bouquet, but Eirika's randomness and the theme of that music ruins it for me. Heck, I didn't even like that music in its original game.

  10. I frankly think most of the characters of note in terms of depth and likeability are the children. Most of the parents I find flat and unentertaining. Most only have one trait/quirk that they are based off, and aren't really full characters. When compared to some other games, I was rather disappointed...


    My favorites in the game are Cynthia, BRADY, Noire, Severa, Yarne (even though he's quite 1-sided as well), Inigo, Owain, Nah - did I mention I like the children? They save the game's personality for me by being so radically different than the rest of the characters. More colorful as well.

    For the parents, I'd have to say... Maribelle. XD She's so fantastic, I find her personality hilarious and charming. Her dynamic is probably the most tsundere of the cast.

    Gregor is amazing as well. Only mercenary archetype I've really taken to with his shameless hitting on the females.

    On the whole, though, for a game that focuses on 'loving the characters' (from 'Iwata Asks') it was a little underwhelming.

  11. I agree that these chapters are my favorite in the game, storywise. (Though I wasn't too much of a fan of Ch 11, totally contradicting ideals and not really doing anything for the story in terms of development, as it's just a rather abrupt end to the arc.)

    "Don't speak her name," ".......", The Midmire, Mustafa, the cutscene - they're all great in really yanking out heartstrings, in my opinion. I was quite upset when Emmeryn did that, especially considering it was only the Fire Emblem at stake.

    Though the first arc was rushed, I feel Emmeryn's character helped drastically improve it. The second arc, without it, seemed almost completely counterproductive towards the first. And the third was 'Oh yeah now that one thing that causes a major character to join really early is finally happening'.

    I'll admit that Chapter 10 is definitely my favorite moment in the game, and is definitely up there as my favorite moment in the series.

  12. Marth just has to have a reason to wear his tiara after all.

    Gah, that silly anime!


    Best: Maria.

    At about five (timelines), agrees to be a hostage to help her Brother further his campaign. Does her best to help her Sister in battle, despite not knowing how to fight (or even heal, really). Doesn't shy away from facing her Brother in combat, but hides him away in the castle and stays by his bedside for who knows how long nursing him back to health. Doesn't even hold ill will for ruining her life.

    What a Saint.

    Honorable Mention to Minerva and Mist - literally forcing Rhys to teach her to support her Brother, barging in on the Black Knight... If I didn't know so much about Maria, she would have had my vote.


    Worst: Farina. Changing my vote from Est, because at least she joins and 'attempts' to make up with her Sisters (she wasn't really on bad terms) but a Farina just shoves them both off and answers only to money. Disgusting.

  13. Waitwait, back up. MU>Chrom>Donnel>then otherpeople. Chrom gives rightful king and stuff, Donnel gives aptitude and merc and peg knight to girls. what more could you ask for?


    I frankly think Rightful king is overrated, so I don't pair Chrom with those who have boys (with the exception of Lunatic MU once).

    And Donnel is good, but I also don't pass Aptitude because by the time I get the children I do not care for it as the game's difficulty has died anyway (on Hard / not so much Lunatic). And unfortunately he passes a speed deduction. And his hair color is boring. So I'd say MU>Henry>Donnel, I don't count Chrom because he's too specific.

  14. Henry, in my opinion, is the best father besides the MU. Not only is he 'surprisingly good' but he has good growths for just about all his stats, and has Counter access.

    Perfect. I did do Sumia/Henry in my last playthrough, and Cynthia was such a boss. ^like that one.

    And yes, generic dialogue is boring.

  15. We need a Holy War DLC pack with Lena, Maria, and Elice as the gainable characters - in that order. (Or Maria, Lena, Elice).

    Lena - Sage Asset - Mag. Flaw - HP.

    Maria - War Cleric / Valkyrie Asset - Lck. Flaw - Def.

    Elice - Sage / Valkyrie. Asset - Spd. Flaw - Res.

    Out of the three, Maria's easily got the personality to be the one made into a War Cleric. Helps that Minerva's got axes too. No current War Cleric / Valkyrie DLC characters.

    Since Aum is gone, the goddess staff would also be a good reward on the last one (Elice), a magic tome from Lena - probably Valflame as a reference to her high magic and Bolganone tome in FE3. Maria would probably give a Hauteclere or Fortify staff.

    Since Nyna's already a Spotpass character, she wouldn't be included in the Holy War Pack. But essentially, the three holy maidens would be recruitable through the absurdly difficult maps (since all DLC past series one try to be hard as mess).

    And finally, Elice would get some time to shine. She's always being shunted to the side, kidnapped, and getting no playability, so she really needs some. And these three need some new artwork! They're fairly important (the 'fairly' is aimed at Lena) in both of Marth's games, and I'd love to see what they say about their turmoil. I frankly think they need more recognition. I'm sure no one is surprised by my saying that.

    Come on, IS! Please, you really need to redo legacy characters from FE11/12. The Pegasus Sisters were a good start, keep it up and give us the Holy Maidens too!

  16. I must be the only person on the face of the planet (Edit: Well, what d'ya know! Post above kinda likes their supports too) who wasn't all that disappointed with their supports. Yes, they stink, but the rest of the game seems to be their S support.

    Female MU X Chrom. Besides the game itself shipping them so hard, Lucina and Morgan are the stuff. Currently attempting a family run on Lunatic, and so far it's still working - dat family.

  17. My Streetpass team is 'Brides of Havoc' and features a male MU, Havoc, and you guessed it - 9 Brides. XD I love it.

    And for extra-trollage, the majority of them are the children characters with Counter. Woo!

    I'm really disappointed that the Spotpass/DLC character cause glitches. I spent so much time training Pr. Marth and Mist because I love them so and would love to show them off.

    As far as I know, guest Avatars don't cause a glitch. I've fought a team with a few guest avatars (one was myself, strangely enough).

    Yeah, the common theme is what really makes a good Streetpass Team, in my opinion. While all my units have capped stats, I'm just trying to troll as hard as I can, since there's no way you can make an 'unbeatable' team - so it's much better to make an amusing play experience than to try to be that guy who's all 'hahamyteamissostrong' and then you proceed to troll them with Pair Up. XD

    I'm looking forward to my next run. I plan to recreate Maria as a MU and have a team full of wyverns, dragons and War clerics.

  18. I lied in my vote: I said Avatar, but realistically I called it the MU much more often. I think I'd like to say that I call it the Avatar, but when talking about it to other players, it just makes more sense to say MU, as its different for each player.

  19. Nope! Though now that you mentioned it, that totally would be.... but I'll never kill any of the main army units. Or any allies. Except DLC allies or just NPCs because they have a LOW percentage of stealing my exp.

    It'd be kinda odd to see a mount falling on the rider. Granted it might be more realistic because it's the mount weak to the fliers, but... still.... Those pegasus, pegasi? must be heavy as hell.

    Thus the 'death.'

    I think it needs to be done to show that, "realistically" the mount landing on them, or the fall itself from the air is probably what kills the fliers / makes them vulnerable to arrows. Or else you could just kill the mount and then essentially have a dismounted Soldier.

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