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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Grinding, grinding, and more grinding.

    EXPonential growth, Lost Bloodlines 2 and 3, and Smash Brethren 2 have been played at least 20 times each, simply for the items and the EXP. I've got to get those Bride's Bouquets, bro.

    And on Lunatic, unsurprisingly, you really do need to grind a bit if you're limiting your character count (because I'm just that masochistic, apparently).

  2. Happy Birthday!

    It it helps allieve you, I jumped right into hard mode. The first few chapters (Chp 5, Maribelle's) are by far the hardest. I would highly suggest grinding a bit on Risen and in the Outrealm gate if you get have DLC, because this game is unrelenting when to magic users in general. But beware: too much grinding and the game's difficulty dies a painful death, so it's your call to make.

    And you should set your MU to have a birthday today as well, so you can get that bonus after Ch 4 when you unlock the barracks. ;)

  3. I have to agree with the OP, Reinforcements really shouldn't be allowed to spawn and move on the same turn. So, so many resets when they have spawned and murdered the mages/healers in the back. Especially on Laurent's recruitment paralogue.

  4. I honestly think the walls close and fall depending on how close you are to getting through or being trapped. I don't know about Nah's, because I simply Rescue Staff her all the time.

    But this place is annoying as mess. My first playthrough I jumped a gap with ol' Warrior Donny (paired Dark Knight Cordelia, S), and subsequently got stuck for about five turns and was Countered twice, leaving me to frantically Physic him as the walls kept trolling everyone trying to come to his aid and he trying to get back.

    Then of course, Trickster Brady opens the doors, and the game laughs at me.

    Second playthrough I was ready for it, but it only made it slightly less annoying.

    ...Why the heck is this place in this game, anyway? Why is Nah here? I'd really like to know the story to this place, and why we didn't recruit Luigi in here instead.

  5. Oh my. This thread.

    I actually find the tiny feet to be quite adorable.

    Lissa has got to be the only cleric / little sister / arguable member of Maria's legacy that I can't seem to like. First it was her hair. Her voice being Kate Higgins (Sakura-chan) helped her gain a few points, as well as the cutscenes in chapter 2 and 8... But her design is average looking at best (Seriously, are those doilies? In her hair?) and her attitude in most of her supports is just obnoxious. And there's the fact that she has never done well for me, so much that she's benched for Maribelle without fail in every playthrough so far (the real member of Maria's archetype) and I think she may be one of the worst characters in the game (which usually doesn't stop me at all, as I use Maria religiously). I don't know what my problem is with her, but I plan to force my main MU to marry her in an alternate save to see if that helps.

    I also like the Male sorcerer's see-through attire. That, and there caps has got to be one of the reasons MaleMU has been landed in one as his final destination, as he's been designed to look rather manly anyway.

    I cry "Cynthia!" in an imitation of her voice whenever I select her. Which doesn't seem to get old. Miriel's selection quote is "Very gracious of you."

    I always play Hard/Classic mode, as it's the only way to play - I have never played Normal or Casual - and I am currently doing my first Lunatic playthrough, since Hard was a walk in the park - and I am only allowing myself to use the family, as Female MU has married Chrom.

    Chrom beat Ephraim out for my second favorite lord with his hilarity in DLC conversations, and his general integrity during storymode. Sorry Ephraim, you don't have a sense of humor.

    I dislike most, if not all of the parents in this game. I find Sumia to be completely overdone and not endearing character, who shames everything Caeda worked for - and her scene where she creeps on Chrom and his wife meeting Lucina made me lose all respect for her. If you haven't noticed this, look for her in that scene in your next playthrough.

    I try to ignore the whole Nowi thing to save my sanity as I try to get Nah. I dislike Tharja and Sully, and only their children save them from negligence.

    I find Severa and Brady adorable as characters.

    Oh, and I like Walhart so much that I had Female MU finally stop pimping out and marry him.

  6. And the fact that the last map with Ike gives you Limit Breaker will make you play it over... and over... and over... and over again.


    Which probably won't increase my affinity with the map in the slightest.


    I just park Titania on one side, Oscar on the other, and either Ike or Boyd on the front (with Ike switching to get Ilyana obviously)

    also no more defend objectives, can't seize now enemies Kappa.png

    Of course I figured this out, but not after repeatedly experimenting to get more people besides Titania EXP. Which just resulted in Rhy's getting Javelined quit a few times on my first tries.

    Of course that's all less-than-savory memories under the bridge now.

  7. True to my word, I have a Streetpass team with a majority of brides, sub Male MyUnit. Many of them also possess DLC exclusive skills.

    What would this Streetpass team would look like to someone without the DLC? Would they be able to receive it at all?

    Edit: Another question: Is there a particular file that game uses for the Streetpass team that is sent out? I have only personalized one file, but I have played on all three, and Streetpass units appear in all three of them.

  8. Was I the only one who groaned at realizing that Rogues and Redeemers was set on a certain map that I never wanted to see ever again?

    As FE9 was my first FE, that map alone destroyed hopes and dreams, and Rhys.

  9. Being guilt-tripped by legacy characters.

    ^ This.

    I really, really wanted to see the characters and be working with them, fighting exclusive bosses in cool scenarios and all that, not killing them - the characters who I frankly like a lot more than the motley crew that you get to recruit in this game. Not only are you attacking them, but you're being jerks about it too. (Female MyUnit and Nanna's convo.)

    Really, taking down Mist several times was just nearly too much for me to handle. I usually have to let her shred up the competition (she's finally using tomes for goodness sake) and hope an Ally gets her so I don't have to.

    Another disappointment for me would be how they chose to do the DLC characters in general. They don't speak outside of a few quotes, and after that they blend in perfectly with the rest of the army - but can't be used in Streetpass teams, which in my mind, nearly negates them as grinding subjects. I had really hoped that the characters would still be the characters themselves, not some eerie ghost imitation of them. The outrealm gate could easily make time-travel possible between worlds, so I don't see why you couldn't have just nabbed a character at the end of their quest, so they could be alive and talking in Awakening. If they fell, they would simply retreat and return to their time, as to not screw up the timelines if someone got Marth killed, or something of the like.

    Even if they were to keep the card motif, if the phantom was channeling the soul of the person it would make it slightly better, but Tiki's card explodes that theory as well. So they're just weird.

    I would like to list the Bride class as a disappointment for me as well, but it was really Eirika's random placement in the chapter, her recruitment conversation, and her being the example that just felt so under-done.

    I was really hoping IS would play up the 'blessed' bit of the class. I honestly expected her to be like Celica on Alm's map - as in, to be a reinforcement not visible from the preparations screen - and have a dialogue with Ephraim about being on the battlefield when she is to be espoused. And of course she would counter with her needing to support him and her husband (as Innes and Seth would be stationed next to her, so it's up to our shipping fancies) and talk about spreading her blessing with them. So, she would be in a clump of enemies right near the boss (Ephraim) so Bonds would be a pain in the behind and we could really see the potential of the class.

    But no. She's randomly placed in a room with no potential husbands and has no really special dialogue, and her recruitment conversation just makes the class look like more a joke. Because she definitely hates the class she somehow gained 23 levels in.

    I honestly think someone who is canonly married at the end of their game would have been a better example, and if the class could use tomes (which it really, really should) I would have said Celica or Micaiah would have been the perfect example. But the fact that Eirika is in a class that uses none of her original weapons ground my gears as well.

    Phew. That felt good.

  10. ^ Implying Marth's defense in FE1 is not perfect

    His defense was so perfect that unless you are an archer or a healer, you are safe just by standing around him, even with like..... 1 HP.

    Overpowered Lord are overpowered

    Also last i checked, the Fire Dragon actually ignored defense so your Erk technically only need 41+ HP to fight the dragon. Correct me if im wrong tho

    I'm sorry, I definitely meant Marth's defense in Shadow Dragon, where it is rather average in my humble opinion. I haven't had the luxury of playing the original.

    And you're quite right of course, I just like to dote on my dear mage.

  11. Y-Yikes! You'll get sympathy from me. [/shot]

    I always thought the Avatars were meant to be the tanks, the backpack straps of the rest of the team digging into their shoulders! Rogues and Redeemers will be tough.

    I suggest Paragon, firstly, and reclassing + watching in specific classes to improve the target areas, like defense and resistance. Patience and hand-holding if you don't have the steroids available, or just don't feel like using them (since I've never actually felt the need to use them and have an enormous haul of them in most of my files).

  12. When Lyndis mentioned the resemblance I was like...LYN! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! Then she was going to cry, and I was going to cry after all the fond memories of FE7. Oh, it'd be nice if this theory was somewhat true. For the sake of my love for FE7 I'll go along with it :)

    I'd have to agree with this for my own wishful thinking. There's actually no reasoning saying they couldn't be the same person, when the outrealm gate exists in Awakening and if Anna and her plethora of sisters can travel, than why couldn't the avatar before being brainwashed.

    All the avatars don't have any backstories for the player to fill them in for this very reason, and all of them contain the essence of the player, so they are all essentially the same person. I would not be surprised if IS is hinting that this could be true, especially with the homage and (dare I say it) closure it gives to the series.

    There could be cases made for and against it, it's really up to what the player wants to believe.

  13. Ack, How I wish this were so. Essentially a SSB with just Fire Emblem characters would be amazing, or RPG style as you suggested would still be impressive.

    I'd very much like some Maria or Mist in a fighting game like that, just so I can further use them to parry those who play with the 'powerful' characters.

  14. As a writer, I am very impressed with some of these self-inserts. I am glad there aren't a lot of completely perfect units here.

    Oh gosh, coming up with FE Characters is so fun.

    I can't really think of an authentic name at all. So I just went with my real one

    Name: Jeremy

    Gender: Male

    Starting Class: Priest

    Affinity: Dark

    Appearance: Short black hair, tanned skin but with a skinny physique. His seemingly bulky priest habit emphasizes his short stature. Much frailer than he looks.

    [spoiler=I took liberties with the Awakening Priest outfit, for I do not like long robes.]fire_emblem__a_priest_by_chidokyo-d5w9czx.png

    1| 15|  0| 7|  5|  3|  6|  1|  3
    Rank: D Staves
    Growths (As a Priest):
    35| 15| 70| 45| 40| 60| 10| 50

    Class Set:
    Priest  -> Bishop (FE8 version with Slayer) & War Monk
    Wind Mage -> Wind Sage (+ Thunder & Staves) & Dark Knight (+ Fire, Thunder & Swords)
    Archer -> Sniper & Bow Knight

    Inventory: Heal (or Mend he's not the first healing unit), Vulnenary

    Skill: Miracle

    Recruitment: Early Game as a Green Unit. Must talk to with the Lord before killed by brigands. (Obligatory brigand chapter ohoho)

    Personality: He has a very polite and dignified exterior, but get to know him a little and you'll find that he's very bashful and is a bit of a coward. Likes to keep to himself and is a bit of a loner. He has a secret attraction to burly men. Therefore, he can only S support with males, but even then he will probably fail to admit his true feelings towards said male. In truth, he doesn't know very much about the practical side of life, so physical labor is not his strong suit. He is, however, good at what he does as a Priest, and will use all of his effort in helping his allies.

    He'll grow to hit like a truck with magic, but don't expect him to take any hits, because he'll likely just drop dead if anyone manages to catch him.

    Glass cannon 5ever (dat meens moar den 4evr)

    Wow, very unique. I like it and immediately thought of Gregor supporting with him.

    Name: RC

    Gender: Male

    Class: PupilMage

    Reclass options: Cavalier, Archer

    Affinity: Dark

    Appearance: Short adult male with distastefully centre parted black hair and oversized glasses.

    Inventory: Fire, Angelic Robe, Warp Staff(The only one in the entire game and also character locked tongue.gif )

    Skill: Paragon/Elite/whateveritsequivalentforsaidgame, Miracle

    Recruitment: Red unit you encounter barring your way to the chapter boss whom you must attack three times with a General you get a few chapters ago and both must survive. Likely in a chapter three quarters into the game. Also, before the 'Est' if any.

    Starting stats(absolute base): Level: 1|HP: 0|Str: 0|Mag: 2|Ski: 1|Spd: 5|Luk: 13|Def: 0|Res: -1|Mov:+1| E Tomes

    Growths (mage): HP: 55|Str: 25|Mag: 65|Ski: 70|Spd: 75|Luk: 85|Def: 35|Res: 50|

    Personality: Will eat double his share of rations and work half as hard as everyone. Has courage as substantial as ethane when exposed to high temperatures.

    w00t for Prf weapons, I'm glad someone had one so I won't feel bad when I give my character one.

    Name: Frost

    Starting Class: Dark Mage

    Affinity: Ice

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Black hair, short height, fair-skinned and with amber-colored irises, wears standard Dark Mage attire except it's all Blue. Usual facial expression is either empty, angry or often frowned.

    Base Stats:

    LV01 Dark Mage l HP: 15 l STR: 1 l MAG: 14 l SKL: 7 l SPD: 13 l LCK: 0 l DEF: 0% l RES: 10


    HP: 35% l STR: 25% l MAG: 125% l SKL: 50% l SPD: 95% l LCK: 5% l DEF: 15% l RES: 135%

    Starting inventory: Flux / Concoction (Joins with D-rank in Tomes)

    Reclass options: Mage, Cavalier

    Recruitment: Automatically joins in a chapter littered with Ballista and enemies with Killer weapons, underleveled with awful bases. Lategame, by the way....

    Personality: Despite of having a good-natured personality. He is unusually cold, aloof and a complete perfectionist who bashes himself with negative thoughts when troubled.

    Enjoy your worst character in the game!

    Niiiiiiiice. Props for making a truly awful character. Never thought I'd see the day.

    Appearance and personality are taken from myself, stats and skills are what would make more sense with my personality and how my life is.

    Name: Mélanie (or Mel)

    Gender: Female

    Class: Mage/Sage

    Affinity: Light

    Appearance: Kinda chubby but also with nice curves. Brown with copper higlights hair in a pixie cut. Dark brown (almost black) eyes. Light skin but blush easily. Rectangular glasses. Awakening-style Mage outfit in purple and silver-grey, with maybe a bit of black

    Stats: Good Magic, Defense and Luck, average Hp, Resistance and Skill, bad Speed and Strength

    Personality: The typical nice girl. I'm friendly, fun to be around and I never "judge a book by it's cover". I'm always ready to help others, though I hate asking for help if I need help myself. While I'm not usually shy, I will become shy if I'm alone with someone I like. I also believe in giving people second chances, so I'll probably be the first one to accept ex-bad guys and to try and befriend them. I'm quite smart and a bookworm. I'm usually laid-back, calm and extremely hard to anger but if somehow you do manage to anger me, you will wish to be dead... Though that if you say that you are sorry, I'll probably forgive you and go back to my usual friendly self.

    Recruitment: The usual "Trying to protect my village from bandits" as a green unit. No one would be able to recruit me, as I would think they are bandit, but if someone attack a bandit in my range, I will go talk to them and join them.

    Starting Inventory: Vulnerary, Elthunder

    Skills: Solidarity, Miracle, Tomefaire, Renewal and Vengence (Solidarity as a personal skill, the others after some reclasses but that the ones that would make more sense personality-wise)

    Reclass options: Cleric, Troubadour, Dark Mage, Pegasus Knight

    And now, just for fun!

    If I were in PoR or RD

    Support with: Nolan, Iilyana, Meg, Volug, Zihark, Nailah, Elincia, Haar, Nepheenee, Mordecai, Lethe, Oscar, Gatrie, Shinon, Rhys, Ranulf, Kyza, Ulki, Naesala, Stefan, Bastian, Oliver

    Special ending (romantic relationship) with: Mordecai (since they only have one in these games, and Haar already have one with Jill, so I'm going with my second fav)

    And in Awakening:

    Friendship supports (with girls): Female!Robin (duh!), Miriel, Sully, Lissa, Maribelle, Panne, Nowi, Tharja, Cherche Flavia, Aversa, Noire

    Romantic supports (with guys): Male!Robin (again, duh!), Kellam, Lon'qu, Gregor, Libra, Henry, Basilio, Gangrel, Walhart, Brady, Yarne, Laurent


    Start of a fight:

    -Do we really have to fight?

    -Let's be friend instead

    -This is a waste of time.

    Ennemy defeated:

    - Defeat mean friendship, join us now?

    -Ooops, sorry!

    -I hope you've learned your lesson.

    Dual Support:

    - Let's do this together!

    -I'm always there for my friends!

    - You need help?

    Dual strike:

    -Let me assist!

    -Me too!

    -My turn!

    Support Block:

    -Watch out!

    - How dare you?


    - You... deserve this...

    -You are beyond redemption...

    Partner defeated ennemy:

    - Good job!


    - You're the best!

    Event tiles:

    -Hey! I found something! (Item)

    - Maybe pratice would be better with a friend? (Exp)

    - Let's train with that weapon! (Weapon Exp)

    Level up:

    -Wow! I feel so strong!

    - Great, I'm getting better!

    - I can't believe I keep ameliorating!

    - Hm.. Not so bad, I guess...

    -Maybe It's time to try something new?

    Class change:

    -Time to learn something new!


    -Sorry... I'm hurt... I can't help more...

    Death: Ugghh... Why.?.. I only... wanted... to be... friend... with you...


    -I'm so lucky, I've not only found a best friend, but also a love!

    Great recruitment technique!

    My input will come later, once I draw a picture and am finished with class.

  15. Sheeda recruiting Roger.

    She's so manipulative, hopefully Roger settled for Catria or something.

    I've got to agree with this. Caeda won so many points with me when she wrapped him around her finger and added him to list: Navarre, Castor, Jake... She's so good at what she does. (Marth's talk with Roger right after his recruitment is hilarious as well.)

    And I'm sure no one will be surprised when I list Maria recruiting herself as one of my favorites. It was those few lines of dialogue that won be over completely - she just had so much personality when compared to the rest of the flat and silent characters in that game.

    But besides that, Serra recruiting Erk in the second half of the game is always a good time.

  16. Favorites:

    1. Marth

    2. Chrom

    3. Ephraim

    Least Favorites:

    1. Hector. <- This. A lot.

    2. RD Ike.

    3. Micaiah

    Marth easily wins by favorite for being so darn nice all the time. I was really impressed and taken by his attitude, and I glad that he is the one that started the series, as he makes a statement about the ideals of all of the games. He's rather intelligent, but his naiveté balances him into a highly empathetic character. And he's earned my sympathy for pulling himself together throughout all the time he was biting his nails about Elice, Caeda, and his kindgom. But mostly Elice.

    Second, just beating out Ephraim, is Chrom. His lighthearted side has really grown on me. He has integrity and is quick to forgive, and is a well-rounded unit as well (except for that pitiful resistance). It was during the DLC that I realized he had beat out Ephraim for second favorite... (When Elincia calls him out on his odd comments and he hastily changes the subject.) Only because he actually has a sense of humor to back up his exploits, while Ephraim, though a beast, doesn't.

    Hector is by far my least favorite lord. Gameplay wise, I could never get him to be the least bit useful besides barely surviving so that he isn't massacred when I can't deselect him, he fails at all things speed, which happens to be the stat I hold in the highest regard when putting together armies, he's dumb as a post and rude to boot, and really isn't crucial to the story at all. He just feels tacked on, and if it weren't for FE6 coming before him I would see no point to his existence.

    Ike was fine in POR, and I actually kind of liked him, but he just became an "Idiot Meathead" in RD. It was rather sad.

    I tried to like Micaiah. Really, I did. But her whole bit about selling her soul to darkness was quite alienating, to be honest.

  17. I frankly hated most of the final personal weapons from FE7, and killed the dragon with Lyn and the absurdly heavy Sol Katti and a surprisingly tanky Erk, who for some reason always caps his defense, among other things, when I play that game, which has made him one of my eternal favorites.

    Body rings usually go to Lyn to counter the ridiculous weight of that weapon.

    As for favorite things, I've gotta go with the classic Falchion because of its healing, which with Marth's defense is perfect.

    And Thani, of course, because it makes Micaiah even more efficient than she already is when dealing with the armored units.

    As for my favorite Prf weapon of all time, I have to go with the Florette. That sword is so powerful, and a good Mist makes it extremely useful.

  18. I feel verified in doing this pairing in my last play through now.

    Besides passing Severa good hair, I passed Counter for one reason: the most obnoxious Streetpass team ever. After about chapter 5, Hard isn't hard anymore, so I wouldn't worry about skills that are super useful in story mode, even though Counter is useful on the children while they're still gaining strength so that they can kill enemies easier.

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