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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Very nice B X M = That. I thought with the squarness of the face / chin you were going for a little of Boyd, because I couldn't find him any where else.

    Wow, Fire Emblem chess! I would buy that, I love chess.

    That fish laguz is really tall! I think his left arm looks alittle thin. Ha, nice idea - how would anyone fight that though? XD

  2. Heck yeahs! XD And congratulations, official translator!

    I knew mages were ninjas.

    Rickard is awesome. I don't know why people hate him so much.

    And I love how Lena says Matthis has all the luck in the world when he has none. XD

    Bantu is so much more hilarious than I pictured him, but Est was perfect.

    Did you notice Abel's newspaper? So I guess that FE has photography and printing? Amazing.

    I love this manga! Great job!

  3. I love how hardly anyone is commenting on the Marisa one - XD - Well, it made me laugh so hard I almost hurt myself.

    About Lithena, Her boobs are lopsided! /shot I think she's got alittle too much curve in her back, but other than that, looks good!

    I love your comics, keep it up.

  4. FE7, as it is made for introducing boatloads of silly people outside Japan to Fire Emblem. If not that, than FE11, as it is easy to play and the tutorials and prologue at the beginning are great for easying someone into the game, and not as harrying as Lyn and her forcing you to do all sorts of ridiculous things. However, Shadow Dragon lacks alot of game mechanics that the other games have, so FE7 is really the best to be introduced to the grand scope of things.

    Path of Radiance is also a very solid choice (This one was my recruiter) as it is more up to date with how the Fire Emblem series is moving now, and is on a more robust scale than FE7 in terms of mechanics, I think, so either one will suffice.

  5. Just a few more...

    Go Maria, Minerva, Michalis, Radd, Norne, and Caineghis!

    And Ymir needs to be added - he is distinctly red-headed in his official artwork (and is from Macedon, land of the redheads).

    Ruka - 45

    Robin - 45

    Cliff - 45

    Force - 45

    Ryuto - 45

    Cellica - 45

    May - 45

    Boey - 45

    Jenny - 45

    Saber - 45

    Leo - 45

    Atlas - 45

    Sonia - 43

    Deen - 40

    Est - 45

    Cecil - 45

    Julian - 45

    Matthis - 45

    Norne - 45

    Radd - 45

    Feena - 45

    Cain - 48

    Minerva - 45

    Etzel - 45

    Chainey/Xane - 45

    Vyland - 45

    Michalis - 45

    Lena - 48

    Maria - 51

    Azel - 45

    Ethlin - 45

    Lana - 45

    Salem - 45

    Linoan - 45

    Cyas - 45

    Roy - 45

    Alan - 45

    Wendy - 45

    Lalum - 45

    Cath - 45

    Miredy - 45

    Zeis - 45

    Eliwood - 45

    Kent - 45

    Dorcas - 45

    Serra - 45

    Priscilla - 45

    Raven - 45

    Jaffar - 45

    Seth - 51

    Neimi - 45

    Artur - 45

    Joshua - 48

    Tethys - 45

    Ewan - 45

    Ismaire - 40

    Jill - 45

    Kieran - 60

    Makalov - 17

    Marcia - 41

    Titania - 51

    Rhys - 45

    Shinon - 13

    Oliver - 45

    Tormod - 45

    Caineghis - 45

    Skrimir - 45

    Ena - 45

    Bryce - 45

    Gareth - 45

  6. Ruka - 45

    Robin - 45

    Cliff - 45

    Force - 45

    Ryuto - 45

    Cellica - 45

    May - 45

    Boey - 45

    Jenny - 45

    Saber - 45

    Leo - 45

    Atlas - 45

    Sonia - 43

    Deen - 40

    Est - 45

    Cecil - 45

    Julian - 45

    Matthis - 45

    Norne - 45

    Radd - 45

    Feena - 45

    Cain - 48

    Minerva - 45

    Etzel - 45

    Chainey/Xane - 45

    Vyland - 45

    Michalis - 45

    Lena - 45

    Maria - 48

    Azel - 45

    Ethlin - 45

    Lana - 45

    Salem - 45

    Linoan - 45

    Cyas - 45

    Roy - 45

    Alan - 45

    Wendy - 45

    Lalum - 45

    Cath - 45

    Miredy - 45

    Zeis - 45

    Eliwood - 45

    Kent - 45

    Dorcas - 45

    Serra - 45

    Priscilla - 45

    Raven - 45

    Jaffar - 45

    Seth - 51

    Neimi - 45

    Artur - 45

    Joshua - 48

    Tethys - 45

    Ewan - 45

    Ismaire - 40

    Jill - 45

    Kieran - 57

    Makalov - 25

    Marcia - 41

    Titania - 51

    Rhys - 45

    Shinon - 20

    Oliver - 45

    Tormod - 45

    Caineghis - 45

    Skrimir - 45

    Ena - 45

    Bryce - 45

    Gareth - 45

  7. Best: Eliwood X Ninian. Absolutely Beautifully done, storyline and support wise. I love it. Man, I support this to the point of aruging its absolute canon-icity with the game's official artwork, etc. Runner up to Hector X Lyn for being hilarious and cute. Marth X Caeda for carrying through without even having support conversations, haha. Ephraim X Tana, Eirika X Innes, Erk X Priscilla...

    Worst: Naesala X Leanne. Ugh. Runner up Boyd X Mist due to lack of good storyline support without support conversations. Merric X Elice and Nyna X Camus for being silly and rather annoying.

    Does Ike X Elincia even count as canon? :P Unfortunately, its Ike X Soren - *pukes* /shot

    And I am rather fond of Astrid X Makalov because of her rather blind devotion, though I do think she can do much, much better, so I do not actually pair them much.

    Nominate: Best/Worst Fire Emblem Theme.

    Worst: Abel x Est.

    What the hell is Est thinking? If a guy would do so much to sacrifice for you, OBVIOUSLY he loves you and wants you to stay with him, and you just go ahead and leave him? It's one thing if you guys WEREN'T married, but since you are... why can't you just stay with him? After all he's done for you?

    Abel x Palla would've been much better. And they match too.

    Dishonorable mention to Seth x Natasha which I was talking about earlier but decided that AbelxEst is worse.

    So true. Still upset with her for stealing her sister's man. Palla must've wanted to kill that b...bad girl.

    I wonder, how will the Crack pairing part work? Anything a fan can think of?

  8. Not bad, but if I may suggest something, I would suggest studying human proportions a little closer.

    The arms and legs could use a little work, and if you can shade, I highly suggest you do so. I makes it look a lot better happy.gif

    Thank you for the critique - I will look into both of those.

    Due to test and impending deadlines, however, my current art status is delayed. -_-

  9. maria___original_by_daisyisbetter-d336vkn.jpg

    Maria drawn in what I'm pretty sure is her original outfit. Debated with both Manual art from 1990 and her prfofile picture in game. My theory is that she still wears these when she's being casual/not on cleric duty.


    Maria in the Mario universe, with a public domain background. Just a fun idea.


    Reclassed Maria into a Manakete, influenced from Tiki and her original artwork. If that works, of course. Just playing around with costumes and stuff.


    Actually thought of what Maria might look like as a Manakete, haha. XD

  10. Maria of the Day


    Something I drew up when listening to the Fire Emblem Theme for Shadow Dragon: http://serenesforest...lem%20Theme.mp3 It's so beautiful, I just imagined the theme describing Maria, and this is what I came up with.

    I'm thinking I'll start drawing Maria in some different classes, etc. XD

    But now I have to study for tests to make sure that I don't fail.

    Sorry for that.... I have Thany fanboy issues... and I'll kiss her in the video... :awesome:

    Maria is sooo cute! I adore her cuteness just like Thany's cuteness....

    Err, yeah, we all have to deal with those from time to time. XD And yes, yes she is.

    ah wow, i really like your art style. They're all so cute ^^. I have no critique.

    Thanks! XD

  11. Eremiya looks dashing and your FE-self, kind of reminds me of the Merchant from Resident Evil 4.... "NOT ENOUGH CASH, STRANGAH!"

    P.S Bowser is for dinner tonight...

    Makes me wanna place myself in a kissing scene with Thany.. *shot*


    I'm not sure I understand the correlation. -_-

    I like all of 'em, save your own persona...and I can't really explain the reasons behind the latter. I prefer Lumi's/Ken's freer-flowing style, but yours work 'swell.

    ...That was more of a compliment than, on reflection, it sounds.

    Ha, thanks. XD

  12. Mike also has that one stray lock of hair that Mia has. I bet you noticed that for the first time XD

    He also has Mia's eyes (I tried, at least.) and a weapon more similar to something Mia would use. But he's still mostly Ike-ish.

    Oscar and Tanith's child will be the greatest mounted unit evar. Actually tied with Kieran and Marcia's child and Makalov and Astrid's child, oh snap moar pairings XD

    Very true, I just did. XD

    Ah, I see that as well. Ha, great job! I'm sure the ones that actually look with see. XD

    Alright for AstridXMakalov as well! These will be quite interesting!

  13. I've been lurking around the Creative thread for awhile now, in both drawings and sprites, so I figured I would join the party as well. I cannot sprite at all and have no wish to learn, but I do enjoy drawing, so I do it quite often. I usually draw traditional art, from personal preference, and anything else is produced in Paint.net. I am currently dealing with a rather picky scanner, as well.

    I have a deviant art: http://daisyisbetter.deviantart.com/ It is mostly Mario Fan Art. All my recent Fire Emblem art I'll post here, because I'm trying some different things with my artwork now.

    [spoiler=Old Stuff]


    eremiya__flower_of_darkness_by_daisyisbetter-d31b9my.pngA picture of Eremiya I drew awhile ago because she's so cool. Improvised the dress from Nyna's SD artwork, as they are both Bishops.

    [spoiler=FE Me]id_by_daisyisbetter-d326ri1.jpgMe, in Fire Emblem / a game universe. I have no idea how to mug for Tales of Serenes, though. Note how class ambigious I am. XD The scanner killed some of the color.Was a quick and easy sketch / art to do, mostly because of the simplicity of it.

    [spoiler=Bowser & the 4 Li'l Maidens]bowser_and_the_4_maidens_by_daisyisbetter-d326eaq.pngThe 4 Maidens - Maria, Lena, Nyna, and Elice - get their party crashed by Bowser. Had alot of fun drawing this, scanned into line art and colored digitally, a lot of detail lost in the scan. Maria's hair is wrongly oriented.

    [spoiler=Maria Casts Cake]

    cuz_nintendo_princesses_should_by_daisyisbetter-d32j154.pngMaria casting Spykor's Cake tome. This one irks me.

    Maria of the Day


    I based the look off of her profile picture for Shadow Dragon / New Mystery of the Emblem, and kinda of of her FE3 look and the manga as well. I plan to draw Maria quite a lot more in the next few weeks, as well, and other Fire Emblem stuff that I think is cool.

    And thus...I submit myself to fire. Please Comment and Critique, to help the wannabe artist improve.

  14. Mike! XD Hilarious. I won't bring up the possibility of /shot

    It seems like most of his costume influences came from Ike, but that's fitting as his name is mostly 'Ike'. I guess that's arguable, though. So what class would he be, with though two occult skills?

    I look forward to OscarXTanith's offspring, as I always supported them as well, when I used Oscar.

    Very nice work, I love your style.

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