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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. On the Fire Emblem World (official, in Japanese) section for New Mystery, a section about My Unit creation has been added. After submitting* a creation a Catria background is aquired. Is there possibly more artwork from New Mystery not revealed on the site? I invite others that can possibly navigate the site better than myself to have a try.

    Perhaps the answers to the My Unit creation questions* have an influence on the art that is revealed, or maybe it is simply Catria because she arguably the best character (statistically speaking) in the game. Having artwork for every character again, like the previous games, would be great.

    On a side note, in another background with Marth and My Unit in its center, Katarina's got back.

    *From what I could tell.

    Tried attaching the Catria background, but thwarted somehow.

  2. I really don't understand that part of Marth's SSBB portrayal. He has some very feminine traits, such as wiping his hair out of his face when idling, but this might just be Nintendo's way of making him look conceited. I frequently bring up Shiida whenever these mannerisms are brought up, and for contrast I am sure to mention Ike's Soren/Ranulf.

  3. Update: MIID_NULL can be used to attack. I just fought a hacker that did that, even though it does nothing as a weapon. It doesn't seem like that this has anything to do with copying a weapon, though. I know MIID_NULL can copy any weapon that's viewable (not in the fog) from my experience with it, but other than that, I know nothing. Does anyone have more information?

  4. I'm think we should keep a record of every hacker that's out there prowling the wifi.

    I don't mind being labeled a hacker. I don't play randoms anymore anyways.

    Thus listing you is pointless. But I will add you once someone reports you; how's that?

    Edit: Added the term Thief for those who steal your weapons with MIID NULL.

  5. On another forum, some hackers said MIID_NULL comes from when people forge their weapon more than once.

    It's harmless on wifi though. At worst it'll copy your own items, but usually it's unusable.

    I guessing they can choose which weapon to copy from the inventories of visible characters. Alright, I think we need a new term.

  6. Alright, the next thing to tackle is the item MIID NULL. I just fought a hacker who had two units possess it, and somehow, one of them turned into a duplicate of one of my weapons. While I did not see this happening I knew from our previous battle that his Marth possessed it, and when his Marth emerged from the shadows his weapon was the same as one one of my units had in their inventory, but not equipped. (For some reason, in the previous battle, his Marth had an unusable longbow equipped.) I still had the weapon, he had duplicated it somehow.

    I've always wondered about that mysterious item (?). Does anyone have more information on it, or is duplicating weapons its primary function?

  7. Did some testing with alot of people and narrowed down the 12-21-12 1:26 time.


    This would be a +7 for archerlena if the str were 5% lower.

    Tested, only a +5 for Sniper Lena. And I think you meant HP instead of strength.

    Tested with some faceless and narrowed down that time to a 20 in skill and only a 10 in speed. Ah, if only that HP was 35%...then it would be perfect.

    12-21-2012 - 1:26 [40 30 40 20 10 60 5 10] Still not very useful to the general fodder.

    Once again, does anyone know if these times work on the literal game cartridge for New Mystery?

  8. The game gets out of synch.

    Let's say the opponent has 32 move. On there screen, they would see the game being played fine, they would move 32 spaces and attack you unit. However, on your screen, you'll only receive 20 or so move. That means, it'll look like they are attacking from 10 spaces away (in the fog)

    Stacking units is much the same thing. On their screen, they took the fort. So to them they are on the fort and your unit would probably ! against theirs. However, on your screen, their unit's movement got cut off, so they aren't on the fort, allowing you to take it. Both people see their own unit on the fort, allowing stacking and stuff to happen.

    How to beat them is to ensure they ! as much as possible. On their screen, they won't !, and as such will kill one of your units. On your screen, they will !, and because of that, you won't be attacked. That means, you'll have a unit alive, while it'll be dead on their screen. This makes it impossible for them to actually kill your last unit, and you'll always win.

    To make them !, watch their attack patters. For example, if they attack from the fog, but to your right, move your unit into the spaces to the right. By moving there, you'll ! against their units on their game, but not on yours.

    This is also what causes the game to crash. Imagine they move a unit to the top of the map, then back down again. On your screen, the last bit is cut off, so their unit appears to be at the top of the map. While on their screen, it'll look like their unit is somewhere down the map. Now, on the next turn, they'll be able to move their unit up a few spaces, because it's fine on their screen. But on your screen, you'll see their unit run off the top of the map, crashing the game.

    Likewise, it'll crash if:

    -You are attacked by a dead unit (unit you've killed, but they still have alive)

    -Their unit goes outside the map

    -Their unit goes onto a wall

    So you need to ensure that your units die on their screen, but not on yours. This takes a bit of practice, but I find it helps to think in terms of where their units should be, and where the are. A good example of this, is if you see a ! appear far away on your map. It means on your screen, their unit is at the ! location, but on their screen, their unit is next to yours. If you park your units near the location of their unit (on your screen), you are in a position to become unbeatable. Because whenever they move they'll ! against you, cancelling their attack.

    I know this is poorly worded, but it's hard to explain well =/

    Wow, that is very useful information! It also explains why I have never played finished a battle with Enrick as the game froze so much.

    Additionally, do you know what's happening when a unit attacks from afar with their movement but doesn't do anything? His Minerva attacked my Caeda with the Hauteclere, but neither unit did anything and the battle was immeadiately swept aside.

    Alright, so stacking goes even allows them to occupy the same space as your unit. Very interesting. It's great that we have someone so knowlegdable here, I think I will quote your strategy, if it is alright with you.

    @ Leech:On the guarding and the invincible unit,if they guarded with all their units it would takeawhile to kill all their units don't you agree?

    And are we going to say it's stacking or guarding?

    Stacking, unless overthrown.

  9. I think 'Play Anyone' may be going down the tubes. In the past few days I've got more error messages having to do with Nintendo having problems with the wifi than anything else. Either their too busy or performing maintenance or something like that... It's been getting really annoying, as I just want to have some fun on the wifi. Additionally, once I connect I almost always get disconnected somehow. Is this a common thing? I've heard before that Nintendo might be shutting down the wifi for Shadow Dragon.

    Does anyone want a match? Due to the vast emptiness of 'Play Anyone' I'd love to have a friend battle.

    I've got a fairly good squad, a good squad, and an almost-as-good as-the-previous squad. I always use save points and forging, and recently, clock hacking.

  10. Well, yeah, I didn't mean ALL of them. I meant all necessary ones. But for the majority of characters, you will not be able to cap both Sage:Mag and Paladin:Def, so you'll have to use ~4 boosters split between them. Nearly all females will also miss the Dracoknight:HP cap, so you must burn a booster for that as well.

    You hit the nail on the head there. Maria ended up with 58 HP (56 as a Dracoknight, but 60 as a Sniper) so had to use steriod - Paladin defense called for a few more (I actually got Sage Magic naturally), and Dracoknight Strength called for a few more.

    It is much easier to cap out a unit in one class; I got few completely done without even having to use a Talisman - but making Mega Maria was a heck of alot of fun.

  11. That makes sense. So clock abuse her in Mage and sage until maxed at res, and mag. Then reclassified her to a str user and get her as much as possible in str and def, then use a couple of str drops and Draco shields? Then arena For

    Well, it depends on what your objective is. If you only want to have a capped out unit to look like a hacker, what you have to do is much simplier than what I did for Mega Maria. (I hope you noticed that Mega Maria is capped out in all classes.) I actually have 2 other completely capped out units 2 others that are ridiculously close to it (in the same runthrough). But they are only capped out in that class; if I was to reclass them they would not perform as well. If you are only to meet the expectations of one class, then you will most likely only have to use 1 reclass - to a magic user for a strength user and vise versa for a magic user. You must then get mag / res or str / def as much as you can before classing them back into their desired class. I wouldn't worry about weapon levels so much.

    You just have to be strategic and calculating with your reclassing. Don't be afraid to experiment..

  12. How about "stacking"? I would think it's sufficiently descriptive even to someone who has never even seen it happen.

    Perfect! I've gotta see a stacker hacker...

    Edit: Has anyone seen another hacker that could seize the castle while you sat on it? It seems similar to stacking.

  13. It's common sense. Clock abuse in multiple classes, while getting wexp from the arena for each weapon. Collect, buy, and give all stat boosters to that unit on a copied save file, and upload.

    Yeah, that. But you underestimate me in the steriods area - Mega Maria comes from my actual save file, not a copied one. I did not give her all the steriods (in fact most if not all of them went to the only pre-advanced I use, Minerva), just a few DSs and SDs due to her lack of a growth in those areas.

  14. I battled enrick to. Killed all but Minerva, because she was a spy, come on, hautecler with 3-10 range? That's so stupid!

    Ps his catria occupied the same space as his/her palla, there should be a term for this also.

    :blink: What the- how did that work out? Whose profile did you see (lol)?

    Right...Any ideas for this term? I think you should have first say as you found it first. (If not, that's alright too.)

  15. So how do you get a maxed out Mariah? Tell me plz.

    Ps if you need to make a new thread to tell me that's ok.


    Oh, but not knowing is more than half of the fun of Mega Maria! And good Idea, I'll do that to advertise Mega Maria, but I can tell you the basics here.

    1. She's Awesome. B)

    2. Reclassing, and alot of it.

    3. Some steriods (SDs & DSs)

    She is an extremely useful unit if you choose to use her.

  16. looking for a max stat unit

    Define what you mean by 'max stat'.

    I am assuming you mean the important stats to the class, but not things like magic for archers.

    Well, it honesly doesn't matter, as Mega Maria is completely capped out - in everything - in every class a female can access. B) Even has an A in every weapon in every class. I'll add you so pick her up if you want her. ;)

  17. Marth Lv.30

    caeda ! PEG Lv. 20

    Lena ! Cleric Lv.12 ?


    MARTH 99/5 use TORCH

    99 use warp lena

    Magestone tiki

    NAME david


    NOTE:weak units easy to beat

    LEVEL: very easy

    Added to the beastiary. Thank you for you information.

    If not already done, coined the term 'spy' to mean being able to attack without being on the map.

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