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Posts posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Minerva still hesitates when she tells her sister Michalis is alive, in the original this was because Michalis was dead and she was lying about his fate. I'm guessing they didn't bother to update the dialogue in the remake is because Michalis surviving was more of an easter egg.

    What? They didn't change it at all? Why?

    I mean, if Maria and Michalis have an insta A, I can't believe they're gonna just sit next to each other and not say anything, after each pledged devotion to the other (in separate orders). It's bad enough Michalis can't wake her - now the dialogue doesn't make sense!

    Augh, I thought they were gonna improve in the char stuff after the diaster that was Shadow Dragon.

  2. End of prologue 4 (rather literal translation):


    Elice: Hero King... huh. It seems he's called that way by the people. However, the true Marth is a very fragile, easily hurt child.

    MU: Lord Marth, weak...?

    Elice: Yes. Indeed, that child faced Medeus in the last battle and won. That child has grand ideals, and a strong will to hold those ideals. However, as you know, you can't save anyone in the real world with just ideals.

    MU: Yes...

    Elice: As we speak, people may be losing their lives right now in places we could seldom imagine... Marth cannot save them.

    MU: But... no matter how great a king might be, he is no god. He isn't almighty. As a human, there's a limit to what he can do.

    Elice: Indeed, that's how it is. Usually, people take note of reality and make compromises between that reality and their ideals. However, that child cannot do this... he wants to save everyone, from the bottom of his heart. In the war, if even one of his companions fall... that's very hard for him to stand. He controls it with his powerful will, but his heart is hurt and bleeds as result.

    MU: ...

    Elice: It's very difficult for that child to keep holding those ideals in this harsh world... MU, if you're to become a knight... please, protect that child. Protect his ideals...

    Please don't interpret that "that child" as sarcasm or anything like that, but rather as how a mother would refer to her own child. That's the vibe I get from what Elice says.

    OUCH. :blink: Wow, well that explained everything. Marth feels completely for her but she's just humoring him. I think my respect for Elice just dropped through the floor...

    Hmm... I actually use the however many of them there are brothers. Do they get supports?

    For the brothers and sisters its -

    Maria: Insta A with Michalis (mutual)

    Elice: Insta C with Marth (mutual)

    Lena: Insta C with Matthis (mutual)

    Now it's looking like the only real brother that should be able to wake their sister is Michalis.

  3. Oh, and I forgot to mention - My Fiona's won first place in kills every time I've used her (except for the first time, where Soren beat her out for first by about 3 kills), so it's very possible to use her effectively. Fiona + Wishblade for the win! :awesome:

  4. I LOVE FIONA!! SHE'S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER FROM RADIANT DAWN (besides Mist)! She's awesome!:lol:

    I love her growth rates, her earth affinity (for great dodging), and her specialized caps. She's one of the fastest and well balanced paladins, and she's great with the wishblade. A fantastic Est architype, one of my all time favorite characters.

    Love her appearance - she's freakin' hot, great braided hair, and she's the first black chick in the FE series. Just EPIC. I especially love her battle animations as a Silver Knight.

    She's also pretty important - she's the steward of Marado (nobility, and in a support she calls herself a 'Queen'), AND she's the daughter of Lanvega, one of the 4 riders. After I knew that, since Mist and Ike are children of a rider, I KNEW Fiona had to be awesome. And she never dissapoints!

    Training her can be a challenge though. I have to forge her a lance and forge every else super weak weapons, and go from there, then give her Paragon as soon as she possibly can.

    AND I forgot about her skills! Imbue is awesome, and it's blank! She's a healer's nightmare, as she just heals herself! And Savior saves Laura tons of times!

    Everytime I play, Fiona is the hardest enemy opponent for me to defeat - since I forged her a lance and she was a capped 3rd tier, she actually killed Ike in a single go in the Part 3 endgame (I had given her Paragon and used her more than any other unit in the Dawn Brigade).

    And yeah, I've thought the same thing when it comes to Fiona supporters. I'm not alone!!! :awesome:

  5. Not true. FE4&5 dancers could also fight. Plus, her AMAZING two base STR and loss of access to rapier means that her starting combat is abysmal at best. I guess Lady Sword bumps it up to just awful, but...

    Now, if she still had rapier, it could be forged and used between her and Marth and she could score some good kills on cavaliers and maybe knights, but as it is her combat is hardly worth mentioning.

    Ha, If you'll notice I did not make a huge deal about her combat skills, as this is a nomination for a support character. I only noted that she could defend herself and that she isn't as much as a liability compared to other 'bards' like Nils, Ninian, and the Herons.

    I'm not nominating her for her combat skills. I'm nominating her for her ability to support you without being a huge liability like previous dancers. And by previous, I mean in FE 6 - 11. I have not played any others, so please excuse my ignorance.

  6. About the 4 Bishops, just wondering... Why can't Marth, Michalis, or Matthis wake their sister?

    Marth - He only bit his nails for years worrying about Elice, did everything he could to make Starlight and rescue her, and he would've used it himself if he had a magic growth ('cause that cap is fantastic) and use magic, then had an insta support with her. She's always sacrificing for him and he's always worrying about her, why can't he wake her? They had years and years together and have a positive relationship.

    Michalis - Maria loves this guy to the point of willingly agreeing to go to Dolhr to please him (ok, she didn't know she'd be imprisoned), and then she stays by his bedside nursing him back to health until he recovers. Then he pledges his life to trying to find her and does all he can to rescue her, and he can't wake her? They have an auto A support, Maria's forgiven him more than he deserves, so...what up wit dat?

    Matthis - Ok, they can support in Shadow Dragon, and... he cares. I think. Good enough.

    If Marth could do it, it would reduce the unit count that's already pushed to the limit, and if they brothers could do it in general the game would have more options. More choices are always better.

    The brothers at least talk to their sisters after their recruited, right? (Or at least Michalis, hopefully.)

    I'm really looking forward to using the princesses (not Rena), especially Nyna due to it being her first time. Her bases are actually decent for a preAdvanced unit, but her level's her downfall - but she's got good growths as well and her luck alone explains how she survived Chapter 20 of Shadow Dragon without being eradicated by the bastillians.

    That Bishop headress is really annoying, though.

  7. Best: FE 12 Feena. I have not played this game yet, but I'm voting for her nevertheless. The only dancer that can attack, has great growths. Not only can she support with dancing, you don't have to worry about her being a liability on the field due to her being able to defend herself. Great.

    Worst: FE9 Sothe. He got insta-killed by a Bolting. Even though he's free, he's a major hassel. Especially with Blossom not allowing him to gain anything. And if you take off Blossom, you're kind screwed in Resistance. Though I believe every unit can be great when leveled, Sothe has some seriously restrictions: Not being able to steal anything from people with a higher speed than 20, not being able to steal weapons that weigh more than 20, not being able to forge weapons for him... It's a recipe for diaster. And personally, I like Sothe.

    I'm uncurably biased, but sometimes you have to look at things differently than they initially appear. In defense of the Sisters...

    Worst: Nyna.

    How is Nyna the worst? When compared to the rest of the 4 Sisters, actually pretty good. That Luck alone explains how she survived Ch 20 of Shadow Dragon. And she comes in with a Fortify and an A in staves so she can use all staves (except the Hammerne). Her growths are good, so she's a great a support unit, and with some steriods she becomes an able fighter.

    Worst: FEDS Maria. If Rickard can get votes for being made redundant by Julian/Marth, Maria can get votes for being made redundant by Wrys/Lena/Wendell/Boah/Elice.

    Clearly I'm biased, but in defense of Maria, how can she be a redundant Boah or Elice when she joins before them? If anything Elice is a redundant Maria as her main aspect (besides her awesome growths) is using the Aum Staff that Maria can use, and if she was used then she's already at a much higher level. And Wendell is most likely surpassed by a trained Maria.

    Worst: Maria. At least you might actually want the extra thief at some point, and Rickard's not worse at actually opening the chests than Julian, just worse at combat. Maria is outclassed by anyone who joins before her and has access to cleric/curate. And anyone for another several chapters with access to bishop.

    Anyone. Seriously. As if Matthis is going to make a better 'cleric' than Maria. Gordin, Roshea, Vyland, etc - none of them are going to make a better 'cleric' in terms of staff utility and support.

    Worst: Maria. Should I specify from which FE? She's equally bad in all of them.

    Actually, in the first few she has a great Weapon Level and growth in that area, combined with good defensive stats, (both better than Lena's), so as a support unit, as she easily gets weapon level and can use many staves easily, she is extremely able, especially at a distance with Physics.

  8. I may have been a bit iffy before, but after reading some of the nominations I know....

    FE 11




    FE 10




    I care more about personalities than I do stats, honestly. And Maria's just so important and has more personality than half the SD cast put together.

    I honestly don't know why people bag on them so much. The game provides options and its simply up to the player to decide which ones they want to use. Personally, I value personality alot higher than I do bases, as if they have a growth rate all of that can change.

  9. Just wondering, has anyone found a time for a perfect Marth upgrade in Shadow Dragon?

    And if this can be used in New Mystery, I'm requesting a time for these growths...

    35, 0 40, 40, 35, 75, 5, 40

    If found, that will be my only instance of using this... I don't want to screw with the clock, so I'm content with using save points and simply praying for great natural upgrades, which is quite effective. :D

    So this only works with attacking? Hm, so say I had a Lena and an arena - I couldn't use the clock for her upgrades?

    Note: The Maria in my sig was produced by watching and just plain getting blessed. ;)

  10. If you're willing to use the gaiden characters, my recollection is that Horace is intended to be nobility. He's described as a "landed knight" by the script (which often translates as being a noble) and he's referenced by other characters as "Lord" not "Sir."

    Yeah, I was wondering about that. And the villagers do say he inherited the land and things about his father, so I guess he's eligible as well.

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