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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. I frankly hated most of the final personal weapons from FE7, and killed the dragon with Lyn and the absurdly heavy Sol Katti and a surprisingly tanky Erk, who for some reason always caps his defense, among other things, when I play that game, which has made him one of my eternal favorites. Body rings usually go to Lyn to counter the ridiculous weight of that weapon. As for favorite things, I've gotta go with the classic Falchion because of its healing, which with Marth's defense is perfect. And Thani, of course, because it makes Micaiah even more efficient than she already is when dealing with the armored units. As for my favorite Prf weapon of all time, I have to go with the Florette. That sword is so powerful, and a good Mist makes it extremely useful.
  2. I feel verified in doing this pairing in my last play through now. Besides passing Severa good hair, I passed Counter for one reason: the most obnoxious Streetpass team ever. After about chapter 5, Hard isn't hard anymore, so I wouldn't worry about skills that are super useful in story mode, even though Counter is useful on the children while they're still gaining strength so that they can kill enemies easier.
  3. A whole thread just for Cynthia? "Nu-uh!"

  4. TOO SLOW BRO! Cynthia's 'full points for enthusiasm' stole my heart for a favorite. She's also a beastly unit with dat Aether, which in itself is a bigger pull to pair Sumia and Chrom than their pathetic supports.
  5. I couldn't agree more. True to my word I nearly have a team full of brides now, and while it is a cool combination, many of the units don't have that great of a strength stat, even when capped, so it doesn't live up to its potential. And then there's the fact that many of the Brides have a higher magic cap than they have strength, and many of the candidates have much higher magic. What happened to Celica and units like Raquesis wielding tomes? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the bows. It's all rather unfortunate.
  6. I think this game does a great job communicating that the mounts die too. I've just always assumed they've died in other games as well, but it was only properly communicated. It's part of the war as well. You're not supposed to feel good about killing their riders either, in my humble opinion.
  7. I truly can't wait to have a complete army of brides, especially on Streetpass. Dangerous and in a ridiculous dress, it can't get much better than that.
  8. Wallyheart is doing quite well all of a sudden. Huzzah! I found him to be quite the inspiring character, and his supports with Female MyUnit are fantastic; not to mention he passes Conquest to Morgan. I do hope he makes it on the cover in the top ten in a shirtless beach scene since he can never be warrior.
  9. The ridiculous thing about this -I really like Henry. He's a great unit and I love his personality, and used him on my own will, without knowing he was this popular. But now I feel like I have to be a hipster about it. I voted for Emmeryn, of course, before I had any idea what the results were looking like. I found most of the characters on the list (no children) to be rather boring and bland, and I'm surprised flat Lon'qu is doing so well. Tharja's popularity doesn't surprise me, but I found her far too evil for me to really take to her. I liked Lucina at first, but I soon discovered she's slightly overrated as a unit and extraordinarily flat as a character - though I do still harbor a liking of her.
  10. Especially as they appear in the Avatar's support options as mysterious questions before they even appear. Ah, the Exalt is close now...
  11. Yeowch! That's a good way to put it. I've just got to say that Ephraim is so much better than Eirika. Like a few before me, he's my second favorite Lord from the FE games I've played, right behind Marth, and just before Chrom. He has integrity, heart, and the stats to back him up. I never really took to Eirika, to put it bluntly. I found the conversations that involve her in Awakening to be both hilarious and... rather accurate. I do like that this game is treating her well with the Bride though, even though that class is grossly inaccurate with the weapon she actually used, even though I think swords would have been better on the Bride's class. I'd like to think of her as Innes' bride. Even though I find him obnoxious, I like their dynamic.
  12. Yeah, I'll swear I've never seen this trigger for a player unit, but all the time for the enemies. Are your Cherche and Virion paired? Very nice, I did the same. Methinks it... canon. /shot
  13. Did that exact thing in my last playthrough too. And they way Nah just tears it apart only adds to the ridiculousness/hilarity.
  14. Hmm, now that you mention it, you're probably right about that. Yeah, that age seems about right. Well, that doesn't make it as awful. Augh, Ricken is another hard case... /stops
  15. Oh , I totally agree. Some of pairing options definitely pose moral dilemmas. I didn't want to marry Lissa at all - and the fact that Frederick's probably old enough to be her dad just makes their supports even worse. And don't even get me started on the weirdness that's Nowi. ...But then Owain and Nah.
  16. I think Lissa might be Frederick's canon wife... Though I think my Owain might have suffered for it, but Luna on him is wonderful. Additionally, their S support just exudes canon-ness. If there even is such a thing in this game, besides Chrom and Sumia, which I'll probably never do again... But Cynthia with Aether is a very strong temptation, since she absolutely rocks with it.
  17. So... Exactly what time is the DLC released on these days?
  18. Ah, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. And that's pretty much how I saw them too. It's nice that they're playable not just on bonus maps.
  19. Point taken. And that goes without saying!
  20. Ain't that the truth. I'm aiming to have a full streetpass team of 'em.
  21. That's very true. I would have really wished for them to use Magic along with Staves and any melee weapon, but I'm going to give them a shot. I just think that it's a bit of a waste to give them bows instead of magic, since so many females have great magic growth. Preferably, I would have had them wield Magic, Swords, and Staves, like some of the Princess classes in previous games. I'm rather disappointed that IS didn't think/remember those. There's currently no class that can wield Magic, Staves, and any melee weapon - simply because they'd be too useful. But at least the Brides have some solid caps. And ditto, I've known for some time that I wanted to make Noire a bride, she's got all the makings.
  22. Hooray! An actually good Elincia! Her Spotpass model is just... Pathetic. At least she has matching stats and can be reclassed immediately. But what I'm really excited about is the Bride, even if it is just for the amazing dress. I've been waiting to start my 'first' playthrough and make My avatar Chrom's... Dat Dress.
  23. While you have a good point, as important characters usually retreat - on the other hand being too important to the plot would mean you should die all the more. Like the bosses, and Emmeryn. When they don't die, it kinda nullifies the effect of the storyline. It's very odd when a pivotal character whose life is very important... isn't dead. Yeah, that moment was heart-wrenching. I for one couldn't care less about the Fire Emblem at the moment, for who would choose a hunk of unbreathing metal over the epitome of peace, the wonderful Exalt? (Whoa, that was dangerously fanboyish, but that's not a surprise. But I am really enamored with the writing and character that IS created.) You're quite right, of course. But the 'Mother' and 'Elder Sister' are always in danger as well. I.E., Elena and Elice - it seems like the only ones that you know you'll get to play with is the 'Little Sister' and only a few of them are actually good.
  24. Yeah... I'm pretty sure Walhart didn't die. He's just a fan of morbid metaphors. He can't be dead, simply because he's fertile enough to have a kid with My Avatar. His supports are rather sweet, coming from him - at least with a female Avatar. Anyway, I've been exploding with delight to get Emmeryn, and am most surprised someone beat me to the thread. Hooray, more Emm fans! She practically yanked my heart out during the game, and I started a MaleAvatar playthrough simply to marry her. She's just got so much heart, it's amazing - she became my favorite character in about chapter five, was then dangled in front of me for a few more, and then... heart-ripped out. I kept thinking it maybe the fact that I had to choose 'Sacrifice Emmeryn' to make her live, so I tried again. I didn't work. :| So it was wonderful to see that she survived. On another note, since when did this Fire Emblem game become the most inefficient at killing...anyone? I'm so used to '0' meaning 'dead' and this Fire Emblem game just laughs at it. Basilio, Aversa, Walhart... We fight Walhart a whole three times. I mean, come on. Die already. (Not that I'm complaining, especially when it comes to Emmeryn - it's just odd.)
  25. Frankly I'm really surprised Cynthia hasn't been listed more often. She easily won me over with her too-cute-to-be-allowed attitude and being a downright beastly unit. Besides her, the favorite character here is definitely Emmeryn. For the elder sister/motherly character, she was so extraordinarily well written that my heart was truly yanked during the storyline. I can't wait to get her on Spotpass. I've been saving all my avatar's love all of my steroids for her.
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