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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. My favorite line, by far, is TOO SLOW BRO. -Cynthia
  2. That it has been... What can I say? Awakening successfully revived me.

  3. Yeah, I just think it's kinda ridiculous that the female only class doesn't use tomes, as a lot of female units are more magically inclined. Especially when the class is based on being 'blessed'.
  4. Aw, that's not nearly as repugnant as it was described. Wasn't every polka dot a picture of her? It's actually kinda cute. Now I'm wishing there was some sort of fashion-second-seal that allowed someone to wear that.
  5. You're right, you caught me. :P Awakening's been happening and I couldn't help myself. XD

  6. Why, pray tell, does the Bride class use such an odd variety of weapons? Staves make perfect sense for the blessed, holy woman. But lances? ...And then bows? Especially seeing as Eirika is their first example...and she doesn't wield any of those weapons, if I'm not mistaken, even when she promoted. (On another note, this game did give her a raw deal, even if she isn't all that bright.) It seems to me that the most fitting weapons of that class would have been Tomes and Swords, if it must be three. There is no class in the either game that can use both Tomes, Staves, and any sort of melee weapon - and methinks such a unit would be incredibly useful. And seeing as the Bride is DLC, I'd certainly hope the class would actually be useful. When I saw their weapons, I honestly became a little dubious. Beyond that, I'm not quite sure why IS thought a woman in an enormous dress would be using bows and lances; if for nothing but conceptual design and aesthetic reasons, it doesn't seem to make much sense. All and all, I'm rather disappointed, and I haven't even got the class yet. And then there's the Dread Fighter. While I frankly think this class is a great (if not OP) class the fact that it's male only is just heartbreaking.
  7. My thoughts exactly. But then he got cleaved by an arrow in a single attack. I'm playing on hard mode, and he was paired with MU who had capped Sorcerer defense at the time, with an A support. I think that the bonus damage the skill blocks is the 'beast' part of the damage. Bows don't do extra damage to beasts, but to fliers...which seems to be another type of bonus damage altogether. I will attempt to get a good screenshot with Morgan, as I've already reclassed Walhart (again).
  8. Mmm. That's probably it. Which is a bummer, seeing as the flying bonus damage in this game is brutal. Not nearly as bad as Radiant Dawn, but harsh nonetheless.
  9. So Walhart's Paralogue chapter was released today for Spotpass, and I picked him up and made him into a Griffon Rider, for justifiable reasons that remain to be seen. He comes with a shiny skill called Conquest that's supposed to block Bonus damage. And I didn't think anything of it until he took about 35 damage from a bow. Err. Does this skill have to trigger? Or, does it only work in base class? Or... is it just for added shininess?
  10. Does anyone know how often you can Spotpass? Or if Nintendo is releasing one random spotpass character at a time from POR? I currently can only call Titiania, but I really want Mist.
  11. Best: The Tactician. Nolan. Sup 'Unk. Worst: Well, I suppose Naesala is somehow more 'realisitic' than Tibarn... Gharnef simply because my first thought upon seeing him was 'What the heck did your parents DO?!'. With all the laguz and manaketes, however, this is way too broad... Nomination: Most/Least Likely to make Assist Trophy in SSB4
  12. Happy Birthday Bro! XD

  13. Elincia would be cool, wouldn't she? And she could actually justify a B-side move of having a 4 hit Amiti combo, and perhaps a counter that heals her due to Recover, and.... But too many sword users! Elincia would make a great character, I agree, but I'd rather see a more unique weapon like a lance or Axe (Caeda or Minerva, as if Minerva had a good chance...), or magic - though I would prefer not to see Micaiah.
  14. He definetly seems to have personality in FE11, but it matches his portrayal in SBB (except for the borderline effeminate things) where he is rather self-assured and almost conceited. I haven't played FE12 () yet, so I'm not sure where he goes from there, but from the translations I've seen he doesn't seem to lose his confidence. But from what I've heard about the originals, Marth seems to be chiIdlishly naive, at a contrast from his SBB & FE11 portrayals. I guess what this is saying about Micaiah is that SBB can invent a personality for her, if they feel hers is 'inadequate'.
  15. Don't get me wrong; Frankly, I like Micaiah as a unit. As a character, though, I think she falls short in personality, but that doesn't have anything to do if she gets into SBB, as Marth made it and he arguably doesn't have much personality either. Speaking from experience, I haven't encountered many Micaiah fans.
  16. *Shudder* ...How did I forget completely about Micaiah? I would hope it wouldn't be her. For one thing, I don't think her 'popularity' is high enough... She didn't even break trophy in SBBB, did she? 0_o Positively, though, she wouldn't be using a sword, which would be a nice change.
  17. I agree, but the female characters do help reel in that target audience *coughZeroSuitSamuscough*.
  18. Hopefully, as he goes into development for SSB4, Sakurai has realized that SSB is basically a gigantic sausage fest, and it needs more estrogen in it's roster. Not only that, but Fire Emblem as a series needs more representation, in my opinion. If a female character from Fire Emblem was to make it into the SSB4, who would it be? I don't think alot of FE's females have a great chance, but I think that someone with prominent appearances and decent ground fighting ability would make FE proud, and Nintendo proud for advertising. I'd say that Caeda, Mist (Radiant Dawn appearance), or perhaps even Liz from FE13 (Like Roy, just for advertisement) probably has the best chance. Even though Caeda's mainly a Pegasus Knight, she did have some ground fighting in FE3, and as the first female FE unit in existence she does hold some prestige. I'd also like to vouch for Lyn, but I think her window of oppurtunity has closed, as GameBoy Advance games almost sound like antiques to Nintendo now... While there's a great chance that Sakurai remains blissfully unaware of all of this, but I'd like to see Caeda join the franchise. (And atleast then some of the Marth is gay stuff will stop. But probably not.)
  19. Best: Pale Flower of Darkness. Worst: Training. Gee, that sounds exciting. Nominate: Most/Least Likely to Make Assist Trophy in SSB4
  20. Most: FE7. Easy to get into, not all that hard to break class and weapon lines for a victory. Runner up tp FE9 for similar reasons, yet the Black Knight's very existence seems to contradict it. Least: FE10, no contest. It stinks not being able to use whatever characters you like because their classes are simply statisically stunted, or their bases stink. Ridiculously unbalanced. Runner up to FE11, for ridiculously low (and nonexistent) growths.
  21. Thank the Lord. On another note, the music is quite pleasant, from what I could tell. I hope that it will be completely orchestrated.
  22. I always thought that the last real graphical achievement for Fire Emblem would be nailing how the characters interacted when not fighting, but I never thought that it would come at the complete sacrifice of how they looked while on the grid. The grid views could use touching up as well from the last games (more individuality, specifically from FE11&12), but to make them completely 2D? When the gridview is the majority of the gameplay, realistically?
  23. I'm doin' well. Now in college, and hey, in your state. I haven't been on what with getting ready and all, so sorry if I missed your initial release, but it was great just as I expected!

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