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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. I agree with the opening post, though I think we highly overestimate ourselves. With FE12 being an all-around 'better' game than FE11, I'm sure that they have/had plans to release it internationally, but as software moves on the developers must as well which resulted in its delay/termination. I've been petitioning Nintendo for a variety of things for awhile, and I do think that we will do nothing to hurt FE13's chances by emailing and petitioning, but that's all I can say. We should take action and hype, but what we will accomplish in the long run is uncertain and hard to pinpoint.
  2. This was probably the best fangasm since Brawl, but I'm not very optimistic about this game's release date outside of Japan, due to FE12's situation. Whether this was the nail in the coffin for FE12's international hopes or simply the next on deathrow remains to be seen. I'm hoping that the two might come out at similar times, for the DS and 3DS, but due to the lack of software on the 3DS right now, I doubt it. Either way, the game looks fantastic, but the prescence of more than 2 characters in a battle definetly doesn't seem 'FE-ish', but it's about time for combo attacks. I've heard it's somehow a sequel to FE6, but I'm rather hoping it isn't, as I feel that setting has been wrung dry at this point. I would rather get into the feel for a new, fresh story as I try to forget my pain about Marth's second adventure never reaching us.
  3. ....Yeah, Haha, Sorry. That was Eremiya's headgear. I thought it was weird that all the Bishops seem to be wearing it, but Eremiya's the only one rocking it. Glad to see you liked it. XD Anyway.... Best: I can't not vote for her now, Eremiya. NICE HAT. Runner up to Maria, Priscilla, and Nyna. Worst: EDIT: Liz. (FE13) With the game just announced, and my first reaction is 'Oh please don't let that one be a main character, that hair is gonna make me break my game', I think she deserves it. Runner up to Ranulf. That hat/strap contraption probably only began to bug me because of all of his screen time that left me to stare at it. Marth...for that Tiara that actually looked more manly in FE11&12, but is just a travesty everywhere else... I nominate Most/Least Complex Character Design. I suppose Most/Least Complex Character would work as well, but the entire cast of Shadow Dragon Save Marth, Caeda, Maria, & Minerva would make the Least Complex list, so let's just stick with the first one.
  4. ....What? Eh, why not, I'll give it a shot. Best: Oliver, for being hilarious, and really hard to use. Worst: Denning, for being the most dedicated 'Troll' I've ever seen.
  5. Lol...I now see what you meant by a favoritisim run. It reminds me of how I play the game all the time. XD I wonder, do you have another approaching favorite or do you plan to have Darros train-roll this run?
  6. Ricardo, once again is the star. I can't believe how incredibly snide & greasy Michalis comes off, but I can't seem to get mad at him; it's probably his hair. Linde was perfect though, it's almost exactly how I imagined her 'revealing herself'. And it goes without saying, but Thank you for your hard work and sacrifiice!
  7. Yeah, sorry for the hiatus! XD

  8. Yeah, I was all preparing for college and junk. But now I'm back! ...And find that FE12 is still nowhere near. Anyway, I nominate Best/Worst Siblings, if that hasn't already been done.
  9. Wow, this is hard... Best: Caeda (FE12). Runner ups to Heather, MIST(Both), Elice, Fiona, Lyndis, Astrid(FE10), Elincia(FE9 Ending &FE10), Leanne(FE10), Priscilla, Norne, and, of course, MARIA. Worst: I have to say Dorothy, despite that she is one of my favorite characters. Runner up to Ena, Niime, Lena(FE11&12), Nyna(FE11&12).
  10. Is celebrating Maria's 21st Birthday!

    1. Darros



      Also... post moar.

  11. Best: Marth, for biting his nails about Elice for so long. Runner up to Ephraim. Worst: Michalis. People like Matthis and Makalov are bad, but Michalis takes the cake in completely ruining the lives of his siblings - mostly imprisoning Maria for like six years, and then of course the many years of therapy he warranted by dying on her. Runner ups to Boyd and Rolf as well. Ike...wasn't neccessarily that supportive either.
  12. Best: FE9 Tanith. Worst: FE11 Lorenz. Nominate: Best/Worst Character Theme.
  13. Best: A Hero's Destiny (FE11) Runner up to Proud Fight, Bearer of Hope, and A Grasping Truth (FE10), as well as Eternal Battle and One Who Carves a New History (FE12). RD tracks were generally awesome, but SD unexpectedly came through as well. Worst: Change of Scenery (FE9). Runner up to A Gathering of Storms (FE10), Wind Across the Plains (FE7), and Forbidden Sanctuary (FE12), all for getting seriously annoying.
  14. How could I forget this one? It still torments me. Maria's base DEF decreased from SD despite the fact that she gained 17 levels and class changed. From FE3, Maria's weapon levels have been lowered from essentially a C in Tomes to an E, and a B in staves to a C - based on the tomes and staves usable. From FE3, Lena's weapon levels have been lowered from essentially a C in Tomes to an D. Lena originally had the Bolganone tome only, while Elice had a Fortify Staff only. Maria had a Recover Staff only. Now all the Endgame Bishops at least have both a tome and staff.
  15. Most red-heads do well for me, this is difficult. Best: Caineghis. Runner up to Radd, Maria, and Lena. Worst: Skrimir. Runner up to Dorcas.
  16. On deviantart I have seen a Laura, and I believe a Rhys. I've always been interested in seeing a Devdan/Navded cosplay, for its hilarity.
  17. Most: FE8. Poor Lyon! I wanted to save him the entire time, he was so awesome. The ending crushed me, and the flashback at the very end finished me off. Out of the ones I've played, FE7 is next. Least: FE12. Everything's resolved and perfect, isn't it? I guess they can get points off for so many people disappearing at the end. And I'd take off points for all the royalty just throwing away their thrones.
  18. You know, I actually don't think so. He just kinda implies it through his conversation with Gotoh, and how Gotoh says that if 'he and Minerva had worked together' Medon would be better than had been, and how Michalis has goals he'll tell Gotoh if he can win against Marth. Michalis doesn't get very much screen time at all in this one. He says it in FE3/12 Chapter 9 (Santuary of Sorcery) Opening.
  19. Thank you, the bestiary has been updated. I'm still working on getting a perfect time for Sage Minerva and Archer Lena for another Clock Hack run, so I haven't been on Wifi in a while. Could I have some more information?
  20. Best: Denning, for simply being epic. He was rather good for being so purposely generic. Worst: Just about every boss in FE11...How about Sternlin? 'You shall not pass! You shall not...ungh...'
  21. Ah, yes. Turned on the Bonus Exp menu, and I see that is correct.
  22. Does Bonus EXP for 'units that do not do battle' mean that I don't select as many units that can be deployed, or that I just have them sit there...or...what? Because I'm not getting the bonus EXP either way and I'm very confused.
  23. I nominate the Best/Worst Death Quote, if it hasn't already been done. Best: FE9 Soren: Idiocy. Pure. Brilliance. Worst: FE10 Ike: Hey, a guy's got to do something between battles. Or whatever it was he said to Ranulf after Tibarn came back.
  24. I've been attempting to use Japanese Amazon, but can't really make heads or tails of it.
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