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Radiant Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Radiant Dragon

  1. Because she's my avatar? I was just trying to find a beast laguz for the 'kitty' fad.

  2. I've been thinking about Nealuchi, but I already have plans for my next two picks. If he makes it back to me somehow, though...

  3. No, you may not use undrafted units to Arrive. I'll add that in now.

  4. I don't suppose that would be the fault of timezones?

  5. Sure, no problem. I'm not on very often, though...

  6. Oops. Thank you for catching that.

  7. I'd forgotten about the friends list until Frostbite reminded me of it... You're welcome.

  8. I'll probably end up using it again. I actually set it as my avatar the day of the Besieged launch party, and I ended up getting one of them and a Myr Turbine, which won me quite a few games.

  9. What did I do to deserve such mention, though?

  10. Don't worry, I'm not going to quit playing one of my favorite games. I don't think I'm as good as people say I am though...

  11. Thank you. I figured the p was for pairing, but I didn't know what the other letters stood for.

  12. Good to see you made it through C22. I haven't played FE6 in a long time(the draft is giving me an excuse to finish the game again), so I might not have been much help, unfortunately. I don't even remember which side Roy starts on(wasn't it the right?).

  13. You should choose an avatar.

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