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Ken Zomg

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Status Updates posted by Ken Zomg

  1. Hey, can I join the Skype thing again? There's a 99.99% chance I won't run off this time :3

  2. lol I just got your avatar xD

  3. no I just added it randomly lol

  4. bappy hirthday

  5. Cool stuff man; I saw it. :)

  6. So FE13's been out for 3 days now... Come on Japan dammit, make with the hentai already

  7. Happy birthday dude

  8. how do I hung up internet connection

  9. happy birthday announcement from this douchebag


  11. Aaaagh the page did that thing where it skips to a different part of the page when it finishes loading that part and I accidentally clicked remove you as a friend so when you see that I added you as a friend, that's why

  12. nice avatar. i rike.

  13. o heppy berfday mister furet san

  14. Happy Birthday! We have the same birthday. :)

  15. Thanks, everyone! :D

  16. Happy birthday, Bartre the Beast! :D

  17. oh hai I finished your request

  18. Haha, I knew you didn't mean it. I was making a joke. だいじょうぶだ。

  19. Your member title insulted me :(

  20. Nice new avatar and sig.

    I rike dat.

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