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Ken Zomg

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Everything posted by Ken Zomg

  1. Now I can view Yeti's animations without leaving SF! Awesome! Also, this makes me the 3rd best animator here now
  2. Ken Zomg

    Camtech's Crap

    I know right The answer would be not making stuff that everyone else already makes
  3. Darg idk lol Fire Emblem ain't for kids rorororlawlboner Proper sprites are too hard to make Translation: I cheated Anna: "FATALITY!" Fun fact: The mercenary had a wife and kids.
  4. No...! Did I just find out about this?! Poll closed?! Err.... go! You can... do... it? You... have my full support? Uhh... What, so my 11:59 PM ain't as good as yours? Well, screw you, poll!
  5. I hope you rike where dis is going note to self: fix arm What, requests? Err... umm... error 404 file not found try again after school testing and crap
  6. I hope I still have my Sainesque persona, though :|
  7. I especially like the skulls. Well done! Dammit Lyn such a tease
  8. We are all very humble here in Creative
  9. ...Interesting! I wanted to make a fighting game featuring people from this forum, but first I need to lrn2progrim :/
  10. I started making another Elibean Nights comic, but I gave up because no ideas :/ Oh well, here's a picture from it
  11. You're Everyone's Prisoner Kill Erik with all playable characters besides Fargus in Hector's tale
  12. Achievements in FE? As in, "Achievement Unlocked"?!!? AWESOME!!!! I had this idea just days ago! :D
  13. I think I'm a Youngster in this game. I should have been a clown she's in that place above Icirrus City, btw
  14. Wow, I look so serious :D Awesome that this is coming along so smoothly
  15. Hey guys look it's Parasol Lady Lumi dammit phone I make one finger twitch and you blur the whole thing
  16. Hey Xiltas, since we both voice Karel, we should make them sound similar. Just a heads-up.
  17. That FE10 "sprite" looks great! You have inspired me to make a FE10!Ken. When I'm not so busy.
  18. Sorry bro, couldn't resist xD Fun fact: Haar can also use eye lazor
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