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Posts posted by Silvercrow

  1. If there's a specific section this needs to go in, then by all means please move it.

    So I'm kind of in a rut. Whenever I play a battle using Ashe, I hardly get any kills. I can do a lot of damage to an enemy, but never get a kill in. It's a little embarrassing when playing with my friends, because they're all getting double/triple kills (one got over seventy kills in a game and never died once!), and the most I'm doing is levelling up from killing minions and destroying turrets. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm probably doing something wrong. Are there any skills/items I should be using to make Ashe more powerful? Should I try a different champion? Or do I just suck in general?

    That's just how Ashe plays. I usually get very few kills on her either. Your biggest contribution is permaslow and your ultimate along with some ranged damage that doesn't really become impressive until you have 4+ items.

  2. I believe all that matters for rankings is the number of characters in your current party, so killing Olwen should have no effect so long as you get Eyrios. That's what the site seems to suggest, anyway.

  3. . . .yeah, you're right, that's pretty bad. "I will use Nidalee to define Tier 1" is not how a tier list should be thought out. Also, Soraka is WAY too low (good sustain is really nice in ARAM).

    Yea, Soraka and Fiddlesticks on the same level as scrubs like Mundo or Renekton is pretty laughable. Then there's Caitlyn > Master Yi....

  4. What would people say with regards to a LoL subforum, like Pokemon and SSB has? I think it would get more of the forum's members interested in the game, and more opportunities for people to set up games with other forum members. There may also be players around who have yet to discover this thread.

    Also, discussion of certain aspects can be kept in their own separate topics as opposed to everything being jammed into one topic like this. Just a thought.

    Neutral on this but I think at the very least we could probably use a new main thread. This one is running extremely long and the thread creator is long since inactive which kind of sucks for the purposes of keeping the first post relevant.

  5. There was a lot of debate about the guy's name in a previous topic, as it wasn't agreed on that "Ilios" was even intended. "Helios" was also suggested, along with the usual thought that mythological references are sometimes corrupted like Barhara or Marth, and so it should be kept Eyrios.

    Personally I think Eyrios is fine because it's distinctive and he's already well known under that name, but it's probably not a big deal in any case.

  6. If I recall Loptousou's lines (as well as Medeus's in the games in which he appears) are written in Katakana which is inconsistent with the rest of the script. Not knowing anything about Japanese I can't really say what exactly that would represent, but the chosen localization of that into English was apparently to alternate capitals.

    So it's not entirely random, but whether or not it's worth keeping is another matter.

  7. Don't you think the existence of Warp (and staffers) in the game makes it more complex in terms of planning and having creative strategies?

    I think staves in general do (creative use of stuff like the Sleep and Thief staves is pretty nice) but Warp does not. The ability to simply skip otherwise difficult chapters is far too generous. Warp isn't even especially limited with the early Repair staff.

  8. Well, in fairness, there's no English name that gets especially close to the effect of 'Seti' or 'Sety'. The closest thing to it would be 'Setty', which is a form of a rather obscure Indian surname - and while surnames are very much used, they don't seem to be preferred (Arvis vs. Alvis).

    The best they could have hoped for would be 'Seth' or 'Set'. The former is obviously already taken by another broken character, and the latter is a name that's arguably too similar to the first to where they might've avoided it just to keep them from looking alike (which would be my wild-mass-guess as to why they went with Malice over Maris (with Marisa), Severa over Serena (with Selena), and Seliph over Celice/Celes (with Celica.))

    Ced, even if it's probably by far the least popular name change they've done since Shadow Dragon released and maybe even then, does at least have a vague auditory resemblance to the latter half of Forseti... just, uh, not one at all with letters.

    I'm inclined to think that that's not the case, since it didn't stop them from doing Arthur/Artur, which is pretty much the exact same as the difference between Seth and Set. The difference being that Ced's original name was clearly a reference to something in particular, whereas Arthur/Artur is just that way for no apparent reason (Artur's name was completely different in Japanese, so it was purely a localization decision).

    While it's probably wise to just go with the official localization for the sake of consistency, it's pretty clear that they missed some important context while translating his name and that it was likely a mistake.

  9. It's more like 10-15%

    and mathematically the difference between a 1200 and a 1500 player should be roughly the same as the difference between 1500 and 1800 elo although that's probably not quite the case with whatever modified Elo algorithm Riot uses.

  10. I would actually say that bottom lane is the hardest lane to hard-counter just by picks, you can gain advantage by choosing good combinations but there are so many small skill based factors that really influence the lane. And of course you actually probably scale well regardless if you're a bottom laner.

    Like, I could say that Caitlyn is an effective pick against Vayne (it's probably about as extreme of a counter bot lane as you can find), but if Vayne plays the lane well, gets good jungle presence or even just refuses to cede a CS lead, she'll get into late game and destroy.

    If you pick, I dunno, Vlad against Akali or something, you are going to get your shit wrecked if they're even remotely close to your skill level. The skill differential required to win that lane without massive support from the rest of your team is enormous. And that's just one example, there are many like it.

  11. The average bronze is even worse. By a big margin also.

    Yea, I have some friends that are bronze and I play some normal queue games with them... the games are hilariously easy to carry since the people they get matched against often do stuff like start Doran's Ring with no MR runes in mid. Gold isn't exactly wonderful or anything but it's nowhere near that bad. The average gold player makes some dumb plays but generally understands the basics of the game, at least.

  12. and from the last part of your post you still can't comprehend what I'm saying so I'm just going to stop.

    This is exactly what I mean, if you just omitted this part of the reply it would be fine. You are just being tactless for no reason other than to stir up conflict

    And I do understand, rather than accept that a Diamond elo player had a bad game (or didn't care about the outcome of the game), you came to the conclusion that Diamond elo players "can't beat golds" and that playing at their level is not something worth aspiring to, which is extremely asinine

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