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Posts posted by Silvercrow

  1. Philosopher's Stone is my go-to item. Get at me. :P:

    In all seriousness, I kinda wanted to see how good Force of Nature was, but never got the opportunity to buy it. Was it really that insane/uncommon?

    Philosopher's stone got nerfed quite hard as well... the HP regen was more than halved.

    Their "problem" with Force of Nature was that it was an item solely dedicated to screwing over mages and that it gave a weird potpourri of stats. I don't think it really justified its removal but whatever.

  2. The trolls come out on the weekend, and I have friends who swear that they get +200 elo from nothing more than the holidays starting. The effect can be observed at all levels of play, and is worth 200 elo even at the 1000-1200 range.

    I have a friend who swears to this, but I've honestly never seen it. Seems like confirmation bias to me.

    At absolute worst I've maybe seen more instances of "sorry guys my mom needs to check her email" on the weekend, but otherwise I'm pretty sure the amount of trolls is relatively constant.

  3. No, but Halvan's PCC is 4, higher than Othin's.

    ^ to elaborate, every character has an invisible stat called Pursuit Critical Coefficient which is basically a multiplier on their crit rate on their pursuit attack. They range between 0 and 5 and Halvan has a PCC of 4 which is among the highest in the game, so if he double attacks he is pretty likely to crit. Othin's is 3 iirc, also rather high.

    The Hezul scroll (and the other scrolls) prevent you from being crit but also change your growth rates while held, giving growths in some stats and taking away from others (sometimes). However they are always a net positive so you should aim to have scrolls on people when they level up.

    Chapter 4 is when things get exciting, so you're pretty close.

  4. I thought he was saying nobody else in the whole game is that hard to guess how to recruit. Like, even in 2x and 12.

    Well, in 2x August flat out tells you that you should capture him alive.

    I did forget about 12, though.

    But yea I was talking about the recruitable guys in B route. They're all just straight up conversation recruitments.

  5. There's a bothersome gimmick to worry in one of the alternate route's chapters, though.

    And recruiting one character isn't all that obvious. Still relatively easier than the other route for a first time though.

    Yea imo the B route has more annoying stuff to deal with in general, but in terms of recruiting everyone it's fairly straightforward.

  6. Skill and luck are overkill, but are really pretty insignificant. HP, speed and defense are really only up by 2 (CON difference)

    I'm pretty sure that no matter how efficiently you play, Seth's +3 move still tips that comparison in his favor. Moving further is still a great advantage even if you don't care about quick clears.

  7. There's a couple of ridiculous-to-recruit characters aside from the infamous chapter 18 one:

    If you choose to take the A Route (you'll go there if you follow Dorias' advice in chapter 15), there's one character in chapter 16A who requires one of your party members to be dead before he can be recruited, however no story reason is given for this so you should look it up if you plan on choosing between them.

    In chapter 17A, there's another kind of stupid recruitment that you probably won't be able to figure out on your own.

    If you end up taking the alternate route instead, there's nothing to worry about, though.

  8. I main support, and I'm pretty good at soloing top now. I'm a decent mid with certain champions, and I'm still learning how to jungle. If there's anything I hate, though, it's playing ADC. The fact that you're expected to get EVERY SINGLE minion kill is kind of ridiculous. Like, every support that I play with is so anal about "matching their timing" to last-hit every damn thing there. ):

    Then you should be fine, I don't mean people should try to master every role, just that they should have a go-to champ to play if they end up having to play it for whatever reason, at the minimum

    Last hitting bottom isn't any different than last hitting top or mid, so either you're expecting more than you should (probably not since you should miss very few CS) or you should be more mindful of CSing in solo lanes as well

  9. Yea your friends sound like dicks, how else are you gonna learn anything except by losing

    That said I don't think sticking with one or two champs for a while is a bad idea, but you'll want to probably at least play one of every role when you're getting close to about level 20 or so

  10. after three weeks of this game i've already poured a larger percentage of my time into this game than any other thing in my life and still pretty fucking bad

    initially i played garen (i don't have the attention span to care about mana) but after trying out darius i think i'm leaving garen forever

    is there anyone else you guys would suggest i try?

    There's a pretty big subset of guys that are similar to those two in some ways... just try stuff that you see in games that interests you if only to get an idea of what they can do

  11. You guys are crazy :| Yea Sivir isn't the easiest carry, but ultimately her abilities are pretty simple but have nuances to them, which makes her nice to pick up and learn.

    Ashe on the other hand requires ridiculous kiting skill to play well, has no ability to escape if things get bad, and her team relies on her to know when and how to use her ultimate which is often game changing. Her base damage is really poor which kinda sucks when you're new

    Honestly I think the real babby's first AD is Caitlyn, but unfortunately she is quite expensive.

  12. You can basically think of continuity this way:

    A function is continuous at a point C if the limit as X approaches C of the function is the same as f( c)

    So a function that has any sort of discontinuity won't satisfy this since the limit of the function at that point won't match the actual function.

    As for differentiability, differentiability is a local property which exists at a point D if you can compute:

    lim x -> D (f(x) - f(D)) / (x-D) = f'(D)

    And this is pretty much just algebra.

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