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Posts posted by Silvercrow

  1. Why not IE PD BT? I guess it depends on the AD carry in question and the amount of armor enemies are buying, but say...Vayne doesn't need the armor penetration as much so she might as well go for the one she didn't get earlier (I like BT first on Vayne personally). Like I said, endgame AD carry builds might all look alike, but which items you get first should be situation dependent.

    It's a solid choice if your enemies aren't really buying armor. That's not something that happens frequently in my experience, though. You're the one that your team looks to to be able to take down the tankiest members of the other team.

    I do strange Vayne builds so I won't comment, but IE PD BT is probably viable on her more frequently than others/

  2. Discounting AD scaling abilities is a big difference though, someone like Graves may prefer the Bloodthirster because it gives more raw AD- the AD empowers his Q and R which don't benefit from the crit chance of IE. In the midgame AD carries often use their skills more than auto attacks, which means the AD makes a bigger difference. Someone who autoattacks mostly during the midgame (say, Tristana) would benefit from IE more though.

    Ultimately I think it depends on the champion- if you have shorter range and/or use more abilities Bloodthirster is a better first buy, if you have longer range and/or use more autoattacks you should go IE first.

    The issue at hand is that your first damage item will probably need to last you longer than your midgame. After your first item, you're headed for Phantom Dancer/maybe Triforce and then after that most likely a Whisper or some kind of defensive item. By the time you have 3 full items, you're out of the midgame stages for sure. And if you're holding a BT PD LW against a guy with IE PD LW, they are going to outdamage you handily because of how well IE stacks with PD's effect. Sustain or extra burst from spells won't make up that gap.

    Not to say that there aren't situations where a BT is worth buying (like if you're getting bullied out of lane or something and need a decent damage item with sustain fast), but if you're going for raw carry potential IE is king.

  3. She actually feels a whole lot stronger to me, and her farming ability got insanely better.

    After playing her a lot more (about 25 games or so I think), my impression is that, yea, you have to farm for 25+ minutes to get anywhere. It's a lot easier with the new W, but you're not going to kill your lane opponent unless they mess up badly or you have a great jungler. Ganking is also pretty much out of the question, although you can countergank nicely if the opportunity presents itself.

    The problem is that they turned Kat from a stomp-or-fail assassin who had a good window in the midgame to make her presence known, to a no-CC AoE lategame teamfight champion. The problem with that is that Vlad and Karthus exist and are just way better than Kat will ever be at it, and she doesn't have the laning pressure to make up for it anymore (Kat could win some lanes with the old bouncing blades, at least).

    She's not unsalvageable or anything, but I definitely feel she needs some tweaks on her numbers.

  4. Having only taken APUSH out of those three (took AP English Lit instead of Composition and fuck Chemistry), my advice is that your ability to perform well on the writing portions of the exam will probably have the biggest impact both on your AP exam grade and possibly your class grade (depending on your teacher, obviously). Learn the formats they look for and learn to be as concise as possible without skimping out on the details. Not to mention that it's the skill from that class that will serve you best in university/the world rather than knowing all the details of the XYZ affair or whatever, and if you can write about something, you can answer a multiple choice question on it.

    Ultimately though, my experience with AP classes was that they depended heavily on your teachers... if you don't think you're going to be able to work with a teacher after a couple of weeks of having their class, just drop it unless you really really want that one extra AP on your application. If you're not doing work or being taught in a way that helps you understand the material, you'll have to work much harder for relatively little gain.

    As for studying, you probably know by now how much you need to study to do well, I was one of those kids who didn't need to study in high school and APs were no exception, so if you don't need to study, then don't, but just do as much as you need to be confident in the material.

  5. Finally got around to trying out the new Kat... not really impressed. I was pretty fond of the old one, and I'm not sure what I think about this new one... I need to play it a bit more, but she just feels so weak in the mid game which used to be her time to shine. Not much of a fan of the new voice either, but I guess I'll get used to it.

  6. You're overestimating the difficulty of positioning on Leblanc, it's hard against certain teams, but you can generally get a shot at SOME target you want (generally you're able to combo about half of their team down, you don't often need to be all that selective as long as somebody is dead) and escape with the second part of Distortion, or clever use of Mirror Image in a pinch. It's not perfect, but she's not really that bad at escaping since her worst spell range is a reasonable 700 on Sigil of Silence

    Despite the fact that she needs farm and a solo lane, Leblanc is NOT an AP carry and this is where you're confusing yourself. You don't need to carry if you have 2 other carries in your other lanes, you're better off of thinking of yourself as a special kind of "support" whose focus is locking down or elimating targets of opportunity while your actual carries deal out the reliable damage. Being an AP mid is not the same as being an AP carry

  7. It's really not. By mid-late game every smart person should have some magic resist, and since LB is mostly single target (w is really risky, as it's also your escape and forces you to go right up to them), she's not doing much. She has the least aoe damage out of all the typical ap mids.

    At that point and onwards you don't actually have to full to zero anyone anymore, just deal 70%+ of their HP and silence them for 4 seconds while your team does anything at all. If you're trying to combo without W, you are obviously not going to do any of your damage because it's an integral part of your combo I guess, but otherwise she has like a 4.0 total ratio on her spells, it's actually really really high

    That aside though, she still oneshots people with little MR or people lower level than she is. i.e. bottom lane and probably jungle.

  8. I brought it up because ranked games show a great deal of what the general population consider op, and for good reasons. For a very, very, very long time, Kassadin was permabanned (I was around 1400-1500 elo, yeah yeah not the best but I gave up), almost to the degree of Morgana. It wasn't until after constant nerfs he got unbanned.

    If there's anything this game has taught me, it's that popular opinion and reality are often quite different. Kassadin is permabanned in ranked because he's a pubstar, not because he's overbearingly strong or anything though. Same reason Shaco was banned for a long time.

    Also, elo is a joke. I can win my first 3 games and go up to like 1550 instantly, which I assume is what you were able to do. The amount of elo the first few games give are ridiculous, so you're unlucky, it will take a hell of a long time to get back up. I quit playing ranked a couple months back (few ranked games here and there), so my elo has decayed a bit.

    I agree, and that's why I said the comment about not having played ranked games was stupid. Elo is a number, and if you haven't played enough ranked games it doesn't represent your actual skill.

    Also, I'm sorry if I'm sounding a bit pretentious, I just strongly believe Kassadin is very powerful (against typical mid champs, lol against Galio or ad mids), since I use him time to time to dominate mid derps, like the game I brought up originally. I'd be happy to play some games with you if you ever want to.

    I understand, since I'm a Leblanc player myself and they're quite similar, but I'm not going to argue that Leblanc is winning every lane for the same reasons I'm not gonna argue Kassadin wins every lane, it's simply not realistic because they both have heavily exploitable weaknesses that experienced players will take advantage of, a big one being a lack of wave clear which means they don't actually control the lane by themselves unless they're in super pubstar mode or they're against someone like Karthus. I think Leblanc is a stronger pick against Anivia than Kassadin is, but I wouldn't assume I would automatically win because I got that pick against Anivia. There are simply too many factors and they are not hard counters.

  9. In that respect, doesn't Leaf want the pursuit ring then?

    Yea, but you can take it off Arthur and give it to him in chapter 8. A promoted Arthur no longer needs it

    There's no real way to get it to him otherwise in chapter 7 unless you have Ethlin pass it down, but you probably don't want to give it up for 2 chapters in Gen1 just for that

  10. The main attraction of Fin over Lex is Pursuit. If Lex!Arthur is getting the Pursuit Ring, then I might as well argue that Fin!Arthur is getting the Elite Ring.

    You could give it to him, but I think he has more competition. Before chapter 8, the people who want Pursuit are just whoever you don't give pursuit to in pairings, which is either Lester or Delmud. Neither of them are nearly as strong as Arthur is with Pursuit, and they at least have access to Brave weapons (unless you did a really weird Lester pairing)

    I think it's a lot more to ask for Celice to give up the Elite ring

  11. ...What? You do know that Wrath comes from Tiltyu, not Lex, right? Arthur and Tinny ALWAYS have Wrath, no matter who their dad is. Lex gives them Elite and Ambush (which is the important one, as it allows them to OHKO units when they're at low health before they get attacked), and Fin gives Prayer and Pursuit. Prayer fulfills the same function as Ambush in that it allows the kids to stay alive longer, and Pursuit, allows Fin!Arthur/Tinny to attack twice, because even with a Magic Ring they stop OHKOing after a while. They'll be lower-leveled than Lex!Arthur/Tinny, to be sure, but it can be worth it because they ORKO for longer. They'll promote later, but it's casual play anyways, and it's not like the extra levels are getting them many more MAG procs.

    Yea, my bad, I was pretty exhausted while I wrote it and kind of threw out some random wrong stuff

    The major difference is that with Lex, Arthur can solo the Melgan army in chapter 7 with only Charisma and get double EXP out of it, which gets him his promotion in chapter 8. Fin might be able to do the same, but you need to manipulate it such that he's at very low HP (rather than just below half), he'll struggle with Ishtor and Blume, and he'll get significantly less EXP and probably won't promote at the start of chapter 8, which is when you really want him up and running because he massacres dragon knights easily. This assumes he gets the Pursuit ring in C7, but there's likely not going to be anyone else that really wants it then (unless you have like, a Lester without pursuit or something, but I think it's not unreasonable to let Arthur have it)

    I guess there might be some reliable way to manipulate it so that Arthur's HP remains at a critical value of < 5 every round when Fin is his father, but I haven't tried it

  12. Fin Tiltyu is like... not even close to Lex Tiltyu

    The thing about Lex Tiltyu is that even though Arthur's magic growth is horrible, it doesn't matter because his damage is so high from Wrath and he gets a level lead with Elite which leads to him stomping until the tail end of chapter 10. He can't really say the same when Fin is his dad, even with Prayer pursuit deals less damage than Wrath (not accounting for the pursuit ring) and he doesn't have either Neir blood, a level lead, or huge oneshot damage to protect him, he's just relying on Prayer procs

    I mean, it's not horrible, but you can't really compare it to Lex. I still adamantly think Lex is Tiltyu's best suitor outside of Levin

  13. 20 ranked games is a joke.

    The 20 ranked games thing was a jab at me, since I haven't played more than 20 ranked games in Season 2, going only 11-3 in wins-losses (I played more in season 1, but I was bad then anyway so whatever) because I don't care about playing ranked personally. For what it's worth though, I still beat his top elo before it decayed (and was still doing well in that bracket), so it's still a stupid thing to bring up.

    However, it ignores the 600 normal wins I have over him, and probably 70% of all my games are me playing mid lane anyway. Even if it's not ranked, I'm still in a pretty decent normal game bracket and I should think I understand the matchups at least decently well at this point.

  14. He's been nerfed down to a sort of niche status though, you won't do much against tanky, defensive mids like Morde, Galio, Rumble, etc, but he is still great against squishy ap mids. Hence he counters champs like Anivia, Karthus, Veigar, etc.

    This is exactly what I'm saying. Played, runed, and built properly, Anivia is a tanky, defensive mid. Maybe not at absolute base stats, but Kassadin isn't going to kill you that early, so you have time to adjust.

    Take it from someone who's played more than 20 ranked games.

    And really? Since when did this mean anything?

  15. Beating Kassadin in lane as Anivia has nothing to do with killing him, it's about outfarming (or even going equal) and having superior utility later. That's the whole point, you're not going to outdamage him (unless it's before level 6), but he's not going to kill you by jumping with his combo unless you're out of position and the jungler shows up to kill you as well.

    It doesn't take a transcendent Anivia player to realize that Anivia is all about battlefield control--she has good nuke damage, but does not need to build for it to highlight her strengths--letting her build tank items if the lane goes sour, or possibly taking exhaust over ignite if you're desperate. So all you do is control the flow of your lane and the creep positioning, something Kassadin is fairly weak against because he doesn't want to be using his E charges on pushing waves. Controlling her blue definitely defeats her, though, but that's not a weakness specific to Kassadin (coincidentally, controlling Kassadin's blue hurts him very badly as well). And ignoring random people's opinions, this indicates that at the very best Kass is sporting a ~52% win rate against Anivia. I feel like the only reason Kassadin is mentioned there is because there are so few casters that counter Anivia in and of themselves (i.e. without ganks or without controlling blue) in any capacity that he bears mentioning. That and there was a period where people were really crazy about him

    Not to say that there aren't situations where Kassadin will just walk all over Anivia because of a million different factors and make her useless in short order (the matchup is still more based on skill than anything else, after all), and it's probably a lot more likely than the reverse happening, but it's far from GG SURRENDER AT 20 if you get him laning against Anivia

    As for Silencer, well, it's pretty difficult to compare him to Kassadin because their silences and overall kits work so differently... and Silencer, for what I've seen, isn't even considered particularly good, just annoying. But I've played a lot less of that game than league, so I can't really make any well educated comments there

  16. Anivia vs. Kass is hardly a stomp in either direction

    realistically Anivia can annihilate Kass before level 6, if a gank goes off even moderately successfully and delays Kass's level 6 then even better. By that point Anivia should probably have Chalice and can shrug off Kass's damage while shoving the lane out with her ultimate which makes trading hard and prevents him from roaming lest he miss a ton of exp/gold. Once she gets Catalyst on top of the Chalice she is simply not going to be pushed out by Kassadin unless she's messed up badly already. All you have to do is survive until that point (which isn't that hard if you're not camped, as you have egg)

    I mean, yea it's not Anivia's best matchup in the world, but it's hardly an automatic loss for Anivia. It's ridiculous how much people overestimate Kassadin

  17. Ch13x: The Peddler Merlinus (7/90)

    Guy takes the bottom, Eliwood left, Hector and Marcus top. Marcus saves the village

    Ch14: False Friends (6/96)

    Marcus charges left and kills pretty much everything. Guy kills the stuff near the start, Eliwood kills the Pirates and Hector kills some random things. Serra recruits Erk so that Priscilla will join without visiting her village. Hector grabs the Iron Blade as well

    Ch15: Talons Alight (7/103)

    Eliwood plugs the top right, Marcus pulls Sealen closer on turn 1 and then everyone self improves. A few turns in Marcus pulls Sealen further and kills him (Hector was 1 damage short of OHKOing him so Marcus got the kill). Priscilla mostly just healed Eliwood

    [spoiler=Character Stats]FyZ0n.pngsHmoq.pngZ9xjw.pngmYoie.png

  18. Ch5: Beyond the Borders (4/32)

    Lyn recruits Serra/Erk and goes east across the mountainy area and kills the stuff there. Sain soloes the top half.

    I'm assuming Matthew is free for C6

    Ch6: Blood of Pride (5/37)

    Sain soloes the bottom half, visiting the village for the door key and then pressing the switch. Lyn recruits Matthew who manages the doors + angelic robe, Lyn kills the boss

    Lyn gets the Robe

    Ch7: Siblings Abroad (2/39)

    Florina drops Lyn in front of the boss and she onerounds him. Sain kills a Shaman

    Ch7x: The Black Shadow (7/46)

    Sain soloes the left side, Lyn soloes the right

    Ch8: Vortex of Strategy (8/54)

    Lyn goes right, kills the mages and the Bandit, and loops around to kill the ballista. Sain soloes everything else.

    Ch9: A Grim Reunion (5/59)

    Sain rescues Lyn and runs right. Wallace sits around and is generally useless.

    Ch10: The Distant Plains (6/65)

    Lyn gets carried by Florina, baits out the Javelin and needs only one crit to kill Lundgren in 2 rounds. Sain just gets free exp


    Didn't bother with Wallace since I don't plan on recruiting him again

    Ch11: Another Journey (6/71)

    Took the left path, did not get the Red Gem

    Ch12: Birds of a Feather (6/77)

    Unfortunately there is no way to do this chapter quickly without Oswin, because Hector sucks at hitting and OHKOing the Pegasus Knights (they flee at low HP instead of suiciding), so Marcus needs to go up there to help instead of just killing the boss. Eliwood uselessly gets the skill book

    Ch13: In Search of Truth (6/83)

    Hector heads across the river, Marcus runs down, pulls in Guy and massacres everything else, Matthew recruits Guy, Marcus kills boss, Hector seizes, Eliwood is the village chump

  19. The stats stack, but it's still a poor use of gold because if the game drags out you will probably have to sell it

    Better to just upgrade it to Maw of Malmortius which mainly gives you more damage. If you feel you still need MR after that, build a Guardian Angel or Force of Nature or something

  20. Uh, are switches in ch6 allowed to be stood on by undrafted units? I doubt it, but just in case...

    Yea I've been waiting on an answer for this before I continue, would be nice to know since it doesn't require any action by them other than movement

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