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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Hello to you too. And yes...I am the nightmare that haunts you during day and night...relentlessly...

  2. Well, whenever my dad watched me play it it was during battles, and he found the battles to be silly...lol... EDIT: Also you may want to use spoiler tags for your post, buddy.
  3. *Catches a red rose in mid-air and sniffs it* Ahh...such a delightful aroma...
  4. My dad watched me play Radiant Dawn and then he told me "If you don't tell me what this game is about I won't let you play it anymore". XD So I gave him the manual. :D But he didn't play it...I was hoping he would...
  5. No, you didn't wake up because of your great recovery rate. It's because I induce "sweet dreams" in you. And...I say Lyle did it also...because he has ambitions...undisclosed...
  6. Yeah, absurd requirements like that are always a lie. Or almost always...
  7. *Hits Serene over the head with a chair* There. I made it stop. Sweet dreams (hah, irony).
  8. Man, that's an awesome dad. Does he play FE too?
  9. Ursula and Petrine are both pretty good, imo. But not Vaida. CGV has bad taste.
  10. I shoved her in the middle of a few laguz and they killed her, a few hours ago. Ho ho. Also...Meg is nowhere NEAR cute. Ugh...
  11. Oh...I'd also love to play a harpsichord, and own one.
  12. Exactly. Except I'm not really into anime (I wish I was). But this holds true for video games for me.
  13. *Sigh* If you insist... Must I truly go through this?
  14. *Shows up in aristocratic clothing* Well, I have no date, so I guess I'll just eat, drink and watch.
  15. Boring stuff. People drinking and etc. I tried to get everything exciting by starting a fight (with real weapons) but it was still boring...
  16. Alright, fight is over since you people weren't enthusiastic enough. Let's do something else... Suggestions? Comments? Criticism?
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