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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. You must have one wicked busted monitor if you see my name in red.

  2. No idea what you're talking about bro.

  3. Post magic post (post magic post) Post magic post (post magic post) Put that admin spell on me Lurk magic lurk (lurk magic lurk) Lurk magic lurk (lurk magic lurk) Put that magic lurk on me Slap that admin, make him free!
  4. lol yep, seen that one. Pretty awesome.


  6. So after two tries last time and three tries this time, I beat Raoh Goliath. Go me. DEATH COUNT: 45 We'll continue this another time. EDIT: Also of note, this was the second time I actually seriously used Ignis. The other time was when I killed two obnoxious Skull Spiders in Tymeo Mountain with it.
  7. Blast, foiled again. I will get you yet, Red Fox.
  8. DEATH COUNT: 39...I think. At Rusalka's doorstep. I hope she's as easy as you say. EDIT: Yep, she was. I just died once because I goofed and destroyed one of the platforms, so the big wave killed me. DEATH COUNT: 40
  9. Conquered Skeleton Cave with only 7 deaths. Was much easier than I thought. Taking a short break now before I take on Somnus Reef. DEATH COUNT: 36
  10. Death Count: 28 Beat Misty Forest Road, there's just that one room with all the Lizard Blades... EDIT: Make that 29. Screw this, I'm going to Skeleton Cave.
  11. I conquered the mountains, and it only took me nine deaths. DEATH COUNT: 25 Time to do that Misty Forest Road.
  12. Jesus. Maybe you should take a break too. I'm too hungry to continue for now.
  13. So I tried Misty Forest Road and got killed by the second Q (or as I like to call them, Undertaker). I'm pretty tired so I think I'll take a break for now and try out the mountains one more time later. DEATH COUNT: 16
  14. Still scouring around the mountains, but...things are not looking good (20 HP). EDIT: Aaaaaaand I died. 15 deaths.
  15. I got out of Tymeo Mountains, but I'm going to go through again to get all the power ups. I didn't even dare meddle with the Cave Troll/Chupacabra. They're enough trouble on normal, let alone Lv. 1 Cap. >_> EDIT: Well that plan failed. Death count: 14
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