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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ul65rhRynM
  2. : ( I'll agree though, Bearer of Hope is amazing. I like how it builds up to certain level and then suddenly drops down and goes back into the softer intro part. Intense stuff right there. But uh, regarding the FE9 songs in FE10, I prefer the original ones. The FE10 ones, while good, kind of feel lacking in comparison to the FE9 ones. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I guess the FE10 versions sound too "hollow" for my liking, in comparison to the FE9 ones which are more concise and less filled with unnecessary amounts of instruments. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that the FE9 songs were more fitting for that game because the tracks were composed to be in the same style and "mood" as the game, and transferring them to the style FE10 has is kind of awkward. At least to me.
  4. I've never seen much talk of FE music. It's always mentioned in an offhand comment, rather than there being some focus and discussion on it. Rather, most of the focus in discussions is the game mechanics or the story/characters/pairings. That's pretty bad, because I think Fire Emblem has some of the best music ever, and it deserves more praise and attention, so here we are with a topic about it. I haven't listened much to the JP only games, but from what little I've heard, they have nice soundtracks. I used to really love FE7's soundtrack, but I think FE9/10 outclasses it in every way. There is much emotion and eloquence in the music of those two games, and I'm not saying that just because they're "orchestrated" (synth, but whatever). What's great is that they create the perfect mood for in the games and yet, when you listen to them on their own, they manage to be amazing. The compositions are rock solid, and the instrumentation is perfect. The variety of the pieces, among other things, is stunning, with there being pieces that are heroic and inspiring, ones that are sorrowful and empowering, and then you have something completely nuts like Beauty Is A Mad Mistress. And yes, the aforementioned song is one of the best tracks in that game. It's bold, explosive and...well, beautiful. So that I don't sound extremely pretentious (which I will if I continue) and don't get too passionate (which I will if I continue), let me just list some of my favourite tracks from each game I've heard so far and then leave it be: ...That should be enough, I suppose. Though really, I love all map themes from 9/10 and most all battle themes from 10. By the way, don't bother arguing about whether it gets discussed enough or not, just...discuss the music of FE.
  5. ...SIRIUS! No, really, it is. Go check it out yourself if you don't believe me.
  6. I don't know what to say in response any more, so I'll just say that I don't know what to say in response any more until you can come up with something.

  7. I love PoR more than RD in some ways, so I play it for its own merits. Like the amazing soundtrack and writing. <333
  8. I'll agree that it was a pretty cruel way of spreading Islam (despite working very well), but take note that it was after the prophet's death, where certain power hungry men sought to take matters into their own hands and lead conquests into other lands. Though obviously, this has also happened (and perhaps continues to happen) with the other two monotheistic religions, so it's not like Islam is the only religion that has been used like this.
  9. Err, yeah, I don't know how I made that mistake. I meant 1.5 billion. But my point stands. Funny thing is, Muslims don't even believe in killing atheists, as long as they're righteous. So it doesn't just extend to people of the book. And I'm sure that killing someone is the very last thing we're told to resort to.
  10. Exactly what battles are you talking about here? Excuse me? Where are you getting this? Did you make a survey asking all ~2.5 billion Muslims of the world about their beliefs? Because what you're saying here is specifically about the extremists. Yes, I am aware that the extremists aren't few in numbers, but they're just that: extremists. I, personally, don't believe in killing at all (unless someone is a major threat to the society, like a serial killer or something), and I'm pretty sure all the Muslims that I know (which go over a hundred in numbers) don't believe in killing people of the book. We still adhere closely to the rules set by the prophet. I'm really not sure where you're getting your facts from.
  11. There's no UNO bot, just a script SmartRutter has that lets you play it.
  12. Excellent, now get back to working on those facts.

  13. Of course I remember my line. Do you remember your lines too?

  14. Erasure - Always Sirius got me into this and I can't stop listening now.
  15. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  16. Who can it be useful on? I've only noticed it being good when I had Pelleas support with Tibarn, but even then, with A support and capped Skl, he still had a hard time hitting the bosses in 4-E. Then again, I haven't had any other notable Heaven support...
  17. Doesn't that work for every heron? I seem to recall that it doesn't matter which one was killed before 4-E, they'd be back for those chapters anyway.
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