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Everything posted by Nightmare


    (how far are you)

  2. "Last Active: Private"

    So much for leaving.

  3. A lot of the most famous chefs from the past and present are male. How the hell did you even get this "guys suck at cooking" thing? I'm sure people know that good male chefs can exist without needing to acknowledge your existence as living proof.
  4. All of you are going to be treated very badly in the real tier list.
  5. Aliens aren't perfect, they can be totally wrong. This is also evidenced by our past encounters with them.
  6. I would so choose that if it were an option. But alas, it is not. That doesn't mean anything though. Making options where there are none is my speciality, so I choose that too!
  7. Nope, it's Mr. Grumble alright. I just did a quick Google Image search.
  8. Wait, wasn't that guy purple? I have his book, I'm pretty sure he's purple...why is he red over there? Also, he's Mr. Grumble I think. Also Mr. Men are awesome.
  9. Then it would be "So you wanker have to resort to this shit already?" not "So you wanker had enough of this sh*t resort?"
  10. I meant shoving tiers into each other was illegal. Who the hell does that anyway.
  11. Who the hell do you think I am?! etc. That's illegal.
  12. Man why does everyone do it wrong It's "So you wankers have to resort to this shit already?"
  13. I will debate you up and down so hard. Harder than you've ever been debated. Just you wait.
  14. Yeah, it's kind of a cool feeling but ties you down so bad. Right? Riiight~?!

  15. Excuse me, STFU pls, Heath looks NOTHING like what I said, OMG! If you only read my post!!!!!! And WTF is a rockstart? ROFL @ your wrong grammar.
  16. I will tier you hard, man. Harder than you've ever been tiered. Just you wait. And yes, you can debate it up and down.
  17. IMHOTEP (an opinion not an objectivity) Haar and Dheginsea are EPIC but they aren't rly ttractive (dull colors, wtf man...) so I wanted an male wybern rider with ebtter colors.
  18. I wish RD introduced a new wyvern rider with rainbow hair and pink armour riding a neon orange dragon. And he would be a guy. IMHO that is the most attractive thing.
  19. If I look in the mirror, Illuso's Man in the Mirror might catch me. No thanks.
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