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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. But it's not relevant at all. Be Prepared is good but come on! Tim Curry's voice is just sexier.
  3. Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery well. But you have bad timing since I'm going to sleep a while later. EDIT: Also none of those flavourless jokes in my kitchen.
  4. Oh, that's great then. SNIIIFFFFF, ahhhh! Radioactive! I feel this song is relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bu-U4HX5aQ
  5. Do broken smoke detectors have a special property?
  6. 80s hairstyles and awful in the same sentence? Does not compute. Since everybody's posting bands instead of single artists, I guess I'll... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-o0yavxXQw
  7. I think they'll do that after this game. They did it for the past two sagas (hence '98 and 2002), so they'll probably do it for this saga too. K9999 got replaced by Nameless, either because of copyright issues or SNK didn't like how one of their characters is a total rip-off. And he doesn't have the nasty arm any more, it's a giant drill now.
  8. From the characters introduced in this arc, I really want Oswald to be back. And for old characters, I need to know what happened between Yamazaki and Billy! So both of those should come back. Kula can come back too.
  9. So where's Kiryn. We need to battle.
  10. I'm sorry but using a Gameshark is against the rules.
  11. LET US BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!! After I get my beauty sleep.
  12. I am even further offended. There's no doubt about my cooking abilities; I am doubting your cooking abilities! If I made exquisite dishes just by myself, what use would that be? I'm trying to find a successor to my ancient cooking style passed down for 2000 years!
  13. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=3880520 I only accept cooking battles. Your challenge offends me to degrees unimaginable.
  14. As many would know (Wist especially), this picture has a perfectly matching head and body (both of them being extremely attractive, as is natural), so your argument is invalid. Or are you trying to avoid showing that French cuisine to me? Are you afraid it will be inferior to my cooking?!
  15. Psh, you lost that argument a long time ago. You no longer have proof that I am a head, especially now that I have a picture of myself in hand and was about to post it.
  16. I see a thief on the roof. I see your heart beating. I see you are...afraid.
  17. In my many years as a masterful level 99 (max level) GOD CHEF (highest rank), I have discovered many great secrets about cooking and so far, I have kept these within me. But my time is coming to an end, and thus I have to share my secrets with you! For now, I will only give you general explanation; to learn all of it in full detail, you must defeat me in a battle of cooking! FIRSTLY! The unique gender approach to cooking in the modern days has been mostly neglected, but I have found it is extremely important to the end result! How does it affect cooking, you ask?! INSOLENCE! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!!! But here you are anyway! HMPH!!! Cooking comes from the heart! It is where all the true value of a cook lies! When a cook is actually a cook, they do not cook with ingredients, recipes, utensils or their hands! No! Absolutely not! They cook with their hearts! A real cook, who cooks with their heart, does not even know what they're cooking! The end result becomes magnificently delicious and stupendously exquisite nonetheless! I have known that, in my experiences as a masterful level 99 (max level) GOD CHEF (highest rank), females, whose hearts are delicate, tender, glass-like, tend to make food that is very delicate, very tender but not glass-like at all! Those are all great qualities, but only a real woman can make it so! Males, on the other hand, have hearts that are intense! Powerful! Manly! And as such their food reflects these qualities of their hearts! But only for real men! Unreal men do not have such hearts, and do not have such food! Female and male cooking is equal in this. But there is some universal unisex standard of the cook which is completely unrelated to the cook's gender. That is the spirit! The spirit of cooking! When a cook cooks, they do not just cook, they are conjuring a work of art that can only be fully realized by the superbly super supreme glands in the tongue of man! Oh, how great this tongue is! When a cook is looking at ingredients, they are not just looking at it! Their minds, with incredible thick sharpness and maximum perception, they perceive into the meat and taste every single molecule in their minds, in their souls! With each molecule they subconsciously form the greatest possible match-up! This is how perfect ingredients and recipes are born! So even though heart alone is enough for a cook to be a real cook, that cook must also respect great cooks of the past by honouring their recipes frequently and, if possible, improving them in any way possible! You have just ventured into one fragment of the peerless knowledge I have of cooking. My cooking spirit burns like fire, my mind is as calm as still water. My hands move faster than a whirlwind, my body is stronger than steel. My style changes shape like a cloud. My secrets remain hidden like a ninja under mud. With a touch, I can well-done steaks, rend a beef asunder and channel flavour such as mortal kind can never even dream of. Face me, and you shall surely perish!
  18. It's very black and white about morality. It might have some grey areas, but they aren't really significant or memorable enough (I don't remember them and I've read through the thing twice).
  19. It's actually not very dark, it's just really mature and heavily focuses on morality. You'll see buff men speaking about love very, very often. The moral value is one of the reasons I place this series so highly. And tbh, compared to anime that is aired these days, it's very different. Much more enjoyable, and manlier by 100x. The anime actually waters down the manga a lot. In the manga you see blood and guts flying everywhere, while it's all heavily censored in the anime. You won't even see guts, and the blood is more often than not censored into some shiny white substance (energy, I guess?). If you don't like it very dark, then I guess the show was made for people like you.
  20. But the personality matches are really superficial. The only one I can actually agree on is probably Astrid and Hinata, but even then, not so much.

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