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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I don't really believe in quantifiable intelligence either, but surely, you can tell between a mental handicap and a normal person, can't you? I'm stretching it a bit, but you can see what I mean. And of course, physical qualities (and perhaps even mental ones) can be changed with enough effort. There is, however, the inherent strength some people possess that others have less of it. Can this be changed too? Just curious.
  2. If I really did get trolled then fuck me. Oh well. At least it allowed me to say more about my viewpoint.
  3. No, not really. I'm just saying that there are qualities in people that can make them objectively superior to others, e.g. intelligence, strength, things like that. Not that I think people who are inferior deserve any less. All this is from an objective point of view, though. If from a subjective point of view (i.e. morals and all such) I thought someone was inferior then yes, I believe I would think they aren't as deserving as those that I view superior. Though in the end, I rarely ever rank people, so I dunno.
  4. I wasn't talking about myself, but in general. :(
  5. Greil Mercenaries are pure love. I love every one of them (except Rolf). I'm planning to do a Greil Mercenaries run in the future, with transfer bonuses. Should prove to be interesting (and easy, I guess).
  6. Eh, he was a fool. I believe they're equal. Individual superiority exists, but other than that...
  7. Well fuck, I wasn't around back then. But why does it give off such a strong DHero vibe?
  8. Well it sounds like something Destiny Hero made in the past, so...
  9. I would like to claim Dheginsea and Black Knight/Zelgius if they're not claimed yet (which they don't seem to be?).
  10. Nightmare says: Hanz looks wicked cool Nothing to see here, just me sucking up. Move along.
  11. Well thanks a lot for ignoring my question. I'm never talking to you again. ;_;
  12. Yeah, at deflecting the truth. I agree.
  13. How exciting. Did you see flying dongs?
  14. I seem to recall Ryuk saying he's male, and that was the thing that made him blush when Misa hugged him. EDIT: And the whole thing about falling in love suggests that they're not genderless at all.
  15. First playthrough...'round 9 people died. Two of them were Meg and Fiona, and these two, I used as bait. Can't be arsed to remember about my second playthrough.
  16. We probably won't get heavy snow any more. Last we got was around a month ago, and it wasn't that heavy.
  17. I would be...I would be...Bianchi for obvious reasons and Swordmaster so I could suicide. Wait, do we go back to our previous body once this is all done?
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