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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I think that was his/her intention. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Ah-ha! So it was Lord Dayek after all! I can tell you exactly what happened! On the night of September 2nd, Lyle Dayek, of the Dayek Manor, took Gallick and Resnick and somehow found Knife and...murdered him! *Suspensive music* He needed to frame that on somebody...somebody with connections to Knife...somebody close to him, or maybe more than one person...after he was reminded of the Blood Pact I had with Knife and Songbird, he immediately accused Songbird and I of Knife's murder! He framed us so that he can be in the clear!
  3. Indeed, Lord Dayek...you are too persistent in trying to convince the court that Songbird and I are guilty of killing Knife! Perhaps, in actuality, it is YOU who has killed him?!
  4. Hmm...that helps a lot. Thank you, I will remember to repay you one day.
  5. Indeed...Songbird is busy with school and real life while not strolling in the Forest, and I am either sleeping, eating or on the Forest! I rest my case.
  6. Oh no...considering that she still goes to school, it is indeed possible for her to be busy at this time of the year! Therefore, she would not be posting as much as she did during summer! I am only talking for her because she is not here! Otherwise, I would let her do all the talking!
  7. She is only busy with school and all such! I thought you would be understanding enough to know about that issue! Because she has been quite busy, I have been appointed to speak in her stead!
  8. Accusing me and that sweet, innocent little girl of jealousy? You should know better, Lord Dayek...
  9. Mister attorney, would you be so kind to give us a reason? Exactly why would we kill Knife?
  10. That was pretty awesome, CGV. It would've been cool if he attacked that guy in the audience though, lol.
  11. Guys, spoiler tags. I'd have to say a tie between Nergal, and Ashnard. Nergal was kind of tragic, and so was , but Ashnard was insane and just wanted to rape and kill. Gotta love him for that.
  12. Mine too. I have slender, somewhat feminine hands...yeah, I'll stop... >_>
  13. Hmm...I suppose we can come to an agreement here! You be the most handsome man, I'll be the most beautiful one! It's a win-win situation!

  14. You asked for it!

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