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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GHEEEEEEEEEEB!!! ;________________________; Funny chapter.
  2. Favourites: Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Lots of speed, high critical and usually, the character who gets this class is awesome (Joshua, Zihark, Stefan). Plus, I'm in love with swords, and this class is all about swords, sooooo... Eh...not sure about my second most favourite and my two least favourites...too hard to choose the second one, and I don't really have a least favourite class. :/
  3. One of the reasons of his awesomeness. :o
  4. Eggman wills it. On topic: I've used him like...once, and he didn't turn out very good. :/ I plan to use Shinon this playthrough for RD bonuses and also because he's awesome (although I dun liek his racism ;_;).
  5. Nightmare


    I've reached the city stage for a while now. Built a few houses, a factory and an entertainment building. Claimed some geysers, befriended another city but...I don't know what the hell to do now. I don't want to attack and destroy other cities, I want to be peaceful. :( I hope the space age will be as satisfying as you say, Hanz.
  6. I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY "one time [insert stuff here]"
  7. I'd rather do it and be caught. But which definition am I going with? You will never know...
  8. Awesome. I love fireplaces. Too bad I live in an apartment. ;_;
  9. Thank you. I forgot to say this (what you said) in my first post. Of course, I believe I can change the world, because I'm human, and because I know my limits as a human...which don't exist. I didn't deny that, though. Humans are amazing; it's just that the ignorance of the people of today (which I did say is mostly caused because of the environments they live in) disallows them from acknowledging their potential. Which is what makes me sad about people, but it has also given me the incentive to change the world for the better.
  10. That's stretching it a bit, eh?
  11. Likewise. For me...it's kinda hard to say. My perspective on things is unique. So unique, that I've yet to find another person with this perspective. I think around 85% of the world population are idiots. Only 5% of the world population are actually NOT idiots, with the remaining 10% being somewhere in-between. I know a lot of people can't understand why I'm saying this, and I don't expect them to (it's also very hard for me to explain this). Though humanity, as a whole, aren't weak or bad; it's mostly the environments they live in that has caused them to turn into mindless, ignorant fools. I strongly believe in humanity (as whole, like I said) and I think, if only they can believe in themselves, they have the ability to be and do absolutely anything. This belief has led me to improve myself over time and achieve many things in life. But the humans we have now...many of them don't realize this, and as such, I automatically am unable to believe in them. There are some individuals, though, that I've seen and they hold great potential. All in all, humans are incredible, but the ones we have now are mostly ruined/untapped potential. I am usually disgusted by those I see around me (when I go out); not by all, but by most. They are always so shallow and act so idiotic...
  12. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss!

  13. H-h-holy... Hum...I guess when illiterate-in-fightings-games cousin beats me in...fighting games...
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