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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Bah...I have yet to seriously start playing any of the Sly Cooper games. Side-effect of not owning a PS2 myself...but I will get one soon... Also, nice reviews.
  2. "Video game music" isn't a genre by itself; "I'm not too fond of it" is a silly thing to say. Good music is good music, no matter where it comes from, and no matter what genre it is. I'm leaning more towards "you haven't heard much good music" now. Be prepared for a PM I will send you which will contain many of the greatest video game songs.
  3. Yes. This. Yes. Thing is, I don't get why some people use so many swear words and stuff. Take a look below, for example: "This piece of music is very well done in my opinion, and I enjoy it a lot. I like to listen to it when I'm feeling down, helps cheer me up!" Why, when you can write something so beautiful, would you instead write something like this? "This song is the shit, I really love it, it's like earfuck except in a good way. I listen to it when I'm feeling shitty, helps me cheer up." Or something like that. You get the point.
  4. That would be me. :D I'd say it's very possible...or maybe not. Idk. Also, you can see me in that forum! :D
  5. NightmarexNightmare THIS IS THE BEST ONE OUT THERE OK
  6. Name: Nightmare (real name unknown) Class: Can it be Lord? :3 If not, then Trueblade. Appearance: Sorta tall, long black hair (silky), wears a kimono-like robe and a blindfold (both of which are black) and...I guess you can say he's more handsome than your average dude. >_> Personality: Eggman Calm, quiet, perceptive, honourable AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE (i.e. subject to change) Good intentions, evil intentions, or neutral?: JUSTICE PREVAILS Any special notes/ background information (any special weapons/attacks you have, if you want to die or not, who else on here you have a special bond with, if you want to be someone's love interest 8D, etc.): He's blind. Doesn't have any specific special weapon (just an iaito). His special attack is, I guess, the Swallow Cut (Tsubame Gaeshi). I have a special bond with Songbird (only person I can think of), friends with a lot of people (>_>) and I dunno about the love interest thing. You can do whatever, I guess. As for special notes: He's very precise and cautious, but not to the point that it would impede whatever it is that he wants to do. His speed is kinda inhumane AND I DUNNO WHAT ELSE GAAAAWD Also, DEATH CANNOT TOUCH ME! Andandand, sorry about those overreactions. >_> EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE (maybe). Also I probably forgot like, a ton of stuff.
  7. The royal guy...Makarov? Bah, I asked him the same thing in PM and he didn't answer me. <_< But good thing...now I know where to go when I need a random sig...
  8. I wish I could find a Japanese fencing class here, or a proper Ninjutsu class. *Sigh*
  9. Nah, people (including me) are just a bit considerate for others' feelings (although not everybody is like this). And if you think SF is uptight, then trust me, you haven't seen "uptight" *points to soon-to-be-killed member, Swordmaster*.
  10. I just checked and it's like I said; the applet connects to webchat.darkmyst.org instead of irc.darkmyst.org (I, myself, used the former to connect all the time). I dunno why it refuses connection though. You can get around this if you use an IRC client. I have another method in mind, but I have to make sure what the coding for the applet thingy is like first.
  11. Nah, it's a problem with the network. I'm guessing that the applet automatically connects to webchat.darkmyst.org instead of irc.darkmyst.org, since the former doesn't work when I try to connect to it in Chatzilla, but the latter does. Try getting an IRC client!
  12. I feel speshul ;_; Here's mine in alphabetic order: AngelOfDeath (FFtF mostly) Bianchi Bizz Branded Blade CGV Claire (goes by "." now, I think) Cymbeline Desdemona (funny how one comes after the other, even going alphabetically) Fireman (of course) Fox Hanz Hikarusa Izuka Kira Lyle Dayek Masu Mac Metal Arc Nightmare Pieman Raven Sandman Serene Songbird Swordmaster Toa Lord Sothe Wil(l?) Zephrion Yeah I know it's more than 20 people, and even then, I have a feeling that I forgot a whole lot of other people. So what? Shoot me. ಠ_ಠ
  13. Konami - The Cave, the Waterfall and the Submerged City
  14. So then...the short and somewhat un-detailed dialogues were because of NoA's laziness and not IS'? Correct me if I'm wrong but man...those guys are idiots if they really did butcher the dialogue like that.
  15. I used Makalov in my past playthrough, and I'm going to use him this time as well. Just a few Secret Books and he becomes great!
  16. Obviously, you haven't heard any good video game music. That, or you have a terrible understanding of music. Or both.
  17. Yep, Firefox eats IE for breakfast.
  18. I listen to video game music, almost exclusively. A lot of the mainstream stuff sucks these days, and I've listened to the older ones so much I'm tired of them. But VG music is always good! I still go back to some mainstream stuff sometimes, though. But not often.
  19. Putting Astrid in Norris' range. That was horrible... *remembers his rant topic from way back*
  20. Hi. To get to the chatroom, either use the applet (I have no idea where the link is and I'm too lazy to go find it now) or use an IRC client to get on, like mIRC or Chatzilla. The former is an independent program and the latter is an add-on for Firefox. I suggest you get Chatzilla if you're new to IRC. If you have more questions, PM me.
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