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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Questioning it means you still have it...
  2. It's kind of funny how Serene has a friend with perfect/almost perfect grammar/spelling.
  3. Preposition a la 1. In the style or manner of. From Wiktionary.org
  4. 'Nother vote for black. Fire Emblem needs more natural hair colours, especially black since it's pretty rare.
  5. That comic was really awesome. I especially love the part where Oscar has opened eyes. XD
  6. Awww...why did you have to shatter my dreams? :(
  7. I will refuse to be in this story if Ron Came's character is going to be in it.
  8. Age: 17 Hair: Black Personality: Me, i.e. awesome. Eyes: Dark brown (almost black) Ability: Being innately awesome. Weapon: Nodachi Style: A mixture of every sword art, plus his own.
  9. I'm really not sure whether we'll be living or dead after this. But just in case... *makes a list of things to do before I die*
  10. What are your supports going to be like? Either way, good luck.
  11. Elincia, I like her personality and stuff. Plus, healing and Amiti. Haar. This one is so obvious I don't even need to say why I chose him. Tibarn because he's the best laguz royal and he's just God damn awesome. And in RD, he dodges better than Naesala (while it was the other way in PoR). At least, for me he did.
  12. Ah. Must be good, I own the game...

  13. Thank you all for your kind, inspiring words! Be on the lookout for my other story! EDIT: *Slaps Masu upside the head*
  14. Whoa...right now, I'm doing the same. What are you reading?

  15. Boredom...like always. Though I'm trying to chat it up with a few people and keep myself entertained by listening to Pingasmon. What about you?

  16. Janaff is an adult, going by his supports with Oscar...
  17. Right handed, if I write with my left hand it'll turn out really funny (aka horrible). And this topic has existed as "Which hand do you use?". Not exactly the same...
  18. Nice thread idea. I have lots of awesome stuff. Here we go... From the SHMUP, Gynoug. The funniest thing about this picture is that you go through six levels, fighting gruesome monsters and bosses (seriously, some of them are really disturbing, at least for me) and all you get is this?

  20. I'rr post my purofire rater. Fol now, I am vely tiled and I don't feer rike posting it. I have arso lan out of cleativeness fol the moment. I'rr sreep and then post my purofire. But count me in.
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