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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Too many good songs out there, I don't even know where to start. But among my favourites would be Theme of Simon. Absolutely epic.
  2. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=5184 BOOM
  3. I've played lots. The most interesting/disgusting one, though, was this romhack of Super Mario Bros. and...let's just say, it was a hack that changed everything to stuff related to...KKK.
  4. I'll take you wherever you want if you can get around and talk to me. Make sure you don't attack me. Oh and, try not to let yourselves get spotted.
  5. Welcome, Arc! Wow...already a mod? And so many posts, too! You'll fit in just right!
  6. [Episode 2] <Fireman> Have you guys heard of the sequel? <Fireman> You know, the one with Obama and McCain? <Nightmarre> Whoa <Nightmarre> That's gonna rock! <Wil> Obama has maxed Youth where as McCain's youth stat is near non-existant. <Wil> But McCain's 13 Con > Obama's 9 Con <Fireman> but Obama's speed makes up for it <Piemanmj> RALPH NADER IS LEVEL 74. <Fireman> and McCain is a prepromote. <SmartRutter> we're republican pretty much <Piemanmj> PLUS <Piemanmj> HE IS IN THE SEXY GREEN PARTY <Wil> McCain also has the reinforcement skill. <Wil> Like Tanith. <Wil> Where Obama has Hope, at 40% life he gains 1.5x stats. <Fireman> I think Obama promotes way too late though. <Nightmarre> Nah <Fireman> He should be like Ike <Fireman> and promote halfway through the chapter. <Nightmarre> Obama is good because he doesn't have many annoying chapters <Fireman> *game <Wil> He still has prepromote caps for someone who promotes late. <Nightmarre> McCain's chapters are hella hard and annoying <Nightmarre> Because of the war <Wil> Choosing McCain's route ends up with Nightmare as a boss. <Fireman> XD <Wil> Boy he's too hard to kill. <Nightmarre> XD <Nightmarre> HAHAHAHA <Fireman> Chapter 13 of the game is called, "Bush's War" <Fireman> in that chapter <Fireman> you have to kill random ppl <Wil> Bush demotes as Obama promotes. <Fireman> and Nightmare is among those people. <Fireman> He has hax 20/20 stats <Fireman> so that makes the chapter harder <Wil> :o <Nightmarre> Nightmare is like the Black Knight of that game <Piemanmj> Obama's set skill, "Hope" is so HAX <Nightmarre> You can't kill him very easily <Wil> Yeah, I know pie. <Doom> get a sony vioa <SmartRutter> i can't remember the processor type <Wil> 1.5x stats at 40% HP <Fireman> Only George Bush and his Aether can defeat Nightmare. <Nightmarre> And Nightmare has some unique skills, and all of them are hax <Cymbeline> lolpie <Wil> and his HP isn't high to begin with so it's easily gained. <Piemanmj> No dude <Piemanmj> It's 3x All skills at 75% hp <Wil> George Bush was defeated by Katrina in the earlier chapters though. <Nightmarre> Lol <Wil> As well as losing half his army for not supporting those who were victims to Katrina. <Piemanmj> Also, his occult, "Change" is THE best in the game. <Nightmarre> His first skill is "Politics". It allows you to talk to enemies and it will decrease their stats <Wil> Though for having an awesome Occult, Bush's supports are little to nothing. <Nightmarre> I never had Nightmare activate his Occult skill though :( <Wil> Cheney's A support with bush LOWERS his stats. <Fireman> lol <Nightmarre> Lol <Doom> lol a NIGHTMARE <Nightmarre> Have you ever read my support with Ahmadinejad? <Piemanmj> Yeah, it also permanently lowers his HP <Nightmarre> It's like, the most awesome thing ever <Piemanmj> He shoots him because he gets pissed. <Nightmarre> Oh yeah...sorry for spoiling it for you guys ;_; <Wil> Eventually the three armies collide, Bush vs. Osama vs. McCain/Obama depending on which route you choose <Wil> will be the most epic chapter ever. <Nightmarre> But if you beat the game 200 times going each route <Doom> what are yu talkingabouit <Doom> about** <Wil> Fire Emblem : America <Nightmarre> You can unlock Ahmadinejad/Nightmare route <Doom> is it a book? <Fireman> You're wrong Wil. <Wil> Wait no. <Doom> or a fan fic <Wil> I mistranslated the title. <Fireman> The localized name is "America Emblem" <Nightmarre> No <Nightmarre> It's Freedom Emblem <Fireman> really? <Nightmarre> Yes <emeraldfox_09> I don't like American Dad much... <Doom> what is it a fan fic an book what <Fireman> because in Europe, I hear it's "Messed-up Emblem" <Nightmarre> Trust me, I've been in Japan and know what I'm talking about... <Nightmarre> Those damn localizers <Nightmarre> Always so stupid <Doom> ? <Nightmarre> Mistranslating the names <Wil> Because in the European edition, you only get to use one lord and that's the Pope. <Piemanmj> Also, the super secret mode, "Pieman" can be unlocked by recruiting McCain, Obama, Osama, Bush, and Wil in one playthrough. <Wil> and he's too old, his stats are worse than Jeigan. <Nightmarre> Man <Nightmarre> Is he that bad? <Doom> ok are you screwing wiht me <Piemanmj> Also, the pope has to stay alive while also killing 100 people. <Nightmarre> whoa <Doom> yea you are <Nightmarre> That's some pretty hardcore stuff <Doom> it kinda sounded cool too <Wil> Though he does get a prf Tome that summons a whole country. <Doom> too vad isk what it is <Wil> at chapter 16. <Doom> bad** <Nightmarre> I've only played Freedom Emblem <Nightmarre> That tome sounds badass <Nightmarre> I need to get Messed-Up Emblem <Doom> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 <Nightmarre> Where can I download it? <Doom> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 <Doom> what the hell is it! <Wil> I want to try Communist Emblem. <Nightmarre> Ah <Doom> hahaha <Doom> ignoring me <Fireman> Is that the one where you have to fight Hitler as the final boss? <Doom> i see how it is <Nightmarre> That one has got bad reviews :/ <Doom> lol you bastards j/k <Piemanmj> Also, you can also get Abraham Lincoln if you use the time warp in Obama route Chapter 23XXX <Wil> though Stalin dies halfway through the game and you end up getting a horrible lord in his place. <Fireman> That is an epic final battle. <Doom> AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <Nightmarre> Damn <Fireman> the final chapter is called "D-Day" <Nightmarre> Is that why it got such bad reviews? <Doom> lol <Wil> Yeah, so there's really no point in raising Stalin. <Wil> though Hitler makes a great general. <Nightmarre> I've heard that it also has tedious chapters, all of them involving factories and farmlands <Piemanmj> Though you have to seduce the villager lady in chapter 4 by having an A support between Obama Girl and Obamam <Piemanmj> Obama <Nightmarre> Lol <Doom> I'm NOT LISTENING LALALALALALALALALA <Piemanmj> Abe's special weapon, "Slave's Freedom" does 10x damage towards racists. <Fireman> It's too bad in Communist Emblem that you have to lose.. <Nightmarre> Whoa <Nightmarre> That'd be super-effective against Shinon! <Doom> DAMN YOU ALL <Nightmarre> Also <Nightmarre> I've heard that Washington has the best Prf weapon <Doom> DES CYM <Doom> MAKE THWM STOP <Piemanmj> Yeah <Wil> Shinon makes cameo in Freedom Emblem? <Nightmarre> Yeah <Piemanmj> "Freedom" <Cymbeline> What, Doom? <Doom> HELPO ME <Nightmarre> Also Washington's Prf weapon <Nightmarre> Cherry Slayer <Cymbeline> Eh. . . I'll be reading a book. D: <Piemanmj> Does 25x damage towards people Anti-Freedom. <Wil> Wooden Teeth? <Doom> HELP ME.... <Nightmarre> Cherry Slayer does MASSIVE damage <Nightmarre> I've never seen anything like it before <Wil> That makes Washington RNG proof. <Piemanmj> George has MANY prf weapons. <Doom> this is all one big joke <Doom> well i dont think its funny <Nightmarre> Wooden Teeth is another one <Nightmarre> Wil reminded me of that <Nightmarre> The animations for his Prf weapons are quite awesome too -->| Branded (darkmyst@ has joined #Serenes_Forest <Wil> Doom we're all politically incorrect because it's a joke. <Wil> >__> <Doom> oh night i need to adk you someting <Branded> Hey Cym <Desdemona> Hi Branded <Doom> lol iu know wil <Nightmarre> Yo Branded <Branded> Hi Des <Wil> Having teeth shot from his mouth makes an awesome ranged weapon. <Wil> Hey Branded. <Branded> Hello Nightmare <Nightmarre> Join in on our discussion of Freedom Emblem <Branded> ? <Nightmarre> Messed-Up Emblem <Nightmarre> And Communist Emblem <Branded> ... <Nightmarre> We were talking about Freedom Emblem at first <Piemanmj> Also, Aaron Carter can be recruited in McCain mode 24Xd <Fireman> Branded, don't you think Obama is a better 20/20 unit than McCain? <Piemanmj> He's pretty fail though. * Branded is speechless <Piemanmj> His best weapon is an iron sword. <Piemanmj> His VOICE is LETHAL though. <Nightmarre> Yeah seriously, Obama is much better than McCain. His stats beat him, as a whole <Wil> Aaron Carter loses stats upon promotion because he's a nobody now. <Piemanmj> His VOICE is how he beat SHAQ <Nightmarre> What is Obama's Prf btw? <Wil> Obama's only downside compared to McCain is his Con <Nightmarre> I could never get it, it was too hard <Wil> but his Prf doesn't have much weight so it's fine. <Piemanmj> Plus those sexy INF uses. <Wil> His prf is "You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig" <Piemanmj> :o <Nightmarre> Wow <Nightmarre> How much damage? <Wil> x20 damage towards Palin <Nightmarre> whoa <Nightmarre> That's awesome! <Piemanmj> Base of 10 damage. <Nightmarre> No matter how hard it is, I must get it now <Nightmarre> Any tips? <Piemanmj> Palin's prf, "WOMEN OF US, CHANGE!" <Nightmarre> Those republicans are pretty hax in that chapter <Piemanmj> Epic fail <Desdemona> Lol <Piemanmj> 2 base damage <Wil> You need to beat 24xxx and have Osama die to Bush after his demotion. <Piemanmj> And only 2x males. <Wil> He loses Aether so it's going to be suicide. <Nightmarre> Oh damn <Wil> lol Pie <Nightmarre> Those republicans are gonna slaughter me :( <Wil> Volke joins in chapter 28x after defeating Kim Jong-il <Nightmarre> And the worst thing is that there are no arenas to abuse before that chapter <Nightmarre> Levelling up is hard... <Fireman> Recruiting Volke is hard. <Nightmarre> Have you SEEN those republicans' stats? <Fireman> each time you talk to him, he raises the price <Nightmarre> They're ALL 20/20 with MONSTROUS stats <Fireman> Obama: Fireman! Join us! I'll give you all the money in the world! <Wil> But it's worth recruiting him because every turn Volke causes a nearby explosion. <Fireman> Volke: Make me a better offer. <Fireman> but Wil.. <Fireman> sometimes those explosions kill your own units <Nightmarre> Yeah <Piemanmj> Also <Nightmarre> That's a bad side-effect <Wil> I thought it was possible to redirect his explosions o_o <Fireman> If you put Volke next to your lord... <Piemanmj> The crazy shit "Ralph Nader" mode is impossible. <Nightmarre> I usually have Volke solo the chapter because of that <Fireman> it could be "Game Over" in an instant... <Nightmarre> *chapters <Piemanmj> It's basically DDR impossible. <Nightmarre> Lol <Nightmarre> I've never tried that mode <Nightmarre> Never been the type for crazy difficulty levels <emeraldfox_09> lol <Nightmarre> Have any of you beat it? <Wil> No. <Nightmarre> I bet Raven would be itching to play it <Nightmarre> The worst thing in that mode is, I've heard, that they remove all your stats <Nightmarre> You basically have 0 in every stat <Wil> That's suicide <Nightmarre> Yeah really <Nightmarre> I've seen videos of people doing it on Youtube though <Nightmarre> Those crazy kids <Nightmarre> And now... <Wil> wasn't it removed because of the content of the game? <Nightmarre> This will all go onto the forums! <Cymbeline> lol <Doom> lol <Wil> I hear Formortiis makes cameo in Freedom Emblem also. <Nightmarre> Yeah <Nightmarre> He only comes if you purposefully kill yourself in Osama's route in chapter 94xxxxxxxxx <Nightmarre> Then you'll go to chapter 99millionx, which is basically hell <Wil> So the 40 Virgins is really Formortiis. <Nightmarre> Yeah <Wil> Osama really screwed himself over. <Nightmarre> Stupid guy <Wil> This game must be atleast 5 cartridges to fit all that. <Nightmarre> No it's a single cartridge <Nightmarre> But it has a lot of space <Nightmarre> About 999 GB of space <Nightmarre> Didn't you see it yourself when you played it, Wil? <Nightmarre> Oh yeah <Nightmarre> This part is a spoiler <Wil> I had it on a Rom <Nightmarre> It's a really hard-to-unlock secret <Nightmarre> But it's worth it <Wil> because Freedom Emblem was pulled from shelves after three days of it's release. <Wil> its* <Nightmarre> Lol, I got it before that time <Nightmarre> Anyway <Wil> Lucky D:
  7. Well...R-Type becomes much easier when you memorize the patterns and such. Gradius becomes very hectic once you proceed to the higher levels, and it becomes even harder if you get more and more upgrades. I suggest you try it out for yourself and see how hard it can get. I can help you pirate it.
  8. I haven't played it yet, though. I just have this feeling that I will really love it...
  9. It's REALLY possible, especially considering how "best" and "worst" look somewhat similar.
  10. [Episode 1] <Wil> Jacky Chan has the best durability out of Bruce Lee and Jet Lee. <Desdemona> Loljacky <Wil> At 20/20 he averages 60 HP, 28 Defense and 25 Resistant. <Doom> lol <Wil> +20 luck <Nightmarre> Bruce Lee has h4x stats <Fireman> Yeah, but <Fireman> Bruce Lee gets the S-ranked "Fist of the Lee" in the final chapter. <Doom> lol <Nightmarre> At 20/20, he ALWAYS gets 100 HP, 90 Def, 90 Res, 90 Str, 90 Spd, 90 Lck, 90 Skl <Fireman> which allows him to double the dragon <Wil> Bruce Lee might have a mighty 40 Str cap, but Jacky Chan is still alive for a reason. <Cymbeline> lol <Doom> bruce lee killed ashura without getting HURT <Fireman> JET LEE CAN'T DOUBLE THE DRAGON FOR SHIT! <Wil> Which is why he isn't paid as much as the other two! <Fireman> THE DURANDAL IS TOO HEAVY FOR JET LEE! <Nightmarre> Lol <emeraldfox_09> lol <Nightmarre> Bruce Lee doesn't even need a Durandal! <Wil> Kintenbo doesn't seem to like our fake debating. <Doom> BRUCE LEE'S POWER LEVEL WAS OVER 9000! <Wil> Because he's a reall mass debator. <Nightmarre> Lol <Wil> real* <emeraldfox_09> lol <Fireman> WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT? <Fireman> THIS IS REAL DEBATING! <Wil> Hahahaha <Fireman> Also, Osama is the h4xz unit. <Piemanmj|Here> I will make the ground sssoft wil bload.... <Piemanmj|Here> Yo <Fireman> with his prf "Al Quaeda" weapon <Nightmarre> XD =-= Piemanmj|Here is now known as Piemanmj <Nightmarre> Bush is the strongest, man <Wil> Osama is harder to find than Stefan in PoR. <Fireman> he could pretty much solo that "9-11" chapter <Cymbeline> lolwil <Fireman> I NO, RITE? <Fireman> I PLAYED THROUGH THE GAME 5 TIMES <Nightmarre> Bush can solo Cogs of Destiny! <Fireman> AND COULDN'T FIND OSAMA IN THE MOUTANIS ANYWHERE! <Wil> Part 9 Chapter 11. <emeraldfox_09> lol <Desdemona> LOL <Piemanmj> Obama could beat red at level 10. <Nightmarre> But more h4x than Bush is... <Wil> Bush has 10/30 skill at 20/20 which is why he can't find Osama. <Nightmarre> Ahmadinejad! <Wil> Where as Osama's speed cap is 50.. <Fireman> AND HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW GOD WAS THE ONLY UNIT THAT COULD RECRUIT OSAMA? <Piemanmj> THAT "HOPE" ATTACK IS SO EFFICTING! <Nightmarre> LOL <Piemanmj> Don't you mean Mohammed? <Fireman> WAIT <Nightmarre> No... <Fireman> You mean Mohammed can recruit Osama too? <Piemanmj> Yah <Fireman> DAMMIT! <Fireman> WHY DIDN'T I TRY THAT?! <emeraldfox_09> lol <Fireman> GOD IS TO HARD TO RECRUIT <Cymbeline> PIE <Wil> If Osama is killed in battle, he's resurrected in the Heaven side-chapter with 40 Virgin reinforcement units. <Fireman> *TOO <Piemanmj> LUL <Doom> lol <Desdemona> Lolz <Nightmarre> The religious units are all h4x anyway, I don't use them for some extra challenge <Fireman> GOD IS THE ATHOS OF FE7 <emeraldfox_09> I just found something else about my self I think..... <Fireman> WITH HIS "JUDGEMENT" TOME <Nightmarre> Lol <Wil> ATHOS IS REALLY DUMBLEDORE. <Wil> HE'S FAKE GOD. <Nightmarre> God has infinite in every stat :o <Fireman> of course.. <emeraldfox_09> ... <Fireman> his son, Jesus Christ, is almost as good as him <Nightmarre> All of his stats are a shining infinity symbol <Piemanmj> SAILOR CELICE CAPS SKILLS AT GENDERCONFUSED <Fireman> but he fails statwise compared to God <Nightmarre> And the stat-bars are glowing <Nightmarre> His "mug" is a shot of a cloudy sky with a single beam of light coming out of it
  11. I have a feeling that I will LOVE this game, no matter what anybody else says.
  12. Whoa...sounds like an illness I had a few years ago except mine was so bad I couldn't move from my bed. Remember to rest, rest and rest!
  13. I usually look at random stuff and download music. That's about it...
  14. I tried that before, still doesn't work.

  15. Read the Live Action Movie! Lots of inspiration there!
  16. Yeah. Just gimme the address.

  17. If it involves unleashing your fury on FFtF, then I'm all for it!
  18. There's no point to topics in FFtF. If you think otherwise, then you're insane.
  19. I think Simca has mistaken "worst" for "best".
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