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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Well, nobody (except for my older brother) gives a damn to what I do all the time. I swear even if I was watching porn on the net, they wouldn't notice.
  2. Nightmare

    What are you?

    More like...borderline asexual...at least, from what MaSu told me. I heard it too...
  3. Post small and/or really random bits here (probably will help this place to be easier to navigate through without needless clutter). For example: -->| FuukaruTora (darkmyst@dm-19594.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined #Serenes_Forest <Zephrion> lolguest <Cymbeline> Hi Fuukaru <Shadrach> hey <FuukaruTora> Heya <Zephrion> Hello Fuu. <Zephrion> :o <Cymbeline> I wish someone good comes along. :o <Desdemona> Hi Fuukaru <Nightmarre> Hi <Cymbeline> Aww, another person left. . . <blueknight> ey <Nightmarre> ey <FuukaruTora> ey * Zephrion casts Combo Break Lvl 7. <Zephrion> :o <Nightmarre> :o <Desdemona> ._. <Desdemona> Lol <Shadrach> :o <FuukaruTora> Chain=3, chain=2 <Sevensins> C-C-C-COMBE BREAKAH <Sevensins> Aw. <Cymbeline> :o zeph <Desdemona> Combe? <Sevensins> Combo* <Nightmarre> lolcombe <Shadrach> combe <Zephrion> COMB BREAKER! <Nightmarre> XD <FuukaruTora> No, my comb! * Zephrion snaps comb in half. <Shadrach> XD <FuukaruTora> *tries to comb hair, but fails* <Shadrach> aww <FuukaruTora> Aw, my bad <Sevensins> Fu-chan <Cymbeline> Yay, people! <FuukaruTora> I'm a guy XD <Shadrach> ... <Nightmarre> As random as this is <Nightmarre> It MUST get on the forums
  4. I found a Wii with no problem at all. America is weird.
  5. You...don't like the NES Cv games? *Prepares torches and pitchforks*
  6. Nah you're alright. 'Sides, tazing is lame. I cut.
  7. She's automatically stopped; I'm sure she doesn't like the blood pact to be invoked...
  8. *Pays Fireman 1,000,000* You will not let Lyle get near Songbird.
  9. Eh, I can't tell the blood which way to spray (rhymed). You'll just have to pray it doesn't get on you.
  10. That's it. I'm not letting you near her again.
  11. So I guess this means you agree to my terms.
  12. Cover your eyes for a monster has been unveiled. *Covers eyes*
  13. Hugs are alright, as long as they're meant to be friendly. Nothing more than that, though.
  14. Ah well, I slept for fifteen and a half hours the night before...I think I can make it...but thanks for your concern!

  15. Nay. It wasn't because of you though...maybe...

  16. Hi...I'm still awake...

  17. Get your Ike to 20 before 13 and put him on the green spot. I kill the ravens before they can reach it, anyway.
  18. I'll take that as a "yes"! Post them in a minute...

  19. Oh and, by the way, that's one of the least disturbing parts of the song. Want the more disturbing parts? :D

  20. Yeah, exactly...I've been obsessed with this song...

  21. Same with me, but on the odd occasion, I hate doing them...
  22. "The blood on my hands is a sign of divinity; I am not a beast, I am a god! I'll rape your soul like your virginity; judgement will be done!"

  23. Yes. That poem is just mind-blowing...
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