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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I did the event the first time around, so progressing here is rather easy since I have the CEs necessary to farm and stuff. I also ended up getting Angra at NP2 after I finally spent all of my Friend Points that I've been saving up for a long time. I'm currently around ~~33 missions completed, just mostly taking it easy with minimal apple usage and trying to use the normal AP to do stuff. The QP from quests is rather nice for my QP starved Chaldea.
  2. Since Crystal Chronicles Remastered is out, decided to celebrate by listening the the songs of the franchise again.
  3. I beaten the original game solo (as well as all the other Crystal Chronicle games, including the spinoffs). Granted, I only really focused on one adventurer and beat the main story around Year 10, I never got to do the in-depth stuff. I'm hearing some negatives about online play, specifically it doesn't really do anything to advance your own storyline, just the host. Also, the lobby needs to be remade after every dungeon run which means no running around together on the World Map or in Tipa itself. If that doesn't bother you, it can be a great Co-Op game (I imagine characters will still get Artifacts as normal, it's just no storyline progression for anyone but the host). Sadly, I don't see myself getting the full game or renewing my Switch Online membership any time soon, so to those caravanners out there, best of luck and have fun!
  4. I think we were once, but then I didn't log into FGO for a long time and may have been removed. Alternatively, the in-game name was changed. Here's my Friend ID: 815 519 689 * * * * * * * * * * Got one Point Ladder done. I need about 15 more runs for Imagination and 25 for Motivation to cap them out using the Point Nodes...
  5. Man, the grind is real. I guess I forgot how grindy FGO can be. Been spending at least 2-3 hours each day for the past week just playing the event and only now have I finished with the main story portions (got the 2 Grails). My points are still only about halfway to max. I guess that's my next thing to do, maxing out the point ladder with the point nodes... -- For reference, I've been using my Arash and 2 AoE Servants with a support Waver. The remaining 2 Servants were outfitted for points. I focused more on trying to clear nodes in 3-4 turns instead of going for point efficiency. -- Also, I didn't unlock the "Part Two Raids" until around loop 7 or 8. If I had resources to max out Summer BB, maybe I could've used her for the AoE NP as well as points, but I'm broke.
  6. Decided to stop "playing" (Autoing) Dragalia Lost so I can do FGO instead in my off time. Dragalia is great and I wish I could play it more and play it properly instead of placing everything on auto, but its starting to become a grind treadmill I can't keep up with. Also, as a story guy, Dragalia's quality on its stories varies quite a lot... Meanwhile in FGO, once a servant is essentially maxed leveled up to their rarity cap, maxed out skills, and have 1000 ATK&DEF Fous, they are done. Max Bond, Max NP, and Max 2000 ATK&DEF Fous are just a bonus. I guess the issue is leveling up all the new desired servants (and eventually all that you own), but I am mainly content with my old guard. I spent maybe around 200-300 Quartz on the summer banner for kicks and got Summer BB. A shame I didn't get MHXX, but I need to save my ~300 leftover quartz for Eresh when her re-run comes around. I said I would save for her and I will continue doing so. After I get Eresh, all I truly want is King Hassan, but I think I missed that opportunity. The rest of my "desired servants" are just bonuses (Tomoe, Valkyries, and Dantes comes to mind.) Having my own Merlin and Skadi may be nice, but there are support lists for that. Sure, I never get to run the Grailed 100 Servants, but that's fine. I guess my latest quest is to try and grail my Herc to 100, but I am suffering a massive QP shortage. I also need to get around to finishing 1.5 (only started on the first Remnant story) as well as doing Part II.
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