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Everything posted by Sire

  1. I meant to say that is the ID you wrote down for your Friend List in your original post, which is incorrect. Can you double check your Friend Code ID and post it again so I can add it to the master list? For convenience, I'll copy the list into this post. My (Sire's) Friend Code is 815 519 689. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs
  2. Not showing up as valid on my end. The number I have is: 025,447,771 Since I started making a JP ID list, I added yours to it. I asked if anyone wanted me to upkeep a list in the past and no one said anything, so I guess I'll try anyway even though I don't play JP. * * * * * * * * * * As for me, I probably will not be able to play FGO as much since my phone is literally tearing itself apart. Not sure how it started wearing down so heavily, but it is rather old and could use a replacement. I'll continue to monitor the topic and upkeep the friend list though.
  3. I heard some talk about Xenoblade Warriors by fans, but to think it is actually considered is nice. I would love to see a Dunban and Morag interaction, or how XC1's cast may confuse X's Skells for Mechon. (Now I'm hyping myself up for something that doesn't exist.) Ys Warriors would be interesting to see. Having played Origin and Oath, I can see killing normal mobs being somewhat familiar in a Warriors format. The thing with Ys though are the boss battles and the insane difficulty, which I am not sure how they will adapt (Then again, I remember Chaos Mode in Orochi 3 and that can be a bit rough...). Hyrule Warriors adapted a form of boss battles, but after a while I found them more annoying to fight. Even the FE Warriors boss was a bit boring. However, before we see Xenoblade Warriors or Ys Warriors, a part of me would like to see a sequel to Hyrule Warriors. While I'm not deep into Zelda lore, I loved playing Hyrule Warriors. I think I found the movesets in HW more enjoyable than FE Warriors, probably because of the diversity. (In FEW, I main Ryoma and Owain. In HW, I loved playing as Ganondorf, Cia, and Link with the Master Sword.)
  4. Welp, finished with the Halloween rerun. I managed to clear out the shop, skipping monuments and pieces. I am a little saddened because I didn't get another Halloween Princess drop so I can have 2 MLB versions, but that is how it goes I suppose. (I also just noticed I haven't posted here for nearly 3 weeks. There's just not much for me to comment about, I guess.) - - - - - - - - - - It's about time the increased success rates appeared! I've been holding onto my EXP cards, even the CE Exp cards from the Prillya event. I managed to level up several of my servants. Heracles is now 85 from 80, Kerry is maxed out, and I leveled up Nursery Rhyme, Rider Mordred, and EMIYA. I also managed to get my Halloween Princess CE up to level 86 from 81. Don't know if trying to max out a CE is worthwhile, but I'm doing it anyway. In other news, I got Bond 10 with Tamamo Cat. She was my starter 4* Servant and is the 2nd Servant to reach Bond 10 (first was Saint George). Heracles is gonna be Bond 10 as well real soon, so if I ever have problems I can always throw Heracles at it and see how that goes. For summons, I tossed some tickets in the Halloween banner, got nothing of note. Tossed one into the Jalter banner and got myself a Rama. I'm still gonna sit on my Quartz cache for Ishtar and Merlin, as I already got myself a Jalter. I may end up spending tickets in an attempt to get Jalter merges though... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Serenes FGO - Friend Code IDs It's been a long while since I last posted this, so here it is! The Serenes FGO Friend Code ID List! // Update: Now includes JP Friend Codes for those who like to play the JP Version.
  5. I gotta toss some votes to Nolan, Duessel, and Mycen. I need my awesome old men with beards! Then, I am putting one towards Micaiah since I always voted for her, and will toss one Marth's way since he deserves a CYL counterpart. My last two votes will likely end up being Bruno and Laegjarn. These two FEH OC's can use more love. However, when voting time actually comes and there is a midround update, my voting pattern may change depending on the polls.
  6. Now for something a bit different...
  7. I was gonna try this out on me phone, until I discovered I got an old relic (iPhone 5c), so it is not compatible with the game. Oh well, perhaps it is for the best even though I am curious how the game is. Best of luck and I hope you guys have fun playing it!
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