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Everything posted by BlueBloodEmblazer

  1. Sounds good. Switch isn't the last FE game, so a story along those lines could happen in the future. I would enjoy a game more based around the economy. They could make it so you have insane amounts of money, but need to spend insane amounts of money.
  2. Maybe they should add pirates if there is an ocean or something that would give them a reason for existing, but if there is not an ocean then we would get a polished version of the Brigade class from GBA games, except it would be playable.
  3. How would you guys feel about a story where. Summary: Kindom of --- is at war with ---. Loving parents, and strict, but kind knights are what princess ---- grew up with. She will assume the throne in a few years... Princess lives a sheltered life under her parents, and has a little bit of archery training. She sneaks out of the castle due to getting sick of her over-sheltered life. Once out of the castle she disguises herself as a commoner. She goes to different people in the capital city she grew up in. Eventually she falls in with a charming rogue, who believes that she is a smuggler of illegal weapons/items. This chain of events teach her that her parents are actually the ones causing the war. After quite a few chapters the princess is now missing, and she and the rogue are getting in trouble, but nobody knows who she is. They flee to the other kingdom, and princess learns that they're not evil like everyone told her they were. She fights for the innocent kingdom, and in the end she imprisons her parents forever, because she couldn't kill them. Her canon pairing is the rogue from the beginning, and his name is cleared since he went from thief to good guy! This would be cool because we would get a bow wielding lord, interesting villains (who aren't completely evil), and a nice plot twist because the "we're rooting for the wrong kingdom" would come as a shock instead of being implied before the plot twist. In addition to this there would be a multi-chapter side plot in the form of gaiden chapters that would be our princess stopping a terrorist group of pirates by infultrating their island base, and killing their leader, but once you start the first gaiden chapter you need to finish the rest before going back to the main story. Please leave a comment, and tell me what you think.
  4. I guess the more classes the merrier, however I won't be disappointed if they're still not in FE Switch.
  5. This is more for the mods and to a small extent classes.
  6. I know this has been done a million times, but what are the best pairings in Rev. Also I want the following children to be some of the best, since I know that in Fates you can have a few super children, or all decent children. So the kids who get priority are Midori, Veloria, Mitama, Dwyer, Soleil, and Ophelia. My current pairings: AzuraXSilas KazeXMozu JacobXNyx RyomaXKagero SaizoXBeruka AzamaXEffie TakumiXOboro HinataXHana SubakiXSelena HayotoXOrochi KadenXCharlotte XanderXHinoka LaslowXPeri LeoXSakura OdinXElise NilesXFelicia ArthurXSetsuna BennyXRinkah KeatonXCamilla
  7. I've heard some people speculating that she's an avatar. Think about it, white hair, a flexible class, who knows?
  8. A new Anna would be cool, but make her different in design, gameplay, and to a small extent personality, than the previous Annas. In Awakening/Fates Anna was money obsessed and magically based in Swords/bows and staves. In Heroes Anna is a physical ax user and couldn't care less about gold. So maybe in Echoes she could be a physical merchant class, and act more like a big business professional instead of a small time merchant.
  9. Either bring back warp as in Fates, but it only works when that unit is in the witch class. Make it so you can't take another action after warping. Give warp a much shorter range. For what I think IS will do is just bring it back like in Fates.
  10. Or what if Chrom's party is actually being manipulated into bringing Grima back, and masked Lucina is played up as more of a bad guy. Then Garnef... er I mean Validar? gets the emblem and falchion to summon Grima. Then we find out Lucina was the good guy all along trying to stop us. Then she joins us and it turns out she's just a girl who misses her dad. EDIT: And I would make it so in earlier chapters the other kids do make appearances, but Lucina seems to be their leader. Then you still recruit them all in paralogues because they would get separated.
  11. In Fates there really isn't a best pairing. Just do what stats compliment each other. Your pairings are fine, but I personally prefer a magic Dwyer. Nyx!Dwyer worked really good for me once.
  12. If you could pick another character to be your My Castle assistant who would it be? I want Kana, because Kana is too young to fight (and isn't that great in battle anyways). I like the idea of coming home and the first person you see is Kana who was waiting for you to come home safe from the battlefield.
  13. I think that a lot of male Corrin's designs look silly, but I found one that I really like. Corrin is a very fun unit in gameplay, and every avatar after them should be at least similar to them. Corrin actually acts differently depending on supports and story. In support conversations he's actually decent, but he's really bad in the story. He's actually not too bad in BR, but he's so bad in Rev's story. In CQ he's kind of a hypocrite, and I hate shameless hypocrites.
  14. I played Awakening first, and I was hooked. Afterward I played FE7 and FE8. Never got the play tellius or the Japan games though.
  15. How I want avatar to be implemented. We start out with the creation, and choose looks, Asset/boon, Flaw/bane, talent, etc. Then the avatar's backstory shouldn't be too deep, but it doesn't leave a plothole. Example: Avatar is leaving a house and saying bye to someone (we assume it's their fam), they then meet the lord, join the lord's party (maybe as a knight), and gets promoted to tactition. They can support every character, but are just there for the other character to wall climb them. What I mean by that is the avatar has little character growth, but we get a lot of character development for the other character. Overall very little involvement in the story, and a character that I can insert myself into his blank slate. Gameplay-wise: Corrin in a different class. EDIT: Awakening's Robin would be fine with just a little less plot involvement, and no Robin/Grima arc, Grima could have been an evil Lucina or something.
  16. With most things I like the old layout, but I'm on mobile. It might be different on an actual computer.
  17. Keep us updated, I wanna see how this goes...
  18. 2000 gold each but you can only use them if you have access to their non-DLC equivalent, and it's used as a promotion. Dread fighters must be a ninja and be at level 20 Witch must be a dark mage and level 20 Ballistican must be an apothecary (or maybe archer?) and level 20 Dark flier must be a sky knight when they are at level 20 Vanguard must be a mercenary level 20 etc...
  19. I've played with shelter/rescue, heard of shove, and knew that capture once existed.
  20. If you take a few chapters out of context they can make the game look epic. The whole story is actually a mess though. Gameplay-wise is very fun and challenging. Some of the paralogues(bonus chapters) are really fun too, so make sure not to miss out on them. This is considering Conquest. Definitely give it a shot.
  21. As far as the male royals go I would have written them different. Leo makes too many dumb choices to be the genius that he's supposed to be. Xander and Ryoma just felt bland to me. A lot of people like them, but I think the story should justify their actions more. Like remember when we were all sooooo worried about Ryoma in BR? He could have at least told the fam he was visiting his girlfriend in Cheve. I actually really like Takumi, but I would have written him better, maybe like Idk a more realistic teen character? With Camilla they could have made her more flirty to justify the design, or just not shove them into our faces. Also in Stella Glow characters would sometimes mention fanservicey designs, in Fire Emblem Fates nobody says a thing about them.
  22. I think capture should be an item or a class skill, since it is worthless in combat. Like when handcuffs are in inventory grants unit capture command. They can be bought for a cheap price at your local prison.
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