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Shanty Pete's 1st Mate

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Everything posted by Shanty Pete's 1st Mate

  1. Just give her the "Lamia to Hilda" treatment, of "slightly more wrinkles". I just can't get over Liza. Like, seriously, she has the same earring as Aida. They couldn't be bothered to remove or adjust that telling detail. Hell, maybe I should headcanon Liza as Aida's daughter, with the earring a family heirloom. Huh. These lines suggest that Arvis had tried to banish Julius once before (presumably after he got Loptyr'd). Obviously, it didn't stick. I do wonder whether - as the Emperor - Arvis would have the power to name his own successor. Obviously, Julius would take the throne regardless. But if Arvis were to appoint, say, Julia in his will, it could contribute to more infighting amongst the houses. Thus hastening the Empire's (and Loptyr's) fall. I love how observant players can see the visual impact of minor Loptyr holy blood on Deirdre's and Arvis' stat screens. But you don't understand what it's there for, until Julius appears. "Ishtar"? No, that's Julius, speaking to himself in the third person! As Julius is wont to do. I assume the +5 Res is there to protect him from status staves. Because the highest Magic any playable unit can have is 35 (including the Magic Ring). Status swords, however... Kids named Sword Twins: Kinda neat how this old man provides a tip - the ol' "let somebody die so Julius and Ishtar will go away" trick. I love the idea that the Grannvale Public Works Department waits for no man. It is actively in Julius' best interests that the bridge stays down. But even he can't fight the Civil Engineers. I mean, he kinda did, with his "how dare you" comment. And my interpretation of Manfroy showing up is, he immediately holds Julia's life in his hands. If Arvis were to attack him, Manfroy could kill Julia, then and there. So of course, Arvis isn't going to do anything that would endanger his daughter. It might've been interesting if Arvis had planted the seed of Manfroy using Julia as a pawn in the final chapter. Saying something like "I shudder to think what Manfroy might do to you... were your powers turned against the Liberation Army, they would be stopped dead in their tracks." Obviously, Arvis doesn't want Julia to be brainwashed - but at least that way, she'd have a chance to survive. Some reverse psychology to give her extra time. And Manfroy, in his arrogance, would take credit for Arvis' dastardly plan. Daddy Lewyn is interesting because - while you obviously want him to pass down Forseti - I wouldn't call any of his pairings actively bad. Critical and Adept make for a really solid pair of skills, especially on kids who already have Pursuit (the Sword Twins and Faval). The Speed boost from Sety Holy Blood is always welcome. And Lewyn!Lana probably has the best post-promotion combat of any version, thanks to the skills and Elwind access. Honestly, considered "on average" or "overall", Lewyn might be the best dad, period. Incidentally, FE4 is the only game I can think of where there's no way to incrase Res temporarily. No Ward or Barrier or Ensorcel Staff. No Pure Water. No Rally Res. The only way to increase it is by equipping certain weapons. Personally, I like the way FE4 handles it. I much prefer "a point of Res gives either 0 or 100 Avoid against a status staff" as opposed to "a point of Res gives 5 Avoid against a status staff". Like, FE4 is the one game where I have use for the Silence Staff. In other games, it's almost certain to miss the targets I'd want it to hit.
  2. Oh yeah, this was like two years ago. Haha. That. Yeah he has HP and Defense, but I wouldn't trust him against Mogalls. With a Pure Water, maybe.
  3. As does Julia. She can even use Bolganone in the final chapter, if the Book of Naga isn't to your liking. Drag Queen Hilda would actually be less creepy, IMO. Because now she's not biologically related to Ishtar. So, pushing her into a relationship with Julius at least loses the "incest?" angle. And the one time the player does, they run into Jake, and get a Res boost on two specific units. ...Like, really, who was figuring that out without a guide. Yeah, they're definitely not gonna "racebend" anyone who's been in Heroes, like Travant or Jamke, even if they're from southern nations. That said, we don't have anyone (named) from Miletos. So they could totally go for it, if they felt like. More likely "tan" than "black", though. Hm... if Travant creates a problem... maybe they could say that the original inhabitants of Southern Thracia were darker-skinned? But when Dainn and Njorun split up, and the Kingdom of Thracia was founded, most of the original inhabitants were driven out. Either leaving overseas, or settling in neighboring Miletos. I coulda sworn we fought her back in chapter 7... Maybe Ishtar nearby Jungby, and Julius nearby Chalphy? That way, there's more of a choice - rush for home base (and deal with the tougher miniboss), or take the long way around (for a somewhat less threatening foe). Can't wait for "Archer Lana" to be meta in the inevitable sequel. Alongside "Warrior Brigid" and "Sage Arthur". Ooh, imposter syndrome. He just like me fr fr. Crazy how similar the statistically-worst sword in the game (Thief's Sword) looks to one of the statistically best swords in the game, Mystletainn. Is Ares here to crit-kill me, or to tickle all my gold away?
  4. Come to think of it - this would've been, essentially, the path that Quan and friends took to meet up with Sigurd, way back in the Prologue. I like the idea of Leif, in particular, taking the journey his mother and father once did. My "out there" idea for a Jugdral remake would be - expand Thracia 776 so that defeating Blume, then Travant, and reuniting Leonster, is almost all under Leif's army. Seliph liberates Isaach, but largely skips over Thracia to free Miletos instead. And maybe Verdane, if he has a spare afternoon. Then they reunite at Chalphy (hm, Edda might make more geographic sense), and take on the remaining Imperial forces as one. Yeah, see? A clear shot from Melgen to Peruluke, with just one castle in the way. Seliph could still beat up Blume at Ulster, to throw Leif a bone and all. By the way, loving your custom maps. One of my favorite aspects of FE4 is everything melding together like this. I'm literally playing upon the world map! Lewyn celebrates killimg his uncles with an old-fashioned crab rave. Bragi holy blood with a reason to exist, all of a sudden. Hear me out - the fact that we don't see anyone from Miletos means they could actually be black. And, there's more men than women in Gen II, so why not a black woman? And and, IS has definitely been more willing to include LGBT characters in their games, so a black trans woman from Miletos... farfetch'd, but not impossible. ...Make her a War Mage with Elthunder named Laverne. Laverne Shox. Seliph's entire army class-changes to Wyvern Rider for the trip, then dismounts as soon as they catch a whiff of ballistae. Wait, never mind what I said before. Turns out, we had a trans icon hidden in the Arena this whole time! Kaga, you magnificent dastard. Huh, I had assumed that the Staff would have an effect similar to the same-named skill. Granting it to one of your allies. Except, the staff is チャーム (Chaamu), while the skill is カリスマ (Karisuma). So, "Charm" versus "Charisma". Not the same, really. It has 1-10 range, so perhaps it was a status staff that could control enemies? Then again, it's A-rank, while the other status staves were B-rank. And other staves (Physic, Restore, Fortify, Rescue) also had 1-10 range. So, who's to say, after all?
  5. That might be part of it. Thinking on it, very few Lords (Sigurd, Seliph, Eliwood, Ephraim, Eirika, Claude) gain any sort of mount in their "natural progression". Presumably, they want the Lord to feel different from "just another Cavalier". Also, in indoor Sieze maps, they have to sit on the very special chair to win. Kinda hard to do when you've got a horse underneath you. Maybe? It's not always clear which characters are "noble" or "commoner", especially back in the days before support conversations. But ultimately, when our main character is a noble, they'd naturally have a noble retinue following them. In the case of Ike, it's explicitly mentioned that his cavalry - Oscar and Titania - previously served in the Crimean Royal Knights. As for Alm, the only Cavs he has among his commoner friends are those promoted semi-randomly from Villager. It's worth noting that, even as early as FE4, Kaga and team seemed to recognize the inherent advantages of a mount. So, they tried to balance it out in certain ways. "Jamke has better combat stats than Midir." "Edain can use more Staves than Ethlyn." "Ayra and Chulainn get powerful sword skills that mounties can't inherit." Obviously, this didn't fully offset the mounted advantage, but it did suggest some recognition of the imbalance, and a limited attempt to redress it.
  6. Yay, more incest. I mean, not surprising. And at least it's the clearly evil folks pushing for it. Interesting to think that Arthur and Tinne - if fathered by Azelle - can basically be "double cousins" with Ishtar and Ishtore. Obviously, Blume and Tailtiu were siblings, while Azelle and Hilda are both Velthomers. That'd be a cool way to do it. Honestly, they could leave Scorpio and the Beigenritter in charge of Castle Jungby. Would be more interesting than... uh... whoever's in charge of the southwest castle in Miletos. Let Hilda run Evans, and give Marpha to a Loptyrman, and we're golden. I mean, it's kinda nice to see Miletos... but it's also the portion of the continent with the least lore. Who was running the place before Grannvale? What is their culture like? What are the people from there even called? Is there literally a single named "Miletosian" whom we can identify? ...Lewyn. My man. Are you really pretending not to know? Or are you holding the idiot ball right now? - You know Julia has Major Naga blood, giving her access to the Book of Naga. - You know Julius has Major Loptyr blood, giving him access to the Book of Loptyr. - You know that Naga is the biggest threat to Loptyr's resurrection. Gee, I wonder why the Lopt Cult would have an interest in taking Julia in particular? Holy shit, a Hero named Roland? Kaga did Elibe first! The Res stat: "my time has come". I do wonder if "Queen" was ever envisioned as a promotion to "Princess"? It would make sense name-wise, while also explaining its Charm skill - which Lachesis, the only playable Princess, possessed as a personal skill. A power Jarod seems to have inherited as well. Now I love to imagine Axe Lewyn "crab-walking", FE4 Brigand-style. It's like poetry, it rhymes. Would've been hilarious if Kaga had let Deirdre promote into Master Knight at level 20. The kind of absurd boost that nobody except the most obsessed players would encounter. ...And then force your new best unit to stay in the castle at the start of chapter 3. ...And then kidnap her five minutes later. Yeah, that could work fine. Maybe have Julia leave overnight - assuming Seliph amd co are taking some time to rest before their assault on Chalphy. Without telling anyone, because they'd try to stop her. Then Manfroy could take advantage of her carelessness. Also, would be nice if Manfroy canonically had a Berserk Staff. Or maybe a sort of "Super-Berserk", that doesn't wear off, and prevents her from attacking her new "allies". If nothing else, provide a mechanical explanation for Manfroy's brainwashing powers. Finally, it'd make him a more threatening boss, while also providing added value to a Restore or Silence user.
  7. This makes me think of a phenomenon analyzed by one of my favorite YouTubers, Eddy Burback, in his video "Multiverse Fatigue". Might be worth checking out and reflecting upon, even if it's mostly about the MCU. For my part, I broadly agree on "multiverse" as a narrative device being overused nowadays. It's possible to be tired of it, while still recognizing that individual works utilizing such a device can be great regardless. "Into the Spider-Verse" is one of my favorite animated films ever - in big part, I think, because of how character-centered it is. It's not a "crossover for crossover's sake" - instead, each other Spider-person impresses on Miles, and helps him grow into the role that was thrust upon him. The revolutionary animation style didn't hurt, either. As for the answer to the question... uh, nothing I can really think of? Maybe I'm not an overly critical viewer. There's just so much media out there - free and paid, cable and streaming, in theaters or your local library, in print or on the web. So many stories, that if you're not seeing what you want - or seeing too much of what you don't - you can look somewhere else. Heck, in an age of fanfiction.net and AO3, you can write and share your own. Sorry if this comes across as a kind of "toxic positivity", as that's in no way my goal. You're allowed to have whichever issues you have! I just don't think I feel the same way. Ooh, are we doing a summoning ritual? Ahem... "Magic Axe Wyvern builds are sorely underrated and underutilized!" If that don't do the trick, then nothing will.
  8. So, the only potential Tornado users are Leif, Arthur, Tinne, Ced, and Coirpre. But of those, the latter four can only do so with Lewyn as their father. And the potential sons will have *-rank Wind and Forseti by default. So there's no real motive to give them Tornado. As such, Lewyn!Tinne is the only real competition Leif ever has for access to the Tornado. Up to you whom you leave it with. Leif will have basically exclusive Bolganone access, but then again, Bolganone's higher Weight makes it less likely to Pursuit or Adept. Tinne can do Thoron regardless, which actually might be the better pick against the Rotenritter. Whew, and I had thought Kaga wouldn't make good axe infantry until the next game! This Johalvier is cracked. I feel kinda bad for the wyverns in this game. All hunched over like that? Must have some mad scoliosis. The way Charlot calls Hannibal immensely reminds me of Nikolaj in Brooklyn 99. Very wholesome! It's actually really kinda funny that there are no playable infantry classes with inherent A-rank in any offensive magic type. Like, who is writing these tomes that only a handful of people with the proper blood type can use? Unfortunately, it kinda undermines the magic types being threshed out. We have Wind Mages, but no Wind Sages. Or, maybe they could've made three types of War Mage: "Wind/Axe", "Fire/Lance", and "Thunder/Sword". Something along those lines. Actually, that was his father. Very OldMan. Oh yeah, I'm not saying Coirpre is a good unit, in any case. He might be the second-worst unit in gen II, after Hannibal. Oh, and in your listing of staffers, you actually forgot Ced! I will say that, of these units, Nanna and Fee only have C-rank staves (unless Father Claud got around), while Leif tends to have a pretty meh Magic stat. So in the case of status staves, Coirpre will be one of your better options, especially with a magic daddy. 5 move sucks, but Lana is in the same spot, while Ced and Tinne are slightly better with 6. The Res boost (with Claud as his father) makes him resilient against enemy status staves and siege tomes - and likewise for Lene! You don't want your dancer sleeping on the job, after all. @Saint Rubenio *flashes back to Pitfall Bridge map* I really like the idea that this might be Arion's and Julius' first time meeting. Like, he just warps in for this stranger who can use a super-powered weapon and shares a common enemy. And all his life, Arion will be forced to carry the indignity of having his skin saved by some edgy redheaded punk.
  9. Obviously, Gary OldMan is an integral part of our army. Altenna couldn't meet him, and discover his wisdom, until she defected. I gave 'em an A. Not only does Coirpre become a mini-Charlot, but Leen gets 20 EXP per Dance. The defense boost usually helps, though it can occasionally make Miracle strats trickier. Not sure if it's as good as Claud passing down his own Staves (and major Bragi blood for stupid Mag and Res), though. I mean, he did give her a cursed lance, so... father of the year? Once answer could've been: Travant remains the main boss, and doesn't make his "suicide charge". After Seliph seizes the second-to-last castle, Travant orders Arion to retreat. The future of Thracia lay in his hands, and cannot afgord to die today. Arion, reluctantly, obliges his father's last command. Travant wields the Gungnir, but is still slain in battle. After the battle, Altenna takes Gungnir with her. When she reunites with Arion in the final chapter, she gives the lance back, and offers him a choice - to join her, or else to duel to the death. He chooses the former. Hannibals actually reproduce by budding. The current one spawned out of the beard of the previous Hannibal.
  10. Great idea, to spin this off as its own thread! One question to ask is - what will the theming of the next Paper Mario game be? I haven't played Princess Peach: Showtime! beyond the demo, but I know its trademark quality is presenting the player with different aesthetic themes and gameplay styles to go along with them. There's Mermaid Peach, Cowgirl Peach, Musketeer Peach, and many others - each inhabiting their own scene. Could a future Paper Mario game offer different settings, and specialized enemies to go along with them? Such as a Privateer Parakoopa in the Pirate World, or a Gunslinger Goomba in the Wild Wild West World. Alternatively, what if the next game saw Mario travel through time? Or simply, various settings themed to particularly times and places? In Ancient Egypt, Mario might find himself faced with "Mummy Bones", whereas a "Samurai Guy" might be one of the foes in Edo Japan. Hang out with some "Koopunks" in 70's London, or "Gangnam Goombas" in 2010s Korea. ...Okay, maybe not that last one. But there's still potential, I swear! Thinking on it, the first couple Paper Mario games were no strangers to visually distinguishing members of a given species... when it came to overworld generics. In Toad Town, Rogueport, and plenty of places around the world, there was plenty of variety. But whenever you faced Koopas in battle, they always look the same. ...I mean, they can look different, but only when it affects the gameplay. Stuff like "Dark Koopa" vs. "Koopa Troopa". ...Okay, the KP Koopas are an exception to this, but they kinda stand out on this front. The fact that you have to Tattle them - when they're just a Koopa and Paratroopa by any other color - is honestly kinda funny. In any case, this has been kinda rambly. But broadly speaking, I'm on the side of "character design variation good". Either when it's thematic, or something as simple as a color swap. It'd be great to see more of it, in the next Paper Mario series entry.
  11. Another example of beating Maniac Mode in 0% growths. Of course, this one's an LTC, so it comes with certain risky strats. Still, that doesn't mean doing so as an Ironman is "statistically impossible". It just means a different, more reliable strategy would need to be found - even at a cost to turns. What? The Black Knight was already "ruined" in PoR, when he threatened to Greil that he would torture his children. He's been ruthless from his first appearance. If anything, RD tried to make him more sympathetic. How so? Let's say I'm trying to raise Brad, and then Chad shows up. Chad is better than Brad in every way. Is this the game "punishing me" for training up Brad? Chad would've been just as strong regardless of whether I'd invested in Brad. So it's not like, by doing so, I've put myself in any worse a position. The counter-argument is "the investment I gave Brad, I could've given to Tad instead". Maybe Tad, while not necessarily better than Chad, provides something that he's missing. Sure, I can see this being the case. But it's hardly unique to RD, and is almost certainly the case in PoR - and other titles - as well. Some units do more with the investment you provide them than others. Strong agree with this one. It's a damn shame that Fixed Mode has never made a proper reappearance.
  12. Ooh, I like the name! Might have to implement that. And yeah, this "Boss Rush" would be... dubiously canon at best. Like, I don't think if the Shadow Queen came back, that her first destination would be the Glitz Pit. But maybe Jolene could have sone nasty words to say about Grubba when he shows up? Or maybe "He's promised to be on his best behavior!" (Small text: "Fat chance of that..."). Happy to inspire! I've really enjoyed your idea, even if I haven't contributed a ton lately. Notable male enemies: Notable female enemies: Notable gender-ambiguous enemies: Yeah, some of these placements are debatable. And there's an argument for including more minibosses, like Gus or the Armored Harriers (which would strengthen the male side). There's an imbalance, but not an overwhleming one. One place where it's most severe, I'd say, is the Glitz Pit. There are a lot of named generic enemies there, like Cleftor, King K, and Master Crash. Anyway, I don't think a single one is explicitly female. They're all either male, or don't have a gender specified. Maybe there's a "locker room" argument, but Goombella, Flurrie, and Jolene don't seem to mind. I do think this raises an interesting point of discussion, on the best way to represent gender diversity among genetic enemies. On the one hand, if we give the "Goombettes" lipstick and long eyelashes, then we're employing stereotypical symbology, and inadvertently reinforcing "male = default". But, if we make all the Goombas look the same, then people comimg in with "male = default" will be wondering "hey, where are all the girls?" There are, of course, ways to draw distinction non-stereotypically. Pokemon did it with subtle differences in Gen IV - Floatzel having different stripes on the back, or male Bidoof having more "tail tufts". Although, even some of those, like Jellicent or Pikachu, kinda make me raise an eyebrow. For a comparable case: maybe the female Goombas could be a lighter shade, or the female Bob-Ombs could have longer fuses? That said, given the general aesthetic of the Paper Mario games - and the Mario franchise as a whole - I'd expect explicit markers of "femaleness" over such subtle variations. Do I think that'd be a bad thing? ...Eh, not really. We personify most of these species, so it makes some degree of sense for them to share "gender markers" to reflect those in human societies. That's sorta how the partners go: Goombario's baseball cap vs. Goombella's ponytail, for instance. These are the sort of cultural flags players will expect, so I can't really fault the game for going along with them. (Inb4 I use the Punies to inspire a genderless society). Paper Mario: The Origami King is secretly the pinnacle of the series, because Birdo made an appearance.
  13. Hey now, the Great Gonzales is no sexist! If Goombaria wants a fight, then he'll stomp him with the same tenacity he would any male Goomba. In any case, depending on how much time's passed between these games, Goombaria in TTYD is probably as old as Goombario was in PM64. Maybe a touch older, even. Sure, Lady Bow hasn't visibly aged in her cameo... but she's dead! ...In my defense, I totally forgot that she exists. It'd be nice to see her team up with Lakilester, but I don't want to remove "Generic Lakitu" from the Pit. Alternatively, Lakilulu could have a team-up with Koopie Koo? Not exactly my own idea - in TTYD Hero Mode, she proves herself a fierce opponent. I might make a few tweaks. But for the time being... Round 3 is here! Yes, after much anticipation, I'm finally delivering. Round 3 would become playable after two conditions are met: you've completed Round 2, and you've defeated the Shadow Queen. That's because it's designed as something of a Boss Rush. Including not only this game's bosses, but those of the original Paper Mario 64, as well. Most of them have seen their stats boosted, so that they present something of a challenge. Now, let's get into it! 19. The Goombosses 18. Blooper Reel 17. Ninjakoopa Troupe 16. Hooked on a Feeling 15. Tomb of the Koop 14. Boo-tonium 13. Scourge of the Seas 12. Venus Fire Trap 11. Smorgasbord 10. Tubba & Grubba Bonus: Jr. Troopa 9. Shy Guy Surprise 8. Gloomy Gus 7. Head in the Clouds 6. All for Naut 5. Mineral Monarch 4. He's Taking His Tube Out! 3. Toad's Mojo Dojo Casa House 2. The Shadow Beauties 1. Stars Above! Bonus: Moorinyz Ch: Shadow of a Doubt Again, each battle will provide Coins and Star Points. And even if the battles don't sound too tough, don't forget about the conditions that Jolene can set! As for the reward for beating the course as a whole, what should it be? One option would be another badge. I'm thinking the "Star Saver" badge. This would reduce the Star Power Cost of special attacks by 1 - except for those that cost just 1 SP already. So, Earth Tremor would cost just 1 SP, while Sweet Feast would cost 4 SP, for example. This badge would require 4 BP to equip. Anyway, what are your thoughts on this list? Any notable bosses that I've missed? Any alterations that you're not so sure about? Please let me know, in the comments below!
  14. Thanks, I hate this wording. Wait, isn't he inadvertently responsible for Eirika's reunion with her brother? Orson traps her in the castle, shortly before Ephraim arrives via a different entrance point. Had the bridge not been blown out, she might've fled immediately, and the siblings would just miss each other. Also, is four appearances really so few? That seems roughly on-par with what most of the "Sacred Stones of Grado" received. Two or three backstory appearances, then the one time you fight them. Two, in Riev's case. Selena disappears off the face of the earth for Eirika, while Glen does the same for Ephraim. Orson might actually be more important than some of them. Thracian Pure Water go brrr. Meg is honestly cute-as-a-button. I love her design, and what we get of her as a character, so flipping much. Dorothy, too, I really like. Just have more normal-looking characters, please! In a world of anime waifus and hasubandos, that's what it takes to stand out.
  15. I've gotta give it to Lumineon. It's literally just a fish, three generations after that was deemed acceptable design. And yet, it has the audacity to take an "eon" name. Two, if we want to count "Finneon" as well. Those are now names that Eevee will never have the chance to evolve into. All for some fish that nobody ever uses. Godspeed, Lumineon.
  16. Wait... "Deng-lish"? Oh, mein Gott. It all makes sense now. This whole time, "ping" has been short for "Xiaoping". I can't wait until you get to the next game, and get to experience "Fire Emblem with Thracian characteristics". Admittedly, this is one I could see going either way. I do believe that Chulainn produces the best Patty. As for Faval, though - Chulainn provides him the best possible Skill and HP. Jamke, however, gives higher Strength and Luck. Additionally, while Chulainn provides our Archer with no skills, Jamke gives Adept and Accost. So even if he misses, he has a chance to hit again. Oh, and he's hitting harder. Finally, Jamke starts with an extra 100 love points. So Chulainn x Brigid takes an extra 20 turns of adjacency to get going. In any case, there's a debate to be had on the best partner for Brigid. Much like Lex vs. Chulainn for Ayra, or Lewyn vs. Azelle for Tailtiu. I'm no more an authority than any other overenthusiastic player with too much time on their hands. All these music references, and you were still missing one! Added it for ya. Faval, on the other hand, simply apologized until he was blue in the frame. TBH I think you might have it backwards here. My assumption, when Travant refers to Altenna's "mother", is that he's referring to Ethlyn. He's not wrong about her being brash - riding horses and bringing her daughter into the desert with her. No idea who Arion's mother is. Presumably she died offscreen, probably a long time ago. Hell, maybe before Altenna was kidnapped. "Honey, where did this baby with a giant lance come from?" I don't know how much is in the original, and how much is the fanslation. But honestly, Ishtar vacillates so frequently between "vaguely sympathetic enemy" and "pathetic simp for the Spawn of Satan". "This is the ideal Sage body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like." Eat rock! Heh, that was pretty clever. Holy moly, Kaga did it first! They wouldn't just stop at Travant. With two Sages on his trail, Arvis' days would be numbered. Would be neat, in a potential remake, for variable dialogue based on the fathers. Like, Claud!Ced could say something like "Our Father was a man of the cloth, devoted to helping and healing the hurting. That's why I couldn't leave Munster." Or Naoise!Ced could mention his father being one of Sigurd's oldest compatriots, when meeting up with Seliph. It was strangely merciful of Kaga, not to feature more enemy Thieves and Rogues. I wonder - what made him hate the world, between this game and the next? A classic FE game treating the enemy king of a Wyvern-riding country more sympathetically than he deserves? I'm shocked, I say, shocked! Well, the Miracle Sword only works for women. Travant could invent some tripe about both the Gungnir and Gae Bolg being associated with Dainn holy blood - but only men can wield the former, while only women use the latter. BOTTOM TEXT
  17. Beloved Zofia? Ah, you must be thinking of Saber's Golden Dagger. Celica is far too honorable to demand he return the sword that she had given him as payment, after all. But, perhaps she could use the Ladyblade? It can do magical damage, and tends to outdamage the Beloved Zofia regardless. Even if it's not technically a Celica exclusive. I get what you're saying, but "rude blue-haired dude who mostly uses Axes" isn't Ike - it's Hector. Obviously they share a lot of traits, but I worry it'd be "salt in the wound" to those fans who really wanted an Ostian noble in the mix. I might be biased - having played RD first - but I have basically no affection for the "Rapier by another name". Not only does it kinda suck, in a game with 2x effective damage, but it makes no sense. Why is Ike, our first (debatably) Commoner Lord, using a "regal" sword? Maybe it'd make sense as a gift from Elincia, but it was from Greil, so ???. As for the Ettard, it actually feels like it allows Ike to be his own character. Rather than walking in the footsteps of previous Lords, with their pseudo-Rapiers, he decides to bring a chonky blade into battle. That weight might slow a lesser fighter down, but not the beefed-up, growth-spurted Ike. It doesn't do effective damage, but that's how badass Ike is: he doesn't need effective damage to one-round his enemies. Just a good, solid, natural extension of his arm. The kind of weapon that his father might've used, when he wasn't in a life-or-death scenario, at least. Costume customization would be very cool, of course. Imagine, Peach getting multiple designs (and movesets) based on her Showtime! appearance. ...Oh, without changing the mechanical properties? That'd be easier to program, and therefore more likely.
  18. Actually, I tend to think of "Kris" as more female-leaning than "Chris". Maybe because that's the default name for the generic female Pokémon trainer in Crystal? I think "Sandy" could actually work. I've known both male and female Sandys (er, Sandies?). As for "Mark", interestingly enough, that's also the name Morgan has in Awakening. "Morgan" would've been a great gender-neutral name for the tactician. Or maybe "Max", or "Matty". D O N G A R M O R T I M E
  19. TBH I went back and forth between Anna and Celica. What I like about Anna is, after Marth, she's the closest thing this series has to a mascot. On the other hand, Celica does have a game where she's a main character... hm... I do like the idea of having her work Pichu-style, although I do worry she might be too much like Micaiah. That said, if you stuck with Ike as the Tellius rep, then yeah, Celica would be a no-brainer. How about the Ettard for his A-button attacks, and the Urvan for his B-button attacks? That way, Ike's signature weapon - and his father's signature weapon - are both represented. And obviously, Ragnell for the Final Smash.
  20. My favorite "Break the Targets" iteration has to be the Melee variant, with unique stages for each character. I'd love if they brought that through into Brawl, and subsequent games. Maybe include subtle difficulty options, or the ability to try one fighter's stage with a different fighter, after beating it once. "Everyone is here?" Try telling that to my Chansey balloon. On a related note, as far as Poké Balls go, I'd love to see Unown make a comeback. Yes, please! Honestly, I would've changed the whole history for FE representation: - Melee would still be Marth and Roy. - Brawl is now Marth and... Micaiah? That's right. I like Ike, but he was the fighter who turned "blue-haired sword guy" into a trend for FE reps in Smash. From thence, Lucina. And Chrom. And Byleth. Everyone looks the same. Micaiah would look different, and play different. - Smash 4 is Marth, Micaiah, and Robin. "Masked Marth" does show up as an alternate costume for Marth, with a unique voice. In the DLC, we get Azura. Rather than Roy, the other returning DLC character is Ice Climbers. If Rosalina & Luma can work, then so can these two. - In Ultimate, everyone is here! Marth, Roy, Micaiah, Robin, and Azura. Roy is treated as an "echo" of Marth*, while Anna is introduced as an "echo" of Robin. Within the DLC, we get Teach, but now as a pseudo Pokémon Trainer who can swap between Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude. * One last thing: Dr. Mario, Pichu, Falco, and Young Link should be treated as echoes of Mario, Pikachu, Fox, and Link, respectively. It's exceedingly funny that the fact that they were among the first clones somehow immunizes them from being recognized as clones.
  21. Shadow now joins Luigi, to share the vaunted heights of characters who have received their very own year. Also the van's initials are I.V.O. Some crafty bastards at SEGA.
  22. I had the chance to see it! Including about two minutes of totality. Took a long car ride with my parents, and made a day trip of it. It's just a really cool, surreal experience - seeing sun trimmed down to a fingernail, and then to nothing at all - being surrounded by a couple minutes of twilight, in the middle of the day. Just a rare instance that makes me marvel at the universe, and think of all those things - on our planet, and amidst the cosmos beyond - that we simply take for granted. Well, that's enough waxing poetic. I'll wane to suggest that - if you're in a position where it'd be feasible to see the totality next time - you take it.
  23. It's worth noting, also, that both route splits open, and close, before the "true ending" checkpoint. The split segements are chapters 10-11 and 17-20x, while the true ending occurs after chapter 22. Ergo, you can get the "true ending" just once out of two playthroughs, and still experience all the chapters and playable characters that the game has to offer.
  24. Maybe Forrest, too! It'd be pretty neat, building off of Emmeryn, to see the whole Ylissean royal family swapped. More than anything else, to see how they translate Lissa's design to something more male-typical. And if F!Chrom gets to keep her bare bulging branded bicep... well, I won't be out complaining. Might confuse some players if they have to change the names around (i.e. "Lisso" and "Chromme", maybe?), admittedly.
  25. Most likely, yes. Thank you for continuing to spead the Gospel of Hawke. Alternatively, Hawk appears on both sides of the conversation, if no Ced exists. It is then explained that he is talking to himself in the mirror. "I'm not owned! I'm not owned!" I insist as I gradually shrink down into a corncob. Farmers: 3000 Merchants: 600 Knights: 300 Wyvern Chow: 45000 Craftsmen: 1200 Someone who is good at the economy help me. My people are dying. *flashes back to Babi Yar*
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